Esempio n. 1
  * Filters stack frames from PHPUnit classes.
  * @param Exception $e        	
  * @param bool $asString        	
  * @return string
 public static function getFilteredStacktrace(Exception $e, $asString = true)
     $prefix = false;
     $script = realpath($GLOBALS['_SERVER']['SCRIPT_NAME']);
     if (defined('__PHPUNIT_PHAR_ROOT__')) {
         $prefix = __PHPUNIT_PHAR_ROOT__;
     if ($asString === true) {
         $filteredStacktrace = '';
     } else {
         $filteredStacktrace = array();
     if ($e instanceof PHPUnit_Framework_SyntheticError) {
         $eTrace = $e->getSyntheticTrace();
         $eFile = $e->getSyntheticFile();
         $eLine = $e->getSyntheticLine();
     } elseif ($e instanceof PHPUnit_Framework_Exception) {
         $eTrace = $e->getSerializableTrace();
         $eFile = $e->getFile();
         $eLine = $e->getLine();
     } else {
         if ($e->getPrevious()) {
             $e = $e->getPrevious();
         $eTrace = $e->getTrace();
         $eFile = $e->getFile();
         $eLine = $e->getLine();
     if (!self::frameExists($eTrace, $eFile, $eLine)) {
         array_unshift($eTrace, array('file' => $eFile, 'line' => $eLine));
     $blacklist = new PHPUnit_Util_Blacklist();
     foreach ($eTrace as $frame) {
         if (isset($frame['file']) && is_file($frame['file']) && !$blacklist->isBlacklisted($frame['file']) && ($prefix === false || strpos($frame['file'], $prefix) !== 0) && $frame['file'] !== $script) {
             if ($asString === true) {
                 $filteredStacktrace .= sprintf("%s:%s\n", $frame['file'], isset($frame['line']) ? $frame['line'] : '?');
             } else {
                 $filteredStacktrace[] = $frame;
     return $filteredStacktrace;
Esempio n. 2
 public static function processIncludedFilesAsString(array $files)
     $blacklist = new PHPUnit_Util_Blacklist();
     $prefix = false;
     $result = '';
     if (defined('__PHPUNIT_PHAR__')) {
         $prefix = 'phar://' . __PHPUNIT_PHAR__ . '/';
     for ($i = count($files) - 1; $i > 0; $i--) {
         $file = $files[$i];
         if ($prefix !== false && strpos($file, $prefix) === 0) {
         // Skip virtual file system protocols
         if (preg_match('/^(vfs|phpvfs[a-z0-9]+):/', $file)) {
         if (!$blacklist->isBlacklisted($file) && is_file($file)) {
             $result = 'require_once \'' . $file . "';\n" . $result;
     return $result;
Esempio n. 3
  * Runs a TestCase.
  * @param PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test
 public function run(PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test)
     $error = false;
     $failure = false;
     $warning = false;
     $incomplete = false;
     $risky = false;
     $skipped = false;
     $errorHandlerSet = false;
     if ($this->convertErrorsToExceptions) {
         $oldErrorHandler = set_error_handler(['PHPUnit_Util_ErrorHandler', 'handleError'], E_ALL | E_STRICT);
         if ($oldErrorHandler === null) {
             $errorHandlerSet = true;
         } else {
     $collectCodeCoverage = $this->codeCoverage !== null && !$test instanceof PHPUnit_Framework_WarningTestCase;
     if ($collectCodeCoverage) {
     $monitorFunctions = $this->beStrictAboutResourceUsageDuringSmallTests && !$test instanceof PHPUnit_Framework_WarningTestCase && $test->getSize() == PHPUnit_Util_Test::SMALL && function_exists('xdebug_start_function_monitor');
     if ($monitorFunctions) {
     try {
         if (!$test instanceof PHPUnit_Framework_WarningTestCase && $test->getSize() != PHPUnit_Util_Test::UNKNOWN && $this->enforceTimeLimit && extension_loaded('pcntl') && class_exists('PHP_Invoker')) {
             switch ($test->getSize()) {
                 case PHPUnit_Util_Test::SMALL:
                     $_timeout = $this->timeoutForSmallTests;
                 case PHPUnit_Util_Test::MEDIUM:
                     $_timeout = $this->timeoutForMediumTests;
                 case PHPUnit_Util_Test::LARGE:
                     $_timeout = $this->timeoutForLargeTests;
             $invoker = new PHP_Invoker();
             $invoker->invoke([$test, 'runBare'], [], $_timeout);
         } else {
     } catch (PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError $e) {
         $failure = true;
         if ($e instanceof PHPUnit_Framework_RiskyTestError) {
             $risky = true;
         } elseif ($e instanceof PHPUnit_Framework_IncompleteTestError) {
             $incomplete = true;
         } elseif ($e instanceof PHPUnit_Framework_SkippedTestError) {
             $skipped = true;
     } catch (PHPUnit_Framework_Warning $e) {
         $warning = true;
     } catch (PHPUnit_Framework_Exception $e) {
         $error = true;
     } catch (Throwable $e) {
         $e = new PHPUnit_Framework_ExceptionWrapper($e);
         $error = true;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $e = new PHPUnit_Framework_ExceptionWrapper($e);
         $error = true;
     $time = PHP_Timer::stop();
     if ($monitorFunctions) {
         $blacklist = new PHPUnit_Util_Blacklist();
         $functions = xdebug_get_monitored_functions();
         foreach ($functions as $function) {
             if (!$blacklist->isBlacklisted($function['filename'])) {
                 $this->addFailure($test, new PHPUnit_Framework_RiskyTestError(sprintf('%s() used in %s:%s', $function['function'], $function['filename'], $function['lineno'])), $time);
     if ($this->beStrictAboutTestsThatDoNotTestAnything && $test->getNumAssertions() == 0) {
         $risky = true;
     if ($collectCodeCoverage) {
         $append = !$risky && !$incomplete && !$skipped;
         $linesToBeCovered = [];
         $linesToBeUsed = [];
         if ($append && $test instanceof PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase) {
             $linesToBeCovered = PHPUnit_Util_Test::getLinesToBeCovered(get_class($test), $test->getName(false));
             $linesToBeUsed = PHPUnit_Util_Test::getLinesToBeUsed(get_class($test), $test->getName(false));
         try {
             $this->codeCoverage->stop($append, $linesToBeCovered, $linesToBeUsed);
         } catch (PHP_CodeCoverage_UnintentionallyCoveredCodeException $cce) {
             $this->addFailure($test, new PHPUnit_Framework_UnintentionallyCoveredCodeError('This test executed code that is not listed as code to be covered or used:' . PHP_EOL . $cce->getMessage()), $time);
         } catch (PHPUnit_Framework_InvalidCoversTargetException $cce) {
             $this->addFailure($test, new PHPUnit_Framework_InvalidCoversTargetError($cce->getMessage()), $time);
         } catch (PHP_CodeCoverage_Exception $cce) {
             $error = true;
             if (!isset($e)) {
                 $e = $cce;
     if ($errorHandlerSet === true) {
     if ($error === true) {
         $this->addError($test, $e, $time);
     } elseif ($failure === true) {
         $this->addFailure($test, $e, $time);
     } elseif ($warning === true) {
         $this->addWarning($test, $e, $time);
     } elseif ($this->beStrictAboutTestsThatDoNotTestAnything && $test->getNumAssertions() == 0) {
         $this->addFailure($test, new PHPUnit_Framework_RiskyTestError('This test did not perform any assertions'), $time);
     } elseif ($this->beStrictAboutOutputDuringTests && $test->hasOutput()) {
         $this->addFailure($test, new PHPUnit_Framework_OutputError(sprintf('This test printed output: %s', $test->getActualOutput())), $time);
     } elseif ($this->beStrictAboutTodoAnnotatedTests && $test instanceof PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase) {
         $annotations = $test->getAnnotations();
         if (isset($annotations['method']['todo'])) {
             $this->addFailure($test, new PHPUnit_Framework_RiskyTestError('Test method is annotated with @todo'), $time);
     $this->endTest($test, $time);
Esempio n. 4
 public static function getIncludedFilesAsString()
     $blacklist = new PHPUnit_Util_Blacklist();
     $files = get_included_files();
     $prefix = false;
     $result = '';
     if (defined('__PHPUNIT_PHAR__')) {
         $prefix = 'phar://' . __PHPUNIT_PHAR__ . '/';
     for ($i = count($files) - 1; $i > 0; $i--) {
         $file = $files[$i];
         if ($prefix !== false && strpos($file, $prefix) === 0) {
         if (!$blacklist->isBlacklisted($file) && is_file($file)) {
             $result = 'require_once \'' . $file . "';\n" . $result;
     return $result;
  * Get the dependend classes of this test.
  * @return       string[] An array containing class names as keys and path to the 
  *                        file's defining class as value.
  * @author       Dominik del Bondio <*****@*****.**>
  * @since        1.1.0
 private function getDependendClasses()
     // We need to collect the dependend classes in case there is a test which
     // has set @agaviBootstrap to off. That results in the Agavi autoloader not
     // being started and if the test class depends on any files from Agavi (like
     // AgaviPhpUnitTestCase) it would not be loaded when the test is instantiated
     $classesInTest = array();
     $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass(get_class($this));
     $testFile = $reflectionClass->getFileName();
     $getDeclaredFuncs = array('get_declared_classes', 'get_declared_interfaces');
     if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4', '>=')) {
         $getDeclaredFuncs[] = 'get_declared_traits';
     foreach ($getDeclaredFuncs as $getDeclaredFunc) {
         foreach ($getDeclaredFunc() as $name) {
             $reflectionClass = new ReflectionClass($name);
             if ($testFile === $reflectionClass->getFileName()) {
                 $classesInTest[] = $name;
     // FIXME: added by phpunit 4.x
     if (class_exists('PHPUnit_Util_Blacklist')) {
         $blacklist = new PHPUnit_Util_Blacklist();
         $isBlacklisted = function ($file) use($testFile, $blacklist) {
             return $file === $testFile || $blacklist->isBlacklisted($file);
     } elseif (is_callable(array('PHPUnit_Util_GlobalState', 'phpunitFiles'))) {
         $blacklist = PHPUnit_Util_GlobalState::phpunitFiles();
         $isBlacklisted = function ($file) use($testFile, $blacklist) {
             return $file === $testFile || isset($blacklist[$file]);
     } else {
         $isBlacklisted = function ($file) use($testFile) {
             return $file === $testFile;
     $classesToFile = array('AgaviTesting' => realpath(__DIR__ . '/AgaviTesting.class.php'));
     foreach ($classesInTest as $className) {
         $classesToFile = array_merge($classesToFile, $this->getClassDependendFiles(new ReflectionClass($className), $isBlacklisted));
     return $classesToFile;