Esempio n. 1
    $user = get_login_user();
    switch ($module) {
        case 'EventCalendarModule':
            $obj->assoc_type = 'user';
            $obj->assoc_id = (int) $_SESSION['user']['id'];
            $obj->may_edit = true;
            // user may edit own events, right? ;)
            $obj->assoc_title = $user->login_name;
    $obj->mode = PUB;
$page = new PageRenderer("setup_module", PAGE_CALENDAR, "Calendar - PeopleAggregator", "container_one_column.tpl", "header_user.tpl", NULL, PRI, $network_info);
$theme_details = get_user_theme($login_uid);
if (is_array($theme_details['css_files'])) {
    foreach ($theme_details['css_files'] as $key => $value) {
$css_path = $current_theme_path . '/calendar.css';
if (!empty($msg)) {
    $msg_tpl =& new Template(CURRENT_THEME_FSPATH . "/display_message.tpl");
    $msg_tpl->set('message', $msg);
    $page->add_module("middle", "top", $msg_tpl->fetch());
// uihelper_get_group_style($gid);
echo $page->render();
function setup_module($column, $module, $obj)
    global $preview_msg;
    switch ($module) {
        case 'NetworkBulletinsModule':
            $obj->preview_msg = $preview_msg;
$page = new PageRenderer("setup_module", PAGE_NETWORK_BULLETINS, "Network Bulletins", 'container_two_column.tpl', 'header.tpl', PRI, HOMEPAGE, PA::$network_info);
if (!empty($error_msg)) {
    $msg_tpl = new Template(CURRENT_THEME_FSPATH . "/display_message.tpl");
    $msg_tpl->set('message', $error_msg);
    $m = $msg_tpl->fetch();
    $page->add_module("middle", "top", $m);
$page->html_body_attributes = 'class="no_second_tier network_config"';
$css_array = get_network_css();
if (is_array($css_array)) {
    foreach ($css_array as $key => $value) {
$css_data = inline_css_style();
if (!empty($css_data['newcss']['value'])) {
    $css_data = '<style type="text/css">' . $css_data['newcss']['value'] . '</style>';
echo $page->render();
// --- left sidebar (debugging)

function render_debug_sidebar() {
    global $user;
    echo "<p>badges: "; var_dump($user->list_widgets()); echo "</p>";
    try {
	$default_badge = $user->load_widget("default");
	echo "<p>default badge: "; var_dump($default_badge); echo "</p>";
    } catch (PAException $e) {
	echo "<p>no default badge available.</p>";
    $debug_sidebar = ob_get_contents();
    return $debug_sidebar;

// ---
$page = new PageRenderer(NULL, PAGE_BADGE_CREATE, sprintf(__("%s - My Widgets - %s"), $login_user->get_name(), PA::$network_info->name), "container_three_column.tpl", 'header_user.tpl');
$page->onload = "badge.update();";
$page->add_header_css(PA::$theme_url . "/badge_create.css");

$page->add_module("left", "top", render_left_sidebar());
//$page->add_module("left", "top", render_debug_sidebar()); // debugging
$page->add_module("middle", "top", $page_html);
$page->add_module("right", "top", render_right_sidebar());

echo $page->render();



<table class="bulk_comment_summary"><tr>

</div><!-- comment_manage_pane -->
    return $page_html;
// ---
$user = new User();
$page = new PageRenderer(NULL, PAGE_COMMENT_MANAGEMENT, "Manage comments", "container_one_column.tpl", "header.tpl");
$page->add_header_css(PA::$theme_url . "/comment_management.css");
$page->add_module("middle", "top", render_main_page_area($user));
echo $page->render();
Esempio n. 5

$login_required = FALSE;
include "includes/page.php";
$code_esc = intval(@$_REQUEST['code']);
$msg_esc = htmlspecialchars(@$_REQUEST['msg']);
// ---
$page = new PageRenderer(NULL, NULL, "Error {$code_esc}: {$msg_esc}", "generic_error.tpl", 'header.tpl', PRI, HOMEPAGE, $network_info);
$msg_tpl =& new Template(CURRENT_THEME_FSPATH . "/error_middle.tpl");
$msg_tpl->set('code', $code_esc);
$msg_tpl->set('msg', $msg_esc);
$page->add_module("middle", "top", $msg_tpl->fetch());
$page->add_module("middle", "bottom", '<p style="text-align: center"><a href="' . htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) . '">back</a></p>');
echo $page->render();
Esempio n. 6
function exception_handler($exception)
    global $current_theme_path;
    // clean out any buffering so we can write straight to the client
    while (@ob_end_clean()) {
    try {
        while ($exception->getCode() == 100 && strpos($exception->getMessage(), "no such table") != -1) {
            // See if the database hasn't been populated.
            // (Note: we use 'while' here rather than 'if' so we can use break
            // to avoid this turning into a mess of nested blocks).
            // First, make sure we have a working database connection.
            try {
                $sth = Dal::query("SHOW TABLES");
            } catch (PAException $e) {
                // The database connection isn't working - so fall through to
                // the normal error handler.
            // Now run through the results and see if we can find a familiar
            // table.
            $found = 0;
            while ($r = $sth->fetchRow()) {
                if ($r[0] == "page_settings") {
                    $found = 1;
            if ($found) {
                // ok, the db *has* been populated - fall through
            // If we get this far, it means that the DB isn't populated, so we
            // show a message to the user (who is presumably an admin,
            // installing the system).
            global $path_prefix;

    <h1>Database not populated</h1>

    <p>Before you can run PeopleAggregator, you need to populate the database by running the script <code><?php 
            echo $path_prefix;
/db/PeepAgg.mysql</code> on your database.  You can do it in the MySQL console like this:</p>

            echo $path_prefix;
$ <b>mysql -u <i>username</i> -p</b>
Enter password: <b><i>password</i></b>

Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 63048 to server version: 4.1.14-Debian_6-log

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> <b>use paalpha</b>
Database changed
mysql> <b>source <?php 
            echo $path_prefix;

        // render an error message
        $code_esc = intval($exception->getCode());
        $msg_esc = htmlspecialchars($exception->getMessage());
        $page = new PageRenderer(NULL, NULL, "Error {$code_esc}: {$msg_esc}", "container_one_column.tpl");
        $msg_tpl =& new Template(CURRENT_THEME_FSPATH . "/error_middle.tpl");
        $msg_tpl->set('code', $code_esc);
        $msg_tpl->set('msg', $msg_esc);
        $page->add_module("middle", "top", $msg_tpl->fetch());
        $css_path = $current_theme_path . '/layout.css';
        $css_path = $current_theme_path . '/network_skin.css';
        $page->header->set('navigation_links', null);
        //setting the links to null
        echo $page->render();
        // write a copy into the log
        Logger::log("An exception occurred: code " . $exception->getCode() . ", message " . $exception->getMessage() . "\n" . $exception->getTraceAsString(), LOGGER_ERROR);
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        // If an error occurred in PageRenderer or something, present a much plainer screen with both errors:
        echo "<h1>Lots of errors occurred!</h1>\n<p>An error occurred, then the error handler crashed while trying to handle the error.  Whoops!</p>\n<p><b>Here are the details of the original error:</b></p>\n<p>" . $exception->getMessage() . "</p>\n<pre>" . $exception->getTraceAsString() . "</pre>\n<p><b>Here are the details of the second error:</b></p>\n<p>" . $e->getMessage() . "</p>\n<pre>" . $e->getTraceAsString() . "</pre>";