Esempio n. 1
 public function getOptions()
     if (!$this->reported) {
         $opt[] = sprintf('<a style="cursor : pointer" class="message" id="%s">%s</a>', $this->from_user_id, \Icon::show('undo', 'Reply to contact'));
         $opt[] = sprintf('<a style="cursor:pointer" class="report" id="%s">%s</a>', $this->id, \Icon::show('warning', 'Report'));
         $opt[] = javascript('confirm', array('question' => 'Are you sure you want to delete this message?', 'address' => \PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('properties', array('rop' => 'delete_message', 'id' => $this->id)), 'link' => \Icon::show('delete'), 'title' => 'Delete message'));
         return implode('', $opt);
     } else {
         return null;
Esempio n. 2
 public function rowTags()
     $vars['reason_id'] = $this->id;
     $vars['aop'] = 'edit_reason';
     $links[] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink(Icon::show('edit'), 'checkin', $vars);
     $vars['aop'] = 'delete_reason';
     $js['question'] = dgettext('confirm', 'Are you sure you want to delete this reason?.');
     $js['address'] = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('checkin', $vars, true);
     $js['link'] = Icon::show('delete');
     $links[] = javascript('confirm', $js);
     $tpl['ACTION'] = implode('', $links);
     return $tpl;
Esempio n. 3
 * See docs/AUTHORS and docs/COPYRIGHT for relevant info.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * @version $Id$
 * @author Matthew McNaney <mcnaney at gmail dot com>
 * @package
 * @license
if (!empty($data['is_contact'])) {
    $cmd = 'cop';
} else {
    $cmd = 'aop';
$ar[$cmd] = 'photo_form';
if (isset($data['view'])) {
    $ar['v'] = 1;
$data['form_url'] = \PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('properties', $ar, true, false, false);
Esempio n. 4
 public static function cpanel()
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('controlpanel', 'Panel.php');
     $link = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('analytics', null, false, false, true, false);
     $tabs['list'] = array('title' => dgettext('analytics', 'List Trackers'), 'link' => $link);
     $tabs['new'] = array('title' => dgettext('analytics', 'New Tracker'), 'link' => $link);
     $panel = new PHPWS_Panel('analyticsPanel');
     return $panel;
Esempio n. 5
  * Gets random page from the database
  * @author Greg Meiste <*****@*****.**>
 function random()
     $db = new PHPWS_DB('wiki_pages');
     $result = $db->select('col');
     if (!PHPWS_Error::logIfError($result) && $result != NULL) {
         PHPWS_Core::reroute(PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('wiki', array('page' => $result[0])));
Esempio n. 6
 public function getManagerIcon($fmanager)
     $force = $fmanager->force_resize ? 'true' : 'false';
     if ($fmanager->max_width < $this->width || $fmanager->max_height < $this->height) {
         return sprintf('<a href="#" onclick="oversized_media(%s, %s); return false">%s</a>', $this->id, $force, $this->getThumbnail());
     } else {
         $vars = $fmanager->linkInfo(false);
         $vars['fop'] = 'pick_file';
         $vars['file_type'] = FC_MEDIA;
         $vars['id'] = $this->id;
         $link = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('filecabinet', $vars, true);
         return sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $link, $this->getThumbnail());
Esempio n. 7
 public function getPanel()
     $panel = new PHPWS_Panel('calendar');
     $vars['aop'] = 'schedules';
     $tabs['schedules'] = array('title' => dgettext('calendar', 'Schedules'), 'link' => PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('calendar', $vars));
     if (Current_User::allow('calendar', 'settings')) {
         $vars['aop'] = 'settings';
         $tabs['settings'] = array('title' => dgettext('calendar', 'Settings'), 'link' => PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('calendar', $vars));
     if (Current_User::isUnrestricted('calendar') && Current_User::allow('calendar', 'edit_public')) {
         $vars['aop'] = 'approval';
         $db = new PHPWS_DB('calendar_suggestions');
         $count = $db->count();
         if (PHPWS_Error::isError($count)) {
             $count = 0;
         $tabs['approval'] = array('title' => sprintf(dgettext('calendar', 'Approval (%s)'), $count), 'link' => PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('calendar', $vars));
     return $panel;
Esempio n. 8
 public static function listModules($type)
     $allow_update = true;
     $core_update_needed = false;
     $dir_content = array();
     if (!PHPWS_Boost::checkDirectories($dir_content)) {
         $tpl['DIRECTORIES'] = implode('<br />', $dir_content);
         $allow_update = false;
     $core_mods = PHPWS_Core::coreModList();
     $installed_mods = PHPWS_Core::installModList();
     $dir_mods = PHPWS_Boost::getAllMods();
     if ($type == 'core_mods') {
         $allowUninstall = false;
         $modList = $core_mods;
         $core_file = new PHPWS_Module('core');
         $core_db = new PHPWS_Module('core', false);
         $template['TITLE'] = $core_db->proper_name;
         $template['VERSION'] = $core_db->version;
         if (isset($_SESSION['Boost_Needs_Update']['core'])) {
             $link_title = $_SESSION['Boost_Needs_Update']['core'];
             if (version_compare($core_file->version, $_SESSION['Boost_Needs_Update']['core'], '<')) {
                 $link_title = sprintf(dgettext('boost', '%s - New'), $link_title);
         } else {
             $link_title = dgettext('boost', 'Check');
         if ($core_file->isAbout()) {
             $address = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('boost', array('action' => 'aboutView', 'aboutmod' => $core_file->title), true);
             $aboutView = array('label' => dgettext('boost', 'About'), 'address' => $address);
             $template['ABOUT'] = Layout::getJavascript('open_window', $aboutView);
         $link_command['opmod'] = 'core';
         $link_command['action'] = 'check';
         if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
             $template['LATEST'] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink($link_title, 'boost', $link_command);
         } else {
             $template['LATEST'] = dgettext('boost', 'Check disabled');
         if (version_compare($core_db->version, $core_file->version, '<')) {
             if ($core_file->checkDependency()) {
                 if ($allow_update) {
                     $link_command['action'] = 'update_core';
                     $core_links[] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink(dgettext('boost', 'Update'), 'boost', $link_command);
                 } else {
                     $core_links[] = dgettext('boost', 'Update');
                 $tpl['WARNING'] = dgettext('boost', 'The Core requires updating! You should do so before any modules.');
                 $core_update_needed = true;
             } else {
                 $link_command['action'] = 'show_dependency';
                 $core_links[] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink(dgettext('boost', 'Missing dependency'), 'boost', $link_command);
             $template['VERSION'] = sprintf('%s &gt; %s', $core_db->version, $core_file->version);
             $template['COMMAND'] = implode(' | ', $core_links);
         } else {
             $template['COMMAND'] = dgettext('boost', 'None');
         $template['ROW'] = 1;
         $tpl['mod-row'][] = $template;
     } else {
         $allowUninstall = true;
         $modList = array_diff($dir_mods, $core_mods);
     $tpl['TITLE_LABEL'] = dgettext('boost', 'Module Title');
     $tpl['COMMAND_LABEL'] = dgettext('boost', 'Commands');
     $tpl['ABOUT_LABEL'] = dgettext('boost', 'More information');
     $tpl['VERSION_LABEL'] = dgettext('boost', 'Current version');
     if ($type == 'core_mods' && Current_User::isDeity() && DEITIES_CAN_UNINSTALL) {
         $tpl['WARNING'] = dgettext('boost', 'WARNING: Only deities can uninstall core modules. Doing so may corrupt your installation!');
     if (empty($modList)) {
         return dgettext('boost', 'No modules available.');
     $count = 1;
     foreach ($modList as $title) {
         $links = array();
         $template = $link_command = NULL;
         $link_command['opmod'] = $title;
         $mod = new PHPWS_Module($title);
         if (!$mod->isFullMod()) {
         $proper_name = $mod->getProperName();
         if (!isset($proper_name)) {
             $proper_name = $title;
         $template['VERSION'] = $mod->version;
         $template['TITLE'] = $proper_name;
         $template['ROW'] = $count % 2 + 1;
         $version_check = $mod->getVersionHttp();
         if (isset($version_check)) {
             if (isset($_SESSION['Boost_Needs_Update'][$mod->title])) {
                 $link_title = $_SESSION['Boost_Needs_Update'][$mod->title];
                 if (version_compare($mod->version, $_SESSION['Boost_Needs_Update'][$mod->title], '<')) {
                     $link_title = sprintf(dgettext('boost', '%s - New'), $link_title);
             } else {
                 $link_title = dgettext('boost', 'Check');
             $link_command['action'] = 'check';
             if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
                 $template['LATEST'] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink($link_title, 'boost', $link_command);
             } else {
                 $template['LATEST'] = dgettext('boost', 'Check disabled');
         if (!$mod->isInstalled()) {
             if ($mod->checkDependency()) {
                 $link_title = dgettext('boost', 'Install');
                 $link_command['action'] = 'install';
             } else {
                 $link_title = dgettext('boost', 'Missing dependency');
                 $link_command['action'] = 'show_dependency';
             if ($GLOBALS['Boost_Ready']) {
                 if (javascriptEnabled()) {
                     $js['width'] = 640;
                     $js['height'] = 480;
                     $js['address'] = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('boost', $link_command, true);
                     $js['label'] = $link_title;
                     $links[] = javascript('open_window', $js);
                 } else {
                     $links[] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink($link_title, 'boost', $link_command);
             } else {
                 $links[] =& $link_title;
         } else {
             if ($mod->needsUpdate()) {
                 $db_mod = new PHPWS_Module($mod->title, false);
                 $template['VERSION'] = $db_mod->version . ' &gt; ' . $mod->version;
                 if ($mod->checkDependency()) {
                     if ($title == 'boost' && !$core_update_needed) {
                         $tpl['WARNING'] = dgettext('boost', 'Boost requires updating! You should do so before any other module!');
                     $link_title = dgettext('boost', 'Update');
                     $link_command['action'] = 'update';
                 } else {
                     $link_title = dgettext('boost', 'Missing dependency');
                     $link_command['action'] = 'show_dependency';
                 if ($allow_update) {
                     $js['width'] = 640;
                     $js['height'] = 480;
                     $js['address'] = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('boost', $link_command, true);
                     $js['label'] = $link_title;
                     $links[] = javascript('open_window', $js);
                 } else {
                     $links[] =& $link_title;
             if ($type != 'core_mods' || Current_User::isDeity() && DEITIES_CAN_UNINSTALL) {
                 if ($dependents = $mod->isDependedUpon()) {
                     $link_command['action'] = 'show_depended_upon';
                     $depend_warning = sprintf(dgettext('boost', 'This module is depended upon by: %s'), implode(', ', $dependents));
                     $links[] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink(dgettext('boost', 'Depended upon'), 'boost', $link_command, NULL, $depend_warning);
                 } else {
                     $links[] = PHPWS_Boost::uninstallLink($title);
         if ($mod->isAbout()) {
             $address = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('boost', array('action' => 'aboutView', 'aboutmod' => $mod->title), true);
             $aboutView = array('label' => dgettext('boost', 'About'), 'address' => $address);
             $template['ABOUT'] = Layout::getJavascript('open_window', $aboutView);
         if (!empty($links)) {
             $template['COMMAND'] = implode(' | ', $links);
         } else {
             $template['COMMAND'] = dgettext('boost', 'None');
         $tpl['mod-row'][] = $template;
     $tpl['OLD_MODS'] = Boost_Form::oldModList();
     if (ini_get('allow_url_fopen')) {
         $tpl['CHECK_FOR_UPDATES'] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink(dgettext('boost', 'Check all'), 'boost', array('action' => 'check_all', 'tab' => $type));
     } else {
         $tpl['CHECK_FOR_UPDATES'] = dgettext('boost', 'Server configuration prevents version checking.');
     $tpl['LATEST_LABEL'] = dgettext('boost', 'Latest version');
     $release_version = PHPWS_Core::releaseVersion();
     $tpl['PHPWS_VERSION'] = $release_version;
     $result = PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'boost', 'module_list.tpl');
     return $result;
Esempio n. 9
  * @deprecated
  * @param type $button
  * @return type
 public function embedLink($button = false)
     $vars['address'] = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('filecabinet', array('mop' => 'edit_embed', 'folder_id' => $this->id), true);
     $vars['width'] = 400;
     $vars['height'] = 200;
     $vars['title'] = $vars['label'] = dgettext('filecabinet', 'Add embedded');
     if ($button) {
         $vars['type'] = 'button';
     return javascript('open_window', $vars);
Esempio n. 10
 private function options()
     $opt[] = \PHPWS_Text::moduleLink('Create/Edit request', 'properties', array('rop' => 'edit'));
     $opt[] = javascript('confirm', array('question' => 'Are you sure you want to clear your roommate request?', 'address' => \PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('properties', array('rop' => 'clear')), 'link' => 'Clear my request', 'title' => 'Clear my request'));
     $opt[] = \PHPWS_Text::moduleLink('Extend my deadline', 'properties', array('rop' => 'timeout'));
     $db = new \PHPWS_DB('prop_messages');
     $db->addWhere('to_user_id', \Current_User::getId());
     $db->addOrder('date_sent desc');
     $db->addWhere('hidden', 0);
     $messages = $db->select('col');
     if (\PHPWS_Error::isError($messages)) {
     } else {
         $opt[] = \PHPWS_Text::moduleLink('Messages (' . count($messages) . ')', 'properties', array('rop' => 'read_messages'));
     return implode(' | ', $opt);
 public static function display()
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('intern', 'Internship.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('intern', 'InternshipFactory.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('intern', 'Intern_Document.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('intern', 'Intern_Folder.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('intern', 'Agency.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('intern', 'InternshipFormView.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('intern', 'EditInternshipFormView.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('intern', 'Term.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('intern', 'Department.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('intern', 'Major.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('intern', 'GradProgram.php');
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('intern', 'Subject.php');
     $tpl = array();
     if (isset($_REQUEST['internship_id'])) {
         /* Attempting to edit internship */
         try {
             $i = InternshipFactory::getInternshipById($_REQUEST['internship_id']);
         } catch (InternshipNotFoundException $e) {
             NQ::simple('intern', INTERN_ERROR, 'Could not locate an internship with the given ID.');
         $internshipForm = new EditInternshipFormView('Edit Internship', $i);
         $tpl['TITLE'] = 'Edit Internship';
         $form = $internshipForm->getForm();
         /*** 'Generate Contract' Button ***/
         $tpl['PDF'] = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('intern', array('action' => 'pdf', 'id' => $i->id));
         /*** Document List ***/
         $docs = $i->getDocuments();
         if (!is_null($docs)) {
             foreach ($docs as $doc) {
                 $tpl['docs'][] = array('DOWNLOAD' => $doc->getDownloadLink('blah'), 'DELETE' => $doc->getDeleteLink());
         $folder = new Intern_Folder(Intern_Document::getFolderId());
         $tpl['UPLOAD_DOC'] = $folder->documentUpload($i->id);
         $wfState = $i->getWorkflowState();
         if (($wfState instanceof SigAuthReadyState || $wfState instanceof SigAuthApprovedState || $wfState instanceof DeanApprovedState || $wfState instanceof RegisteredState) && $docs < 1) {
             NQ::simple('intern', INTERN_WARNING, "No documents have been uploaded yet. Usually a copy of the signed contract document should be uploaded.");
          * Change History *
         if (!is_null($i->id)) {
             PHPWS_Core::initModClass('intern', 'ChangeHistoryView.php');
             $historyView = new ChangeHistoryView($i);
             $tpl['CHANGE_LOG'] = $historyView->show();
         // Show a warning if in SigAuthReadyState, is international, and not OIED approved
         if ($i->getWorkflowState() instanceof SigAuthReadyState && $i->isInternational() && !$i->isOiedCertified()) {
             NQ::simple('intern', INTERN_WARNING, 'This internship can not be approved by the Signature Authority bearer until the internship is certified by the Office of International Education and Development.');
         // Show a warning if in DeanApproved state and is distance_ed campus
         if ($i->getWorkflowState() == 'DeanApprovedState' && $i->isDistanceEd()) {
             NQ::simple('intern', INTERN_WARNING, 'This internship must be registered by Distance Education.');
         // Sanity check cource section #
         if ($i->isDistanceEd() && ($i->getCourseSection() < 300 || $i->getCourseSection() > 399)) {
             NQ::simple('intern', INTERN_WARNING, "This is a distance ed internship, so the course section number should be between 300 and 399.");
         // Sanity check distance ed radio
         if (!$i->isDistanceEd() && ($i->getCourseSection() > 300 && $i->getCourseSection() < 400)) {
             NQ::simple('intern', INTERN_WARNING, "The course section number you entered looks like a distance ed course. Be sure to check the Distance Ed option, or double check the section number.");
         PHPWS_Core::initModClass('intern', 'EmergencyContactFormView.php');
         $emgContactDialog = new EmergencyContactFormView($i);
         $tpl['ADD_EMERGENCY_CONTACT'] = '<button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-sm" id="add-ec-button"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> Add Contact</button>';
         $tpl['EMERGENCY_CONTACT_DIALOG'] = $emgContactDialog->getHtml();
     } else {
         // Attempting to create a new internship
         // Check permissions
         if (!Current_User::allow('intern', 'create_internship')) {
             NQ::simple('intern', INTERN_ERROR, 'You do not have permission to create new internships.');
         $tpl['TITLE'] = 'Add Internship';
         $internshipForm = new InternshipFormView('Add Internship');
         $tpl['AUTOFOCUS'] = 'autofocus';
         /* Show form with empty fields. */
         $form = $internshipForm->getForm();
         // Show a disabled button in document list if we are adding an internship.
         $tpl['UPLOAD_DOC'] = '<div title="Please save this internship first."><button id="doc-upload-btn" class="btn btn-default btn-sm" title="Please save this internship first." disabled="disabled"><i class="fa fa-upload"></i> Add document</button></div>';
         // Show a disabled emergency contact button
         $tpl['ADD_EMERGENCY_CONTACT'] = '<div title="Please save this internship first."><button class="btn btn-default btn-sm" id="add-ec-button" disabled="disabled" data-toggle="tooltip" title="first tooltip"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> Add Contact</button></div>';
      * If 'missing' is set then we have been redirected
      * back to the form because the user didn't type in something and
      * somehow got past the javascript.
     if (isset($_REQUEST['missing'])) {
         $missing = explode(' ', $_REQUEST['missing']);
         //javascriptMod('intern', 'missing');
          * Set classes on field we are missing.
         foreach ($missing as $m) {
             //$form->addCssClass($m, 'has-error');
             $form->addExtraTag($m, 'data-has-error="true"');
         /* Plug old values back into form fields. */
         // If internship is being edited...
         if (isset($_REQUEST['internship_id'])) {
             /* Re-add hidden fields with object ID's */
             $i = InternshipFactory::getInternshipById($_GET['internship_id']);
             $a = $i->getAgency();
             //$f = $i->getFacultySupervisor();
             $form->addHidden('agency_id', $a->id);
             //$form->addHidden('supervisor_id', $f->id);
             $form->addHidden('id', $i->id);
     return PHPWS_Template::process($form->getTemplate(), 'intern', 'add_internship.tpl');
Esempio n. 12
  * Get the DBPager object.
  * Search strings can be passed in too.
 private static function getPager($name = null, $deptId = null, $term = null, $ugradMajor = null, $gradProg = null, $level = null, $type = null, $campus = null, $loc = null, $state = null, $country = null, $workflowState = null, $courseSubject = null, $courseNum = null, $courseSect = null)
     $pager = new SubselectPager('intern_internship', '\\Intern\\InternshipRestored');
     // Pager Settings
     $pager->setEmptyMessage('No matching internships found.');
     $pager->db->tables = array();
     $pager->db->addTable('intern_internship', 'fuzzy');
     // If the current user is not a deity and doesn't have the 'all_departments' permission,
     // then add a join to limit the results to just the allowed departments
     if (!\Current_User::isDeity() && !\Current_User::allow('intern', 'all_departments')) {
         $pager->db->addJoin('', 'fuzzy', 'intern_admin', 'department_id', 'department_id');
         $pager->addWhere('intern_admin.username', \Current_User::getUsername());
     // Limit to requested department
     if (!is_null($deptId) && $deptId != -1) {
         $pager->addWhere('department_id', $deptId);
     // Limit to requested term
     if (!is_null($term) && $term != -1) {
         $pager->addWhere('fuzzy.term', $term);
     // Trim text input, if any
     if (!is_null($name)) {
         $name = trim($name);
     // Check to see if name is set and looks like a valid Banner ID
     if (!is_null($name) && preg_match("/\\d{8}/", $name)) {
         $pager->addWhere('fuzzy.banner', $name);
         // Else, check to see if name is set
     } else {
         if (!is_null($name) && $name != '') {
             // Prevent SQL Injection and syntax errors, since we're going to be using the addColumnRaw() method.
             $name = addslashes($name);
              * *
              * Fuzzy Search Settings
             $tokenLimit = 2;
             // Max number of tokens
             // The fields (db column names) to fuzzy match against, in decreasing order of importance
             $fuzzyFields = array('last_name', 'first_name', 'middle_name');
             $fuzzyTolerance = 3;
             // Levenshtein distance allowed between the metaphones of a token and a $fuzzyField
             // Initalization
             $orderByList = array();
             $whereSet = array();
             // Tokenize the passed in string
             $tokenCount = 0;
             $tokens = array();
             $token = strtok($name, "\n\t, ");
             // tokenize on newline, tab, comma, space
             while ($token !== false && $tokenCount < $tokenLimit) {
                 $tokens[] = trim(strtolower($token));
                 // NB: must be lowercase!
                 // tokenize on newline, tab, comma, space
                 // NB: Don't pass in the string to strtok after the first call above
                 $token = strtok("\n\t, ");
             $fuzzyDb = new SubselectDatabase('intern_internship');
             // Foreach token
             for ($i = 0; $i < $tokenCount; $i++) {
                 $fuzzyDb->addColumnRaw("LEAST(levenshtein('{$tokens[$i]}', lower(last_name)),levenshtein('{$tokens[$i]}', lower(first_name))) as t{$i}_lev");
                 $fuzzyDb->addColumnRaw("LEAST(levenshtein(metaphone('{$tokens[$i]}', 10), last_name_meta),levenshtein(metaphone('{$tokens[$i]}', 10), first_name_meta)) as t{$i}_metalev");
                 $pager->db->addWhere("fuzzy.t{$i}_lev", 3, '<', 'OR', 'lev_where');
                 $pager->db->addWhere("fuzzy.t{$i}_metalev", $fuzzyTolerance, '<', 'OR', 'metaphone_where');
                 // Add order for this token's *_metalev fields
                 $orderByList[] = "fuzzy.t{$i}_lev";
                 $orderByList[] = "fuzzy.t{$i}_metalev";
             $pager->db->addSubSelect($fuzzyDb, 'fuzzy');
     $pager->db->addJoin('LEFT OUTER', 'fuzzy', 'intern_faculty', 'faculty_id', 'id');
     $pager->db->addJOIN('LEFT OUTER', 'fuzzy', 'intern_department', 'department_id', 'id');
     // Student level
     if (isset($level)) {
         if ($level == Student::UNDERGRAD) {
             $pager->addWhere('level', Student::UNDERGRAD);
         } else {
             if ($level == Student::GRADUATE || $level == Student::DOCTORAL || $level == Student::POSTDOC) {
                 $pager->addWhere('level', Student::GRADUATE, null, 'OR', 'grad_level');
                 $pager->addWhere('level', Student::DOCTORAL, null, 'OR', 'grad_level');
                 $pager->addWhere('level', Student::POSTDOC, null, 'OR', 'grad_level');
         // Major
         if ($level == 'ugrad' && isset($ugradMajor) && $ugradMajor != -1) {
             // Undergrad major
             $pager->addWhere('major_code', $ugradMajor);
         } else {
             if ($level == 'grad' && isset($gradProg) && $gradProg != -1) {
                 // Graduate program
                 $pager->addWhere('major_code', $gradProg);
     // Experience type
     if (!is_null($type)) {
         $pager->addWhere('experience_type', $type);
     // Course Info
     if (!is_null($courseSubject) && $courseSubject != '-1') {
         $pager->addWhere('course_subj', $courseSubject);
     if (!is_null($courseNum) && $courseNum != '') {
         $pager->addWhere('course_no', $courseNum);
     if (!is_null($courseSect) && $courseSect != '') {
         $pager->addWhere('course_sect', $courseSect);
     // Location
     if (!is_null($loc)) {
         if ($loc == 'domestic') {
             $pager->addWhere('domestic', 1);
         } else {
             if ($loc == 'internat') {
                 $pager->addWhere('international', 1);
     // Campus
     if (isset($campus) && $campus != '-1') {
         $pager->addWhere('campus', $campus);
     // Domestic state
     if (!is_null($state) && $state != '-1') {
         $pager->addWhere('loc_state', "%{$state}%", 'ILIKE');
     // International
     if (!is_null($country) && $country != '-1') {
         $pager->addWhere('loc_country', $country);
     // Workflow state/status
     if (isset($workflowState)) {
         foreach ($workflowState as $s) {
             $path = explode('\\', $s);
             $pager->db->addWhere('state', $path[2], '=', 'OR', 'workflow_group');
      * * Sort Headers **
     $pager->addSortHeader('term', 'Term');
     // $pager->joinResult('student_id', 'intern_student', 'id', 'last_name', 'student_last_name');
     $pager->addSortHeader('last_name', 'Student\'s Name');
     // $pager->joinResult('student_id', 'intern_student', 'id', 'banner');
     $pager->addSortHeader('banner', 'Banner ID');
     $pager->joinResult('department_id', 'intern_department', 'id', 'name');
     $pager->addSortHeader('', 'Department Name');
     //$pager->joinResult('faculty_id', 'intern_faculty', 'id', 'last_name', 'faculty_last_name');
     $pager->addSortHeader('intern_faculty.last_name', 'Instructor');
     $pager->addSortHeader('state', 'Status');
      * *** Other Page Tags *****
     $pageTags = array();
     $pageTags['BACK_LINK_URI'] = \PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('intern', array('action' => 'search'));
     return $pager;
Esempio n. 13
 public function view()
     $tpl['DATE_SENT'] = $this->getDate();
     $tpl['MESSAGE'] = nl2br($this->message);
     $tpl['REASON'] = $this->getReason();
     $reporter = new \PHPWS_User($this->reporter_id);
     $offender = new \PHPWS_User($this->offender_id);
     $tpl['REPORTER'] = $reporter->getUsername();
     $tpl['OFFENDER'] = $offender->getUsername();
     $vars['QUESTION'] = "Ignoring this report will permanently delete it. Be sure you have dealt with those involved before removing it.\nAre you sure you want to ignore this report?";
     $vars['ADDRESS'] = \PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('properties', array('aop' => 'ignore_report', 'id' => $this->id), true);
     $vars['LINK'] = 'Ignore';
     $tpl['IGNORE'] = javascript('confirm', $vars);
     if (!$this->block) {
         $vars['QUESTION'] = "Ignoring this report will permanently delete it. Be sure you have dealt with those involved before removing it.\nAre you sure you want to ignore this report?";
         $vars['ADDRESS'] = \PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('properties', array('aop' => 'ignore_report', 'id' => $this->id), true);
         $vars['LINK'] = 'Ignore';
         $links[] = javascript('confirm', $vars);
         $vars['QUESTION'] = "Blocking a report will prevent the offender from logging in. Are you sure you want to do this?";
         $vars['ADDRESS'] = \PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('properties', array('aop' => 'block_report', 'id' => $this->id), true);
         $vars['LINK'] = 'Block';
         $links[] = javascript('confirm', $vars);
     } else {
         $vars['QUESTION'] = 'Removing this block will allow ' . $offender->getUsername() . ' access to roommates again. Are you sure you want to do this?';
         $vars['ADDRESS'] = \PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('properties', array('aop' => 'ignore_report', 'id' => $this->id), true);
         $vars['LINK'] = 'Remove Block';
         $links[] = javascript('confirm', $vars);
     $links[] = '<a style="cursor : pointer" id="close-view">Close</a>';
     if ($this->block) {
         $tpl['BLOCK_REASON'] = $this->block_reason;
     $tpl['LINKS'] = implode(' | ', $links);
     return \PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'properties', 'report_view.tpl');
Esempio n. 14
  * This forms lets admins pick files uploaded to the server for sorting on the site.
 public function classifyFileList()
     $this->cabinet->title = dgettext('filecabinet', 'Classify files');
     $classify_dir = $this->cabinet->getClassifyDir();
     if (empty($classify_dir) || !is_dir($classify_dir)) {
         $this->cabinet->content = dgettext('filecabinet', 'Unable to locate the classify directory. Please check your File Cabinet settings, configuration file and directory permissions.');
     $allowed_file_types = $this->cabinet->getAllowedTypes();
     $result = PHPWS_File::readDirectory($classify_dir, false, true);
     if (empty($result)) {
         $this->cabinet->content = dgettext('filecabinet', 'The incoming file directory is currently empty.');
     if (PHPWS_Error::logIfError($result)) {
         $this->cabinet->content = dgettext('filecabinet', 'An error occurred when trying to read your incoming file directory.');
     $form = new PHPWS_Form('classify_file_list');
     $form->addHidden('aop', 'classify_action');
     $form->addHidden('module', 'filecabinet');
     $image_folders = Cabinet::listFolders(IMAGE_FOLDER, true);
     if (!empty($image_folders)) {
         $form->addSelect('image_folders', $image_folders);
         $form->addSubmit('image_force', dgettext('filecabinet', 'Put all checked images here'));
     $document_folders = Cabinet::listFolders(DOCUMENT_FOLDER, true);
     if (!empty($document_folders)) {
         $form->addSelect('document_folders', $document_folders);
         $form->addSubmit('document_force', dgettext('filecabinet', 'Put all checked documents here'));
     $media_folders = Cabinet::listFolders(MULTIMEDIA_FOLDER, true);
     if (!empty($media_folders)) {
         $form->addSelect('media_folders', $media_folders);
         $form->addSubmit('media_force', dgettext('filecabinet', 'Put all checked media here'));
     $options['classify'] = dgettext('filecabinet', '-- Pick option --');
     $options['classify_file'] = dgettext('filecabinet', 'Classify checked');
     $options['delete_incoming'] = dgettext('filecabinet', 'Delete checked');
     $form->addSelect('process_checked', $options);
     $tpl = $form->getTemplate();
     $js_vars['value'] = dgettext('filecabinet', 'Go');
     $js_vars['select_id'] = 'classify_file_list_aop';
     $js_vars['action_match'] = 'delete_incoming';
     $js_vars['message'] = dgettext('filecabinet', 'Are you sure you wish to delete these files?');
     $tpl['SUBMIT'] = javascript('select_confirm', $js_vars);
     $tpl['CHECK_ALL'] = javascript('check_all', array('checkbox_name' => 'file_list'));
     foreach ($result as $file) {
         $links = array();
         $id = preg_replace('/\\W/', '-', $file);
         $rowtpl['FILE_NAME'] = sprintf('<label for="%s">%s</label>', $id, $file);
         $rowtpl['FILE_TYPE'] = PHPWS_File::getVbType($file);
         $vars['file'] = urlencode($file);
         if (!$this->cabinet->fileTypeAllowed($file)) {
             $rowtpl['ERROR'] = ' class="error"';
             $rowtpl['MESSAGE'] = dgettext('filecabinet', 'File type not allowed');
         } elseif (!PHPWS_File::checkMimeType($classify_dir . $file)) {
             if (!is_readable($classify_dir . $file)) {
                 $rowtpl['ERROR'] = ' class="error"';
                 $rowtpl['MESSAGE'] = dgettext('filecabinet', 'File is unreadable');
             } else {
                 $rowtpl['ERROR'] = ' class="error"';
                 $rowtpl['MESSAGE'] = dgettext('filecabinet', 'Unknown or mismatched mime type');
         } else {
             $rowtpl['CHECK'] = sprintf('<input type="checkbox" id="%s" name="file_list[]" value="%s" />', $id, $file);
             $rowtpl['ERROR'] = $rowtpl['MESSAGE'] = null;
             $vars['aop'] = 'classify_file';
             $links[] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink(dgettext('filecabinet', 'Classify'), 'filecabinet', $vars);
         $vars['aop'] = 'delete_incoming';
         $cnf_js['QUESTION'] = dgettext('filecabinet', 'Are you sure you want to delete this file?');
         $cnf_js['ADDRESS'] = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('filecabinet', $vars, true);
         $cnf_js['LINK'] = dgettext('filecabinet', 'Delete');
         $links[] = javascript('confirm', $cnf_js);
         $rowtpl['ACTION'] = implode(' | ', $links);
         $tpl['file-list'][] = $rowtpl;
     $tpl['FILENAME_LABEL'] = dgettext('filecabinet', 'File name');
     $tpl['FILETYPE_LABEL'] = dgettext('filecabinet', 'File type');
     $tpl['ACTION_LABEL'] = dgettext('filecabinet', 'Action');
     $this->cabinet->content = PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'filecabinet', 'Forms/classify_list.tpl');
Esempio n. 15
  * Makes a select form option to move boxes to other parts
  * of the layout
 public static function moveBoxesTag($box)
     $vars['action'] = 'admin';
     $vars['command'] = 'move_popup';
     $vars['box'] = $box->id;
     $js['width'] = 300;
     $js['height'] = 400;
     $js['address'] = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('layout', $vars, true);
     $js['label'] = '-' . dgettext('layout', 'Click to move') . '-';
     $js['class'] = 'move-popup';
     // Relative because bootstrap breaks z-index without it. z-index to keep to top
     return '<div style="position:relative; z-index: 1000 !important; text-align : center">' . javascript('open_window', $js) . '</div>';
Esempio n. 16
 public static function manageGroups()
     $pageTags['MEMBERS_LABEL'] = dgettext('users', 'Members');
     $pageTags['ACTIONS_LABEL'] = dgettext('users', 'Actions');
     $pageTags['NEW_GROUP'] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink(dgettext('users', 'Create new group'), 'users', array('action' => 'admin', 'command' => 'new_group'), null, dgettext('users', 'Create new group'), 'btn btn-success');
     $pageTags['ADD_GROUP_URI'] = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('users', array('action' => 'admin', 'command' => 'new_group'));
     $pager = new DBPager('users_groups', 'PHPWS_Group');
     $pager->setLink('index.php?module=users&amp;action=admin&amp;tab=manage_groups&amp;authkey=' . Current_User::getAuthKey());
     // If no order was set, then set it to default by user name
     if (!isset($pager->orderby)) {
         $pager->orderby = 'name';
         $pager->orderby_dir = 'asc';
     $pager->addSortHeader('name', dgettext('users', 'Group Name'));
     $pager->addWhere('user_id', 0);
     return $pager->get();
Esempio n. 17
 public function getTpl()
     $vars['block_id'] = $this->getId();
     if (Current_User::allow('block', 'edit_block', $this->id)) {
         $vars['action'] = 'edit';
         $links[] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink(Icon::show('edit', dgettext('block', 'Edit')), 'block', $vars);
         if ($this->allPinned()) {
             $vars['action'] = 'remove';
             $links[] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink("<i class='fa fa-flag' title='" . dgettext('block', 'Remove block from all pages') . "'></i>", 'block', $vars);
         } else {
             $vars['action'] = 'pin_all';
             $links[] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink("<i class='fa fa-flag-o' title='" . dgettext('block', 'Display block on all pages') . "'></i>", 'block', $vars);
         if (Current_User::isUnrestricted('block')) {
             $links[] = Current_User::popupPermission($this->key_id, null, 'icon');
     if (Current_User::allow('block', 'delete_block')) {
         $vars['action'] = 'delete';
         $confirm_vars['QUESTION'] = dgettext('block', 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this block?');
         $confirm_vars['ADDRESS'] = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('block', $vars, TRUE);
         $confirm_vars['LINK'] = '<i class="fa fa-trash-o" title="' . dgettext('block', 'Delete') . '"></i>';
         $links[] = javascript('confirm', $confirm_vars);
     if (!empty($links)) {
         $template['ACTION'] = implode('', $links);
     } else {
         $template['ACTION'] = ' ';
     if (empty($this->title)) {
         $template['TITLE'] = '<em>' . dgettext('block', 'Untitled') . '</em>';
     if (empty($this->content)) {
         $template['CONTENT'] = '<em>' . dgettext('block', 'Empty') . '</em>';
     } else {
         $template['CONTENT'] = $this->summarize();
     return $template;
Esempio n. 18
 function getHistoryTpl()
     $vars['page'] = $this->getTitle(FALSE);
     $vars['page_op'] = 'viewold';
     $vars['id'] = $this->getId();
     $links[] = PHPWS_Text::moduleLink(dgettext('wiki', 'View'), 'wiki', $vars);
     if ((Current_User::allow('wiki', 'edit_page') || PHPWS_Settings::get('wiki', 'allow_page_edit') && Current_User::isLogged()) && $this->getAllowEdit() && !$this->getVrCurrent()) {
         $vars['page_op'] = 'restore';
         $links[] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink(dgettext('wiki', 'Restore'), 'wiki', $vars);
     if (Current_User::allow('wiki', 'delete_page') && $this->getAllowEdit() && !$this->getVrCurrent()) {
         $vars['page_op'] = 'removeold';
         $js_var['ADDRESS'] = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('wiki', $vars, TRUE);
         $js_var['QUESTION'] = dgettext('wiki', 'Are you sure you want to remove this page revision?');
         $js_var['LINK'] = dgettext('wiki', 'Remove');
         $links[] = Layout::getJavascript('confirm', $js_var);
     $template['ACTIONS'] = implode(' | ', $links);
     $template['VERSION'] = $this->getVrNumber();
     $template['UPDATED'] = $this->getUpdated();
     $template['EDITOR'] = $this->getEditor();
     $template['COMMENT'] = $this->getComment() . '';
     $template['DIFF'] = $this->getDiffOptions();
     return $template;
Esempio n. 19
 public static function uninstallLink($module)
     $uninstallVars = array('opmod' => $module, 'action' => 'uninstall');
     $js['question'] = dgettext('boost', 'Are you sure you want to uninstall this module? All data will be deleted.');
     $js['question'] .= '\\n' . sprintf(dgettext('boost', 'If sure, please type the name of the module below: %s'), $module);
     $js['address'] = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('boost', $uninstallVars, TRUE);
     $js['value_name'] = 'confirm';
     $js['link'] = dgettext('boost', 'Uninstall');
     return javascript('prompt', $js);
Esempio n. 20
 public function listTpl()
     $vars['address'] = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('signup', array('aop' => 'edit_peep_popup', 'slot_id' => $this->id));
     $vars['label'] = 'Click to edit';
     // click this link to edit the slot
     $vars['width'] = 800;
     $vars['height'] = 600;
     $vars['link_title'] = dgettext('signup', 'Click to view and edit signups for this slot.');
     $tpl['TITLE'] = $this->title;
     // Slot name
     $tpl['EDIT'] = javascript('open_window', $vars);
     // Edit link
     $tpl['OPENINGS'] = sprintf(dgettext('signup', 'Total openings: %s'), $this->openings);
     $left = $this->openings - $this->_filled;
     $tpl['LEFT'] = sprintf(dgettext('signup', 'Slots left: %s'), $left);
     $tpl['LINKS'] = $this->slotLinks();
     return $tpl;
Esempio n. 21
  * Provides just the URI to download a CSV export of this pageer's search results.
  * @author Jeremy Booker
  * @return string URI for CSV export
 public function getExportURI()
     $values = $this->getLinkValues();
     $module = $values['module'];
     $values['dbprt'] = 'csva';
     return PHPWS_Text::linkAddress($module, $values);
Esempio n. 22
 public function getManagerIcon($fmanager)
     $vars = $fmanager->linkInfo(false);
     $vars['fop'] = 'pick_file';
     $vars['file_type'] = FC_IMAGE;
     $vars['id'] = $this->id;
     $link = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('filecabinet', $vars, true);
     return sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $link, $this->getThumbnail());
Esempio n. 23
 public static function blockList()
     $pageTags['NEW_BLOCK'] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink(dgettext('block', 'Create new block'), 'block', array('action' => 'new'), null, dgettext('block', 'Create new block'), 'button');
     $pageTags['NEW_BLOCK_URI'] = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('block', array('action' => 'new'), true);
     $pageTags['CONTENT'] = dgettext('block', 'Content');
     $pageTags['ACTION'] = dgettext('block', 'Action');
     $pager = new DBPager('block', 'Block_Item');
     $pager->addSortHeader('title', dgettext('block', 'Title'));
     $content = $pager->get();
     return $content;
Esempio n. 24
 public function url()
     $vars['uop'] = 'view_page';
     $vars['id'] = $this->id;
         return 'pagesmith/' . $vars['id'];
     } else {
         return PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('pagesmith', $vars);
Esempio n. 25
 public function week()
     if (PHPWS_Settings::get('calendar', 'use_calendar_style')) {
     $start_day = PHPWS_Settings::get('calendar', 'starting_day');
     $current_weekday = date('w', $this->calendar->current_date);
     if ($current_weekday != $start_day) {
         $week_start = $current_weekday - $start_day;
     } else {
         $week_start = 0;
     $startdate = $this->calendar->current_date - 86400 * $week_start;
     $enddate = $startdate + 86400 * 7 - 1;
     $this->calendar->loadEventList($startdate, $enddate);
     if (PHPWS_Settings::get('calendar', 'use_calendar_style')) {
     $tpl = new PHPWS_Template('calendar');
     $start_range = strftime(CALENDAR_WEEK_HEADER, $startdate);
     if (date('Y', $startdate) != date('Y', $enddate)) {
         $start_range .= strftime(', %Y', $startdate);
     if (date('m', $startdate) == date('m', $enddate)) {
         $end_range = strftime('%e, %Y', $enddate);
     } else {
         $end_range = strftime(CALENDAR_WEEK_HEADER, $enddate);
         $end_range .= strftime(', %Y', $enddate);
     $events_found = false;
     for ($i = $startdate; $i <= $enddate; $i += 86400) {
         $day_result = $this->getDaysEvents($i, $tpl);
         if ($day_result) {
             $events_found = true;
             $link = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('calendar', array('date' => $i, 'view' => 'day'));
             $day_tpl['FULL_WEEKDAY'] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $link, strftime('%A', $i));
             $day_tpl['ABBR_WEEKDAY'] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $link, strftime('%a', $i));
             $day_tpl['DAY_NUMBER'] = sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $link, strftime('%e', $i));
     if (!$events_found) {
         $tpl->setVariable('MESSAGE', dgettext('calendar', 'No events this week.'));
     $main_tpl = $this->viewLinks('week');
     $main_tpl['DAY_RANGE'] = '<a href="index.php?module=calendar&amp;view=grid&amp;date=' . $startdate . '">' . sprintf(dgettext('calendar', 'From %s to %s'), $start_range, $end_range) . '</a>';
     $main_tpl['SCHEDULE_TITLE'] = $this->calendar->schedule->title;
     $main_tpl['FULL_YEAR'] = strftime('%Y', $this->calendar->current_date);
     $main_tpl['ABRV_YEAR'] = strftime('%y', $this->calendar->current_date);
     $main_tpl['SCHEDULE_PICK'] = $this->schedulePick();
     $main_tpl['PICK'] = $this->getDatePick();
     $main_tpl['SUGGEST'] = $this->suggestLink();
     $main_tpl['DOWNLOAD'] = $this->downloadLink($startdate, $enddate);
     if ($this->calendar->schedule->checkPermissions()) {
         $main_tpl['ADD_EVENT'] = '<button class="add-event btn btn-success" data-view="week" data-schedule-id="' . $this->calendar->schedule->id . '" data-date="' . $this->calendar->current_date * 1000 . '"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> ' . dgettext('calendar', 'Add event') . '</button>';
     return $tpl->get();
Esempio n. 26
 public function rowTag()
     $vars['sheet_id'] = $this->id;
     if (Current_User::allow('signup', 'edit_sheet', $this->id, 'sheet')) {
         if (Current_User::isUnrestricted('signup')) {
             $vars['aop'] = 'edit_sheet';
             $links[] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink(\Icon::show('edit', dgettext('signup', 'Edit')), 'signup', $vars);
         $vars['aop'] = 'edit_slots';
         $links[] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink(\Icon::show('th-list', dgettext('signup', 'Slots')), 'signup', $vars);
         if (Current_User::isUnrestricted('signup')) {
             $links[] = Current_User::popupPermission($this->key_id, null, 'icon');
     $vars['aop'] = 'report';
     $links[] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink(\Icon::show('file-text', dgettext('signup', 'Report')), 'signup', $vars);
     if (Current_User::isUnrestricted('signup')) {
         $vars['aop'] = 'delete_sheet';
         $js['ADDRESS'] = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('signup', $vars, true);
         $js['QUESTION'] = dgettext('signup', 'Are you sure you want to delete this sheet?\\nAll slots and signup information will be permanently removed.');
         $js['LINK'] = \Icon::show('delete');
         $links[] = javascript('confirm', $js);
     $tpl['START_TIME'] = strftime("%D %R", $this->start_time);
     // MM/DD/YY hh:mm 24-hour time format
     $tpl['END_TIME'] = strftime("%D %R", $this->end_time);
     // MM/DD/YY hh:mm 24-hour time format
     $tpl['TITLE'] = $this->viewLink();
     $tpl['ACTION'] = implode('&nbsp;', $links);
     return $tpl;
Esempio n. 27
  * View of folders per media
 public function folderView()
     $tpl = array();
     $tpl['CLOSE'] = javascript('close_window');
      * This needs a rewrite. It is getting split in two directions functionality wise.
     if (Current_User::allow('filecabinet', 'edit_folders') && Current_User::isUnrestricted('filecabinet')) {
         $folder = new Folder;
         $folder->ftype = $this->folder_type;
         if ($this->mod_limit) {
             $tpl['ADD_FOLDER'] = $folder->editLink('button', $this->module);
         } else {
             $tpl['ADD_FOLDER'] = $folder->editLink('button');
     $db = new PHPWS_DB('folders');
     $db->addWhere('module_created', $this->module, null, null, 'mod_limit');
     if (!$this->mod_limit) {
         $db->addWhere('module_created', null, null, 'or', 'mod_limit');
     $db->addWhere('ftype', $this->folder_type);
     $folders = $db->getObjects('Folder');
     if (!empty($folders)) {
         $fvars = $this->linkInfo();
         $fvars['fop'] = 'fm_fld_contents';
         foreach ($folders as $folder) {
             $fvars['folder_id'] = $folder->id;
             $row['ADDRESS'] = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('filecabinet', $fvars, true);
             $row['ICON'] = '<img src="' . PHPWS_SOURCE_HTTP . 'mod/filecabinet/img/file_manager/folder.png" />';
             $row['TITLE'] =& $folder->title;
             $tpl['folder-list'][] = $row;
     $tpl['FOLDER_TITLE'] = 'folder view';
     return PHPWS_Template::process($tpl, 'filecabinet', 'file_manager/folder_view.tpl');
Esempio n. 28
 public function report()
     PHPWS_Core::initModClass('signup', 'Peeps.php');
     $pager = new DBPager('signup_peeps', 'Signup_Peep');
     $pager->addWhere('sheet_id', $this->signup->sheet->id);
     $pager->addWhere('registered', 1);
     $pager->addSortHeader('phone', dgettext('signup', 'Phone'));
     $pager->addSortHeader('last_name', dgettext('signup', 'Last name'));
     $pager->addSortHeader('first_name', dgettext('signup', 'First name'));
     $pager->addSortHeader('email', dgettext('signup', 'Email'));
     $vars['sheet_id'] = $this->signup->sheet->id;
     $vars['aop'] = 'csv_applicants';
     $page_tags['CSV'] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink(dgettext('signup', 'CSV file'), 'signup', $vars);
     $vars['aop'] = 'slot_listing';
     $js['label'] = dgettext('signup', 'Slot listing');
     $js['menubar'] = 'yes';
     $js['address'] = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('signup', $vars, true);
     $page_tags['SLOT_LISTING'] = javascript('open_window', $js);
     $vars['aop'] = 'print_applicants';
     if (!empty($pager->search)) {
         if (isset($pager->searchColumn)) {
             $vars['search'] = implode('+', $pager->searchColumn);
         } else {
             $vars['search'] = $pager->search;
     if ($pager->orderby) {
         $vars['orderby'] = $pager->orderby;
         $vars['orderby_dir'] = $pager->orderby_dir;
     $js['label'] = dgettext('signup', 'Print list');
     $js['width'] = '1024';
     $js['height'] = '768';
     $js['menubar'] = 'yes';
     $js['address'] = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('signup', $vars, true);
     $page_tags['PRINT'] = javascript('open_window', $js);
     $vars['aop'] = 'email_applicants';
     $page_tags['EMAIL'] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink(dgettext('signup', 'Email'), 'signup', $vars, null, "Email all people in the search results");
     $page_tags['EXTRA_LABEL'] = dgettext('signup', 'Extra details');
     // Add a link that takes the user back to the signup sheets page, skipping all the re-sorts
     $vars['aop'] = 'menu';
     $vars['tab'] = 'list';
     $page_tags['BACK'] = PHPWS_Text::secureLink(dgettext('signup', 'Back to Signup Sheets'), 'signup', $vars);
     $pager->setSearch('last_name', 'first_name', 'organization');
     $limits[25] = 25;
     $limits[50] = 50;
     $limits[100] = 100;
     $this->signup->title = sprintf(dgettext('signup', '%s Participants'), $this->signup->sheet->title);
     $this->signup->content = $pager->get();
Esempio n. 29
 public function edit()
     static $folder;
     if (empty($this->multimedia)) {
     if (empty($folder)) {
         $folder = new Folder($this->multimedia->folder_id);
     $form = new PHPWS_FORM();
     $form->addHidden('module', 'filecabinet');
     $form->addHidden('mop', 'post_multimedia_upload');
     $form->addHidden('ms', $this->max_size);
     $form->addHidden('folder_id', $this->multimedia->folder_id);
     $form->setLabel('file_name', dgettext('filecabinet', 'Multimedia location'));
     $form->addText('title', $this->multimedia->title);
     $form->setLabel('title', dgettext('filecabinet', 'Title'));
     $form->setClass('title', 'form-control');
     $form->addTextArea('description', $this->multimedia->description);
     $form->setLabel('description', dgettext('filecabinet', 'Description'));
     $form->setClass('description', 'form-control');
     if ($this->multimedia->id) {
         $this->title = 'Edit multimedia';
         $form->addHidden('multimedia_id', $this->multimedia->id);
         $form->addText('width', $this->multimedia->width);
         $form->setLabel('width', dgettext('filecabinet', 'Width'));
         $form->addText('height', $this->multimedia->height);
         $form->setLabel('height', dgettext('filecabinet', 'Height'));
     } else {
         $this->title = 'Upload multimedia';
     if ($this->multimedia->id && Current_User::allow('filecabinet', 'edit_folders', $this->multimedia->folder_id, 'folder', true)) {
         Cabinet::moveToForm($form, $folder);
     $template = $form->getTemplate();
     if ($this->multimedia->id) {
         $template['CURRENT_MULTIMEDIA_LABEL'] = dgettext('filecabinet', 'Current multimedia');
         $template['CURRENT_MULTIMEDIA_ICON'] = $this->multimedia->getThumbnail();
         $template['CURRENT_MULTIMEDIA_FILE'] = $this->multimedia->file_name;
         $ow['address'] = PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('filecabinet', array('aop' => 'change_tn', 'type' => 'mm', 'id' => $this->multimedia->id), true);
         $ow['label'] = 'Change thumbnail';
         $ow['width'] = 400;
         $ow['height'] = 250;
         $template['EDIT_THUMBNAIL'] = javascript('open_window', $ow);
     $template['MAX_SIZE_LABEL'] = dgettext('filecabinet', 'Maximum file size');
     $size_max = Cabinet::getMaxSizes();
     $sys_size =& $size_max['system'];
     $form_max =& $size_max['form'];
     if ($form_max < $sys_size && $form_max < $this->max_size) {
         $max_size =& $form_max;
     } elseif ($sys_size < $form_max && $sys_size < $this->max_size) {
         $max_size =& $sys_size;
     } else {
         $max_size =& $this->max_size;
     if ($max_size >= 1000000) {
         $template['MAX_SIZE'] = sprintf(dgettext('filecabinet', '%dMB (%d bytes)'), floor($max_size / 1000000), $max_size);
     } elseif ($max_size >= 1000) {
         $template['MAX_SIZE'] = sprintf(dgettext('filecabinet', '%dKB (%d bytes)'), floor($max_size / 1000), $max_size);
     } else {
         $template['MAX_SIZE'] = sprintf(dgettext('filecabinet', '%d bytes'), $max_size);
     if ($this->message) {
         $template['ERROR'] = $this->message;
     $this->content = PHPWS_Template::process($template, 'filecabinet', 'Forms/multimedia_edit.tpl');
Esempio n. 30
 public function getViewLink($formatted = true)
     $vars['sch_id'] = $this->id;
     if ($formatted) {
         return PHPWS_Text::moduleLink($this->title, 'calendar', $vars);
     } else {
         return PHPWS_Text::linkAddress('calendar', $vars);