Esempio n. 1
 // for 0.4, only admins could log in
 DB::update("UPDATE {$dbPrefix}users SET admin = 1");
 // Set user type = ldap for users without passwords
 DB::update("UPDATE {$dbPrefix}users SET type = 'ldap' WHERE password = ''");
 // Drop the session table, we no longer need it
 DB::update("DROP TABLE {$dbPrefix}session");
 // Drop the cron table, we use cache to handle that now
 DB::update("DROP TABLE {$dbPrefix}cron");
 // Generate URL keys for pastes that do not have a key.
 // We process the pastes in batches of 1000 to avoid running
 // out of memory.
 while (TRUE) {
     $pastes = Paste::where('urlkey', '')->take(1000)->get(array('id', 'urlkey'));
     if ($pastes->count() > 0) {
         foreach ($pastes as $paste) {
             $paste->urlkey = Paste::makeUrlKey();
     } else {
 // Get the FQDN for the server
 $fqdn = getenv('SERVER_NAME');
 // Insert fqdn, app version and migration ID to site config
 // The migration ID is nothing but the max paste ID while updating
 // This will be used to allow/deny access to old pastes by their IDs
 Site::config('general', array('fqdn' => $fqdn, 'preMigrate' => Paste::max('id')));
 // This is the v0.4 config file
 $configFile = app_path() . '/config/config.php';
 // Now we migrate the old config data