public function getGraphData() { $company = Input::get('company'); $interval = Input::get('interval'); $precision = Input::get('prc'); $company_symbol = isset($company) && !empty($company) ? $company : 'goog'; $interval = isset($interval) && !empty($interval) ? $interval : 'd'; $precision = isset($precision) && !empty($precision) && is_numeric($precision) ? $precision : 1; $stock_market = new StockMarket($company_symbol, $interval, $precision); //<---class declared here and passed the datas /* // <--utilizing the function for finding the Company name from Symbol //<-- to check the given company symbol is correct or not */ $company_name = $stock_market->find_company_name_from_symbol(); if ($company_name) { //<-- if company name given is not false go further $stock_records = $stock_market->get_the_market_data(); //<--function to collect Historical data for given company symbol if ($stock_records) { //<----if it retuns a record then proceed $range_from = $stock_market->get_graph_range_start(); //<--this function helps to calculate historical Graph area minmum range $range_to = $stock_market->get_graph_range_ends(); //<--this function helps to calculate historical Graph area maximum range $lower_range_coords = $stock_market->get_lower_price_data(); //<--this function helps to return the lower price data for graph $higher_range_coords = $stock_market->get_higher_price_data(); //<--this function helps to return the higher price data for graph $graph = new PHPGraphLib(470, 270); $graph->addData($lower_range_coords); $graph->addData($higher_range_coords); $graph->setRange($range_from, $range_to); $graph->setTitle($company_name . ' Graph'); $graph->setBars(false); $graph->setLine(true); $graph->setDataPoints(true); $graph->setDataPointColor('maroon'); $graph->setDataPointColor('red'); $graph->setDataValues(true); $graph->setDataValueColor('blue'); $graph->setGoalLine(0.25); $graph->setGoalLineColor('red'); $graph->createGraph(); //<--this draw the graph $contents = View::make('graph')->with('graph', $graph); // Create a response and modify a header value $response = Response::make($contents, 200); $response->header('Content-Type', 'image/png'); return $response; } //<-- stock data checks ends } //<--company name check ends }
function create_graph($graph_type = '') { $graph = new PHPGraphLib(1400, 600); $model = new TwextraModel(); //$data = array("Alex"=>99, "Mary"=>98, "Joan"=>70, "Ed"=>90); if ($graph_type == 'daily_stats') { $data = $model->get_stats_daily(); $graph->setTitle("Daily Unique Traffic"); } else { if ($graph_type == 'message_history') { //this graph is currently not plotted! $screen_name = 'rajen4126'; $message_from = 0; $next = 20; $order = 'created'; $asc_desc = 'desc'; $length = 20; $data = $model->get_message_history($screen_name, $message_from, $next, $order, $asc_desc, $length); foreach ($data as $entry) { $data[$entry[message_id]] = $entry[view_count]; } $graph->setTitle("Message History"); } else { if ($graph_type == 'monthly_stats') { $data = $model->get_monthly_uniques(); $graph->setTitle("Monthly Unique Traffic"); } else { if ($graph_type == 'messages_stats') { $data = $model->get_messages_stats(); $graph->setTitle("Daily Messages Created"); } else { $data = array(); } } } } $graph->addData($data); $graph->setTextColor("blue"); //additions for a line graph.......... $graph->setBars(false); $graph->setLine(true); //$graph->setDataPoints(true); $graph->setDataPointColor('maroon'); $graph->setDataValues(true); $graph->setDataValueColor('maroon'); $graph->setGoalLine(0.0025); $graph->setGoalLineColor('red'); //........ return $graph->createGraph(); }
//mysqli_select_db($link,'gfb11176') or die('Could not select database'); //mysql_select_db("mydatabase") or die("MySQL Error: " . mysql_error()); $dataArray = array(); // Get the values from the COReadings table for the currently logged in user. $sql = "SELECT COValue, AddedOn FROM COReadings \n\t\tJOIN COUsers ON = COReadings.UserID\n\t\tWHERE COUsers.Email = '{$email}'"; $result = mysqli_query($link, $sql) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); if ($result) { while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) { $dateAdded = $row["AddedOn"]; $count = $row["COValue"]; // Add to data array $dataArray[$dateAdded] = $count; } } // Configure graph $graph->addData($dataArray); $graph->setTitle("Carbon Monoxide Readings"); $graph->setTitleColor('navy'); $graph->setGradient("lime", "green"); $graph->setBars(false); $graph->setLine(true); $graph->setDataPoints(true); $graph->setDataValues(true); $graph->setDataValueColor('navy'); $graph->setDataPointColor('navy'); $graph->setXValuesHorizontal(true); //$graph->setBackgroundColor("black"); $graph->setYAxisTextColor('black'); $graph->setXAxisTextColor('black'); $graph->setLineColor('navy'); $graph->createGraph();
<?php session_start(); require_once "../Includes.php"; //print("<img src=\"../Utilities/Charts.php?chart=padaliniu_paraiskos&menuo=2008-01-01\">"); $graph = new PHPGraphLib(650, 200); $data1 = array(0); $data2 = array(8, 15, 4, 12); $data3 = array(1, 2, 3, 4); $graph->addData($data2); $graph->setTitle('PPM Per Container'); $graph->setBars(false); $graph->setLine(true); $graph->setLineColor('#FF0000', 'green', 'red'); $graph->setDataPoints(true); $graph->setDataPointColor('maroon'); $graph->setDataValues(true); $graph->setDataValueColor('maroon'); $graph->setLegend(true); $graph->setLegendTitle("PA1", "PA2", "PA3"); $graph->createGraph(); p(ErrorMessages::getErrors());
$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'Cookiemonster1!') or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db('healthbuddies') or die('Could not select database'); $dataArray = array(); //get data from database $sql = "SELECT date, steps FROM steps"; $result = mysql_query($sql) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); if ($result) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $salesgroup = $row["date"]; $count = $row["steps"]; //add to data areray $dataArray[$salesgroup] = $count; } } //configure graph //$graph->addData($dataArray); //$graph->setTitle("Steps"); //$graph->setGradient("lime", "green"); //$graph->setBarOutlineColor("black"); //$graph->createGraph(); $graph->addData($dataArray); $graph->setTitle('Steps'); $graph->setBars(false); $graph->setLine(true); $graph->setDataPoints(true); $graph->setDataPointColor('black'); $graph->setDataValues(true); $graph->setDataValueColor('black'); $graph->setGoalLine(6000); $graph->setGoalLineColor('blue'); $graph->createGraph();
<?php include '../phpgraphlib.php'; $set1 = array(1917 => 4011, 1918 => 4886, 1919 => 5411, 1920 => 5831, 1921 => 5865, 1922 => 5704, 1923 => 5337, 1924 => 5144, 1925 => 5018, 1926 => 4971, 1927 => 4630, 1928 => 4411, 1929 => 4287, 1930 => 4116, 1931 => 3940, 1932 => 3764, 1933 => 3592, 1934 => 3447, 1935 => 3280, 1936 => 3215, 1937 => 3366, 1938 => 3569, 1939 => 3598, 1940 => 4436, 1941 => 5939, 1942 => 7397, 1943 => 8855, 1944 => 9835, 1945 => 9998, 1946 => 10631, 1947 => 11340, 1948 => 11549, 1949 => 11642); $set2 = array(1910 => 2059, 1911 => 2135, 1912 => 2209, 1913 => 2332, 1914 => 2437, 1915 => 2786, 1916 => 3747, 1917 => 5011, 1918 => 5886, 1919 => 6411, 1920 => 6831, 1921 => 6865, 1922 => 6704, 1923 => 6337, 1924 => 6144, 1925 => 6018, 1926 => 5971, 1927 => 5630, 1928 => 5411, 1929 => 5287, 1930 => 5116, 1931 => 4940, 1932 => 4764, 1933 => 4592, 1934 => 4447, 1935 => 4280, 1936 => 4215, 1937 => 4366, 1938 => 4569, 1939 => 4598, 1940 => 5436, 1941 => 5939, 1942 => 8397, 1943 => 9855, 1944 => 10835); $graph = new PHPGraphLib(600, 400); $graph->addData($set1, $set2); $graph->setTitleLocation('left'); $graph->setTitle("Two sets with different start points"); $graph->setBars(false); $graph->setLine(true); $graph->setDataPoints(false); $graph->setLineColor('blue', 'red'); $graph->setDataValues(false); $graph->setXValuesInterval(5); $graph->setDataValueColor('blue', 'red'); $graph->setLegend(true); $graph->setLegendTitle("set1", "set2"); $graph->createGraph();
} } } // generate our graphs but check for gd lib extensions first if (function_exists('imagedestroy')) { $graph = new PHPGraphLib(450, 200); // push the image and assign attributes $graph->addData($data, $all); $graph->setTitle("Total Leases: " . $total_leases); $graph->setTitleLocation("left"); $graph->setLegendTitle("Available", "In Use"); $graph->setBars(true); $graph->setLegend(true); $graph->setDataPoints(true); $graph->setDataPointColor("red"); $graph->setDataValueColor("gray"); $graph->createGraph(); } } else { // page view restricted by access level $ERROR = $err->GenerateErrorLink("help/help.html", "#undef", $defined['error'], $errors['level']); } } else { // general authentication error $ERROR = $err->GenerateErrorLink("help/help.html", "#undef", $defined['error'], $errors['auth_n']); } } else { // Possible XSS attack $ERROR = $err->GenerateErrorLink("help/help.html", "#undef", $defined['error'], $errors['xss_config'], NULL, NULL); } } else {