Esempio n. 1
 public function getMock()
     $mock = $this->testCase->getMock('stdClass', $this->functions, array(), 'PHPUnit_Extension_FunctionMocker_' . uniqid());
     foreach ($this->functions as $function) {
         $fqFunction = $this->namespace . '\\' . $function;
         if (in_array($fqFunction, static::$mockedFunctions, true)) {
         if (!extension_loaded('runkit') || !ini_get('runkit.internal_override')) {
             PHPUnit_Extension_FunctionMocker_CodeGenerator::defineFunction($function, $this->namespace);
         } elseif (!function_exists('__phpunit_function_mocker_' . $function)) {
             runkit_function_rename($function, '__phpunit_function_mocker_' . $function);
             runkit_method_redefine($function, function () use($function) {
                 if (!isset($GLOBALS['__PHPUNIT_EXTENSION_FUNCTIONMOCKER'][$this->namespace])) {
                     return call_user_func_array('__phpunit_function_mocker_' . $function, func_get_args());
                 return call_user_func_array(array($GLOBALS['__PHPUNIT_EXTENSION_FUNCTIONMOCKER'][$this->namespace], $function), func_get_args());
         static::$mockedFunctions[] = $fqFunction;
     $GLOBALS['__PHPUNIT_EXTENSION_FUNCTIONMOCKER'][$this->namespace] = $mock;
     return $mock;
  * @param \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase $test
  * @param \Closure                    $qbCallback
  * @param array                       $fields
  * @return \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface
 public static function create(\PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase $test, \Closure $qbCallback, $fields)
     $query = $test->getMockForAbstractClass('Doctrine\\ORM\\AbstractQuery', [], '', false, true, true, ['execute']);
     if (Version::compare('2.5.0') < 1) {
         $entityManager = $test->getMock('Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityManagerInterface');
         $qb = $test->getMockBuilder('Doctrine\\ORM\\QueryBuilder')->setConstructorArgs([$entityManager])->getMock();
     } else {
         $qb = $test->getMockBuilder('Doctrine\\ORM\\QueryBuilder')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $repository = $test->getMockBuilder('Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityRepository')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $metadata = $test->getMock('Doctrine\\Common\\Persistence\\Mapping\\ClassMetadata');
     $em = $test->getMockBuilder('Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityManager')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     return $em;
Esempio n. 3
  * Retrieve new layout model instance with layout updates from a fixture file
  * @param string|array $layoutUpdatesFile
  * @param array $args
  * @return \Magento\Framework\View\Layout|\PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
 public function getLayoutFromFixture($layoutUpdatesFile, array $args = [])
     $layout = $this->_testCase->getMock('Magento\\Framework\\View\\Layout', ['getUpdate'], $args);
     $layoutUpdate = $this->getLayoutUpdateFromFixture($layoutUpdatesFile);
     return $layout;
 public function getAuthorization($result, $resolved = true)
     $authorizationMockup = $this->object->getMock("ResolveAuth\\Authorization\\Resolvable\\ResolvableAuthorization", ['value', 'state', 'resolve', 'afterResolve', 'resolved'], [], '', false);
     return $authorizationMockup;
Esempio n. 5
  * Retrieve new layout model instance with layout updates from a fixture file
  * @param string $layoutUpdatesFile
  * @param array $args
  * @return Mage_Core_Model_Layout|PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
 public function getLayoutFromFixture($layoutUpdatesFile, array $args = array())
     $layout = $this->_testCase->getMock('Mage_Core_Model_Layout', array('getUpdate'), $args);
     $layoutUpdate = $this->getLayoutUpdateFromFixture($layoutUpdatesFile);
     return $layout;
  * Return mocks with expected invokes
  * First element is quoteIdMaskFactoryMock, second one is quoteIdMaskMock
  * @param $maskedCartId
  * @param $cartId
  * @return array
 public function mockQuoteIdMask($maskedCartId, $cartId)
     $quoteIdMaskMock = $this->testCase->getMock('Magento\\Quote\\Model\\QuoteIdMask', ['load', 'getQuoteId', 'getMaskedId'], [], '', false);
     $quoteIdMaskFactoryMock = $this->testCase->getMockBuilder('Magento\\Quote\\Model\\QuoteIdMaskFactory')->setMethods(['create'])->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     return [$quoteIdMaskFactoryMock, $quoteIdMaskMock];
Esempio n. 7
  * Creates and instance of a mock Joomla\Cache\Item object.
  * @return  object
  * @since   1.0
 public function createMockItem()
     // Collect all the relevant methods in JDatabase.
     $methods = array('getKey', 'getValue', 'isHit', 'setValue');
     // Create the mock.
     $mockObject = $this->test->getMock('Joomla\\Cache\\Item', $methods, array(), '', false);
     TestHelper::assignMockCallbacks($mockObject, $this->test, array('getValue' => array(is_callable(array($this->test, 'mockCacheItemGetValue')) ? $this->test : $this, 'mockCacheItemGetValue'), 'isHit' => array(is_callable(array($this->test, 'mockCacheItemIsHit')) ? $this->test : $this, 'mockCacheItemIsHit')));
     return $mockObject;
Esempio n. 8
  * @param Identifies $id
  * @return \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
 public function mockAggregate(Identifies $id)
     $class = 'SimpleES\\EventSourcing\\Aggregate\\TracksEvents';
     $aggregate = $this->testCase->getMock($class);
     return $aggregate;
  * Creates an instance of a mock JInput object.
  * @param   array  $options  An associative array of options to configure the mock.
  *                           * methods => an array of additional methods to mock
  * @return  PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
  * @since   3.4
 public function createInput(array $options = null)
     // Collect all the relevant methods in JInput.
     $methods = array('count', 'def', 'get', 'getArray', 'getInt', 'getMethod', 'set', 'serialize', 'unserialize');
     // Add custom methods if required for derived application classes.
     if (isset($options['methods']) && is_array($options['methods'])) {
         $methods = array_merge($methods, $options['methods']);
     // Create the mock.
     $mockObject = self::$test->getMock('JInput', $methods, array(), '', false);
     self::$test->assignMockCallbacks($mockObject, array('get' => array(is_callable(array(self::$test, 'mockInputGet')) ? self::$test : $this, 'mockInputGet'), 'getArray' => array(is_callable(array(self::$test, 'mockInputGetArray')) ? self::$test : $this, 'mockInputGetArray'), 'getInt' => array(is_callable(array(self::$test, 'mockInputGetInt')) ? self::$test : $this, 'mockInputGetInt'), 'set' => array(is_callable(array(self::$test, 'mockInputSet')) ? self::$test : $this, 'mockInputSet')));
     $mockObject->get = $mockObject;
     $mockObject->post = $mockObject;
     $mockObject->request = $mockObject;
     return $mockObject;
Esempio n. 10
  * @param string $username
  * @return \Nethgui\Authorization\UserInterface
 public static function getAuthenticationSubject(\PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase $testcase, $username = FALSE, $groups = array())
     $subject = $testcase->getMock('Nethgui\\Authorization\\User', array('authenticate', 'isAuthenticated', 'getCredential', 'hasCredential', 'getLanguageCode', 'asAuthorizationString', 'getAuthorizationAttribute'));
     $subject->expects($testcase->any())->method('getCredential')->with('username')->will($testcase->returnValue(is_string($username) ? $username : NULL));
     $getAttribute = function ($attName) use($username, $groups) {
         if ($attName === 'username') {
             return is_string($username) ? $username : NULL;
         } elseif ($attName === 'authenticated') {
             return is_string($username) ? TRUE : FALSE;
         } elseif ($attName == 'groups') {
             return $groups;
         return NULL;
     $subject->expects($testcase->any())->method('asAuthorizationString')->will($testcase->returnValue(is_string($username) ? $username : '******'));
     return $subject;
Esempio n. 11
  * Creates and instance of the mock AbstractModel object.
  * @param   \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase  $test  A test object.
  * @return  object
  * @since   1.0
 public static function create(\PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase $test)
     // Collect all the relevant methods in AbstractModel.
     $methods = array('getState', 'loadState', 'setState');
     // Create the mock.
     $mockObject = $test->getMock('Joomla\\Model\\ModelInterface', $methods, array(), '', false);
     return $mockObject;
  * Creates an instance of the mock JAccessRules object.
  * @param   PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase  $test  A test object.
  * @return  PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
  * @since   11.3
 public static function create($test)
     // Mock all the public methods.
     $methods = array('allow');
     // Create the mock.
     $mockObject = $test->getMock('JAccessRules', $methods, array(), '', false);
     $test->assignMockCallbacks($mockObject, array('allow' => array(get_called_class(), 'mockAllow')));
     return $mockObject;
Esempio n. 13
  * Get collection mock
  * @param string $className
  * @param array $data
  * @return \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 public function getCollectionMock($className, array $data)
     if (!is_subclass_of($className, '\\Magento\\Framework\\Data\\Collection')) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException($className . ' does not instance of \\Magento\\Framework\\Data\\Collection');
     $mock = $this->_testObject->getMock($className, [], [], '', false, false);
     $iterator = new \ArrayIterator($data);
     return $mock;
  * Creates and instance of the mock JLanguage object.
  * @param   PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase  $test  A test object.
  * @return  PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
  * @since   11.3
 public static function create($test)
     // Collect all the relevant methods in JDatabase.
     $methods = array('parse', 'render', 'test');
     // Create the mock.
     $mockObject = $test->getMock('JDocument', $methods, array(), '', false);
     // Mock selected methods.
     $test->assignMockReturns($mockObject, array('parse' => $mockObject, 'test' => 'ok'));
     return $mockObject;
  * @param \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase $testCase
  * @param array $classes
 public function __construct(\PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase $testCase, array $classes = [])
     $configProvider = $testCase->getMockBuilder('Oro\\Bundle\\EntityConfigBundle\\Provider\\ConfigProvider')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $entityClassResolver = $testCase->getMockBuilder('Oro\\Bundle\\EntityBundle\\ORM\\EntityClassResolver')->disableOriginalConstructor()->getMock();
     $container = $testCase->getMock('Symfony\\Component\\DependencyInjection\\ContainerInterface');
     $container->expects($testCase->any())->method('get')->will($testCase->returnValueMap([['oro_entity_config.provider.ownership', ContainerInterface::EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE, $configProvider], ['oro_entity.orm.entity_class_resolver', ContainerInterface::EXCEPTION_ON_INVALID_REFERENCE, $entityClassResolver]]));
     parent::__construct(array_merge(['organization' => 'Oro\\Bundle\\SecurityBundle\\Tests\\Unit\\Acl\\Domain\\Fixtures\\Entity\\Organization', 'business_unit' => 'Oro\\Bundle\\SecurityBundle\\Tests\\Unit\\Acl\\Domain\\Fixtures\\Entity\\BusinessUnit', 'user' => 'Oro\\Bundle\\SecurityBundle\\Tests\\Unit\\Acl\\Domain\\Fixtures\\Entity\\User'], $classes));
Esempio n. 16
  * Creates and instance of the mock JDatabaseDriver object.
  * @param   PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase  $test          A test object.
  * @param   string                      $driver        Optional driver to create a sub-class of JDatabaseDriver.
  * @param   array                       $extraMethods  An array of additional methods to add to the mock.
  * @param   string                      $nullDate      A null date string for the driver.
  * @param   string                      $dateFormat    A date format for the driver.
  * @return  PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
  * @since   11.3
 public static function create($test, $driver = '', array $extraMethods = array(), $nullDate = '0000-00-00 00:00:00', $dateFormat = 'Y-m-d H:i:s')
     // Collect all the relevant methods in JDatabaseDriver.
     $methods = array_merge($extraMethods, array('connect', 'connected', 'disconnect', 'dropTable', 'escape', 'execute', 'fetchArray', 'fetchAssoc', 'fetchObject', 'freeResult', 'getAffectedRows', 'getCollation', 'getConnectors', 'getDateFormat', 'getErrorMsg', 'getErrorNum', 'getInstance', 'getLog', 'getNullDate', 'getNumRows', 'getPrefix', 'getQuery', 'getTableColumns', 'getTableCreate', 'getTableKeys', 'getTableList', 'getUtfSupport', 'getVersion', 'insertId', 'insertObject', 'loadAssoc', 'loadAssocList', 'loadColumn', 'loadObject', 'loadObjectList', 'loadResult', 'loadRow', 'loadRowList', 'lockTable', 'query', 'quote', 'quoteName', 'renameTable', 'replacePrefix', 'select', 'setQuery', 'setUTF', 'splitSql', 'test', 'isSupported', 'transactionCommit', 'transactionRollback', 'transactionStart', 'unlockTables', 'updateObject'));
     // Create the mock.
     $mockObject = $test->getMock('JDatabaseDriver' . $driver, $methods, array(), '', false);
     // Mock selected methods.
     $test->assignMockReturns($mockObject, array('getNullDate' => $nullDate, 'getDateFormat' => $dateFormat));
     $test->assignMockCallbacks($mockObject, array('escape' => array(is_callable(array($test, 'mockEscape')) ? $test : __CLASS__, 'mockEscape'), 'getQuery' => array(is_callable(array($test, 'mockGetQuery')) ? $test : __CLASS__, 'mockGetQuery'), 'quote' => array(is_callable(array($test, 'mockQuote')) ? $test : __CLASS__, 'mockQuote'), 'quoteName' => array(is_callable(array($test, 'mockQuoteName')) ? $test : __CLASS__, 'mockQuoteName'), 'setQuery' => array(is_callable(array($test, 'mockSetQuery')) ? $test : __CLASS__, 'mockSetQuery')));
     return $mockObject;
Esempio n. 17
  * Creates and instance of the mock JLanguage object.
  * @param   PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase  $test  A test object.
  * @return  PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
  * @since   11.3
 public static function create($test)
     // Collect all the relevant methods in JDatabase.
     $methods = array('_', 'getInstance', 'getTag', 'test');
     // Create the mock.
     $mockObject = $test->getMock('JLanguage', $methods, array(), '', false);
     // Mock selected methods.
     $test->assignMockReturns($mockObject, array('getInstance' => $mockObject, 'getTag' => 'en-GB', 'test' => 'ok'));
     $test->assignMockCallbacks($mockObject, array('_' => array(get_called_class(), 'mock_')));
     return $mockObject;
Esempio n. 18
  * @return \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
 public function createMock()
     $methods = $this->mockMethods;
     $allMethodsNames = array_unique(array_merge(array_keys($methods), array_keys($this->originClassMethods)));
     $this->mock = $this->testCase->getMock($this->className, $allMethodsNames, array(), '', false, false, false);
     foreach ($methods as $methodName => $method) {
     return $this->mock;
Esempio n. 19
  * Creates an instance of the mock Input object.
  * @param   \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase  $test          A test object.
  * @param   array|\ArrayAccess           $extraMethods  An array of additional methods to add to the mock.
  * @return  \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
  * @since   1.0
 public function create($test, $extraMethods = array())
     // Collect all the relevant methods in Input.
     $methods = array_merge($extraMethods, ['count', 'def', 'exists', 'get', 'getArray', 'getInt', 'getMethod', 'loadAllInputs', 'set', 'serialize', 'unserialize']);
     // Create the mock.
     $mockObject = $test->getMock('\\Joomla\\Input\\Input', $methods, [], '', false);
     $this->assignMockCallbacks($test, $mockObject, ['get' => [is_callable([$test, 'mockInputGet']) ? $test : get_called_class(), 'mockInputGet'], 'getArray' => [is_callable([$test, 'mockInputGetArray']) ? $test : get_called_class(), 'mockInputGetArray'], 'getInt' => [is_callable([$test, 'mockInputGetInt']) ? $test : get_called_class(), 'mockInputGetInt'], 'set' => [is_callable([$test, 'mockInputSet']) ? $test : get_called_class(), 'mockInputSet']]);
     $mockObject->get = $mockObject;
     $mockObject->post = $mockObject;
     $mockObject->request = $mockObject;
     return $mockObject;
Esempio n. 20
  * Dispatch a page, using the supplied page name (e.g. "Index" or "Edit")
  * and request data.  If you supply any POST data, the request method will
  * be set to POST as well.
  * @param string $name
  * @param array $post
  * @param array $query
  * @return \Dewdrop\Admin\Response\MockResponse
 public function dispatchPage($name, array $post = array(), array $query = array())
     $request = $this->createRequest($post, $query);
     $component = $this->getComponent($request);
     $mockedMethods = array('render');
     if ($this->mockResponseHelper) {
         $mockedMethods[] = 'executeHelper';
     $response = $this->testCase->getMock('\\Dewdrop\\Admin\\Response', $mockedMethods, array());
     $component->route($name, $response);
     return $response;
Esempio n. 21
  * Creates a mock object using a fluent interface.
  * @return PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
 public function getMock()
     return $this->testCase->getMock(
Esempio n. 22
  * Creates an instance of the mock JMenu object.
  * @param   object  $test  A test object.
  * @return  PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
  * @since   3.4
 public static function create(PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase $test)
     $methods = array('getItem', 'setActive', 'getActive', 'getItems');
     // Create the mock.
     $mockObject = $test->getMock('JMenu', $methods, array(), '', false);
     if (count(self::$data) == 0) {
     return $mockObject;
Esempio n. 23
 public function init()
     $wikiaAppArgs = array();
     $globalRegistryMock = null;
     $functionWrapperMock = null;
     $globalRegistryMock = $this->testCase->getMock('WikiaGlobalRegistry', array('get', 'set'));
     $globalRegistryMock->expects($this->testCase->any())->method('get')->will($this->testCase->returnCallback(array($this, 'getGlobalCallback')));
     if (in_array('runFunction', $this->methods)) {
         $functionWrapperMock = $this->testCase->getMock('WikiaFunctionWrapper', array_keys($this->mockedFunctions));
         foreach ($this->mockedFunctions as $functionName => $functionData) {
     $wikiaAppArgs[] = $globalRegistryMock;
     $wikiaAppArgs[] = null;
     // WikiaLocalRegistry
     $wikiaAppArgs[] = null;
     // WikiaHookDispatcher
     $wikiaAppArgs[] = $functionWrapperMock;
     $this->mock = $this->testCase->getMock('WikiaApp', array('ajax'), $wikiaAppArgs, '');
     F::setInstance('App', $this->mock);
  * Construct
  * @param string $functionName
  * @param PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase $testCase
 public function __construct($functionName, PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase $testCase)
     $this->functionName = $functionName;
     $this->functionAlias = uniqid("{$functionName}_");
     if (!function_exists($functionName)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid function name '{$functionName}'");
     if (array_key_exists($functionName, self::$mockObjects)) {
         throw new RuntimeException("Can not create second function mock for '{$functionName}'");
     self::$mockObjects[$functionName] = $testCase->getMock($this->functionAlias, array('call'));
Esempio n. 25
  * Construct
  * @param string                     $function
  * @param PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase $testcase
 public function __construct($function, PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase $testcase)
     if (!function_exists($function)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid function name '{$function}'");
     if (array_key_exists($function, self::$mock_objects)) {
         throw new RuntimeException("Can not create second function mock for '{$function}'");
     $this->_function_name = $function;
     $this->_function_alias = uniqid("function_");
     self::$mock_objects[$this->_function_name] = $testcase->getMock($this->_function_alias, array('call'));
Esempio n. 26
  * Construct
  * @param string                     $_class_name
  * @param PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase $testcase
 public function __construct($class, $methods, PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase $testcase)
     if (!class_exists($class)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid class name '{$class}'");
     if (array_key_exists($class, self::$mock_objects)) {
         throw new RuntimeException("Can not create second class mock for '{$class}'");
     $this->_class_name = $class;
     $this->_class_alias = uniqid("class_");
     $this->_methods = is_string($methods) ? [$methods] : $methods;
     self::$mock_objects[$this->_class_name] = $testcase->getMock($this->_class_alias, $this->_methods);
  * Creates an instance of the mock JSession object.
  * @param   PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase  $test     A test object.
  * @param   array                       $options  An array of optional configuration values.
  *                                                getId : the value to be returned by the mock getId method
  *                                       : the value to assign to the user object id returned by get('user')
  *                                       : the value to assign to the user object name returned by get('user')
  *                                                get.user.username : the value to assign to the user object username returned by get('user')
  * @return  PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
  * @since   11.3
 public static function create($test, $options = array())
     if (is_array($options)) {
         self::$options = $options;
     // Mock all the public methods.
     $methods = array('clear', 'close', 'destroy', 'fork', 'get', 'getExpire', 'getFormToken', 'getId', 'getInstance', 'getName', 'getState', 'getStores', 'getToken', 'has', 'hasToken', 'getPrefix', 'isNew', 'restart', 'set');
     // Create the mock.
     $mockObject = $test->getMock('JSession', $methods, array(), '', false);
     // Mock selected methods.
     $test->assignMockReturns($mockObject, array('getId' => self::getOption('getId')));
     $test->assignMockCallbacks($mockObject, array('get' => array(get_called_class(), 'mockGet')));
     return $mockObject;
Esempio n. 28
  * Call API method via API handler.
  * @param \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase $testCase Active test case
  * @param string $path
  * @param array $params Order of items matters as they are passed to call_user_func_array
  * @return mixed
 public static function call(\PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase $testCase, $path, $params = array())
     $soapAdapterMock = $testCase->getMock('Magento\\Api\\Model\\Server\\Adapter\\Soap', array('fault'));
     $soapAdapterMock->expects($testCase->any())->method('fault')->will($testCase->returnCallback(array(__CLASS__, 'soapAdapterFaultCallback')));
     $serverMock = $testCase->getMock('Magento\\Api\\Model\\Server', array('getAdapter'));
     $apiSessionMock = $testCase->getMock('Magento\\Api\\Model\\Session', array('isAllowed', 'isLoggedIn'), array(), '', false);
     $handlerMock = $testCase->getMock('Magento\\Api\\Model\\Server\\Handler\\Soap', array('_getServer', '_getSession'), array(), '', false);
     self::$_previousHandler = set_error_handler(array($handlerMock, 'handlePhpError'));
     array_unshift($params, 'sessionId');
     /** @var $objectManager \Magento\TestFramework\ObjectManager */
     $objectManager = \Magento\TestFramework\Helper\Bootstrap::getObjectManager();
     $objectManager->get('Magento\\Framework\\Registry')->register('isSecureArea', true);
     $result = call_user_func_array(array($handlerMock, $path), $params);
     $objectManager->get('Magento\\Framework\\Registry')->register('isSecureArea', false);
     return $result;
  * Creates and instance of the mock JEventDispatcher object.
  * @param   PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase  $test        A test object.
  * @param   boolean                     $defaults  True to create the default mock handlers and triggers.
  * @return  PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
  * @since   11.3
 public static function create($test, $defaults = true)
     // Clear the static tracker properties.
     self::$handlers = array();
     self::$triggered = array();
     // Collect all the relevant methods in JEventDispatcher.
     $methods = array('register', 'trigger', 'test');
     // Create the mock.
     $mockObject = $test->getMock('JEventDispatcher', $methods, array(), '', false);
     // Mock selected methods.
     $test->assignMockReturns($mockObject, array('test' => 'ok'));
     if ($defaults) {
         $test->assignMockCallbacks($mockObject, array('register' => array(get_called_class(), 'mockRegister'), 'trigger' => array(get_called_class(), 'mockTrigger')));
     return $mockObject;
  * Creates an instance of the mock DatabaseDriver object.
  * @param   \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase  $test          A test object.
  * @param   string                       $driver        Optional driver to create a sub-class of DatabaseDriver.
  * @param   array|\ArrayAccess           $extraMethods  An array of additional methods to add to the mock.
  * @param   string                       $nullDate      A null date string for the driver.
  * @param   string                       $dateFormat    A date format for the driver.
  * @return  \PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_MockObject
  * @since   1.0
 public function create($test, $driver = '', $extraMethods = array(), $nullDate = '0000-00-00 00:00:00', $dateFormat = 'Y-m-d H:i:s')
     // Collect all the relevant methods in DatabaseDriver and merge any additional parameters
     $methods = array_merge($extraMethods, ['getConnectors', 'getInstance', 'splitSql', 'connect', 'connected', 'disconnect', 'dropTable', 'escape', 'fetchArray', 'fetchAssoc', 'fetchObject', 'freeResult', 'getAffectedRows', 'getCollation', 'getConnection', 'getCount', 'getDatabase', 'getDateFormat', 'getMinimum', 'getNullDate', 'getNumRows', 'getPrefix', 'getExporter', 'getImporter', 'getQuery', 'getIterator', 'getTableColumns', 'getTableCreate', 'getTableKeys', 'getTableList', 'hasUTFSupport', 'getVersion', 'insertid', 'insertObject', 'isMinimumVersion', 'loadAssoc', 'loadAssocList', 'loadColumn', 'loadObject', 'loadObjectList', 'loadResult', 'loadRow', 'loadRowList', 'log', 'lockTable', 'quote', 'quoteName', 'quoteNameStr', 'replacePrefix', 'renameTable', 'select', 'setDebug', 'setQuery', 'setLogger', 'setUTF', 'transactionCommit', 'transactionRollback', 'transactionStart', 'truncateTable', 'updateObject', 'execute', 'unlockTables']);
     if (empty($driver)) {
         $class = '\\Joomla\\Database\\DatabaseDriver';
     } else {
         $class = '\\Joomla\\Database\\' . ucfirst(strtolower($driver)) . '\\' . ucfirst(strtolower($driver)) . 'Driver';
     // Create the mock.
     $mockObject = $test->getMock($class, $methods, [['driver' => $driver]], '', false);
     // Mock selected methods.
     $this->assignMockReturns($test, $mockObject, ['getNullDate' => $nullDate, 'getDateFormat' => $dateFormat]);
     $this->assignMockCallbacks($test, $mockObject, ['escape' => [is_callable([$test, 'mockEscape']) ? $test : get_called_class(), 'mockEscape'], 'getQuery' => [is_callable([$test, 'mockGetQuery']) ? $test : get_called_class(), 'mockGetQuery'], 'quote' => [is_callable([$test, 'mockQuote']) ? $test : get_called_class(), 'mockQuote'], 'quoteName' => [is_callable([$test, 'mockQuoteName']) ? $test : get_called_class(), 'mockQuoteName'], 'setQuery' => [is_callable([$test, 'mockSetQuery']) ? $test : get_called_class(), 'mockSetQuery']]);
     static::$dbo = $mockObject;
     return $mockObject;