} else {
    if (!pp_has_group_cap('pp_edit_groups', $agent_id, $agent_type)) {
        wp_die(__('You are not permitted to do that.', 'pp'));
    if ('wp_role' == $metagroup_type && !current_user_can('pp_administer_content')) {
        wp_die(__('You are not permitted to do that.', 'pp'));
    if (!$agent) {
        wp_die(__('Invalid group ID.', 'pp'));
if ($metagroup_type) {
    // metagroups cannot have name/description manually edited
    $agent->name = PP_GroupRetrieval::get_metagroup_name($metagroup_type, $agent->metagroup_id, $agent->name);
    $agent->group_description = PP_GroupRetrieval::get_metagroup_descript($metagroup_type, $agent->metagroup_id, $agent->group_description);
$url = apply_filters('pp_groups_base_url', 'admin.php');
if (isset($_REQUEST['wp_http_referer'])) {
    $wp_http_referer = $_REQUEST['wp_http_referer'];
} elseif (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && !strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], 'page=pp-group-new')) {
    $wp_http_referer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'];
} else {
    $wp_http_referer = '';
$wp_http_referer = remove_query_arg(array('update', 'delete_count'), stripslashes($wp_http_referer));
// contextual help - choose Help on the top right of admin panel to preview this.
    '<p>' . __('Your profile contains information about you (your &#8220;account&#8221;) as well as some personal options related to using WordPress.') . '</p>' .
    '<p>' . __('Required fields are indicated; the rest are optional. Profile information will only be displayed if your theme is set up to do so.') . '</p>' .
  * Generate HTML for a single row on the PP Role Groups admin panel.
  * @param object $user_object
  * @param string $style Optional. Attributes added to the TR element.  Must be sanitized.
  * @param int $num_users Optional. User count to display for this group.
  * @return string
 function single_row($group_object, $style = '')
     //$group_object = sanitize_user_object( $group_object, 'display' );
     global $pp_admin;
     static $base_url;
     static $members_cap;
     static $is_administrator;
     if (!isset($base_url)) {
         $base_url = apply_filters('pp_groups_base_url', 'admin.php');
         // @todo: filter based on menu usage
         $is_administrator = pp_is_user_administrator();
     if ( ! $is_administrator ) {
     	$members_cap = apply_filters( 'pp_edit_groups_reqd_caps', array('pp_manage_members'), 'edit-members' );
     $group_id = $group_object->ID;
     if ($group_object->metagroup_id) {
         if ('rvy_notice' == $group_object->metagroup_type && !defined('RVY_VERSION')) {
         require_once PPC_ABSPATH . '/groups-retrieval_pp.php';
         $group_object->group_name = PP_GroupRetrieval::get_metagroup_name($group_object->metagroup_type, $group_object->metagroup_id, $group_object->group_name);
         $group_object->group_description = PP_GroupRetrieval::get_metagroup_descript($group_object->metagroup_type, $group_object->metagroup_id, $group_object->group_description);
     $group_object->group_name = stripslashes($group_object->group_name);
     $group_object->group_description = stripslashes($group_object->group_description);
     // Set up the hover actions for this user
     $actions = array();
     $checkbox = '';
     $can_manage_group = $is_administrator || pp_has_group_cap('pp_edit_groups', $group_id, $this->agent_type);
     $agent_type_clause = $this->agent_type && 'pp_group' != $this->agent_type ? "&amp;agent_type={$this->agent_type}" : '';
     // Check if the group for this row is editable
     if ($can_manage_group) {
         $edit_link = $base_url . "?page=pp-edit-permissions&amp;action=edit{$agent_type_clause}&amp;agent_id={$group_id}";
         $edit = "<strong><a href=\"{$edit_link}\">{$group_object->group_name}</a></strong><br />";
         $actions['edit'] = '<a href="' . $edit_link . '">' . __ppw('Edit') . '</a>';
     } else {
         $edit_link = '';
         $edit = '<strong>' . $group_object->group_name . '</strong>';
     $can_delete_group = $is_administrator || current_user_can('pp_delete_groups', $group_id);
     if ($can_delete_group && !$group_object->metagroup_id) {
         $actions['delete'] = "<a class='submitdelete' href='" . wp_nonce_url($base_url . "?page=pp-groups&amp;pp_action=delete{$agent_type_clause}&amp;group={$group_id}", 'bulk-groups') . "'>" . __('Delete') . "</a>";
     $actions = apply_filters('pp_group_row_actions', $actions, $group_object);
     $edit .= $this->row_actions($actions);
     // Set up the checkbox ( because the group or group members are editable, otherwise it's empty )
     if ($actions && !$group_object->metagroup_id) {
         $checkbox = "<input type='checkbox' name='groups[]' id='group_{$group_id}' value='{$group_id}' />";
     } else {
         $checkbox = '';
     //$avatar = get_avatar( $user_object->ID, 32 );
     $r = "<tr id='group-{$group_id}'{$style}>";
     list($columns, $hidden) = $this->get_column_info();
     foreach ($columns as $column_name => $column_display_name) {
         $class = "class=\"{$column_name} column-{$column_name}\"";
         $style = '';
         if (in_array($column_name, $hidden)) {
             $style = ' style="display:none;"';
         $attributes = "{$class}{$style}";
         switch ($column_name) {
             case 'cb':
                 $r .= "<th scope='row' class='check-column'>{$checkbox}</th>";
             case 'ID':
                 $r .= "<td {$attributes}>{$group_id}</td>";
             case 'group_name':
                 $r .= "<td {$attributes}>{$edit}</td>";
             case 'num_users':
                 if ('wp_role' == $group_object->metagroup_type) {
                     $num_users = pp_count_role_users($group_object->metagroup_id);
                 } else {
                     $num_users = pp_get_group_members($group_id, $this->agent_type, 'count');
                 $attributes = 'class="posts column-num_users num"' . $style;
                 $r .= "<td {$attributes}>";
                 if ( $members_link )
                 	$r .= "<a href='$members_link'>$num_users</a>";
                 if ('wp_role' == $group_object->metagroup_type) {
                     if (in_array($group_object->metagroup_id, array('wp_anon', 'wp_all', 'wp_auth'))) {
                         $r .= '';
                     } else {
                         $user_url = admin_url("users.php?role={$group_object->metagroup_id}");
                         $r .= "<a href='{$user_url}'>{$num_users}</a>";
                 } else {
                     $r .= $num_users;
                 $r .= "</td>";
             case 'roles':
             case 'exceptions':
                 $r .= $this->single_row_role_column($column_name, $group_id, $can_manage_group, $edit_link, $attributes);
             case 'description':
                 $r .= "<td {$attributes}>{$group_object->group_description}</td>";
                 $r .= "<td {$attributes}>";
                 $r .= apply_filters('pp_manage_pp_groups_custom_column', '', $column_name, $group_id);
                 $r .= "</td>";
     $r .= '</tr>';
     return $r;
    function draw_row($agent_type, $agent_id, $agent_exceptions, $inclusions_active, $agent_info, $args = array())
        global $wp_roles;
        $defaults = array('reqd_caps' => false, 'hierarchical' => false, 'for_item_type' => '', 'op' => '', 'default_select' => false);
        $args = array_merge($defaults, $args);
        extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
        $assignment_modes = array('item');
        if ($hierarchical) {
            $assignment_modes[] = 'children';
        $this->opt_class[''] = '';
        $disabled = '';
        if ('wp_role' == $agent_type) {
            // also credit sitewide caps attached via supplemental role assignment to WP Role metagroup
            static $metagroup_caps;
            if (!isset($metagroup_caps)) {
                $metagroup_caps = array();
                global $wpdb, $pp;
                $results = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT g.metagroup_id AS wp_rolename, r.role_name AS supplemental_role FROM {$wpdb->ppc_roles} AS r INNER JOIN {$wpdb->pp_groups} AS g ON g.ID = r.agent_id AND r.agent_type = 'pp_group' WHERE g.metagroup_type = 'wp_role'");
                foreach ($results as $row) {
                    $role_specs = explode(':', $row->supplemental_role);
                    if (!empty($role_specs[2]) && $for_item_type != $role_specs[2]) {
                    if (!isset($metagroup_caps[$row->wp_rolename])) {
                        $metagroup_caps[$row->wp_rolename] = array();
                    $metagroup_caps[$row->wp_rolename] = array_merge($metagroup_caps[$row->wp_rolename], array_fill_keys($pp->get_role_caps($row->supplemental_role), true));
            $role_obj_caps = empty($wp_roles->role_objects[$agent_info->metagroup_id]->capabilities) ? array() : $wp_roles->role_objects[$agent_info->metagroup_id]->capabilities;
            $role_caps = isset($wp_roles->role_objects[$agent_info->metagroup_id]) ? array_intersect($role_obj_caps, array(true, 1, '1')) : array('read' => true, 'spectate' => true);
            if (isset($metagroup_caps[$agent_info->metagroup_id])) {
                $role_caps = array_merge($role_caps, $metagroup_caps[$agent_info->metagroup_id]);
            $is_unfiltered = !empty($role_caps['pp_administer_content']) || !empty($role_caps['pp_unfiltered']);
            if ($is_unfiltered) {
                $disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
            if ($reqd_caps) {
                if (!array_diff($reqd_caps, array_keys($role_caps)) || $is_unfiltered) {
                    $this->opt_class[''] = " class='pp-yes' ";
                    $this->options['standard'][''] = $this->opt_labels['default_yes'];
                } else {
                    $this->opt_class[''] = " class='pp-no' ";
                    $this->options['standard'][''] = $this->opt_labels['default_no'];
        } else {
            $this->options['standard'][''] = in_array($agent_type, array('wp_role', 'user')) ? $this->opt_labels['default'] : $this->opt_labels['no_setting'];
        $_inclusions_active = isset($inclusions_active[$for_item_type][$op][$agent_type][$agent_id]);
        if ('wp_role' == $agent_type) {
            require_once PPC_ABSPATH . '/groups-retrieval_pp.php';
            $title = " title='" . PP_GroupRetrieval::get_metagroup_descript('wp_role', $agent_info->metagroup_id, '') . "'";
        } elseif ('user' == $agent_type && !empty($agent_info->display_name) && $agent_info->display_name != $agent_info->name) {
            $title = " title='{$agent_info->display_name}'";
        } else {
            $title = '';
        $_name = 'user' == $agent_type && defined('PP_USER_RESULTS_DISPLAY_NAME') ? $agent_info->display_name : $agent_info->name;
<tr><td class='pp-exc-agent'><input type='hidden' value='<?php 
        echo $agent_id;
' /><a href='<?php 
        echo "{$this->base_url}{$agent_id}";
        echo $title;
        echo $_name;
        foreach ($assignment_modes as $assign_for) {
            if (!empty($agent_exceptions[$assign_for]['additional'])) {
                $current_val = 2;
            } elseif (isset($agent_exceptions[$assign_for]['include'])) {
                $current_val = 1;
            } else {
                if ($default_select) {
                    $current_val = $_inclusions_active ? '1' : '2';
                } else {
                    $current_val = isset($agent_exceptions[$assign_for]['exclude']) ? 0 : '';
            if ($_inclusions_active) {
                $option_set = 'includes';
                $this->opt_class[''] = " class='pp-no' ";
            } else {
                $option_set = 'standard';
                if (!$this->opt_class['']) {
                    $this->opt_class[''] = " class='pp-def' ";
            $disabled = $disabled || 'children' == $assign_for && apply_filters('pp_assign_for_children_locked', false, $for_item_type, array('operation' => $op)) ? ' disabled="disabled" ' : '';
            $for_type = $for_item_type ? $for_item_type : '(all)';
<td class="<?php 
            echo 'children' == $assign_for ? 'pp-exc-children' : 'pp-exc-item';
"><select name='pp_exceptions<?php 
            echo "[{$for_type}][{$op}][{$agent_type}][{$assign_for}][{$agent_id}]'{$this->opt_class[$current_val]}";
            echo $disabled;
            foreach ($this->options[$option_set] as $val => $lbl) {
                if ('wp_role' == $agent_type && in_array($agent_info->metagroup_id, array('wp_anon', 'wp_all')) && !defined('PP_ALL_ANON_FULL_EXCEPTIONS') && 2 == $val) {
<option value='<?php 
                echo "{$val}'{$this->opt_class[$val]}";
                selected($val, $current_val);
                echo $lbl;
            if ($disabled) {
<input type="hidden" name='pp_exceptions<?php 
                echo "[{$for_type}][{$op}][{$agent_type}][{$assign_for}][{$agent_id}]";
' value="<?php 
                echo $current_val;
" />

Esempio n. 4
 public static function display($agents_subset, $agent_type, $all_agents, $name_attrib, $item_assignments, $args)
     $defaults = array('eligible_ids' => array(), 'locked_ids' => array(), 'add_group_link' => true, 'show_subset_caption' => true, 'hide_checkboxes' => false);
     $args = array_merge($defaults, (array) $args);
     extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
     $caption_length_limit = defined('PP_AGENTS_CAPTION_LIMIT') ? PP_AGENTS_CAPTION_LIMIT : 20;
     $emsize_threshold = defined('PP_AGENTS_EMSIZE_THRESHOLD') ? PP_AGENTS_EMSIZE_THRESHOLD : 4;
     static $exec_count = 0;
     // support abbreviated checkbox id for label association
     if ('eligible' == $agents_subset) {
         $caption = __('eligible (%d):', 'pp');
         $item_assignments = array_intersect_key($item_assignments, $all_agents);
         if (!($agent_count = count($all_agents) - count($item_assignments))) {
     } else {
         $caption = __('current (%d):', 'pp');
         $agent_count = count($item_assignments);
     echo "<div>";
     echo "<ul class='pp-list_horiz'><li>";
     if ($show_subset_caption) {
         printf("<div class='pp-agents_caption'><strong>{$caption}</strong></div>", $agent_count);
     echo '</li>';
     echo '</ul>';
     // -------- construct captions and determine required list item width -----------
     $captions = $full_captions = $draw_agents = array();
     global $wp_locale;
     $rtl = isset($wp_locale) && 'rtl' == $wp_locale->text_direction;
     $longest_caption_length = 10;
     foreach ($all_agents as $agent) {
         $id = $agent->ID;
         $skip = false;
         switch ($agents_subset) {
             case 'current':
                 if (!isset($item_assignments[$id])) {
                     $skip = true;
                 if (isset($item_assignments[$id])) {
                     $skip = true;
                 if ($eligible_ids && !in_array($id, $eligible_ids)) {
                     $skip = true;
         if ($skip) {
         if ('pp_group' == $agent_type && $agent->metagroup_id) {
             $caption = PP_GroupRetrieval::get_metagroup_name($agent->metagroup_type, $agent->metagroup_id, $agent->name);
         } else {
             $caption = $agent->name;
         if (strlen($caption) > $caption_length_limit) {
             $full_captions[$id] = $caption;
             if ($rtl) {
                 $caption = '...' . substr($caption, strlen($caption) - $caption_length_limit);
             } else {
                 $caption = substr($caption, 0, $caption_length_limit) . '...';
         if (strlen($caption) > $longest_caption_length) {
             $longest_caption_length = strlen($caption) >= $caption_length_limit ? $caption_length_limit + 2 : strlen($caption);
         $captions[$id] = $caption;
     //-------- end caption construction --------------
     if ($agent_count > $emsize_threshold) {
         $ems_per_character = defined('PP_UI_EMS_PER_CHARACTER') ? PP_UI_EMS_PER_CHARACTER : 0.85;
         $list_width_ems = $ems_per_character * $longest_caption_length;
         $ul_class = 'pp-agents-list_' . intval($list_width_ems);
         echo "<div id='div_{$agents_subset}_{$name_attrib}' class='pp-{$agent_type} pp-{$agents_subset}'>" . "<div class='pp-agents_emsized'>" . "<ul class='pp-agents-list {$ul_class}' id='list_{$agents_subset}_{$name_attrib}'>";
     } else {
         $ul_class = "pp-agents-list_auto";
         echo "<div class='pp-{$agent_type}'>" . "<ul class='pp-agents-list {$ul_class}' id='list_{$agents_subset}_{$name_attrib}'>";
     if (pp_group_type_editable($agent_type)) {
         $edit_link_base = apply_filters('pp_groups_base_url', 'admin.php') . "?page=pp-edit-permissions&amp;action=edit&amp;agent_type={$agent_type}&amp;agent_id=";
         $edit_title_text = __('view / edit group', 'pp');
         $edit_caption = __ppw('edit', 'pp');
     } else {
         $edit_link_base = '';
     foreach ($all_agents as $agent) {
         $id = $agent->ID;
         if (!empty($agent->metagroup_id)) {
             $display_name = isset($agent->display_name) ? $agent->display_name : '';
             $li_title = "title='" . PP_GroupRetrieval::get_metagroup_descript($agent->metagroup_type, $agent->metagroup_id, $display_name) . "'";
         } elseif (isset($full_captions[$id])) {
             $li_title = "title='{$full_captions[$id]}'";
         } else {
             $li_title = "title='{$captions[$id]}'";
         $checked = isset($item_assignments[$id]) ? ' checked="checked"' : '';
         $disabled = $locked_ids && in_array($id, $locked_ids) ? " disabled='disabled'" : '';
         echo "<li {$li_title}>";
         if ($hide_checkboxes) {
             echo '&bull; ';
         } else {
             echo "<input type='checkbox' name='{$name_attrib}[]'{$disabled}{$checked} value='{$id}' id='r{$exec_count}_{$id}' />";
         echo "<label for='r{$exec_count}_{$id}'>";
         echo ' ' . $captions[$id];
         echo '</label>';
         if ($edit_link_base && pp_has_group_cap('pp_edit_groups', $id, $agent_type)) {
             echo ' <a href=" ' . $edit_link_base . $id . '" style="display:none" target="_blank" title="' . $edit_title_text . '">' . $edit_caption . '</a>';
         echo '</li>';
     //foreach agent
     echo "<li></li></ul>";
     // prevent invalid markup if no other li's
     if ($agent_count > $emsize_threshold) {
         echo '</div>';
     echo '</div></div>';