public function editAction() { if ($this->_hasParam('id')) { $constId = $this->_getParam('id'); if ($this->_request->isPost()) { $val = $this->_request->getPost('value'); $this->siteDbAdapter->update('const', array('c_value' => trim($val)), $this->siteDbAdapter->quoteInto('c_id = ?', $constId)); $this->_redirect('/constants/list/'); } if ($this->existConstants[$constId]['c_name'] == 'un404page' || $this->existConstants[$constId]['c_name'] == 'loginPage') { $pages = new Pages($this->getSiteId()); $pagesList = $pages->getPagesList(); $this->tplVars['consts']['val']['pages'] = $pagesList; } $this->tplVars['consts']['val']['value'] = $this->existConstants[$constId]['c_value']; $this->tplVars['consts']['val']['name'] = $this->existConstants[$constId]['c_name']; array_push($this->tplVars['header']['actions']['names'], array('name' => 'edit', 'menu_name' => 'Edit Constant')); array_push($this->viewIncludes, 'constants/editConstant.tpl'); } }
public function sitemapAction() { $pages = new Pages($this->getSiteId()); $data = array(); if ($this->_request->getPost('generate')) { $data['action'] = 'generate'; $pagesList = $pages->getPagesList(); $hostname = $this->getNCSiteHostname(); $sitemap = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n" . '<urlset xmlns="">' . "\n"; foreach ($pagesList as $page) { $pg_options = unserialize($page['pg_options']); if ($page['pg_hidden'] == '0' && !isset($pg_options['noIndex'])) { $sitemap .= '<url><loc>http://' . $hostname . '' . $page['pg_address'] . '</loc></url>' . "\n"; } } $sitemap .= '</urlset>'; if (file_exists($pages->getSitePath() . 'sitemap.xml')) { copy($pages->getSitePath() . 'sitemap.xml', $pages->getSitePath() . 'tmp/sitemap_' . date('Y-m-d_H-i-s') . '.xml'); } if (file_put_contents($pages->getSitePath() . 'sitemap.xml', $sitemap)) { $data['result'] = true; $data['sitemap_link'] = 'http://' . $hostname . '/sitemap.xml'; } else { $data['result'] = false; } } // function uploading a new sitemap file to the root of the site if ($this->_request->getPost('max_file_size') && count($_FILES)) { $data['action'] = 'uploadfile'; $allowed_to_upload = false; $hostname = $this->getNCSiteHostname(); $uploadfile = $pages->getSitePath() . basename($_FILES['uploadfile']['name']); if (file_exists($pages->getSitePath() . 'sitemap.xml')) { if (copy($pages->getSitePath() . 'sitemap.xml', $pages->getSitePath() . 'tmp/sitemap_' . date('Y-m-d_H-i-s') . '.xml')) { $allowed_to_upload = true; } else { $data['result'] = false; $data['message'] = 'Cannot copy the old sitemap file'; } if (!unlink($uploadfile)) { $data['result'] = false; $data['message'] = 'Cannot remove the old sitemap file'; } } else { $allowed_to_upload = true; } // if($_FILES['uploadfile']['size'] > $this->_request->getPost('max_file_size')){ // $allowed_to_upload = false; // $data['message'] = 'Maximum file size to upload is '.sprintf("%u", filesize($uploadfile)); // } if ($allowed_to_upload) { if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadfile']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) { $data['result'] = true; $data['message'] = 'Your request was completed successfully!'; $data['sitemap_link'] = 'http://' . $hostname . '/sitemap.xml'; } else { $data['result'] = false; $data['message'] = 'Cannot copy the new sitemap file'; } } else { $data['result'] = false; $data['message'] = 'Something has happened, the new sitemap file was not allowed to upload...'; } } $this->tplVars['data'] = $data; array_push($this->viewIncludes, 'content/sitemap.tpl'); }
public function getPages($smarty = FALSE, $siteId) { $pages = new Pages($siteId); $prods = $pages->getPagesList(NULL, array('pg_lang', 'pg_address')); if ($smarty) { $tcats['values'] = array(); $tcats['names'] = array(); $tsize = sizeof($prods); for ($i = 0; $i < $tsize; $i++) { array_push($tcats['values'], $prods[$i]['pg_address']); array_push($tcats['names'], $prods[$i]['pg_address']); } $prods = $tcats; } return $prods; }