Esempio n. 1
  * Execute the PhpCompatibility plugin
 protected function _execute()
     $options = array('recursive' => true, 'report' => 'summary');
     $min = 0;
     $minReadable = 0;
     $max = INF;
     $maxReadable = 'latest';
     try {
         $phpci = new \PHP_CompatInfo($options);
         $allResultsAtOnce = $phpci->toArray();
         foreach ($phpci->toArray() as $file => $result) {
             if ($file == 'versions') {
                 $currentMin = $this->_getVersionInt($result[0]);
                 $currentMax = $this->_getVersionInt($result[1]);
                 if (false == is_null($currentMin) && $min < $currentMin) {
                     $min = $currentMin;
                     $minReadable = $result[0];
                 if (false == is_null($currentMax) && $currentMax < $max) {
                     $max = $currentMax;
                     $maxReadable = $result[1];
     } catch (\PHP_CompatInfo_Exception $e) {
         die('PHP_CompatInfo Exception : ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL);
     if ($min <= $this->_getVersionInt($this->_settings->min) && $maxReadable == 'latest') {
         IssueHandler::addIssue(new Issue(array("extension" => $this->_extensionPath, "checkname" => $this->_pluginName, "type" => 'php_compatibility', "comment" => vsprintf('Extension is compatible to PHP from version %s up to latest versions', array($minReadable)), "failed" => false)));
     IssueHandler::addIssue(new Issue(array("extension" => $this->_extensionPath, "checkname" => $this->_pluginName, "type" => 'php_compatibility', "comment" => vsprintf('Extension is compatible to PHP from version %s (instead of required %s) up to %s', array($minReadable, $this->_settings->min, $maxReadable)), "failed" => true)));
Esempio n. 2
  * Class constructor for full/combined report
  * @param string $source       Data source
  * @param array  $options      Options for parser
  * @param array  $warnings     List of warning messages already produced
  * @param array  $reportChilds List of reports to print
 public function __construct($source, $options, $warnings, $reportChilds)
     $pci = new PHP_CompatInfo($options);
     if ($pci->parse($source) === false) {
     $reportResults = $pci->toArray();
     $masterResults = $reportResults[0];
     if ($options['verbose'] < 3) {
         $reportResults = $reportResults[0];
     } else {
     $base = realpath($source);
     if (is_file($base)) {
         $base = dirname($base);
     $allWarnings = array_unique(array_merge($warnings, $pci->getWarnings()));
     $options = $pci->getOptions();
     if (empty($reportChilds)) {
         $reportChilds = array('summary', 'extension', 'interface', 'trait', 'class', 'function', 'constant', 'global', 'token', 'condition');
     foreach ($reportChilds as $report) {
         $classReport = 'PHP_CompatInfo_Report_' . ucfirst($report);
         new $classReport($source, $options, $allWarnings, $reportResults);
     echo PHP_EOL;
     if (count($allWarnings) > 0 && $options['verbose'] > 0) {
         echo 'Warning messages : (' . count($allWarnings) . ')' . PHP_EOL;
         echo PHP_EOL;
         foreach ($allWarnings as $warn) {
             if (in_array($warn, $warnings)) {
                 // other listeners need to be notifed about console warnings
             echo '  ' . $warn . PHP_EOL;
         echo PHP_EOL;
     if (class_exists('PHP_Timer', true) === true) {
         echo PHP_Timer::resourceUsage() . PHP_EOL;
         echo PHP_EOL;
     echo 'Required PHP ' . $masterResults['versions'][0] . ' (min)';
     if (!empty($masterResults['versions'][1])) {
         echo ', ' . $masterResults['versions'][1] . ' (max)';
     echo PHP_EOL;
Esempio n. 3
  * Class constructor of source tokens report
  * @param string $source   Data source
  * @param array  $options  Options for parser
  * @param array  $warnings List of warning messages already produced
 public function __construct($source, $options, $warnings)
     if (isset($options['exclude']['files'])) {
         $excludes = $options['exclude']['files'];
     } else {
         $excludes = array();
     if (isset($options['fileExtensions'])) {
         $excludes[-1] = '\\.(' . implode('|', $options['fileExtensions']) . ')$';
     $files = PHP_CompatInfo::getFilelist($source, $options['recursive'], $excludes);
     $report = array_fill_keys($files, $options['verbose']);
     $base = realpath(dirname($source));
     if (isset($options['reportFile'])) {
     $this->generate($report, $base, $options['verbose']);
     if (isset($options['reportFile'])) {
         $generatedReport = ob_get_clean();
         file_put_contents($options['reportFile'], $generatedReport, $options['reportFileFlags']);
Esempio n. 4
  * Parse the given Tokens
  * The tokens are those returned by
  * token_get_all() which is nicely
  * wrapped in PHP_CompatInfo::_tokenize
  * @param  array   $tokens Array of PHP Tokens
  * @param  boolean $debug  Show Extra Output
  * @access private
  * @return array
  * @since  0.7.0
 function _parseTokens($tokens, $options)
     static $akeys;
     $functions = array();
     $functions_version = array();
     $latest_version = $this->latest_version;
     $earliest_version = $this->earliest_version;
     $extensions = array();
     $constants = array();
     $constant_names = array();
     $udf = array();
     if (isset($options['ignore_constants'])) {
         $options['ignore_constants'] = array_map('strtoupper', $options['ignore_constants']);
     } else {
         $options['ignore_constants'] = array();
     if (isset($options['ignore_extensions'])) {
         $options['ignore_extensions'] = array_map('strtolower', $options['ignore_extensions']);
     } else {
         $options['ignore_extensions'] = array();
     if (isset($options['ignore_versions'][0])) {
         $min_ver = $options['ignore_versions'][0];
     } else {
         $min_ver = false;
     if (isset($options['ignore_versions'][1])) {
         $max_ver = $options['ignore_versions'][1];
     } else {
         $max_ver = false;
     $token_count = sizeof($tokens);
     $i = 0;
     while ($i < $token_count) {
         $found_func = true;
         if (is_array($tokens[$i]) && token_name($tokens[$i][0]) == 'T_FUNCTION') {
             $found_func = false;
         while ($found_func == false) {
             $i += 1;
             if (is_array($tokens[$i]) && token_name($tokens[$i][0]) == 'T_STRING') {
                 $found_func = true;
                 $udf[] = $tokens[$i][1];
         if (is_array($tokens[$i]) && token_name($tokens[$i][0]) == 'T_STRING') {
             if (isset($tokens[$i + 1]) && $tokens[$i + 1][0] == '(') {
                 if (is_array($tokens[$i - 1]) && token_name($tokens[$i - 1][0]) != 'T_DOUBLE_COLON' && token_name($tokens[$i - 1][0]) != 'T_OBJECT_OPERATOR') {
                     $functions[] = strtolower($tokens[$i][1]);
                 } elseif (!is_array($tokens[$i - 1])) {
                     $functions[] = strtolower($tokens[$i][1]);
         if (is_array($tokens[$i])) {
             if (!isset($akeys)) {
                 // build contents one time only (static variable)
                 $akeys = array_keys($GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_CONST']);
             $const = strtoupper($tokens[$i][1]);
             $found = array_search($const, $akeys);
             if ($found !== false) {
                 if (is_string($tokens[$i - 1]) || token_name($tokens[$i - 1][0]) == 'T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE') {
                     // PHP 5 constant tokens found into a string
                 } else {
                     if (!in_array($const, $options['ignore_constants'])) {
                         if (!PHP_CompatInfo::_ignore($GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_CONST'][$const]['init'], $min_ver, $max_ver)) {
                             $constants[] = $const;
                             $latest_version = $GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_CONST'][$const]['init'];
         $i += 1;
     $functions = array_unique($functions);
     if (isset($options['ignore_functions'])) {
         $options['ignore_functions'] = array_map('strtolower', $options['ignore_functions']);
     } else {
         $options['ignore_functions'] = array();
     foreach ($functions as $name) {
         if (!isset($GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_FUNCS'][$name])) {
             // skip this unknown function
         // retrieve if available the extension name
         if (isset($GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_FUNCS'][$name]['ext']) && $GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_FUNCS'][$name]['ext'] != 'ext_standard' && $GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_FUNCS'][$name]['ext'] != 'zend') {
             $extension = substr($GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_FUNCS'][$name]['ext'], 4);
             if ($extension[0] == '_') {
                 $extension = substr($extension, 1);
         } else {
             $extension = false;
         if (!in_array($name, $udf) && !in_array($name, $options['ignore_functions'])) {
             if ($extension && in_array($extension, $options['ignore_extensions'])) {
                 // skip this extension function
             if (PHP_CompatInfo::_ignore($GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_FUNCS'][$name]['init'], $min_ver, $max_ver)) {
                 // skip this function version
             if ($options['debug'] == true) {
                 $functions_version[$GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_FUNCS'][$name]['init']][] = array('function' => $name, 'extension' => $GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_FUNCS'][$name]['ext']);
             $cmp = version_compare($latest_version, $GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_FUNCS'][$name]['init']);
             if ($cmp === -1) {
                 $latest_version = $GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_FUNCS'][$name]['init'];
             if (array_key_exists('end', $GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_FUNCS'][$name])) {
                 $cmp = version_compare($earliest_version, $GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_FUNCS'][$name]['end']);
                 if ($earliest_version == '' || $cmp === 1) {
                     $earliest_version = $GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_FUNCS'][$name]['end'];
             if ($extension && !in_array($extension, $extensions)) {
                 $extensions[] = $extension;
     $constants = array_unique($constants);
     foreach ($constants as $constant) {
         if (PHP_CompatInfo::_ignore($GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_CONST'][$constant]['init'], $min_ver, $max_ver)) {
             // skip this constant version
         $cmp = version_compare($latest_version, $GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_CONST'][$constant]['init']);
         if ($cmp === -1) {
             $latest_version = $GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_CONST'][$constant]['init'];
         if (array_key_exists('end', $GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_CONST'][$constant])) {
             $cmp = version_compare($earliest_version, $GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_CONST'][$constant]['end']);
             if ($earliest_version == '' || $cmp === 1) {
                 $earliest_version = $GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_CONST'][$name]['end'];
         if (!in_array($GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_CONST'][$constant]['name'], $constant_names)) {
             $constant_names[] = $GLOBALS['_PHP_COMPATINFO_CONST'][$constant]['name'];
     $functions_version['constants'] = $constant_names;
     $functions_version['extensions'] = $extensions;
     $functions_version['version'] = $latest_version;
     $functions_version['max_version'] = $earliest_version;
     $functions_version = array_reverse($functions_version);
     return $functions_version;
Esempio n. 5
  * Parse the given file or directory and determine the
  * minimum PHP version needed to execute the code.
 function execute()
     // We render in text mode. We configure 40/12/40 columns for
     // filename/extension/constant rendering.
     $driverOptions = array('silent' => false, 'progress' => 'bar', 'colwidth' => array('f' => 50, 'e' => 12, 'c' => 40));
     $info = new PHP_CompatInfo('text', $driverOptions);
Esempio n. 6
    if (empty($row)) {
    echo "<tr>";
    $tag = $header ? "th" : "td";
    // link to file?
    $file = $row[0];
    if (!empty($file) and substr($file, 0, 3) != '<b>' and $file != 'File') {
        $row[0] = '<a href="' . $PHP_SELF . '?file=' . urlencode($file) . '">' . $file . '</a>';
    foreach ($row as $r) {
        echo "<{$tag}>", empty($r) ? '&nbsp;' : "{$r}", "</{$tag}>";
    echo "</tr>\n";
$info = new PHP_CompatInfo();
$dir = str_replace(array('\\', '/'), '/', dirname(__FILE__));
$dir = preg_replace('/\\/' . basename(dirname(__FILE__)) . '$/', '', $dir);
$debug = !empty($_GET['debug']);
$detail = !empty($_GET['detail']);
// echo $dir;
$options = array('file_ext' => array('php'), 'ignore_files' => array(__FILE__), 'recurse_dir' => true, 'ignore_functions' => array(), 'debug' => $debug or $detail);
// var_dump($options);
$cols = array('File', 'Version', 'Extensions', 'Constants');
if (empty($_GET['file'])) {
    $file = false;
    echo "<h1>All Files</h1>\n";
    echo " Show Details: <a href=\"", $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], "?detail=1\">YES</a>";
    echo " <a href=\"", $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], "\">NO</a> <br>\n";
    $r = $info->parseFolder($dir, $options);
  * Retrieve the 'deps' option passed to the constructor
  * @return array|PEAR_Error
  * @access private
  * @since  0.1
 function _getDependencies()
     if ($this->_detectDependencies) {
         $this->_traverseFileArray($this->_struc, $ret);
         $compatinfo = new PHP_CompatInfo();
         $info = $compatinfo->parseArray($ret);
         $ret = $this->addDependency('php', $info['version'], 'ge', 'php', false);
         if (is_a($ret, 'PEAR_Error')) {
             return $ret;
         foreach ($info['extensions'] as $ext) {
             $this->addDependency($ext, '', 'has', 'ext', false);
     if (isset($this->_packageXml['release_deps']) && is_array($this->_packageXml['release_deps'])) {
         return $this->_packageXml['release_deps'];
     } else {
         return array();
  * Retrieve the 'deps' option passed to the constructor
  * @access private
  * @return void|PEAR_Error
  * @since  1.6.0a1
 function _getDependencies()
     if ($this->_detectDependencies) {
         $this->_traverseFileArray($this->_struc, $ret);
         $compatinfo = new PHP_CompatInfo();
         $info = $compatinfo->parseArray($ret, $this->_detectDependencies);
         $max_version = empty($info['max_version']) ? false : $info['max_version'];
         $ret = $this->setPhpDep($info['version'], $max_version);
         if (is_a($ret, 'PEAR_Error')) {
             return $ret;
         foreach ($info['extensions'] as $ext) {
             $this->addExtensionDep('required', $ext);
Esempio n. 9
 * Produce dependencies for extensions using PEAR PHP_CompatInfo package.
function extdeps($files)
    require_once 'PHP/CompatInfo.php';
    $info = new PHP_CompatInfo('null');
    $res = $info->parseData($files);
    // minimum php version we accept
    // "%define php_min_version 5.1.2" in spec to minimum version to be 5.1.2
    $version = max(PHP_MIN_VERSION, $res['version']);
    if (version_compare($version, '5.0.0', 'ge')) {
        # force php-<name> only deps when php5
        # XXX what about php-pecl-<name> virtual provides?
        $fmt = 'php-%s';
        $epoch = 4;
    } else {
        $fmt = 'php(%s)';
        $epoch = 3;
    echo "php-common >= ", $epoch, ":", $version, "\n";
    // process extensions
    foreach ($res['extensions'] as $ext) {
        // bz2 ext is in php-bzip2 package
        if ($ext == 'bz2') {
            $ext = 'bzip2';
        // libxml ext is in php-xml package
        if ($ext == 'libxml') {
            $ext = 'xml';
        // these need to be lowercased
        if (in_array($ext, array('SPL', 'PDO', 'SQLite', 'Reflection', 'SimpleXML'))) {
            $ext = strtolower($ext);
        printf("{$fmt}\n", $ext);
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require 'Bartlett/PHP/CompatInfo/Autoload.php';
require 'Bartlett/PHP/CompatInfo.php';
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
echo "Please wait checking Minimum PHP Version...\n\n";
$pci = new PHP_CompatInfo();
$minimum_version = "0";
$versions_array = array();
$extensions_array = array();
$ignore_result_keys = array('ignored_files', 'ignored_functions', 'ignored_extensions', 'ignored_constants', 'max_version', 'version', 'classes', 'functions', 'extensions', 'constants', 'tokens', 'cond_code');
if (isset($_SERVER['argc']) && $_SERVER['argc'] > 1) {
    $pci->parse(array_splice($_SERVER['argv'], 1));
} else {
    $options = array('debug' => false, 'recurse_dir' => true, 'ignore_dirs' => array('forum/ckeditor', 'forum/include/htmlpurifier', 'forum/include/locale', 'forum/include/swift'));
$results = $pci->toArray();
foreach ($results[0]['extensions'] as $extension_name => $extension_info) {
    if (in_array($extension_name, array('Core', 'standard'))) {
  * Run the CLI version
  * Run the CLI version of PHP_CompatInfo
  * @return void
  * @access public
  * @since  version 0.8.0 (2004-04-22)
 function run()
     $args =& Console_Getargs::factory($this->opts);
     if (PEAR::isError($args)) {
         if ($args->getCode() === CONSOLE_GETARGS_HELP) {
             $error = '';
         } else {
             $error = $args->getMessage();
     // default parser options
     $this->options = array('file_ext' => array('php', 'php4', 'inc', 'phtml'), 'recurse_dir' => true, 'debug' => false, 'is_string' => false, 'ignore_files' => array(), 'ignore_dirs' => array());
     // version
     $V = $args->getValue('V');
     if (isset($V)) {
         $error = 'PHP_CompatInfo (cli) version 1.8.1' . ' (';
         echo $error;
     // debug
     if ($args->isDefined('v')) {
         $v = $args->getValue('v');
         if ($v > 3) {
             $this->options['debug'] = true;
     // no-recurse
     if ($args->isDefined('n')) {
         $this->options['recurse_dir'] = false;
     // dir
     if ($args->isDefined('d')) {
         $d = $args->getValue('d');
         if (file_exists($d)) {
             if ($d[strlen($d) - 1] == '/' || $d[strlen($d) - 1] == '\\') {
                 $d = substr($d, 0, -1);
             $this->dataSource = realpath($d);
         } else {
             $error = 'Failed opening directory "' . $d . '". Please check your spelling and try again.';
     // file
     if ($args->isDefined('f')) {
         $f = $args->getValue('f');
         if (file_exists($f)) {
             $this->dataSource = $f;
         } else {
             $error = 'Failed opening file "' . $f . '". Please check your spelling and try again.';
     // string
     if ($args->isDefined('s')) {
         $s = $args->getValue('s');
         if (!empty($s)) {
             $this->dataSource = sprintf("<?php %s ?>", $s);
             $this->options['is_string'] = true;
         } else {
             $error = 'Failed opening string "' . $s . '". Please check your spelling and try again.';
     // ignore-files
     $if = $args->getValue('if');
     if (isset($if)) {
         if (file_exists($if)) {
             $options = $this->_parseParamFile($if);
             $this->options['ignore_files'] = $options['std'];
         } else {
             $error = 'Failed opening file "' . $if . '" (ignore-files option). ' . 'Please check your spelling and try again.';
     // ignore-dirs
     $id = $args->getValue('id');
     if (isset($id)) {
         if (file_exists($id)) {
             $options = $this->_parseParamFile($id);
             $this->options['ignore_dirs'] = $options['std'];
         } else {
             $error = 'Failed opening file "' . $id . '" (ignore-dirs option). ' . 'Please check your spelling and try again.';
     // ignore-functions
     $in = $args->getValue('in');
     if (isset($in)) {
         if (file_exists($in)) {
             $options = $this->_parseParamFile($in);
             $this->options['ignore_functions'] = $options['std'];
         } else {
             $error = 'Failed opening file "' . $in . '" (ignore-functions option). ' . 'Please check your spelling and try again.';
     // ignore-constants
     $ic = $args->getValue('ic');
     if (isset($ic)) {
         if (file_exists($ic)) {
             $options = $this->_parseParamFile($ic);
             $this->options['ignore_constants'] = $options['std'];
         } else {
             $error = 'Failed opening file "' . $ic . '" (ignore-constants option). ' . 'Please check your spelling and try again.';
     // ignore-extensions
     $ie = $args->getValue('ie');
     if (isset($ie)) {
         if (file_exists($ie)) {
             $options = $this->_parseParamFile($ie);
             $this->options['ignore_extensions'] = $options['std'];
         } else {
             $error = 'Failed opening file "' . $ie . '" (ignore-extensions option). ' . 'Please check your spelling and try again.';
     // ignore-versions
     $iv = $args->getValue('iv');
     if (isset($iv)) {
         if (!is_array($iv)) {
             $iv = array($iv);
         $this->options['ignore_versions'] = $iv;
     // ignore-functions-match
     $inm = $args->getValue('inm');
     if (isset($inm)) {
         if (file_exists($inm)) {
             $patterns = $this->_parseParamFile($inm, true);
             if (count($patterns['std']) > 0 && count($patterns['reg']) > 0) {
                 $error = 'Mixed "function_exists" and ' . '"preg_match" conditions are not allowed. ' . 'Please check your spelling and try again.';
             } elseif (count($patterns['std']) > 0) {
                 $this->options['ignore_functions_match'] = array('function_exists', $patterns['std']);
             } elseif (count($patterns['reg']) > 0) {
                 $this->options['ignore_functions_match'] = array('preg_match', $patterns['reg']);
         } else {
             $error = 'Failed opening file "' . $inm . '" (ignore-functions-match option). ' . 'Please check your spelling and try again.';
     // ignore-extensions-match
     $iem = $args->getValue('iem');
     if (isset($iem)) {
         if (file_exists($iem)) {
             $patterns = $this->_parseParamFile($iem, true);
             if (count($patterns['std']) > 0 && count($patterns['reg']) > 0) {
                 $error = 'Mixed "extension_loaded" and ' . '"preg_match" conditions are not allowed. ' . 'Please check your spelling and try again.';
             } elseif (count($patterns['std']) > 0) {
                 $this->options['ignore_extensions_match'] = array('extension_loaded', $patterns['std']);
             } elseif (count($patterns['reg']) > 0) {
                 $this->options['ignore_extensions_match'] = array('preg_match', $patterns['reg']);
         } else {
             $error = 'Failed opening file "' . $iem . '" (ignore-extensions-match option). ' . 'Please check your spelling and try again.';
     // ignore-constants-match
     $icm = $args->getValue('icm');
     if (isset($icm)) {
         if (file_exists($icm)) {
             $patterns = $this->_parseParamFile($icm, true);
             if (count($patterns['std']) > 0 && count($patterns['reg']) > 0) {
                 $error = 'Mixed "defined" and ' . '"preg_match" conditions are not allowed. ' . 'Please check your spelling and try again.';
             } elseif (count($patterns['std']) > 0) {
                 $this->options['ignore_constants_match'] = array('defined', $patterns['std']);
             } elseif (count($patterns['reg']) > 0) {
                 $this->options['ignore_constants_match'] = array('preg_match', $patterns['reg']);
         } else {
             $error = 'Failed opening file "' . $icm . '" (ignore-constants-match option). ' . 'Please check your spelling and try again.';
     // file-ext
     if ($args->isDefined('d') && $args->isDefined('fe')) {
         $fe = $args->getValue('fe');
         if (is_string($fe)) {
             $this->options['file_ext'] = explode(',', $fe);
         } else {
             $error = 'No valid file extensions provided "' . '". Please check your spelling and try again.';
     // file or directory options are minimum required to work
     if (!$args->isDefined('f') && !$args->isDefined('d') && !$args->isDefined('s')) {
         $error = 'ERROR: You must supply at least ' . 'one string, file or directory to process';
     if ($args->isDefined('r')) {
         $report = $args->getValue('r');
     } else {
         $report = 'text';
     if ($args->isDefined('t')) {
         $defs = array('f' => 29, 'e' => 12, 'c' => 20);
         $tabs = $args->getValue('t');
         $tabs = explode(',', $tabs);
         for ($t = 0; $t < 3; $t++) {
             if (isset($tabs[$t])) {
                 if ($t == 0) {
                     $defs['f'] = (int) $tabs[$t];
                 } elseif ($t == 1) {
                     $defs['e'] = (int) $tabs[$t];
                 } else {
                     $defs['c'] = (int) $tabs[$t];
         $conf = array('colwidth' => $defs);
     } else {
         $conf = array();
     $conf = array_merge($conf, array('args' => $args->getValues()));
     $compatInfo = new PHP_CompatInfo($report, $conf);
     // dir
     if ($args->isDefined('d')) {
         $d = $args->getValue('d');
         $files = $compatInfo->parser->getFilelist($d, $this->options);
         if (count($files) == 0) {
             $error = 'No valid files into directory "' . $d . '". Please check your spelling and try again.';
     $compatInfo->parseData($this->dataSource, $this->options);
Esempio n. 12
  * Magic methods to get informations on parsing results about
  * excludes, includes, extensions,
  * namespaces, interfaces, traits, classes, functions, constants, globals
  * @param string $name Method name invoked
  * @param array  $args Method arguments provided
  * @return array
  * @throws PHP_CompatInfo_Exception
 public function __call($name, $args)
     $pattern = '/get' . '(?>(Excludes|Includes' . '|Extensions' . '|Namespaces|Interfaces|Traits|Classes|Functions|Constants|Globals))/';
     if (preg_match($pattern, $name, $matches) === 0) {
         throw new PHP_CompatInfo_Exception("Invalid method. Given '{$name}'", PHP_CompatInfo_Exception::RUNTIME);
     $group = strtolower($matches[1]);
     if ('traits' === $group && version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4.0', 'lt')) {
     $category = isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : null;
     $pattern = isset($args[1]) ? $args[1] : null;
     self::$filterVersion = isset($args[2]) ? $args[2] : $this->options['filterVersion'];
     self::$filterOperator = isset($args[3]) ? $args[3] : $this->options['filterOperator'];
     if (isset($category) && !$this->isValid($category, $group)) {
         throw new PHP_CompatInfo_Exception("Invalid category. Given '{$category}'", PHP_CompatInfo_Exception::RUNTIME);
     $results = array();
     if (in_array($group, array('includes', 'excludes', 'extensions', 'namespaces', 'interfaces', 'traits', 'classes', 'functions', 'constants', 'globals'))) {
         $results = $this->results[0][$group];
     if (isset($pattern) && is_string($pattern)) {
         foreach ($results[$category] as $name => $values) {
             if (preg_match("/{$pattern}/", $name) === 0) {
     if (in_array($group, array('extensions', 'namespaces', 'interfaces', 'traits', 'classes', 'functions', 'constants'))) {
         self::applyFilter($results, $category);
     if (isset($category)) {
         if (isset($results[$category])) {
             $results = $results[$category];
         } else {
             $results = array();
     return $results;
Esempio n. 13
  * Handle console input and produce the appropriate report requested
  * @return void
  * @throws PHP_CompatInfo_Exception If report is not available.
 public static function main()
     $input = new Console_CommandLine(array('name' => 'phpcompatinfo', 'description' => 'PHP_CompatInfo (cli) by Laurent Laville.', 'version' => self::getVersion()));
     // common options to all sub-commands
     $input->addOption('xmlFile', array('long_name' => '--configuration', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'Read configuration from XML file'));
     $input->addOption('noConfiguration', array('long_name' => '--no-configuration', 'action' => 'StoreTrue', 'description' => 'Ignore default configuration file ' . '(phpcompatinfo.xml)'));
     $input->addOption('iniSet', array('short_name' => '-d', 'long_name' => '--ini-set', 'action' => 'StoreArray', 'description' => 'Sets a php.ini directive value'));
     $input->addOption('verbose', array('short_name' => '-v', 'long_name' => '--verbose', 'action' => 'Counter', 'description' => 'Output more verbose information'));
     // options relatives and common to sub-commands
     $referenceOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('reference', array('long_name' => '--reference', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'The name of the reference to use', 'choices' => array('PHP5', 'ALL', 'DYN')));
     $reportOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('report', array('long_name' => '--report', 'action' => 'StoreArray', 'description' => 'Type of report', 'choices' => array('full', 'summary', 'source', 'xml', 'token', 'extension', 'namespace', 'trait', 'interface', 'class', 'function', 'constant', 'global', 'condition')));
     $helpReferenceOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('helpReference', array('long_name' => '--help-reference', 'action' => 'List', 'description' => 'List of reference available', 'action_params' => array('list' => array('PHP5', 'ALL', 'DYN'))));
     $helpReportOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('helpReport', array('long_name' => '--help-report', 'action' => 'List', 'description' => 'List of report available', 'action_params' => array('list' => array('full', 'summary', 'source', 'xml', 'token', 'extension', 'namespace', 'trait', 'interface', 'class', 'function', 'constant', 'global', 'condition'))));
     $reportFileOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('reportFile', array('long_name' => '--report-file', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'Write the report to the specified file path'));
     $excludeIDOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('excludeID', array('long_name' => '--exclude-pattern', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'Exclude components' . ' from list referenced by ID provided'));
     $recursiveOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('recursive', array('short_name' => '-R', 'long_name' => '--recursive', 'action' => 'StoreTrue', 'description' => 'Includes the contents of subdirectories'));
     $fileExtensionsOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('fileExtensions', array('long_name' => '--file-extensions', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'A comma separated list of file extensions to check'));
     // options relatives to print sub-command
     $filterVersionOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('filterVersion', array('long_name' => '--filter-version', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'The version to compare with each element found'));
     $filterOperatorOption = new Console_CommandLine_Option('filterOperator', array('long_name' => '--filter-operator', 'action' => 'StoreString', 'description' => 'The version test relationship', 'choices' => array('lt', 'le', 'gt', 'ge', 'eq', 'ne')));
     // argument common to all list sub-commands except to list and list-references
     $referenceArgument = new Console_CommandLine_Argument('reference', array('description' => '(optional) Limit output only to this reference', 'optional' => true));
     // clear-cache sub-command
     $clearcacheCmd = $input->addCommand('clear-cache', array('description' => 'Clear Parser Cache'));
     $clearcacheCmd->addArgument('sourceFile', array('description' => 'The source file in cache entries to delete.', 'optional' => true));
     // print sub-command
     $printCmd = $input->addCommand('print', array('description' => 'Print a report of data source parsed.'));
     $printCmd->addArgument('sourcePath', array('description' => 'The data source to scan (file or directory).'));
     // list-references sub-command
     $listReferencesCmd = $input->addCommand('list-references', array('description' => 'List all extensions supported.'));
     // list sub-command
     $listCmd = $input->addCommand('list', array('description' => 'List all "elements" referenced in the data base.'));
     $listCmd->addArgument('element', array('description' => 'May be either ' . '"extensions", ' . '"interfaces", "classes", ' . '"functions" or "constants"', 'choices' => array('extensions', 'interfaces', 'classes', 'functions', 'constants'), 'multiple' => true));
     // list-extensions sub-command
     $listExtensionsCmd = $input->addCommand('list-extensions', array('description' => 'List all extensions referenced in the data base.'));
     // list-interfaces sub-command
     $listInterfacesCmd = $input->addCommand('list-interfaces', array('description' => 'List all interfaces referenced in the data base.'));
     // list-classes sub-command
     $listClassesCmd = $input->addCommand('list-classes', array('description' => 'List all classes referenced in the data base.'));
     // list-functions sub-command
     $listFunctionsCmd = $input->addCommand('list-functions', array('description' => 'List all functions referenced in the data base.'));
     // list-constants sub-command
     $listConstantsCmd = $input->addCommand('list-constants', array('description' => 'List all constants referenced in the data base.'));
     try {
         $result = $input->parse();
         $command = $result->command_name;
         if (empty($command)) {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $warnings = array();
     // Loads the default or custom configuration (if available)
     $options = array('reference' => '', 'verbose' => false, 'listeners' => array());
     $reports = array();
     $consoleProgress = true;
     $reportFileAppend = false;
     if ($result->options['noConfiguration'] !== true) {
         if (!isset($result->options['xmlFile'])) {
             // use default configuration
             $dir = '@cfg_dir@' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'PHP_CompatInfo';
             if (strpos($dir, '@') === false) {
                 // PEAR installer was used to install the package
             } else {
                 // manual install
                 $dir = getcwd();
             $filename = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'phpcompatinfo.xml';
             if (file_exists($filename)) {
                 $config = $filename;
             } elseif (file_exists($filename . '.dist')) {
                 $config = $filename . '.dist';
             } else {
                 $config = false;
         } else {
             $filename = $result->options['xmlFile'];
             if (file_exists($filename)) {
                 $config = realpath($filename);
             } else {
                 $config = false;
         if ($config && is_file($config)) {
             // try to load the configuration file contents
             $configuration = PHP_CompatInfo_Configuration::getInstance($config);
             // check if components should be excluded
             if (isset($result->command->options['excludeID'])) {
                 $patternID = $result->command->options['excludeID'];
                 $excludes = $configuration->getExcludeConfiguration($patternID);
                 if (count($excludes) == 0) {
                     $warnings[] = "Exclude pattern ID '{$patternID}'" . " does not exist, or is empty";
                 } else {
                     $haystack = array('extension', 'interface', 'trait', 'function', 'constant');
                     foreach ($excludes as $key => $values) {
                         if (in_array($key, $haystack)) {
                             $options['exclude'][$key . 's'] = $values;
                         } elseif ('class' == $key) {
                             $options['exclude']['classes'] = $values;
                         } else {
                             foreach ($values as $value) {
                                 $options['exclude']['files'][] = $value;
             // set main options
             $phpcompatinfo = $configuration->getMainConfiguration();
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['reference'])) {
                 $options['reference'] = $phpcompatinfo['reference'];
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['report'])) {
                 $reports = $phpcompatinfo['report'];
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['reportFile'])) {
                 $reportFile = $phpcompatinfo['reportFile'];
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['reportFileAppend'])) {
                 $reportFileAppend = $phpcompatinfo['reportFileAppend'];
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['cacheDriver'])) {
                 $options['cacheDriver'] = $phpcompatinfo['cacheDriver'];
             } else {
                 $options['cacheDriver'] = 'null';
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['consoleProgress'])) {
                 $consoleProgress = $phpcompatinfo['consoleProgress'];
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['verbose'])) {
                 $options['verbose'] = $phpcompatinfo['verbose'];
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['recursive'])) {
                 $options['recursive'] = $phpcompatinfo['recursive'];
             if (isset($phpcompatinfo['fileExtensions'])) {
                 $options['fileExtensions'] = $phpcompatinfo['fileExtensions'];
             // sets cache options
             $options['cacheOptions'] = $configuration->getCacheConfiguration($options['cacheDriver']);
             // sets extension references limit
             $extensions = $configuration->getReferenceConfiguration();
             if (count($extensions) > 0) {
                 $options['extensions'] = $extensions;
             // sets php.ini directives
             $ini = $configuration->getPHPConfiguration();
             foreach ($ini as $name => $value) {
                 ini_set($name, $value);
             // sets listeners instances
             $listeners = $configuration->getListenerConfiguration();
             foreach ($listeners as $listener) {
                 if (!class_exists($listener['class'], false) && $listener['file'] !== '') {
                     include_once $listener['file'];
                 if (class_exists($listener['class'], true)) {
                     if (count($listener['arguments']) == 0) {
                         $listener = new $listener['class']();
                     } else {
                         $listenerClass = new ReflectionClass($listener['class']);
                         $listener = $listenerClass->newInstanceArgs($listener['arguments']);
                     if ($listener instanceof PHP_CompatInfo_Listener_Console && $consoleProgress === false) {
                             Do not add the console listener
                             if consoleProgress directive is off
                     } else {
                         if ($listener instanceof SplObserver) {
                             $options['listeners'][] = $listener;
             // sets plugins system
             $plugins = $configuration->getPluginConfiguration();
             foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
                 if (!class_exists($plugin['class'], false) && $plugin['file'] !== '') {
                     include_once $plugin['file'];
                 if (class_exists($plugin['class'], true)) {
                     $pluginClass = new ReflectionClass($plugin['class']);
                     $reference = $pluginClass->newInstanceArgs($plugin['args']);
                     if (!$reference instanceof PHP_CompatInfo_Reference_PluginsAbstract) {
                         $warnings[] = "Plugin '" . $plugin['class'] . "' is not valid";
             if (count($plugins) > 0) {
                 $options['referencePlugins'] = $plugins;
         } elseif (isset($result->options['verbose'])) {
             $warnings[] = 'File "' . $filename . '" does not exist';
     if ($consoleProgress === true) {
         $options['listeners'][] = new PHP_CompatInfo_Listener_Console();
     if (isset($result->command->options['reference'])) {
         $options['reference'] = $result->command->options['reference'];
     if (empty($options['reference']) && !in_array($command, array('list-references', 'clear-cache'))) {
         $input->displayError('You must supply at least a reference');
     if (isset($result->options['iniSet'])) {
         foreach ($result->options['iniSet'] as $iniSet) {
             $ini = explode('=', $iniSet);
             if (isset($ini[0])) {
                 if (isset($ini[1])) {
                     ini_set($ini[0], $ini[1]);
                 } else {
                     ini_set($ini[0], true);
     if (isset($result->command->options['report'])) {
         $reports = $result->command->options['report'];
     if (empty($reports)) {
         // default report
         $reports = array('summary');
     if (in_array('full', $reports)) {
         // when 'full' alias report is specified, ignored all others
         $reports = array();
         $reportFileAppend = true;
         $fullReport = true;
     $reportChilds = $reports;
     if (isset($result->command->options['reportFile'])) {
         $reportFile = $result->command->options['reportFile'];
     if (isset($reportFile)) {
         if (is_dir($reportFile) || !file_exists(dirname($reportFile))) {
             $warnings[] = 'Report file: "' . $reportFile . '" is invalid';
         } else {
             $options['reportFile'] = $reportFile;
             if ($reportFileAppend === true) {
                 $options['reportFileFlags'] = FILE_APPEND;
             } else {
                 $options['reportFileFlags'] = 0;
     if (isset($result->command->options['filterVersion'])) {
         $options['filterVersion'] = $result->command->options['filterVersion'];
     if (isset($result->command->options['filterOperator'])) {
         $options['filterOperator'] = $result->command->options['filterOperator'];
     if ('print' == $command) {
         if (count($reports) == 0 && !isset($fullReport)) {
             $input->displayError('You must supply at least a type of report');
         $source = $result->command->args['sourcePath'];
         $report = 'full';
     } elseif ('list' == $command) {
         $elements = $result->command->args['element'];
         $source = array_shift($elements);
         $report = 'reference';
         $options['filterReference'] = null;
     } elseif ('list' == substr($command, 0, 4)) {
         list(, $source) = explode('-', $command);
         if ($source == 'references') {
             $report = 'database';
         } else {
             $report = 'reference';
             $elements = array();
         $options['filterReference'] = $result->command->args['reference'];
     if (isset($result->command->options['recursive'])) {
         $options['recursive'] = $result->command->options['recursive'];
     if (isset($result->command->options['fileExtensions'])) {
         $fileExtensions = explode(',', $result->command->options['fileExtensions']);
         $options['fileExtensions'] = array_map('trim', $fileExtensions);
     if (isset($result->options['verbose'])) {
         $options['verbose'] = $result->options['verbose'];
     if ('clear-cache' == $command) {
         $defaultOptions = PHP_CompatInfo::getDefaultOptions();
         $driver = isset($options['cacheDriver']) ? $options['cacheDriver'] : $defaultOptions['cacheDriver'];
         $source = $result->command->args['sourceFile'];
         $cache = PHP_CompatInfo_Cache::getInstance($driver, $defaultOptions);
         $count = $cache->deleteCache($source);
         printf('%d cache entries cleared%s', $count, PHP_EOL);
     } else {
         try {
             self::factory($report, $source, $options, $warnings, $reportChilds);
             if ($report == 'reference') {
                 $options['reportFileFlags'] = FILE_APPEND;
                 while (count($elements) > 0) {
                     $source = array_shift($elements);
                     self::factory($report, $source, $options, $warnings, null);
         } catch (PHP_CompatInfo_Exception $e) {
             print $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;