  * Make paypal Payment via REST API
 public function make_paypal_payment($price, $currencyType, $payment_desc, $card_type, $card_holder_name, $card_number, $expire_month, $expire_year, $cvv)
     $price = (double) $price;
     $card_type = strtolower($card_type);
     // ### CreditCard
     // A resource representing a credit card that can be
     // used to fund a payment.
     $card = new PayPal\Api\CreditCard();
     // ### FundingInstrument
     // A resource representing a Payer's funding instrument.
     // For direct credit card payments, set the CreditCard
     // field on this object.
     $fi = new PayPal\Api\FundingInstrument();
     // ### Payer
     // A resource representing a Payer that funds a payment
     // For direct credit card payments, set payment method
     // to 'credit_card' and add an array of funding instruments.
     $payer = new PayPal\Api\Payer();
     // ### Amount
     // Lets you specify a payment amount.
     // You can also specify additional details
     // such as shipping, tax.
     $amount = new PayPal\Api\Amount();
     // ### Transaction
     // A transaction defines the contract of a
     // payment - what is the payment for and who
     // is fulfilling it.
     $transaction = new PayPal\Api\Transaction();
     // ### Payment
     // A Payment Resource; create one using
     // the above types and intent set to sale 'sale'
     $payment = new PayPal\Api\Payment();
     // For Sample Purposes Only.
     $request = clone $payment;
     // ### Create Payment
     // Create a payment by calling the payment->create() method
     // with a valid ApiContext (See bootstrap.php for more on `ApiContext`)
     // The return object contains the state.
     try {
         $clientId = $this->config->item('clientId');
         $clientSecret = $this->config->item('clientSecret');
         $apiContext = getApiContext($clientId, $clientSecret);
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $this->session->set_flashdata('error_message', 'Something is going wrong! please try again later!!');
         redirect('', 'refresh');
         //ResultPrinter::printError('Create Payment Using Credit Card. If 500 Exception, try creating a new Credit Card using <a href="https://ppmts.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/750">Step 4, on this link</a>, and using it.', 'Payment', null, $request, $ex);
     //ResultPrinter::printResult('Create Payment Using Credit Card', 'Payment', $payment->getId(), $request, $payment);
     return $payment;
function pay_direct_with_credit_card($credit_card_params, $currency, $amount_total, $my_items, $payment_desc)
    $card = new PayPal\Api\CreditCard();
    $funding_instrument = new PayPal\Api\FundingInstrument();
    $payer = new PayPal\Api\Payer();
    $amount = new PayPal\Api\Amount();
    $transaction = new PayPal\Api\Transaction();
    $transaction->setDescription("creating a direct payment with credit card");
    $payment = new PayPal\Api\Payment();
    return $payment;
Esempio n. 3
 public function process()
     $sdkConfig = array("mode" => "sandbox");
     // After Step 1
     $apiContext = new \PayPal\Rest\ApiContext(new \PayPal\Auth\OAuthTokenCredential('AXg9iE-m2XOToUfY4sQ7V1vjQ7cSDnQjiop4aj-M7pgB3hO3ObTYVv8dL51FDkxNsX-Ov8N6p22RD6lS', 'ECRT-ONUf7gq42vbEG1lm9yrbvq1kTXFTCwbQuLiB9TFwZm15KvsBharvgUlR6Dls8sbeaiAWsgsfEHB'));
     $card_info = $this->getState()->get('card');
     $card = new \PayPal\Api\CreditCard();
     $fi = new \PayPal\Api\FundingInstrument();
     $payer = new \PayPal\Api\Payer();
     // Specify the payment amount.
     $amount = new \PayPal\Api\Amount();
     // ###Transaction
     // A transaction defines the contract of a
     // payment - what is the payment for and who
     // is fulfilling it. Transaction is created with
     // a `Payee` and `Amount` types
     $transaction = new \PayPal\Api\Transaction();
     $payment = new \PayPal\Api\Payment();
     //  try {
     //      $payment->create($apiContext);
     //  } catch (PayPal\Exception\PayPalConnectionException $ex) {
     //      $this->_error->code = $ex->getCode(); // Prints the Error Code
     //      $this->_error->message = $ex->getData(); // Prints the detailed error message
     //  }
     $this->_payment = $payment;
     $this->status = $this->_payment->getState();
     $this->transaction_id = $payment->transactions[0]->related_resources[0]->sale->id;
     $this->amount = $payment->transactions[0]->amount->total;
     return $this;
Esempio n. 4
 $cred = new \PayPal\Auth\OAuthTokenCredential("ATbkEXn3uQcX-oP8U9qjvzMrx6fjKB5aRP2nei--_YM0UX8Nq4i6dkdOjn0iw_rPRXnvDJbprf446wlz", "EGMD_Y19KOKXTabyKlHwU1JnNNzUdD8qK_Gv3r1hvHhP33w1CXWkRoukGgViQB9iBHKu0LB6VQL37YUF");
 $apiContext = new \PayPal\Rest\ApiContext($cred, 'Request ' . time());
 $link = mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "booksmart", "booksmart");
 if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
     printf("Connect failed: %s\n", mysqli_connect_error());
 $cardtype = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['cardtype']);
 $cardnumber = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['cardnumber']);
 $cvv = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['cvv']);
 $monthValueParts = explode('-', mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['expirationmonth']));
 $expiryYear = $monthValueParts[0];
 $expiryMonth = $monthValueParts[1];
 $firstname = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['firstname']);
 $lastname = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['lastname']);
 $creditcard = new \PayPal\Api\CreditCard();
 try {
     //error happens here
     //                echo $creditcard;
     $_SESSION['CARD_CREATED'] = true;
     //allows for dynamic display of card creation later
     header('Location: billing-information.php');
 } catch (\PPConnectionException $ex) {
Esempio n. 5
 public function actionStep2()
     // require_once(Yii::getPathOfAlias('application.components.Paypal') . '/autoload.php');
     $this->layoutPath = Yii::getPathOfAlias('webroot') . "/themes/classic/views/layouts";
     $this->layout = 'nonPrepare';
     $request = Yii::app()->request;
     if ($request->isPostRequest && isset($_POST)) {
         try {
             $this->card_number = $this->getPostFilter('card_number');
             $this->card_holder_name = $this->getPostFilter('card_holder_name');
             $this->expiry_year = $this->getPostFilter('expiry_year');
             $this->expiry_month = $this->getPostFilter('expiry_month');
             $this->cvc = $this->getPostFilter('cvc');
             $this->first_name = $this->getPostFilter('first_name');
             $this->last_name = $this->getPostFilter('last_name');
             $this->bill_city = $this->getPostFilter('bill_city');
             $this->bill_address = $this->getPostFilter('bill_address');
             $this->bill_country = $this->getPostFilter('bill_country');
             $this->bill_postcode = $this->getPostFilter('bill_postcode');
             $apiContext = new \PayPal\Rest\ApiContext(new \PayPal\Auth\OAuthTokenCredential("AZxYt_EVUMu9xXO0DHBHn4KGUVx6UMIdQKAb7QeCek609Zo3lFCAIfIKs29-T4PL66cSoN6189SfoACj", "ELebkFS3jmn9CNu4PF1t8OWaIsHASMDalHKp9x1dwEo0KmeKo582SfeVIC3CC99tmin7NoJZp00jI2Oc"));
             $addr = new \PayPal\Api\Address();
             $card = new \PayPal\Api\CreditCard();
             $fi = new \PayPal\Api\FundingInstrument();
             $payer = new \PayPal\Api\Payer();
             $amount = new \PayPal\Api\Amount();
             $transaction = new \PayPal\Api\Transaction();
             $transaction->setDescription('This is the payment transaction description.');
             $redirectUrls = new \PayPal\Api\RedirectUrls();
             $redirectUrls->setReturnUrl(Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('bookService/step3' . '?success=true'))->setCancelUrl(Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl('bookService/step3' . '?success=false'));
             $payment = new \PayPal\Api\Payment();
             try {
                 $res = $payment->create($apiContext);
             } catch (PayPal\Exception\PayPalConnectionException $e) {
                 echo $e->getData();
                 // This will print a JSON which has specific details about the error.
                 // exit(1);
             if (ERunActions::runBackground()) {
             // die();
         } catch (exception $e) {
Esempio n. 6

require_once 'function.php';
require_once 'sdk/vendor/autoload.php';
// After Step 1
$apiContext = new \PayPal\Rest\ApiContext(new \PayPal\Auth\OAuthTokenCredential('AY_WvE4xZOUXLJKLW0sG0CijfhToPVJNZuUr9XpyedhJWEU81tYoWMhQgmxYnm_F-5BZWfEBP2QzuXA6', 'EMEjgxK4lsdgAYL0OAQvzAQ2adyxO9tyD-Ib_7exG2AvQmVX_noXeN_IoQjQK3wxAWbma6jFoA9cCm_3'));
// After Step 2
$creditCard = new \PayPal\Api\CreditCard();
// Step 2.1 : Between Step 2 and Step 3
$apiContext->setConfig(array('log.LogEnabled' => true, 'log.FileName' => 'PayPal.log', 'log.LogLevel' => 'FINE'));
// After Step 3
try {
} catch (\PayPal\Exception\PayPalConnectionException $ex) {
    // This will print the detailed information on the exception.
Esempio n. 7
  * Save a credit card with paypal
  * @param array $params	credit card parameters
 public function saveCard($payerId, $firstName, $lastName, $ccNumber, $ccExpirationMonth, $ccExpirationYear, $ccCVV, $ccBrandType)
     $card = new \PayPal\Api\CreditCard();
     return $card->getId();
Esempio n. 8
 public function credit_card()
     $card = new \PayPal\Api\CreditCard();
     $fi = new \PayPal\Api\FundingInstrument();
     $payer = new \PayPal\Api\Payer();
     $items = array();
     foreach ($this->items as $item) {
         $item2 = new \PayPal\Api\Item();
         $items[] = $item2;
     $itemList = new \PayPal\Api\ItemList();
     $amount = new \PayPal\Api\Amount();
     $transaction = new \PayPal\Api\Transaction();
     $payment = new \PayPal\Api\Payment();
     try {
         return array('id' => $payment->getId(), 'total' => $this->total, 'items' => $this->items, 'details' => $this->description, 'state' => $payment->getstate());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         throw new \Exception('PayPal error: ' . $e->getMessage());
 public function paypalApi()
     require __DIR__ . '/PayPal-PHP-SDK/autoload.php';
     // 2. Provide your Secret Key. Replace the given one with your app clientId, and Secret
     // https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/applications/myapps
     $apiContext = new \PayPal\Rest\ApiContext(new \PayPal\Auth\OAuthTokenCredential('AZL8y_b5_YMk3t9FFpIK39QA9c7GhF16rG0L4KPbnxclQw36MoQBHB0pIOFndHdgz3Ims3he7pPgB1I-', 'EF0wu84NNCfmnYX3J1aQlGbia15m67pDAmm2kuGXv9-wh69-ofn7Lv_kWcjKzAiE7fxD27oWEHhBzdyp'));
     // 3. Lets try to save a credit card to Vault using Vault API mentioned here
     // https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/api/#store-a-credit-card
     $creditCard = new \PayPal\Api\CreditCard();
     // 4. Make a Create Call and Print the Card
     try {
         echo $creditCard;
     } catch (\PayPal\Exception\PayPalConnectionException $ex) {
         // This will print the detailed information on the exception.
         echo $ex->getData();
 $_SESSION['tax_amount'] = isset($_POST['TaxAmount']) && $_POST['TaxAmount'] != '' ? str_replace(",", "", $_POST['TaxAmount']) : '0.00';
 $_SESSION['billingInfo'] = isset($_POST['billingInfo']) ? $_POST['billingInfo'] : array();
 $_SESSION['shippingInfo'] = isset($_POST['shippingInfo']) ? $_POST['shippingInfo'] : array();
 ##########[ Create Payment ]############
 // Create new PayPal Api Context
 $paypal_rest = new \PayPal\Rest\ApiContext(new \PayPal\Auth\OAuthTokenCredential($config['RESTAPIClient_Id'], $config['RESTAPIClient_Secret']));
 // Add to header
 $paypal_rest->addRequestHeader('PayPal-Partner-Attribution-Id', 'AngellEYE_SP_POS_VT');
 $addr = new \PayPal\Api\Address();
 $card = new \PayPal\Api\CreditCard();
 $fi = new \PayPal\Api\FundingInstrument();
 $payer = new \PayPal\Api\Payer();
 $amountDetails = new \PayPal\Api\Details();
 $amountDetails->setSubtotal(str_replace(",", "", number_format($_SESSION['subtotal'], 2)));