$sourceStr = explode('#', $df['configdefault']); sort($sourceStr); $sourceStr = implode('#', $sourceStr); if ($sourceStr != $currentStr) { $this->dbObj->Execute('INSERT INTO ' . WEB_ADMIN_TABPOX . 'attachrule(userorgrouporrole,userorgrouporroleid,addordel,ruleid,otherruleid,configvalue,importer)' . "values(3,{$id},1,{$k},{$ink},'{$currentStr}'," . $this->getUid() . ')'); } } } } //所在组 if (isset($_POST['groups'])) { foreach ($_POST['groups'] as $v) { $this->dbObj->Execute('INSERT INTO ' . WEB_ADMIN_TABPOX . "grouprole(groupid,roleid,importer)VALUES({$v},{$id}," . $this->getUid() . ')'); } } if ($this->isModify) { $this->dbObj->Execute("update " . WEB_ADMIN_TABPOX . "login set updatestate = 1 where userid in(\r\n\t\t\t\tselect ug.userid from " . WEB_ADMIN_TABPOX . "usergroup ug \r\n\t\t\t\tinner join " . WEB_ADMIN_TABPOX . "grouprole gr on ug.groupid = gr.groupid where gr.roleid = {$id})"); } $this->quit($info . '完成!'); } function goModify() { $this->goAppend(); } function quit($info) { exit("<script>alert('{$info}');location.href='role.php';</script>"); } } $main = new PageRole(); $main->Main();
/** * Remove the given Role from the given Page only if it (or it's parents) doesn't already remove the Role * * A call to save() should eventually follow, which will save to disk * * @param Role $role * @param Page $page * @return this * */ public function removeRoleFromPage(Role $role, Page $page) { if ($this->pageDoesNotHaveRole($page, $role)) { return $this; } $pageRole = $this->pagesRolesArray->getPageRole($page, $role); if (!$pageRole) { $pageRole = new PageRole(); } $pageRole->setTrackChanges(); $pageRole->page = $page; $pageRole->role = $role; $pageRole->action = '-'; //if(!$page->parent || $this->pageHasRole($page->parent, $role)) $pageRole->redundant = true; $this->pagesRolesArray->add($pageRole); // we trackChange with the $page since PageRoles are saved by Pages::save if ($role->id != Role::ownerRoleID) { $page->trackChange("roles"); } return $this; }