public static function validateTransactionResult_SERVER_PULL($szMerchantID, $szPassword, $szPreSharedKey, $szHashMethod, $aQueryStringVariables, $szPaymentFormResultHandlerURL, &$trTransactionResult, &$szValidateErrorMessage)
     $boErrorOccurred = false;
     $szValidateErrorMessage = "";
     $trTransactionResult = null;
     // read the transaction reference variables from the query string variable list
     if (!PaymentFormHelper::getTransactionReferenceFromQueryString($aQueryStringVariables, $szCrossReference, $szOrderID, $szHashDigest, $szOutputMessage)) {
         $boErrorOccurred = true;
         $szValidateErrorMessage = $szOutputMessage;
     } else {
         // now need to validate the hash digest
         $szStringToHash = PaymentFormHelper::generateStringToHash3($szMerchantID, $szPassword, $szCrossReference, $szOrderID, $szPreSharedKey, $szHashMethod);
         $szCalculatedHashDigest = PaymentFormHelper::calculateHashDigest($szStringToHash, $szPreSharedKey, $szHashMethod);
         // does the calculated hash match the one that was passed?
         if (strToUpper($szHashDigest) != strToUpper($szCalculatedHashDigest)) {
             $boErrorOccurred = true;
             $szValidateErrorMessage = "Hash digests don't match - possible variable tampering";
         } else {
             // use the cross reference and/or the order ID to pull the
             // transaction results out of storage
             if (!PaymentFormHelper::getTransactionResultFromPaymentFormHandler($szPaymentFormResultHandlerURL, $szMerchantID, $szPassword, $szCrossReference, $trTransactionResult, $szOutputMessage)) {
                 $szValidateErrorMessage = "Error querying transaction result [" . $szCrossReference . "] from [" . $szPaymentFormResultHandlerURL . "]: " . $szOutputMessage;
                 $boErrorOccurred = true;
             } else {
                 $boErrorOccurred = false;
     return !$boErrorOccurred;
Esempio n. 2
    function m_CardSave_Hosted($orderId)
        require_once SITE_PATH . "modules/ecom/classes/main/PaymentFormHelper.php";
        $MerchantID = CSr_MERCHANT_ID;
        $Password = CSr_MERCHANT_PASS;
        $PaymentProcessorDomain = CSr_DOMAIN;
        $HashMethod = "MD5";
        $PreSharedKey = CSr_KEY;
        $ResultDeliveryMethod = "SERVER";
        $FormAction = "https://mms." . $PaymentProcessorDomain . "/Pages/PublicPages/PaymentForm.aspx";
        // the amount in *minor* currency (i.e. £10.00 passed as "1000")
        $szAmount = strval(100 * floatval($_SESSION['grandTotal']));
        // the currency	- ISO 4217 3-digit numeric (e.g. GBP = 826)
        $szCurrencyCode = strval(CSr_CURRENCY);
        // order ID
        $szOrderID = strval($orderId);
        // the transaction type - can be SALE or PREAUTH
        $szTransactionType = "SALE";
        $szTransactionDateTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s P');
        $szOrderDescription = "Order From " . SITE_URL . " - Invoice Number:" . $orderId;
        // these variables allow the payment form to be "seeded" with initial values
        $szCustomerName = $_SESSION['first_name'] . " " . $_SESSION['last_name'];
        $szAddress1 = $_SESSION['address1'];
        $szAddress2 = $_SESSION['address2'];
        $szAddress3 = "";
        $szAddress4 = "";
        $szCity = $_SESSION['city'];
        $this->obDb->query = "SELECT vStateName FROM " . STATES . " where iStateId_PK  = '" . $_SESSION['bill_state_id'] . "'";
        $row_state = $this->obDb->fetchQuery();
        $szState = $row_state[0]->vStateName;
        $szPostCode = $_SESSION['zip'];
        $this->obDb->query = "SELECT vCountryCode FROM " . COUNTRY . " where iCountryId_PK  = '" . $_SESSION['bill_country_id'] . "'";
        $row_country = $this->obDb->fetchQuery();
        $szCountryCode = $row_country[0]->vCountryCode;
        // use these to control which fields on the hosted payment form are
        // mandatory
        $szCV2Mandatory = PaymentFormHelper::boolToString(CSr_CV2_MANDATORY);
        $szAddress1Mandatory = PaymentFormHelper::boolToString(true);
        $szCityMandatory = PaymentFormHelper::boolToString(true);
        $szPostCodeMandatory = PaymentFormHelper::boolToString(true);
        $szStateMandatory = PaymentFormHelper::boolToString(true);
        $szCountryMandatory = PaymentFormHelper::boolToString(true);
        // the URL on this system that the payment form will push the results to (only applicable for
        // ResultDeliveryMethod = "SERVER")
        if ($ResultDeliveryMethod != "SERVER") {
            $szServerResultURL = "";
        } else {
            $szServerResultURL = SITE_SAFEURL . "ecom/index.php?action=checkout.cshcb";
        // set this to true if you want the hosted payment form to display the transaction result
        // to the customer (only applicable for ResultDeliveryMethod = "SERVER")
        if ($ResultDeliveryMethod != "SERVER") {
            $szPaymentFormDisplaysResult = "";
        } else {
            $szPaymentFormDisplaysResult = PaymentFormHelper::boolToString(CSr_RESULTS_DISPLAY);
        // the callback URL on this site that will display the transaction result to the customer
        // (always required unless ResultDeliveryMethod = "SERVER" and PaymentFormDisplaysResult = "true")
        if ($ResultDeliveryMethod == "SERVER" && PaymentFormHelper::stringToBool($szPaymentFormDisplaysResult) == false) {
            $szCallbackURL = SITE_SAFEURL . "ecom/index.php?action=checkout.cshcb2";
        } else {
            $szCallbackURL = SITE_SAFEURL . "ecom/index.php?action=checkout.cshcb2";
        // get the string to be hashed
        $szStringToHash = PaymentFormHelper::generateStringToHash($MerchantID, $Password, $szAmount, $szCurrencyCode, $szOrderID, $szTransactionType, $szTransactionDateTime, $szCallbackURL, $szOrderDescription, $szCustomerName, $szAddress1, $szAddress2, $szAddress3, $szAddress4, $szCity, $szState, $szPostCode, $szCountryCode, $szCV2Mandatory, $szAddress1Mandatory, $szCityMandatory, $szPostCodeMandatory, $szStateMandatory, $szCountryMandatory, $ResultDeliveryMethod, $szServerResultURL, $szPaymentFormDisplaysResult, $PreSharedKey, $HashMethod);
        // pass this string into the hash function to create the hash digest
        $szHashDigest = PaymentFormHelper::calculateHashDigest($szStringToHash, $PreSharedKey, $HashMethod);
        //$this->obTpl->set_var("TPL_VAR_BREDCRUMBS"," » Checkout");
        echo '<html><head><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script></head><body>
		<p>Please wait while your are transferred to CardSave to complete your payment.</p>
		<form id="psrsubmit" action="' . $FormAction . '" method="post">
			<input type="hidden" name="HashDigest" value="' . $szHashDigest . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="MerchantID" value="' . $MerchantID . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="Amount" value="' . $szAmount . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="CurrencyCode" value="' . $szCurrencyCode . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="OrderID" value="' . $szOrderID . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="TransactionType" value="' . $szTransactionType . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="TransactionDateTime" value="' . $szTransactionDateTime . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="CallbackURL" value="' . $szCallbackURL . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="OrderDescription" value="' . $szOrderDescription . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="CustomerName" value="' . $szCustomerName . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="Address1" value="' . $szAddress1 . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="Address2" value="' . $szAddress2 . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="Address3" value="' . $szAddress3 . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="Address4" value="' . $szAddress4 . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="City" value="' . $szCity . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="State" value="' . $szState . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="PostCode" value="' . $szPostCode . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="CountryCode" value="' . $szCountryCode . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="CV2Mandatory" value="' . $szCV2Mandatory . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="Address1Mandatory" value="' . $szAddress1Mandatory . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="CityMandatory" value="' . $szCityMandatory . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="PostCodeMandatory" value="' . $szPostCodeMandatory . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="StateMandatory" value="' . $szStateMandatory . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="CountryMandatory" value="' . $szCountryMandatory . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="ResultDeliveryMethod" value="' . $ResultDeliveryMethod . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="ServerResultURL" value="' . $szServerResultURL . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="PaymentFormDisplaysResult" value="' . $szPaymentFormDisplaysResult . '" />
			<input type="hidden" name="ServerResultURLCookieVariables" value="" />
			<input type="hidden" name="ServerResultURLFormVariables" value="" />
			<input type="hidden" name="ServerResultURLQueryStringVariables" value="" />
		<script type="text/javascript">