Esempio n. 1
    $metaDescription = $faqconfig->get('main.metaDescription');
// found a solution ID?
$solution_id = PMF_Filter::filterInput(INPUT_GET, 'solution_id', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
if (!is_null($solution_id)) {
    $title = ' -  powered by phpMyFAQ ' . $faqconfig->get('main.currentVersion');
    $keywords = '';
    $faqData = $faq->getIdFromSolutionId($solution_id);
    if (is_array($faqData)) {
        $id = $faqData['id'];
        $lang = $faqData['lang'];
        $title = ' - ' . $faq->getRecordTitle($id);
        $keywords = ',' . $faq->getRecordKeywords($id);
        $metaDescription = PMF_Utils::makeShorterText(strip_tags($faqData['content']), 12);
// Handle the Tagging ID
$tag_id = PMF_Filter::filterInput(INPUT_GET, 'tagging_id', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
if (!is_null($tag_id)) {
    $title = ' - ' . $oTag->getTagNameById($tag_id);
    $keywords = '';
// Handle the SiteMap
$letter = PMF_Filter::filterInput(INPUT_GET, 'letter', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRIPPED);
if (!is_null($letter) && 1 == PMF_String::strlen($letter)) {
Esempio n. 2
        <td><a href="../index.php?action=artikel&amp;cat=<?php 
        print $data['category_id'];
        print $data['id'];
        print $data['lang'];
" title="<?php 
        print PMF_String::htmlspecialchars(trim($data['question']), ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8');
        print PMF_Utils::makeShorterText(PMF_htmlentities(trim($data['question']), ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'), 14);
        print $data['usr'];
        <td style="width: 50px;"><img src="<?php 
        print $data['num'];
" border="0" alt="<?php 
        print round($data['num'] * 20);
 %" width="50" height="15" title="<?php 
        print round($data['num'] * 20);
Esempio n. 3
// Handle actions
switch ($action) {
    case 'getVersion':
        $result = array('version' => $faqconfig->get('main.currentVersion'));
    case 'getApiVersion':
        $result = array('apiVersion' => (int) $faqconfig->get('main.currentApiVersion'));
    case 'search':
        $search = new PMF_Search($db, $Language);
        $searchString = PMF_Filter::filterInput(INPUT_GET, 'q', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRIPPED);
        $result = $search->search($searchString, false);
        $url = $faqconfig->get('main.referenceURL') . '/index.php?action=artikel&cat=%d&id=%d&artlang=%s';
        foreach ($result as &$data) {
            $data->answer = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($data->answer), ENT_COMPAT, 'utf-8');
            $data->answer = PMF_Utils::makeShorterText($data->answer, 12);
            $data->link = sprintf($url, $data->category_id, $data->id, $data->lang);
    case 'getCategories':
        $category = new PMF_Category($current_user, $current_groups, true);
        $result = $category->categories;
    case 'getFaqs':
        $faq = new PMF_Faq($current_user, $current_groups);
        $result = $faq->getAllRecordPerCategory($categoryId);
    case 'getFaq':
        $faq = new PMF_Faq($current_user, $current_groups);
        $result = $faq->faqRecord;
 $_records = $faq->faqRecords;
 $tot = count($_records);
 $end = microtime(true);
 $output .= ' #' . $tot . ', done in ' . round($end - $start, 4) . ' sec.' . ($isRequestedByWebLocalhost ? '' : "\n");
 $output .= $isRequestedByWebLocalhost ? '' : "\n";
 if ($isRequestedByWebLocalhost) {
     echo '<pre>';
 $output = $output . "\n";
 echo $output;
 $i = 0;
 foreach ($_records as $_r) {
     $output = '';
     $output .= sprintf('%0' . strlen((string) $tot) . 'd', $i) . '/' . $tot . '. Checking ' . $_r['solution_id'] . ' (' . PMF_Utils::makeShorterText(strip_tags($_r['title']), 8) . '):';
     $start = microtime(true);
     if ($oLnk->getEntryState($_r['id'], $_r['lang'], true) === true) {
         $output .= $oLnk->verifyArticleURL($_r['content'], $_r['id'], $_r['lang'], true);
     $end = microtime(true);
     $output .= ' done in ' . round($end - $start, 4) . ' sec.';
     $output .= $isRequestedByWebLocalhost ? '' : "\n";
     if ($isRequestedByWebLocalhost) {
         $output = $output . "\n";
     echo $output;
 $output = '';
 $totEnd = microtime(true);
 $output .= $isRequestedByWebLocalhost ? '' : "\n";
$rss->writeElement('title', $faqConfig->get('main.titleFAQ') . ' - ' . $PMF_LANG['msgOpenQuestions']);
$rss->writeElement('description', html_entity_decode($faqConfig->get('main.metaDescription')));
$rss->writeElement('link', $faqConfig->get('main.referenceURL'));
$rss->startElementNS('atom', 'link', '');
$rss->writeAttribute('rel', 'self');
$rss->writeAttribute('type', 'application/rss+xml');
$rss->writeAttribute('href', $faqConfig->get('main.referenceURL') . 'feed/openquestions/rss.php');
if ($num > 0) {
    $counter = 0;
    foreach ($rssData as $item) {
        if ($counter < PMF_RSS_OPENQUESTIONS_MAX) {
            $rss->writeElement('title', PMF_Utils::makeShorterText(html_entity_decode($item['question'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), 8) . " (" . $item['username'] . ")");
            $rss->writeElement('link', (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 's' : '') . "://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . str_replace("feed/openquestions/rss.php", "index.php", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . "?action=open#openq_" . $item['id']);
            $rss->writeElement('guid', (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 's' : '') . "://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . str_replace("feed/openquestions/rss.php", "index.php", $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) . "?action=open#openq_" . $item['id']);
            $rss->writeElement('pubDate', PMF_Date::createRFC822Date($item['created'], true));
$rssData = $rss->outputMemory();
$headers = array('Content-Type: application/rss+xml', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($rssData));
$http = new PMF_Helper_Http();
  * Prepares and returns the sticky records for the frontend
  * @return array
 public function getStickyRecords()
     $result = $this->getStickyRecordsData();
     $output = array();
     if (count($result) > 0) {
         foreach ($result as $row) {
             $output[] = array('title' => PMF_Utils::makeShorterText($row['thema'], 8), 'url' => $row['url']);
     } else {
         $output['error'] = sprintf('<li>%s</li>', $this->pmf_lang['err_noTopTen']);
     if (!isset($output['error'])) {
         $html = '';
         foreach ($output as $entry) {
             $html .= sprintf('<li><a href="%s">%s</a></li>', $entry['url'], $entry['title']);
         $output['html'] = $html;
     return $output;
Esempio n. 7
    $metaDescription = $faqConfig->get('main.metaDescription');
// found a solution ID?
$solutionId = PMF_Filter::filterInput(INPUT_GET, 'solution_id', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
if (!is_null($solutionId)) {
    $title = ' -  powered by phpMyFAQ ' . $faqConfig->get('main.currentVersion');
    $keywords = '';
    $faqData = $faq->getIdFromSolutionId($solutionId);
    if (is_array($faqData)) {
        $id = $faqData['id'];
        $lang = $faqData['lang'];
        $title = ' - ' . $faq->getRecordTitle($id);
        $keywords = ',' . $faq->getRecordKeywords($id);
        $metaDescription = str_replace('"', '', PMF_Utils::makeShorterText(strip_tags($faqData['content']), 12));
// Handle the Tagging ID
$tag_id = PMF_Filter::filterInput(INPUT_GET, 'tagging_id', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
if (!is_null($tag_id)) {
    $title = ' - ' . $oTag->getTagNameById($tag_id);
    $keywords = '';
// Handle the SiteMap
$letter = PMF_Filter::filterInput(INPUT_GET, 'letter', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRIPPED);
if (!is_null($letter) && 1 == PMF_String::strlen($letter)) {
Esempio n. 8
  * The header of the PDF file
  * @return void
 public function Header()
     $title = $this->category->name . ': ' . $this->question;
     $currentTextColor = $this->TextColor;
     $this->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
     $this->SetFont('arialunicid0', 'B', 18);
     $this->MultiCell(0, 9, $title, 0, 'C', 0);
     if ($this->enableBookmarks) {
         $this->Bookmark(PMF_Utils::makeShorterText($this->question, 5));
     $this->TextColor = $currentTextColor;
     $this->SetMargins(PDF_MARGIN_LEFT, $this->getLastH() + 5, PDF_MARGIN_RIGHT);
Esempio n. 9
$rss->writeElement('link', PMF_Link::getSystemUri('/feed/topten/rss.php'));
if ($num > 0) {
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($rssData as $item) {
        // Get the url
        $link = str_replace($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'], '/index.php', $item['url']);
        if (PMF_RSS_USE_SEO) {
            if (isset($item['thema'])) {
                $oLink = new PMF_Link($link);
                $oLink->itemTitle = html_entity_decode($item['thema'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
                $link = html_entity_decode($oLink->toString(), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
        $rss->writeElement('title', PMF_Utils::makeShorterText(html_entity_decode($item['thema'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), 8) . " (" . $item['visits'] . " " . $PMF_LANG['msgViews'] . ")");
        $rss->writeCdata("[" . $i . ".] " . $item['thema'] . " (" . $item['visits'] . " " . $PMF_LANG['msgViews'] . ")");
        $rss->writeElement('link', PMF_Link::getSystemUri('/feed/topten/rss.php') . $link);
        $rss->writeElement('pubDate', PMF_Date::createRFC822Date($item['last_visit'], false));
$rssData = $rss->outputMemory();
header('Content-Type: application/rss+xml');
header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($rssData));
print $rssData;
Esempio n. 10
        <td><a href="../index.php?action=artikel&amp;cat=<?php 
        print $data['category_id'];
        print $data['id'];
        print $data['lang'];
" title="<?php 
        print PMF_String::htmlspecialchars(trim($data['question']), ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8');
        print PMF_Utils::makeShorterText(PMF_String::htmlspecialchars(trim($data['question']), ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8'), 14);
        print $data['usr'];
        <td style="width: 50px;"><img src="<?php 
        print $data['num'];
" border="0" alt="<?php 
        print round($data['num'] * 20);
 %" width="50" height="15" title="<?php 
        print round($data['num'] * 20);
Esempio n. 11
$rss->startDocument('1.0', 'utf-8');
$rss->writeAttribute('version', '2.0');
$rss->writeElement('title', $faqconfig->get('main.titleFAQ') . ' - ' . $PMF_LANG['msgOpenQuestions']);
$rss->writeElement('description', html_entity_decode($faqconfig->get('main.metaDescription')));
$rss->writeElement('link', PMF_Link::getSystemUri('/feed/openquestions/rss.php'));
if ($num > 0) {
    $counter = 0;
    foreach ($rssData as $item) {
        if ($counter < PMF_RSS_OPENQUESTIONS_MAX) {
            $rss->writeElement('title', PMF_Utils::makeShorterText(html_entity_decode($item->question), 8) . " (" . $item->username . ")");
            $rss->writeElement('link', (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 's' : '') . "://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . str_replace("feed/openquestions/rss.php", "index.php", $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) . "?action=open#openq_" . $item->id);
            $rss->writeElement('pubDate', PMF_Date::createRFC822Date($item->date, true));
$rssData = $rss->outputMemory();
header('Content-Type: application/rss+xml');
header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($rssData));
print $rssData;
Esempio n. 12
$rss = new XMLWriter();
$rss->startDocument('1.0', $PMF_LANG['metaCharset']);
$rss->writeAttribute('version', '2.0');
$rss->writeElement('title', utf8_encode($PMF_CONF['main.titleFAQ']) . ' - ' . utf8_encode($PMF_LANG['msgOpenQuestions']));
$rss->writeElement('description', utf8_encode($PMF_CONF['main.metaDescription']));
$rss->writeElement('link', PMF_Link::getSystemUri('/feed/openquestions/rss.php'));
if ($num > 0) {
    $counter = 0;
    foreach ($rssData as $item) {
        if ($counter < PMF_RSS_OPENQUESTIONS_MAX) {
            $rss->writeElement('title', utf8_encode(PMF_Utils::makeShorterText($item['question'], 8) . " (" . $item['user'] . ")"));
            $rss->writeElement('link', utf8_encode((isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 's' : '') . "://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . str_replace("feed/openquestions/rss.php", "index.php", $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]) . "?action=open#openq_" . $item['id']));
            $rss->writeElement('pubDate', PMF_Date::createRFC822Date($item['date'], false));
$rssData = $rss->outputMemory();
header('Content-Type: application/rss+xml');
header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($rssData));
print $rssData;
Esempio n. 13
$rss->writeElement('link', PMF_Link::getSystemUri('/feed/topten/rss.php'));
if ($num > 0) {
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($rssData as $item) {
        // Get the url
        $link = str_replace($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '/index.php', $item['url']);
        if (PMF_RSS_USE_SEO) {
            if (isset($item['thema'])) {
                $oL = new PMF_Link($link);
                $oL->itemTitle = $item['thema'];
                $link = $oL->toString();
        $rss->writeElement('title', utf8_encode(PMF_Utils::makeShorterText($item['thema'], 8) . " (" . $item['visits'] . " " . $PMF_LANG['msgViews'] . ")"));
        $rss->writeCdata(utf8_encode("[" . $i . ".] " . $item['thema'] . " (" . $item['visits'] . " " . $PMF_LANG['msgViews'] . ")"));
        $rss->writeElement('link', utf8_encode(PMF_Link::getSystemUri('/feed/topten/rss.php') . $link));
        $rss->writeElement('pubDate', PMF_Date::createRFC822Date($item['last_visit'], false));
$rssData = $rss->outputMemory();
header('Content-Type: application/rss+xml');
header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($rssData));
print $rssData;
Esempio n. 14
  * Prepares and returns the sticky records for the frontend
  * @return array
 public function getStickyRecords()
     $result = $this->getStickyRecordsData();
     $output = array();
     if (count($result) > 0) {
         foreach ($result as $row) {
             $shortTitle = PMF_Utils::makeShorterText($row['thema'], 8);
             $output['title'][] = $shortTitle;
             $output['url'][] = $row['url'];
     } else {
         $output['error'] = $this->pmf_lang['err_noTopTen'];
     return $output;
Esempio n. 15
  * The header of the PDF file
  * @return void
 public function Header()
     $title = $this->categories[$this->category]['name'] . ': ' . $this->thema;
     $currentTextColor = $this->TextColor;
     $this->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
     $this->SetFont('dejavusans', 'B', 18);
     $this->MultiCell(0, 9, $title, 0, 'C', 0);
     if ($this->enableBookmarks) {
         $this->Bookmark(PMF_Utils::makeShorterText($this->thema, 5));
     $this->TextColor = $currentTextColor;
     $this->SetMargins(PDF_MARGIN_LEFT, $this->getLastH() + 5, PDF_MARGIN_RIGHT);
Esempio n. 16
                     onselect : function(value) {
                         var elements = value.split('_');
                         var faqLink  = '<a class="intfaqlink" href="index.php?action=artikel&amp;cat=' + elements[0] + 
                                        '&amp;id=' + elements[1] + 
                                        '&amp;artlang=' + elements[2] + 
                                        '">' + elements[3] + '</a>';
                         tinyMCE.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, faqLink);
            foreach ($faq->faqRecords as $record) {
                $_title = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\r\n"), '', '(' . $record['id'] . ') ' . $record['title']);
                printf("flb.add('%s', '%d_%d_%s_%s');\n", str_replace("'", "`", PMF_Utils::makeShorterText($_title, 8)), $record['category_id'], $record['id'], $record['lang'], str_replace("'", "`", $record['title']));

                return flb;

        return null;

// Register plugin with a short name
tinymce.PluginManager.add('internalfaqlinkbox', tinymce.plugins.internalFaqLinkPlugin);

Esempio n. 17
        echo $data['lang'];
                            <a href="<?php 
        echo $url;
" title="<?php 
        echo $question;
        echo PMF_Utils::makeShorterText($question, 14);
        echo $data['usr'];
        if (round($data['num'] * 20) > 75) {
            $progressBar = 'success';
        } elseif (round($data['num'] * 20) < 25) {
            $progressBar = 'danger';
        } else {
            $progressBar = 'info';
Esempio n. 18
        <td class="list"><a href="../index.php?action=artikel&amp;cat=<?php 
        print $data['category_id'];
        print $data['id'];
        print $data['lang'];
" title="<?php 
        print PMF_String::htmlspecialchars(trim($data['question']), ENT_QUOTES, $PMF_LANG['metaCharset']);
        print PMF_Utils::makeShorterText(PMF_htmlentities(trim($data['question']), ENT_QUOTES, $PMF_LANG['metaCharset']), 14);
        <td class="list"><?php 
        print $data['usr'];
        <td class="list" style="background-color: #d3d3d3;"><img src="<?php 
        print $data['num'];
" border="0" alt="<?php 
        print round($data['num'] * 20);
 %" width="50" height="15" title="<?php 
        print round($data['num'] * 20);