function exeAlbum() { if (Session::get('user') != null) { Document::setTitle('Album ảnh'); Document::setJs(array('image', 'jquery.form')); $data = array(); $display = 15; $totalPage = ceil($this->model->total("`username` = '" . Session::get('user')['username'] . "'") / $display); if ((int) Request::get('page') > 0) { $page = Request::get('page'); if ($totalPage < $page) { $page = $totalPage; } } else { $page = 1; } $pageLink = new Paging($page, $totalPage); $data['pagination'] = $pageLink->pagination('?'); $data['images'] = $this->model->selectUser(Session::get('user')['username'], ($page - 1) * $display, $display); $data['url'] = BASE_URL . '/'; $data['action'] = BASE_URL . '/image/add'; $this->view->render('album', $data); } else { Until::redirectTo(); } }
public function exeDefault() { Document::setTitle('Quản lý ảnh'); Document::setJs(array('jquery-1.8.3.min', 'image-admin')); $data = array(); $keySearch = Request::get('keySearch'); $data['keySearch'] = $keySearch; $condition = ''; if ($keySearch == null) { $link = '?'; } else { $link = '?keySearch=' . $keySearch . '&'; $condition = 'LOWER(`username`)="' . strtolower($keySearch) . '"'; } $display = 20; $totalPage = ceil($this->model->total($condition) / $display); if ((int) Request::get('page') > 0) { $page = Request::get('page'); if ($totalPage < $page) { $page = $totalPage; } } else { $page = 1; } $pageLink = new Paging($page, $totalPage); $data['title'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/image'; $data['pagination'] = $pageLink->pagination($link); $data['images'] = $this->model->selectAll(($page - 1) * $display, $display, $condition); $data['ajax'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/image/load'; $data['imageLoad'] = BASE_URL . '/public/css/images/loading.gif'; $data['url'] = BASE_URL . '/'; $this->view->render('index', $data); }
public function find($string = '') { $this->searchTerms = array_filter(explode(' ', $string)); if ($this->autocompleteField !== '') { $this->params['facet'] = 'on'; if (!isset($this->params['facet.field'])) { $this->params['facet.field'] = array($this->autocompleteField); } else { $this->params['facet.field'][] = $this->autocompleteField; } $this->params['f.' . $this->autocompleteField . '.facet.sort'] = $this->autocompleteSort; $this->params['f.' . $this->autocompleteField . '.facet.limit'] = $this->autocompleteLimit; $this->params['f.' . $this->autocompleteField . '.facet.prefix'] = end($this->searchTerms); $this->params['f.' . $this->autocompleteField . '.facet.mincount'] = 1; } $response = $this->exec($this->buildQuery('standardQuery')); // PREPAIR PAGING if (isset($response->count) && isset($response->offset)) { $paging = new Paging($response->count, $this->params['rows'], null, $response->offset); foreach ($paging->calculate() as $key => $val) { $response->{$key} = $val; } } return $response; }
/** * 首页 * * @author mrmsl <*****@*****.**> * @date 2013-04-28 17:14:18 * * @return void 无返回值 */ public function indexAction() { $page_size = 60; $total = $this->_model->table(TB_TAG)->count('DISTINCT tag'); $page_info = Filter::page($total, 'page', $page_size); $page = $page_info['page']; $page_one = $page < 2; $tag_arr = $this->_model->table(TB_TAG)->order('searches DESC')->field('DISTINCT `tag`')->limit($page_info['limit'])->select(); $paging = new Paging(array('_url_tpl' => BASE_SITE_URL . 'tag/page/\\1.shtml', '_total_page' => $page_info['total_page'], '_now_page' => $page, '_page_size' => $page_size)); $o = $this->getViewTemplate()->assign(array('web_title' => L('TAG'), 'tag_arr' => $tag_arr, 'paging' => $paging->getHtml(), 'page' => $page_one ? '' : $page)); $this->_display(null, null, $page); }
function news_admin_main() { $paging = new Paging('p', _result_per_page(), 1, 9); $paging->sCurrentPageClass = 'current'; $paging->sPageNextClass = 'next'; $sqlOrder = 'news_id desc'; if (!empty($_GET['sortby'])) { $sortby = $_GET['sortby']; $sort = $_GET['sort']; if ($sort == 'asc') { $sqlOrder = $sortby . ' asc'; } else { if ($sort == 'desc') { $sqlOrder = $sortby . ' desc'; } } } $sqlOrder = 'ordering DESC,is_category desc,' . $sqlOrder; $data = array(); $db = _db(); $pid = 0; $parent = null; if (!empty($_GET['pid'])) { $pid = $_GET['pid']; if ($pid != 0) { $db->prepare('SELECT news_id, parent_id FROM `_prefix_news` WHERE news_id=:ID'); $db->bindValue(':ID', $pid, PARAM_INT); $db->execute(); if ($parent = $db->fetch()) { $data['parent'] = $parent; } else { $pid = 0; } } } $cats[0] = '-- Không thuộc nhóm --'; getCategoryList($cats); $data['category'] = $cats; $db->prepare('SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS ordering ,is_quantam, is_tieudiem,news_id, news_created, news_title, is_category, is_enabled, is_showintroimage,introimage FROM `_prefix_news` WHERE parent_id=:PARENT_ID ORDER BY :ORDER LIMIT :OFFSET, :TOTAL'); $db->bindValue(':PARENT_ID', $pid, PARAM_INT); $db->bindValue(':ORDER', $sqlOrder, PARAM_NONE); $db->bindValue(':OFFSET', $paging->getResultRowStart(), PARAM_INT); $db->bindValue(':TOTAL', _result_per_page(), PARAM_INT); $db->execute(); die('xyz'); if ($items = $db->fetchAll()) { $data['items'] = $items; } //Lay tong cong so record $paging->nTotalRow = $db->total_last_limit_query(); $data['paging'] = $paging; return $data; }
function exeDefault() { Document::setTitle('Liên hệ'); Document::setJs(array('jquery-1.8.3.min', 'ask-delete', 'jconfirmaction.jquery', 'jquery.msgBox')); $data = array(); $keySearch = Request::get('keySearch'); $find = Request::get('find'); $searchName = ''; $searchEmail = ''; if ($find == 'name') { $searchName = 'selected="selected"'; } elseif ($find == 'email') { $searchEmail = 'selected="selected"'; } $data['searchName'] = $searchName; $data['searchEmail'] = $searchEmail; $data['keySearch'] = $keySearch; $condition = ''; if ($keySearch == null) { $link = '?'; } else { $link = '?keySearch=' . $keySearch . '&'; if ($searchEmail != '') { $condition = "LOWER(`email`) like '%" . strtolower($keySearch) . "%'"; } else { $condition = "LOWER(`fullname`) like '%" . strtolower($keySearch) . "%'"; } if ($find == 'email') { $link .= 'find=' . $find . '&'; } } $display = 15; $totalPage = ceil($this->model->total($condition) / $display); if ((int) Request::get('page') > 0) { $page = Request::get('page'); if ($totalPage < $page) { $page = $totalPage; } } else { $page = 1; } $pageLink = new Paging($page, $totalPage); $data['title'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/feedback'; $data['pagination'] = $pageLink->pagination($link); $data['actionDelete'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/feedback/delete'; $data['delete'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/feedback/delete?id='; $data['detail'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/feedback/detail?id='; $data['imageDelete'] = BASE_URL . '/public/css/images/trash.png'; $data['feedback'] = $this->model->selectAll(($page - 1) * $display, $display, $condition); $this->view->render('index', $data); }
/** * 渲染博客列表 * * @author mrmsl <*****@*****.**> * @date 2013-04-28 16:55:45 * * @param string|array $cate_info 数组为分类,否则为标签 * * @return void 无返回值 */ private function _fetchBlog($cate_info = null) { if (is_array($cate_info)) { //分类 $is_tag = false; $cate_id = $cate_info['cate_id']; $table = TB_BLOG; $where = array('b.is_delete' => 0, 'b.is_issue' => 1); if ($cate_id) { //category.shtml $where['b.cate_id'] = array('IN', $this->_getChildrenIds($cate_id)); } $url_tpl = str_replace('.shtml', '/page/\\1.shtml', $cate_info['link_url']); $cache_flag = $cate_id; $total = $this->_model->table(TB_BLOG)->alias('b')->where($where)->count(); $this->_model->alias('b'); //b.title } else { //标签 $this->_model->table(TB_TAG)->where(array('tag' => $cate_info))->setInc('searches'); //搜索次数+1 $is_tag = true; $table = TB_BLOG . ' AS b JOIN ' . TB_TAG . ' AS t ON t.blog_id=b.blog_id'; $where = array('t.tag' => array('IN', $cate_info), 'b.is_delete' => 0, 'b.is_issue' => 1); $url_tpl = BASE_SITE_URL . 'tag/' . urlencode($cate_info) . '/page/\\1.shtml'; $cache_flag = md5(strtolower($cate_info)); $total = $this->_model->table(TB_BLOG)->alias('b')->join(' JOIN ' . TB_TAG . ' AS t ON b.blog_id=t.blog_id')->where($where)->count('DISTINCT b.blog_id'); } $page_info = Filter::page($total, 'page', PAGE_SIZE); $page = $page_info['page']; $page_one = $page < 2; $blog_arr = $this->_model->table($table)->where($where)->order('b.blog_id DESC')->limit($page_info['limit'])->field('b.blog_id,b.title,b.link_url,b.cate_id,b.add_time,b.summary,b.seo_keyword,b.seo_description')->select(); $paging = new Paging(array('_url_tpl' => $url_tpl, '_total_page' => $page_info['total_page'], '_now_page' => $page, '_page_size' => PAGE_SIZE)); $o = $this->getViewTemplate($page_one && !$is_tag ? 'build_html' : null)->assign(array('blog_arr' => $blog_arr, 'paging' => $paging->getHtml(), 'page' => $page_one ? '' : $page)); if ($is_tag) { //标签 $o->assign(array('web_title' => $cate_info . TITLE_SEPARATOR . L('TAG'), 'tag' => $cate_info, 'seo_keywords' => $cate_info)); } else { //分类 $o->assign(array('web_title' => $cate_id ? $this->nav($cate_id, 'cate_name', null, TITLE_SEPARATOR) : $cate_info['cate_name'], 'cate_info' => $cate_info, 'tag' => '')); } $content = $o->fetch(CONTROLLER_NAME, ACTION_NAME, $cache_flag . '-' . $page); if ($page_one && !$is_tag) { $filename = str_replace(BASE_SITE_URL, WWWROOT, $cate_info['link_url']); new_mkdir(dirname($filename)); //file_put_contents($filename, $content); } echo $content; }
function exeDefault() { Document::setJs(array('jquery-1.8.3.min', 'ask-delete', 'jconfirmaction.jquery', 'role', 'type_user')); Document::setTitle('Quản lý thành viên'); $data = array(); $keySearch = Request::get('keySearch'); $find = Request::get('find'); $searchName = ''; $searchEmail = ''; if ($find == 'name') { $searchName = 'selected="selected"'; } elseif ($find == 'email') { $searchEmail = 'selected="selected"'; } $data['title'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/user'; $data['searchName'] = $searchName; $data['searchEmail'] = $searchEmail; $data['keySearch'] = $keySearch; $condition = ''; if ($keySearch == null) { $link = '?'; } else { $link = '?keySearch=' . $keySearch . '&'; if ($searchEmail != '') { $condition = "LOWER(`email`) like '%" . strtolower($keySearch) . "%'"; } else { $condition = "LOWER(`username`) like '%" . strtolower($keySearch) . "%'"; } if ($find == 'email') { $link .= 'find=' . $find . '&'; } } $display = 20; $totalPage = ceil($this->model->total($condition) / $display); if ((int) Request::get('page') > 0) { $page = Request::get('page'); if ($totalPage < $page) { $page = $totalPage; } } else { $page = 1; } $pageLink = new Paging($page, $totalPage); $data['pagination'] = $pageLink->pagination($link); $data['user'] = $this->model->selectAll(($page - 1) * $display, $display, $condition); $data['action'] = ''; $this->view->render('index', $data); }
/** * 首页 * * @author mrmsl <*****@*****.**> * @date 2013-02-21 13:44:11 * * @return void 无返回值 */ public function indexAction() { $total = $this->_model->table(TB_COMMENTS)->where($where = 'type=' . COMMENT_TYPE_GUESTBOOK . ' AND status=' . COMMENT_STATUS_PASS . ' AND parent_id=0')->count(); $page_info = Filter::page($total, 'page', PAGE_SIZE); $page = $page_info['page']; $page_one = $page < 2; $guestbook_arr = $this->_model->table(TB_COMMENTS)->where($where)->order('last_reply_time DESC')->limit($page_info['limit'])->select(); $paging = new Paging(array('_url_tpl' => BASE_SITE_URL . 'guestbook/page/\\1.shtml', '_total_page' => $page_info['total_page'], '_now_page' => $page, '_page_size' => PAGE_SIZE)); $o = $this->getViewTemplate($page_one ? 'build_html' : null)->assign(array('web_title' => L('GUESTBOOK'), 'guestbook_html' => $this->_getRecurrsiveComments($guestbook_arr), 'paging' => $paging->getHtml(), 'page' => $page_one ? '' : $page)); $content = $o->fetch(CONTROLLER_NAME, ACTION_NAME, $page); if ($page_one) { $filename = WWWROOT . 'guestbook.shtml'; //file_put_contents($filename, $content); } echo $content; }
function getTrashCommentsWithPagingForOwner($blogid, $category, $name, $ip, $search, $page, $count) { global $database; $sql = "SELECT c.*, e.title, AS parentName \n\t\tFROM {$database['prefix']}Comments c \n\t\tLEFT JOIN {$database['prefix']}Entries e ON c.blogid = e.blogid AND c.entry = AND e.draft = 0 \n\t\tLEFT JOIN {$database['prefix']}Comments c2 ON c.parent = AND c.blogid = c2.blogid \n\t\tWHERE c.blogid = {$blogid} AND c.isfiltered > 0"; $postfix = ''; if ($category > 0) { $categories = POD::queryColumn("SELECT id FROM {$database['prefix']}Categories WHERE parent = {$category}"); array_push($categories, $category); $sql .= ' AND e.category IN (' . implode(', ', $categories) . ')'; $postfix .= '&category=' . rawurlencode($category); } else { $sql .= ' AND (e.category >= 0 OR c.entry = 0)'; } if (!empty($name)) { $sql .= ' AND = \'' . POD::escapeString($name) . '\''; $postfix .= '&name=' . rawurlencode($name); } if (!empty($ip)) { $sql .= ' AND c.ip = \'' . POD::escapeString($ip) . '\''; $postfix .= '&ip=' . rawurlencode($ip); } if (!empty($search)) { $search = escapeSearchString($search); $sql .= " AND ( LIKE '%{$search}%' OR c.homepage LIKE '%{$search}%' OR c.comment LIKE '%{$search}%')"; $postfix .= '&search=' . rawurlencode($search); } $sql .= ' ORDER BY c.written DESC'; list($comments, $paging) = Paging::fetch($sql, $page, $count); if (strlen($postfix) > 0) { $paging['postfix'] .= $postfix . '&withSearch=on'; } return array($comments, $paging); }
/** * 首页 * * @author mrmsl <*****@*****.**> * @date 2013-02-21 13:30:55 * * @return void 无返回值 */ public function indexAction() { $total = $this->_model->count(); $page_info = Filter::page($total, 'page', PAGE_SIZE); $page = $page_info['page']; $page_one = $page < 2; $blog_arr = $this->_model->order('blog_id DESC')->limit($page_info['limit'])->select(); $paging = new Paging(array('_url_tpl' => BASE_SITE_URL . 'miniblog/page/\\1.shtml', '_total_page' => $page_info['total_page'], '_now_page' => $page, '_page_size' => PAGE_SIZE)); $o = $this->getViewTemplate($page_one ? 'build_html' : null)->assign(array('web_title' => L('MINIBLOG'), 'blog_arr' => $blog_arr, 'paging' => $paging->getHtml(), 'page' => $page_one ? '' : $page)); $content = $o->fetch(CONTROLLER_NAME, ACTION_NAME, $page); if ($page_one) { $filename = WWWROOT . 'miniblog.shtml'; //file_put_contents($filename, $content); } echo $content; }
/** * 构造查询对象 * @param null $paging */ function __constructor($paging = null) { $this->isPaging = isset($paging); $this->paging = isset($paging) ? $paging : Paging::create(); $this->parameters = array(); $this->operators = array(); }
public function prepare($db) { $this->paging = Paging::getFromUrl(); $this->paging->limit = $this->page_size; Paging::$max_pages_links = $this->max_pages_links; $this->search = isset($_GET['s']) ? $_GET['s'] : ''; // add filtering logic here $this->data = ModelBase::select($db, $this->name, $this->where, $this->bindings, $this->types, $this->paging, $this->orderby); }
function getNoticesWithPaging($blogid, $search, $page, $count) { $context = Model_Context::getInstance(); $pool = getDefaultDBModelOnNotice($blogid); if ($search !== true && $search) { $search = escapeSearchString($search); $pool->setQualifierSet(array("title", "like", $search, true), "OR", array("content", "like", $search, true)); } return Paging::fetch($pool, $page, $count, $context->getProperty("uri.folder") . "/" . $context->getProperty("suri.value")); }
function getKeywordsWithPaging($blogid, $search, $page, $count) { global $database, $folderURL, $suri; $aux = ''; if ($search !== true && $search) { $search = POD::escapeString($search); $aux = "AND (title LIKE '%{$search}%' OR content LIKE '%{$search}%')"; } $visibility = doesHaveOwnership() ? '' : 'AND visibility > 0'; $sql = "SELECT * \n\t\tFROM {$database['prefix']}Entries \n\t\tWHERE blogid = {$blogid} \n\t\t\tAND draft = 0 {$visibility} \n\t\t\tAND category = -1 {$aux} \n\t\tORDER BY published DESC"; return Paging::fetch($sql, $page, $count, "{$folderURL}/{$suri['value']}"); }
function getKeywordsWithPaging($blogid, $search, $page, $count) { $ctx = Model_Context::getInstance(); $aux = ''; if ($search !== true && $search) { $search = POD::escapeString($search); $aux = "AND (title LIKE '%{$search}%' OR content LIKE '%{$search}%')"; } $visibility = doesHaveOwnership() ? '' : 'AND visibility > 0'; $sql = "SELECT * \n\t\tFROM " . $ctx->getProperty('database.prefix') . "Entries \n\t\tWHERE blogid = {$blogid} \n\t\t\tAND draft = 0 {$visibility} \n\t\t\tAND category = -1 {$aux} \n\t\tORDER BY published DESC"; return Paging::fetch($sql, $page, $count, $ctx->getProperty('uri.folder') . "/" . $ctx->getProperty('suri.value')); }
public function showBlog() { //Get the page that we are on $page = Input::get('page') ? Input::get('page') : 1; $records_per_page = 10; //Get the artivles that we are going to display $data['articles'] = Tools::getBlogPosts($page, $records_per_page); // instantiate the pagination object $pagination = new Paging(); // the number of total records is the number of records in the array $pagination->records(count($data['articles'])); //$pagination->records(500); // records per page $pagination->records_per_page($records_per_page); $data['pagination'] = $pagination; //Create the view $this->layout->content = View::make('', $data); $this->layout->header = View::make('includes.header'); $headerData = array('title' => isset($this->metaData['blog_title']) ? $this->metaData['blog_title'] : null, 'description' => isset($this->metaData['blog_desc']) ? $this->metaData['blog_desc'] : null); $this->layout->header = View::make('includes.header', $headerData); }
function getLinksWithPagingForOwner($blogid, $page, $count) { $pool = DBModel::getInstance(); $pool->init("Links"); $pool->setAlias("Links", "l"); $pool->setAlias("LinkCategories", "lc"); $pool->join("LinkCategories", "left", array(array("lc.blogid", "eq", "l.blogid"), array("", "eq", "l.category"))); $pool->setQualifier("l.blogid", "eq", $blogid); $pool->setOrder("", "desc"); $pool->setProjection("l.*", " AS categoryName"); return Paging::fetch($pool, $page, $count); }
public function page($sQuery, $iPage) { $oPaging = new Paging("yase.php?account=" . $this->sAccount . "&query=" . $sQuery); $sQuery = utf8_decode($sQuery); $iTotal = $this->oSearcher->iSearch($sQuery); if (!isset($_REQUEST['page']) || $_GET['page'] < 1) { $iPage = 1; } $aRes = $this->oSearcher->aSearch($sQuery, $iPage); $iPages = (int) (($iTotal - 1) / $this->oSearcher->iLimit) + 1; print '<div class="summary_info">The search for <b>' . $sQuery . '</b> returned <b>' . $iTotal . '</b> results </div>'; print '<div class="navigation">'; $oPaging->sNavigationFloat($iPage, $iPages, 'account=' . $this->sName . '&query=' . $sQuery, $this->oSearcher->iLimit); print '</div>'; foreach ($aRes as $oRes) { print '<div class="title"><a href="' . $oRes->sUrl . '" target="_parent">' . $oRes->sTitle . '</a></div>'; print '<div class="content">' . $oRes->sContent . '</div>'; } print '<div class="navigation">'; $oPaging->sNavigationFloat($iPage, $iPages, '&query=' . $sQuery, $this->oSearcher->iLimit); print '</div>'; }
public static function getLists($user_id, $page, $page_size) { $user_id = (int) $user_id; if (!$user_id) { return array(); } $table = self::table(); $sku_table = ProductsSku::table(); $item_table = ProductsItem::table(); $sql = " SELECT, AS skuid, c.title, b.sku, b.sku_name, b.current_price FROM {$table} AS a, {$sku_table} AS b, {$item_table} AS c WHERE b.item=c.item AND AND a.user_id='{$user_id}' ORDER BY DESC"; $lists = Paging::bySQL($sql, $page, $page_size, 'a'); ProductsSku::getProductsPic($lists['data']); return $lists; }
function exeDefault() { Document::setTitle('Hoá đơn'); Document::setJs(array('jquery-1.8.3.min', 'ask-delete', 'jconfirmaction.jquery')); $data = array(); $keySearch = Request::get('keySearch'); $data['keySearch'] = $keySearch; $condition = ''; if ($keySearch == null) { $link = '?'; } else { $link = '?keySearch=' . $keySearch . '&'; $condition = 'LOWER(`username`)="' . strtolower($keySearch) . '"'; } $display = 20; $totalPage = ceil($this->model->total($condition) / $display); if ((int) Request::get('page') > 0) { $page = Request::get('page'); if ($totalPage < $page) { $page = $totalPage; } } else { $page = 1; } $pageLink = new Paging($page, $totalPage); $data['pagination'] = $pageLink->pagination($link); $data['title'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/bill'; $recharge = $this->LoadRecharge(); $data['recharge'] = $recharge->selectAll(); $data['actionDelete'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/bill/delete'; $data['delete'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/bill/delete?id='; $data['detail'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/bill/detail?id='; $data['imageDelete'] = BASE_URL . '/public/css/images/trash.png'; $data['detailRecharge'] = BASE_URL_ADMIN . '/recharge'; $data['bill'] = $this->model->selectAll(($page - 1) * $display, $display, $condition); $this->view->render('index', $data); }
function getKeywordsWithPaging($blogid, $search, $page, $count) { $context = Model_Context::getInstance(); $pool = DBModel::getInstance(); $pool->init("Entries"); $aux = ''; if ($search !== true && $search) { $pool->setQualifierSet(array(array("title", "like", $search, true), "OR", array("content", "like", $search, true))); } if (!doesHaveOwnership()) { $pool->setQualifier("visibility", ">", 0); } $pool->setQualifier("blogid", "eq", $blogid); $pool->setQualifier("draft", "eq", 0); $pool->setQualifier("category", "eq", -1); $pool->setOrder("published", "desc"); return Paging::fetch($pool, $page, $count, $context->getProperty('uri.folder') . "/" . $context->getProperty('suri.value')); }
<?php $aksi = "modul/mod_jurusan/aksi_jurusan.php"; $act = @$_GET['act']; switch ($act) { // Tampil Jurusan default: echo "<h2>Jurusan</h2>\n<input type=button value='Tambah Jurusan' onclick=\"window.location.href='?module=jurusan&act=tambahjurusan';\">\n<table>\n<tr>\n\t<th>No.</th>\n\t<th>Kode Jurusan</th>\n\t<th>Nama Jurusan</th>\n\t<th>Kode Fakultas</th>\n\t<th>Nama Ketua</th>\n\t<th>Alamat Jurusan</th>\n\t<th>Aksi</th>\n</tr>"; $p = new Paging(); $batas = 10; $posisi = $p->cariposisi($batas); $tampil = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM jurusan ORDER BY kdjur limit {$posisi},{$batas}"); $no = $posisi + 1; while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($tampil)) { echo "<tr>\n\t\t\t<td>{$no}</td>\n\t\t\t<td>{$r['kdjur']}</td>\n\t\t\t<td>{$r['nmjur']}</td>\n\t\t\t<td>{$r['kdfak']}</td>\n\t\t\t<td>{$r['nmketua']}</td>\n\t\t\t<td>{$r['almtjur']}</td>\n\t\t\t<td><a href=?module=jurusan&act=editjurusan&id={$r['kdjur']}><img src='images/edit-icon.gif' alt='edit' /></a>\n\t\t\t<a href={$aksi}?module=jurusan&act=hapus&id={$r['kdjur']}><img src='images/hapus-icon.gif' alt='hapus' /></a>\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t</tr>"; $no++; } echo "</table>"; $tampil2 = mysql_query("select * from jurusan"); $jmldata = mysql_num_rows($tampil2); $jmlhalaman = $p->jumlahHalaman($jmldata, $batas); $linkHalaman = $p->navHalaman(@$_GET[halaman], $jmlhalaman); echo "<p>{$linkHalaman}</p>"; break; case "tambahjurusan": echo "<h2>Form Jurusan</h2>\n<form name=form1 method=POST action='{$aksi}?module=jurusan&act=input'>\n<table>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td>Fakultas</td>\n\t\t<td> : <select name=kdfak>\n\t\t<option value=0 selected>- Pilih Fakultas -</option>"; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM fakultas ORDER BY kdfak"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { echo "<option value={$data['kdfak']}>{$data['nmfak']}</option>"; } echo "</select></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td>Kode Jurusan</td>\n\t\t<td> : <input type=text name=kdjur size=23 maxlength=15></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td>Nama Jurusan</td>\n\t\t<td> : <input type=text name=nmjur size=50 maxlength=100></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td>NIP Ketua</td>\n\t\t<td> : <input type=text name=nipketua size=50 maxlength=100></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td>Nama Ketua</td>\n\t\t<td> : <input type=text name=nmketua size=50 maxlength=100></td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td>Alamat Jurusan</td>\n\t\t<td> : <input type=text name=almtjur size=50 maxlength=100></textarea>\n\t\t</td>\n\t</tr>\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td colspan=2><input type=submit value=Simpan>\n\t\t<input type=button value=Batal onclick=self.history.back()></td>\n\t</tr>\n</table>\n</form>";
<div class="subject"> <?php echo $v['check']?$v['check']:''?> <?php echo $v['category']?'<span class="category">'.$v['category'].'</span>':''; //분류출력?> <?php if($v['subject']['href']){?><a href="<?php echo $v['subject']['href']?>"><?php }?> <?php echo $v['subject']['text']?> <?php if($v['subject']['href']){?></a><?php }?> </div> <div class="datetime"> <?php echo $v['datetime']?> </div> </li> <?php }?> <li class="last_line"></li> </ul> </div> <!-- 페이징 --> <?php echo Paging::Inst( )->rows($rows*$cols )->tot($this->Sql('list_cnt') )->html( )?> <!-- 검색 및 버튼 --> <div id="search_line"> <div class="buttons"><?php include $this->path_view('buttons.php')?></div> <?php echo Search::Inst()->Html()?> </div>
include "html/header.php"; $arrAllForests = $common->getAllForests(); $arrAllForests[-1] = 'Common To All'; $arrRecords = array(); $table = 'm_forest_points'; $whereClause = ""; $start = 0; $recNo = 0; $recsPerPage = REC_PER_PAGE; $showPages = SHOW_PAGES; $orderBy = 'i_forest_id'; $selectColumns = '*'; if (isset($_REQUEST['recNo'])) { $recNo = $_REQUEST['recNo']; } $paging = new Paging(); $paging->whereClause = $whereClause; $paging->recsPerPage = $recsPerPage; $paging->showPages = $showPages; $paging->orderBy = $orderBy; $paging->table = $table; $paging->recordNo = $recNo; // starting record No. $paging->startRow = $recNo; $paging->selectColumns = $selectColumns; $paging->path = BASE_URL . "cpanel/forest_points.php"; $totalRecords = $paging->getTotalRecords(); if ($totalRecords > 0) { $paging->recordNo = $recNo; // starting record No. $paging->startRow = $recNo;
$int_cur_position = $_REQUEST['int_cur_position']; } // Number of result to display on the page, will be in the LIMIT of the sql query also $int_num_result = is_numeric($_REQUEST['nrresults']) ? $_REQUEST['nrresults'] : $number_of_logs; $extargv = "&a=13&searchuser="******"&action=" . $_REQUEST['action'] . "&itemid=" . $_REQUEST['itemid'] . "&itemname=" . $_REQUEST['itemname'] . "&message=" . $_REQUEST['message'] . "&dateto=" . $_REQUEST['dateto'] . "&datefrom=" . $_REQUEST['datefrom'] . "&nrresults=" . $int_num_result . "&log_submit=" . $_REQUEST['log_submit']; // extra argv here (could be anything depending on your page) // build the sql $limit = $num_rows = $modx->db->getValue($modx->db->select('COUNT(*)', $modx->getFullTableName('manager_log'), !empty($sqladd) ? implode(' AND ', $sqladd) : '')); $rs = $modx->db->select('*', $modx->getFullTableName('manager_log'), !empty($sqladd) ? implode(' AND ', $sqladd) : '', 'timestamp DESC, id DESC', "{$int_cur_position}, {$int_num_result}"); if ($limit < 1) { echo '<p>' . $_lang["mgrlog_emptysrch"] . '</p>'; } else { echo '<p>' . $_lang["mgrlog_sortinst"] . '</p>'; include_once ""; // New instance of the Paging class, you can modify the color and the width of the html table $p = new Paging($num_rows, $int_cur_position, $int_num_result, $extargv); // Load up the 2 array in order to display result $array_paging = $p->getPagingArray(); $array_row_paging = $p->getPagingRowArray(); $current_row = $int_cur_position / $int_num_result; // Display the result as you like... print "<p>" . $_lang["paging_showing"] . " " . $array_paging['lower']; print " " . $_lang["paging_to"] . " " . $array_paging['upper']; print " (" . $array_paging['total'] . " " . $_lang["paging_total"] . ")<br />"; $paging = $array_paging['first_link'] . $_lang["paging_first"] . (isset($array_paging['first_link']) ? "</a> " : " "); $paging .= $array_paging['previous_link'] . $_lang["paging_prev"] . (isset($array_paging['previous_link']) ? "</a> " : " "); $pagesfound = sizeof($array_row_paging); if ($pagesfound > 6) { $paging .= $array_row_paging[$current_row - 2]; // ." "; $paging .= $array_row_paging[$current_row - 1];
} $orderBy = " {$cursort} {$cursort_type}"; } else { $orderBy = " r2bd.dBidDate DESC "; } ## ENDS HERE ### $limit = " LIMIT " . ($page - 1) * $REC_LIMIT_FRONT . ", " . $REC_LIMIT_FRONT . " "; $jtbl = " INNER JOIN " . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_rfq2_master rfq2 on rfq2.iRFQ2Id=r2bd.iRFQ2Id\r\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_inovice_order_heading ioh on rfq2.iInvoiceID=ioh.iInvoiceID\r\n LEFT JOIN " . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_purchase_order_heading poh on rfq2.iPurchaseOrderID=poh.iPurchaseOrderID\r\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_status_master sm on rfq2.iStatusID=sm.iStatusID\r\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN " . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_rfq2_product_buyer2 rpb2 on rpb2.iRFQ2Id=rfq2.iRFQ2Id "; // echo $where; exit; // $where .= " AND rfq2.iStatusID!=$csts "; // $where .= " AND rfq2.dStartDate<NOW() "; $where .= " AND r2bd.eDelete!='Verified' AND r2bd.iBuyer2Id={$curORGID} "; $fields = " DISTINCT r2bd.*, rfq2.*, IF(rfq2.eFrom='Invoice',ioh.vInvoiceCode,poh.vPOCode) as vInvoiceCode, IF(rfq2.eFrom='Invoice',ioh.fAcceptedAmount,poh.fPOTotal) as fAcceptedAmount, IF(rfq2.eFrom='Invoice',ioh.vBuyerName,poh.vBuyerCompanyName) as vBuyerName, IF(rfq2.eFrom='Invoice',ioh.vSupplierName,poh.vSupplierName) as vSupplierName, sm.vStatus_" . LANG . " as status, r2bd.eStatus, r2bd.eSaved, r2bd.eDelete,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tIF(rfq2.eAuctionStatus='Completed' || rfq2.eAuctionStatus='Cancelled', rfq2.eAuctionStatus, IF(rfq2.dStartDate<NOW() AND rfq2.dEndDate>NOW(),'Live', IF(rfq2.dStartDate>NOW() AND rfq2.dEndDate>NOW(),'Not Started', rfq2.eAuctionStatus)) ) as rfq2Status,\r\n\t\t\t\t\tIF(rpb2.ePType='BProduct',(Select vProductName from " . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_bproduct_organization where iProductId=rpb2.ePType), (Select vProductName from " . PRJ_DB_PREFIX . "_sproduct_organization where iProductId=rpb2.ePType) ) as vProductName"; // IF(rfq2.dStartDate<NOW() AND rfq2.dEndDate>NOW(), 'Live', IF(rfq2.dStartDate>NOW() AND rfq2.dEndDate>NOW(), 'Not Started', IF(rfq2.eAuctionStatus!='Completed' AND rfq2.eAuctionStatus!='Cancelled', 'Completed', rfq2.eAuctionStatus) ) ) as eStatus, // "IF(rfq2.dStartDate>NOW(), TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY,NOW(),rfq2.dStartDate), 0) as rdays, IF(rfq2.dStartDate>NOW(), TIME_FORMAT(SEC_TO_TIME(TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND,NOW(),rfq2.dStartDate) - (TIMESTAMPDIFF(DAY,NOW(),rfq2.dStartDate) * 24*60*60) ), '%H:%i'), 0) as rtime "; $dtls = $r2bdObj->getJoinTableInfo($jtbl, $fields, $where, $orderBy, 'r2bd.iBidId' . $having, $limit, 'yes'); // pr($dtls); exit; $count = $dtls['tot']; unset($dtls['tot']); if (!isset($pgajxobj)) { require_once SITE_CLASS_GEN . "class.paging-ajax.php"; $pgajxobj = new Paging($count, $page, "listrfq2bid", $REC_LIMIT_FRONT); } $paging = $pgajxobj->getListPG($page); $pgmsg = $pgajxobj->setMessage("Records"); //echo $paging; exit; $smarty->assign('dtls', $dtls); $smarty->assign('isusts', $isusts); $smarty->assign('count', $count); $smarty->assign('paging', $paging); $smarty->assign('pgmsg', $pgmsg);
<?php $objCatalogue = new Catalogue(); $srch = Url::getParam('srch'); if (!empty($srch)) { $products = $objCatalogue->getAllProducts($srch); $empty = 'There are no results matching your searching criteria.'; } else { $products = $objCatalogue->getAllProducts(); $empty = 'There are currently no records.'; } $objPaging = new Paging($products, 5); $rows = $objPaging->getRecords(); $objPaging->_url = '/admin' . $objPaging->_url; require_once 'template/_header.php'; ?> <h1>Products</h1> <form action="" method="get"> <?php echo Url::getParams4Search(array('srch', Paging::$_key)); ?> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="tbl_insert"> <tr> <th><label for="srch">Product:</label></th> <td> <input type="text" name="srch" id="srch" value="<?php echo stripslashes($srch);
<?php require_once '../common/config/'; require_once SOURCE_ROOT . 'classes/class.sort.php'; require_once SOURCE_ROOT . 'classes/class.paging.php'; require_once SOURCE_ROOT . 'classes/class.tax_discount.php'; // CREATING THE CLASS OBJECTS FOR INCLUDING CLASS FILES $objPaging = new Paging(); $objTaxDiscount = new TaxDiscount(); $_SESSION['sessTaxRedirectUrl'] = ''; $_SESSION['sessTaxDiscountAdd'] = ''; if ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] != '') { $_SESSION['sessTaxRedirectUrl'] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } else { $_SESSION['sessTaxRedirectUrl'] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; } // CREATING THE FIELDS ARRAYS TO SHOW & TABLE (IF JOIN OR OTHER CONDITION EXISTS) & A WHERE CONDITION $arrTaxDiscountFlds = array('pkTaxDiscountID', 'TaxDiscountType', 'TaxDiscountName', 'TaxDiscountValue', 'TaxDiscountDateAdded', 'TaxDiscountDateModified', 'TaxDiscountStatus'); // GET THE SEARCHING CONDITION ON THE SPECIFIC SEARCHING $varSearchWhere = $objTaxDiscount->getSearchKeyWhere($_GET); //applied the paging $varPageStart = $objPaging->getPageStartLimit($_GET['page'], ADMIN_PAGE_RECORD_SIZE); $varLimit = $varPageStart . ',' . ADMIN_PAGE_RECORD_SIZE; $varTaxDiscountClm = 'pkTaxDiscountID'; $varSearchWhr = $varSearchWhere; $NumberofRows = $objDatabase->getNumRows(TABLE_TAX_DISCOUNTS, $varTaxDiscountClm, $varSearchWhr); $varNumberPages = $objPaging->calculateNumberofPages($NumberofRows, ADMIN_PAGE_RECORD_SIZE); $arrTaxDiscountList = $objTaxDiscount->getTaxDiscountRecord(TABLE_TAX_DISCOUNTS, $arrTaxDiscountFlds, $varLimit, $varSearchWhr); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
function getPagingView(&$paging, &$template, &$itemTemplate, $useSkinCache = false) { return Paging::getPagingView($paging, $template, $itemTemplate, $useSkinCache); }