Esempio n. 1
  * Provides the data for the "all at once" model check
  * @return array
 public static function providerXMIGlobal()
     $data = array();
     $uml = self::getPhpUmlObject();
     $e = new PHP_UML_Output_Xmi_Exporter();
     // We are saving what was generated (for later manual check, if needed)
     // Then let's compare the content of global1.xmi, with the
     // XMI code we have just generated
     $data[] = array(file_get_contents(self::SUITE_DIR . self::PROVIDERS_DIR . 'global1.xmi'), $e->getXmiDocument()->dump(), 'XMI version 1');
     // Same with XMI version 2:
     $data[] = array(file_get_contents(self::SUITE_DIR . self::PROVIDERS_DIR . 'global2.xmi'), $e->getXmiDocument()->dump(), 'XMI version 2');
     return $data;
Esempio n. 2
// We want the parser to look into the class/file comments
$t->setInput('test1.php.txt, test2.php.txt');
// We want only "test1.php.txt" and "test2.php.txt"
// The files are parsed, and a UML model named "testModel" is built
// we retrieve an XMI implementation of an Exporter object, and set the model:
$e = new PHP_UML_Output_Xmi_Exporter();
// we set the XMI version (2.1 being the default if not set)
// we set the encoding (iso-8859-1 being the default if not set):
// and we export XMI to a file:
// we can also print the serialized XMI by retrieving an XmiDocument from the exporter object:
echo htmlentities($e->getXmiDocument()->dump());
 * Example 3 : Example with a whole directory of PHP files to parse. We just want to
 * generate the API documentation in HTML.
$t = new PHP_UML();
$t->setMatchPatterns(array('*.php', '*.txt'));
// We want to parse every file with an extension "php" or "txt"
// We want all directories to be scanned, except the ".svn"
// ... in the current directory
// Starts parsing
$t->export('htmlnew', 'doc/');
// And the HTML API is exported into the folder "doc/"
Esempio n. 3
  * Generates output data by applying a transformation on the XMI stored in the
  * property $xmi
  * @param string $outputDir Output folder
  * @return DOMDocument A DOM document containing the result of the XSLT
 public function export($outputDir)
     $xslFile = $this->getXslFilepath();
     if (empty($this->xmiDocument)) {
         $temp = new PHP_UML_Output_Xmi_Exporter();
          * Component views and deployment views don't mean anything
          * for output formats other than XMI. Yet, since ExporterXSL is
          * a subclass of ExportXMI, we must force these options to
          * false, otherwise they will appear in the output produced by 
          * the XSL transformation:
         $this->xmiDocument = $temp->getXmiDocument();
     if (file_exists($xslFile)) {
         return $this->exportFromXml($outputDir, $xslFile, $this->xmiDocument->dump());
     } else {
         throw new PHP_UML_Exception('Could not find the XSL template file. It must be named ' . self::STARTING_TPL . ', under Format/YourTemplate/');