function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('Universal Sidebar', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'sidebar_universal';
     $settings = array('description' => 'The universal widgetized sidebar, works in most areas.', 'workswith' => array('sidebar1', 'sidebar2', 'sidebar_wrap', 'templates', 'main', 'header', 'morefoot'), 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/sidebar.png', 'version' => 'pro');
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
   function __construct( $registered_settings = array() ) {
		$name = __('Navigation', 'pagelines');
		$id = 'primary-nav';
		$default_settings = array(
			'name'			=> false,
			'id'			=> false,
			'type' 			=> 'header',
			'workswith' 	=> array('header'),
			'description' 	=> 'Primary Site Navigation.',
			'folder' 		=> 'nav', 
			'init_file' 	=> 'nav.php',
			'icon'			=> PL_ADMIN_ICONS . '/map.png'
		$settings = wp_parse_args( $registered_settings, $default_settings );
		self::$nav_dir = PL_SECTIONS.'/nav';
		self::$nav_url = SECTION_ROOT.'/nav';

		$name = ($settings['name']) ? $settings['name'] : $name;
		$id = ($settings['id']) ? $settings['id'] : $id;

		parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);    
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('Tertiary Sidebar', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'sidebar_tertiary';
     $settings = array('description' => 'A 3rd widgetized sidebar for the theme that can be used in standard sidebar templates.', 'workswith' => array('sidebar1', 'sidebar2', 'sidebar_wrap'), 'folder' => 'sidebars', 'init_file' => 'section.sb_tertiary.php', 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/sidebar.png');
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 4
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('Pagination', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'pagination';
     $settings = array('type' => 'main', 'description' => 'Pagination - A numerical post/page navigation. (Supports WP-PageNavi)', 'workswith' => array('main-single', 'main-default', 'main-posts'), 'folder' => 'wp', 'init_file' => 'pagination', 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/pagination.png');
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 5
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('Content Sharing Tool', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'sharebar';
     $settings = array('description' => 'Creates a way for users to share your content using their favorite social media or news services.', 'workswith' => array('main-single', 'main-default'), 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/feed.png');
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 6
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('Post Navigation', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'postnav';
     $settings = array('type' => 'main', 'description' => 'Post Navigation - Shows titles for next and previous post.', 'workswith' => array('main-single', 'main-default'), 'folder' => 'wp', 'init_file' => 'postnav', 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/map.png');
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 7
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('Main Content <small>(The Loop - Required)</small>', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'theloop';
     $settings = array('type' => 'main', 'description' => 'The Main Posts Loop. Includes content and post information', 'workswith' => array('main-single', 'main-default', 'main-posts'), 'folder' => 'wp', 'init_file' => 'postloop', 'required' => true, 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/document.png');
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('Secondary Sidebar', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'sidebar_secondary';
     $settings = array('description' => 'The secondary widgetized sidebar for the theme.', 'workswith' => array('sidebar1', 'sidebar2', 'sidebar_wrap'), 'folder' => 'sidebars', 'init_file' => 'section.sb_secondary.php', 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/sidebar.png');
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 9
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('MoreFoot Sidebars <small>(3-Column)</small>', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'morefoot';
     $settings = array('description' => 'Displays three widgetized sidebars that you can set up in the widgets panel.', 'workswith' => array('content'), 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/column.png', 'version' => 'pro');
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 10
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('Post Author Info', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'postauthor';
     $settings = array('description' => 'Adds information about the author of a blog post or page. Add user information under "users" in the admin.', 'workswith' => array('main-single', 'main-default'), 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/author.png');
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 11
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('Comment Form', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'pl_comments';
     $settings = array('type' => 'main', 'description' => 'This is the section that contains the comment form used on posts (and pages when specified).', 'workswith' => array('main-single', 'main-default'), 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/comment.png');
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 12
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('Site Branding', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'branding';
     $settings = array('type' => 'header', 'workswith' => array('header'), 'description' => 'Shows the main site logo or the site title and description.', 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/megaphone.png');
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 13
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('Content Area', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'maincontent';
     $settings = array('description' => 'This is the section that contains the main content for your site, including sidebars and page/post content.', 'workswith' => array('templates'), 'failswith' => array('404'), 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/document.png');
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 14
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('Footer Sidebars <small>(5-Column)</small>', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'footcols';
     $settings = array('type' => 'standard', 'description' => 'Displays a 5 column sidebar in the footer that can be setup to use widgets or theme options. Add widgets in the widgets panel to activate widget mode.', 'workswith' => array('footer'), 'folder' => '', 'init_file' => 'footcols.php', 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/column.png');
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 15
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('PageLines Carousel', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'carousel';
     $default_settings = array('description' => 'This is a javascript carousel that can show images and links from posts, FlickRSS, or NextGen Gallery.', 'workswith' => array('content', 'header', 'footer'), 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/carousel.png', 'version' => 'pro');
     $settings = wp_parse_args($registered_settings, $default_settings);
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 16
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('Soapboxes', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'soapbox';
     $default_settings = array('description' => 'Large boxes two per row; with up to three action links . <br/><small>Note: Uses a selected "box-set" for content.</small>', 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/soap.png', 'version' => 'pro', 'dependence' => 'PageLinesBoxes', 'posttype' => 'boxes');
     $settings = wp_parse_args($registered_settings, $default_settings);
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 17
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('Breadcrumb', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'breadcrumb';
     $default_settings = array('description' => 'Displays a breadcrumb navigation section', 'workswith' => array('main', 'header'), 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/ui-breadcrumb.png');
     $settings = wp_parse_args($registered_settings, $default_settings);
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 18
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('Navigation', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'primary-nav';
     $default_settings = array('type' => 'header', 'workswith' => array('header'), 'description' => 'Primary Site Navigation.', 'folder' => 'nav', 'init_file' => 'nav.php', 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/map.png');
     $settings = wp_parse_args($registered_settings, $default_settings);
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 19
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('Callout Section', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'callout';
     $default_settings = array('description' => 'Callout Section - A banner displaying a call to action or simple text.', 'workswith' => array('content'), 'folder' => '', 'init_file' => 'callout.php', 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/speaker.png');
     $settings = wp_parse_args($registered_settings, $default_settings);
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 20
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('News Banner Section', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'news';
     $default_settings = array('description' => 'News Banner - A banner displaying recent news.', 'workswith' => array('content'), 'folder' => 'wp', 'init_file' => 'news.php', 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/newspaper.png', 'version' => 'pro');
     $settings = wp_parse_args($registered_settings, $default_settings);
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 21
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('Content Sidebar', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'content_sidebar';
     $this->handle = "Content Sidebar";
     $settings = array('description' => __('Displays a widgetized sidebar inside the main content area. Set it up in the widgets panel', 'pagelines'), 'workswith' => array('main-default', 'main-posts', 'main-single', 'main-404'), 'folder' => '', 'init_file' => 'fullwidth_sidebar.php', 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/sidebar.png');
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 22
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('PageLines Boxes', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'boxes';
     $default_settings = array('description' => 'Inline boxes on your page that support images and media.  Great for feature lists, and media.', 'icon' => PL_ADMIN_ICONS . '/boxes.png');
     $settings = wp_parse_args($registered_settings, $default_settings);
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 23
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('Twitter Bar', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'twitterbar';
     $default_settings = array('type' => 'standard', 'description' => 'Displays your latest twitter post. <strong>"Twitter for WordPress" plugin is required.</strong>', 'workswith' => array('morefoot'), 'folder' => '', 'init_file' => 'twitterbar.php', 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/twitter.png', 'version' => 'pro');
     $settings = wp_parse_args($registered_settings, $default_settings);
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 24
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('Full Width Sidebar', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'fullwidth_sidebar';
     $this->handle = "Full Width Sidebar";
     $settings = array('description' => __('A widgetized full width sidebar. This sidebar will span the entire width of your website.', 'pagelines'), 'workswith' => array('templates', 'footer', 'morefoot'), 'folder' => '', 'init_file' => 'fullwidth_sidebar.php', 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/sidebar.png', 'version' => 'pro');
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 25
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('Highlight', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'highlight';
     $default_settings = array('description' => 'Adds a highlight section with a splash image, and optional header/subheader text. Set up on individual pages/posts.', 'workswith' => array('templates', 'main', 'header', 'morefoot'), 'failswith' => array('posts', '404'), 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/highlight.png', 'version' => 'pro');
     $settings = wp_parse_args($registered_settings, $default_settings);
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 26
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('Simple Footer Navigation', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'simple_footer_nav';
     $default_settings = array('description' => __('A single column footer for a simpler footer navigation', 'pagelines'), 'workswith' => array('footer'), 'description' => 'Footer Site Navigation.', 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/map.png');
     $settings = wp_parse_args($registered_settings, $default_settings);
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 27
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('PageLines Banners', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'banners';
     $default_settings = array('description' => 'Creates "banners" (image on one side text on the other). Great for product tours, portfolios, etc...', 'icon' => CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/banners.png', 'version' => 'pro', 'failswith' => array('404', 'posts'));
     $settings = wp_parse_args($registered_settings, $default_settings);
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
Esempio n. 28
 function __construct($registered_settings = array())
     $name = __('PageLines Features', 'pagelines');
     $id = 'feature';
     $this->tax_id = 'feature-sets';
     $section_root_url = $registered_settings['base_url'];
     $default_settings = array('description' => 'This is your main feature slider.  Add feature text and media through the admin panel.', 'icon' => $section_root_url . '/features.png', 'version' => 'pro');
     $settings = wp_parse_args($registered_settings, $default_settings);
     parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);
   function __construct( $registered_settings = array() ) {
		/* The name and ID of the section */
		$name = __('Base Sidebar', 'pagelines');
		$id = 'sidebar_base';
		/* Setup description, areas it works with, icon, etc...*/
		$default_settings = array(
			'description' 	=> 'A new widgetized sidebar section created by Base. It can be used in standard sidebar templates.',
			'workswith' 	=> array('sidebar1', 'sidebar2', 'sidebar_wrap', 'main'),
			'icon'			=> CORE_IMAGES . '/admin/sidebar.png'
		/* Draw section using the section API */
		$settings = wp_parse_args( $registered_settings, $default_settings );
	   	parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);    
   function __construct( $registered_settings = array() ) {
		$name = __('Posts Info', 'pagelines');
		$id = 'postsinfo';
		$default_settings = array(
			'description' 	=> 'Shows information about posts being viewed (e.g. "<em>Currently Viewing Archives from...</em>") Not shown on blog pages.',
			'workswith' 	=> array('main-posts'),
			'icon'			=> PL_ADMIN_ICONS . '/postsinfo.png'
		$settings = wp_parse_args( $registered_settings, $default_settings );
		parent::__construct($name, $id, $settings);   