Esempio n. 1
function TestSuite_upgrade_repos($target, $mother)
    $context = Model_Context::getInstance();
    $config = $context->getProperty('plugin.config');
    if (empty($config['repos'])) {
        $config['repos'] = 'unstable';
    require_once 'library/PHPGit/Repository.php';
    $repo = new PHPGit_Repository(ROOT);
    switch ($config['repos']) {
        case 'master':
            $repo->git('checkout master');
        case 'unstable':
            $repo->git('checkout tags/latest-unstable');
        case 'stable':
            $repo->git('checkout tags/latest-stable');
    return $repo->git('pull');
    //return $target;
Esempio n. 2
// check if there is an existing repo
if (!is_dir("{$repoPath}/.git")) {
    die("{$repoPath} does not contain .git");
// get repo
$repo = new PHPGit_Repository($repoPath, !empty($_REQUEST['debug']));
Benchmark::mark("loaded git repo in {$repoPath}");
// verify repo state
if ($repo->getCurrentBranch() != $repoCfg['workingBranch']) {
    die("Current branch in {$repoPath} is not {$repoCfg['workingBranch']}; aborting.");
Benchmark::mark("verified working branch");
// pull changes
$repo->git("pull origin {$repoCfg['workingBranch']}");
Benchmark::mark("pulled from origin/{$repoCfg['workingBranch']}");
// sync trees
foreach ($repoCfg['trees'] as $srcPath => $treeOptions) {
    if (is_string($treeOptions)) {
        $treeOptions = array('path' => $treeOptions);
    if (!is_string($srcPath)) {
        $srcPath = $treeOptions['path'];
    } elseif (!$treeOptions['path']) {
        $treeOptions['path'] = $srcPath;
    $treeOptions['exclude'][] = '#(^|/)\\.git(/|$)#';
    if (is_file($treeOptions['path'])) {
        $sha1 = sha1_file($treeOptions['path']);
        $existingNode = Site::resolvePath($srcPath);
  * Removes a option from local config
  * @param string $configOption 
 public function remove($configOption)
     $this->repository->git(sprintf('config --local --unset %s', $configOption));
Esempio n. 4
function getTranslationBranches($projects)
    $features = apc_fetch('translation');
    if (empty($features)) {
        $features = array();
        foreach ($projects as $project) {
            $repoObject = new PHPGit_Repository(getenv('ADT_DATA') . "/sources/" . $project . ".git");
            $branches = array_filter(preg_replace('/.*\\/integration\\//', '', array_filter(explode("\n", $repoObject->git('branch -r')), 'isTranslation')));
            //print "<pre>";
            //print "</pre>";
            foreach ($branches as $branch) {
                $fetch_url = $repoObject->git('config --get remote.origin.url');
                if (preg_match("/git@github\\.com:(.*)\\/(.*)\\.git/", $fetch_url, $matches)) {
                    $github_org = $matches[1];
                    $github_repo = $matches[2];
                $features[$branch][$project]['http_url'] = "" . $github_org . "/" . $github_repo . "/tree/integration/" . $branch;
                $behind_commits_logs = $repoObject->git("log origin/integration/" . $branch . "..origin/develop --oneline");
                if (empty($behind_commits_logs)) {
                    $features[$branch][$project]['behind_commits'] = 0;
                } else {
                    $features[$branch][$project]['behind_commits'] = count(explode("\n", $behind_commits_logs));
                $ahead_commits_logs = $repoObject->git("log origin/develop..origin/integration/" . $branch . " --oneline");
                if (empty($ahead_commits_logs)) {
                    $features[$branch][$project]['ahead_commits'] = 0;
                } else {
                    $features[$branch][$project]['ahead_commits'] = count(explode("\n", $ahead_commits_logs));
        uksort($features, 'strcasecmp');
        // Translation branches will be cached for 5 min
        apc_store('translation', $features, 300);
    return $features;
Esempio n. 5
    if (!is_string($srcPath)) {
        $srcPath = $treeOptions['path'];
    } elseif (!$treeOptions['path']) {
        $treeOptions['path'] = $srcPath;
    $srcFileNode = Site::resolvePath($srcPath);
    if (is_a($srcFileNode, 'SiteFile')) {
        $destDir = dirname($treeOptions['path']);
        if ($destDir && !is_dir($destDir)) {
            mkdir($destDir, 0777, true);
        copy($srcFileNode->RealPath, $treeOptions['path']);
        Benchmark::mark("exported file {$srcPath} to {$treeOptions['path']}");
    } else {
        $exportResult = Emergence_FS::exportTree($srcPath, $treeOptions['path'], $treeOptions);
        Benchmark::mark("exported directory {$srcPath} to {$treeOptions['path']}: " . http_build_query($exportResult));
if (!empty($_REQUEST['syncOnly'])) {
// set author
$repo->git(sprintf('git config "%s"', $GLOBALS['Session']->Person->FullName));
$repo->git(sprintf('git config "%s"', $GLOBALS['Session']->Person->Email));
// commit changes
$repo->git('add --all');
$repo->git(sprintf('commit -n -m "%s"', addslashes($_POST['message'])));
Benchmark::mark("committed all changes");
// push changes
$repo->git("push origin {$repoCfg['workingBranch']}");
Benchmark::mark("pushed to {$repoCfg['workingBranch']}");
 * Registers the commit info for all new commits on the given branch
 * @param PHPGit_Repository $repo repository to parse
 * @param string $gitbranch the real name of the branch to analyze (eg 'master')
 * @param string $branch the future name of the same branch (eg 'MOODLE_28_STABLE')
 * @param string $mergemode either 'merges' or 'no-merges'
 * @param bool $showprogress
 * @internal
function dev_git_record_commits(PHPGit_Repository $repo, $gitbranch, $branch, $mergemode, $showprogress = false)
    global $DB;
    $startpoints = get_config('local_dev', 'gitstartpoints');
    if ($startpoints === false) {
        set_config('gitstartpoints', json_encode(array()), 'local_dev');
        $startpoints = get_config('local_dev', 'gitstartpoints');
    $startpoints = json_decode($startpoints, true);
    $reponame = basename($repo->getDir());
    $exclude = empty($startpoints[$branch][$mergemode]) ? '' : $startpoints[$branch][$mergemode];
    if ($mergemode === 'merges') {
        fputs(STDOUT, "Searching merges on {$gitbranch} ({$branch})" . ($exclude ? " from {$exclude}" : "") . PHP_EOL);
        $mergeflag = 1;
    } else {
        if ($mergemode === 'no-merges') {
            fputs(STDOUT, "Searching non-merges on {$gitbranch} ({$branch})" . ($exclude ? " from {$exclude}" : "") . PHP_EOL);
            $mergeflag = 0;
    $exclude = empty($exclude) ? '' : '^' . $exclude;
    $commits = explode(PHP_EOL, $repo->git("rev-list --reverse --{$mergemode} --format='tformat:COMMIT:%H TIMESTAMP:%at AUTHORNAME:%an AUTHOREMAIL:%ae SUBJECT:%s' {$gitbranch} {$exclude}"));
    $total = floor(count($commits) / 2);
    $counter = 0;
    if ($showprogress and $total == 0) {
        fputs(STDOUT, 'no commits found');
    foreach ($commits as $commit) {
        $pattern = '/^COMMIT:([0-9a-f]{40}) TIMESTAMP:([0-9]+) AUTHORNAME:(.+) AUTHOREMAIL:(.+) SUBJECT:(.*)$/';
        if (!preg_match($pattern, $commit, $matches)) {
        $record = new stdClass();
        $record->repository = $reponame;
        $record->commithash = $matches[1];
        $record->authordate = $matches[2];
        $record->authorname = $matches[3];
        $record->authoremail = $matches[4];
        $record->subject = $matches[5];
        $record->merge = $mergeflag;
        $record = @fix_utf8($record);
        // register the commit info record if it does not exist yet
        $existing = $DB->get_record('dev_git_commits', array('repository' => $reponame, 'commithash' => $record->commithash), 'id', IGNORE_MISSING);
        if ($existing === false) {
            $commitid = $DB->insert_record('dev_git_commits', $record, true, true);
        } else {
            $commitid = $existing->id;
        // register the branch containing the current commit
        if (!$DB->record_exists('dev_git_commit_branches', array('branch' => $branch, 'commitid' => $commitid))) {
            $branchinfo = new stdClass();
            $branchinfo->commitid = $commitid;
            $branchinfo->branch = $branch;
            $DB->insert_record('dev_git_commit_branches', $branchinfo, false, true);
        if ($showprogress) {
            fputs(STDOUT, ++$counter . '/' . $total . "\r");
        $startpoints[$branch][$mergemode] = $record->commithash;
        if ($counter % 1000 == 0) {
            set_config('gitstartpoints', json_encode($startpoints), 'local_dev');
    set_config('gitstartpoints', json_encode($startpoints), 'local_dev');
    if ($showprogress) {
        fputs(STDOUT, PHP_EOL);
 public static function handlePushRequest()
     $layer = static::$_currentRepo;
     $repoName = $layer->ID;
     static::$responseMode = 'json';
     if (!array_key_exists($repoName, Git::$repositories)) {
         return static::throwInvalidRequestError("Repo '{$repoName}' is not defined in Git::\$repositories");
     $repoCfg = Git::$repositories[$repoName];
     // start the process
     //Benchmark::mark("configured request: repoName=$repoName");
     // get paths
     $repoPath = "{$_SERVER['SITE_ROOT']}/site-data/git/{$repoName}";
     $keyPath = "{$repoPath}.key";
     $gitWrapperPath = "{$repoPath}";
     // check if there is an existing repo
     if (!is_dir("{$repoPath}/.git")) {
         return static::throwInvalidRequestError("{$repoPath} does not contain .git");
     // get repo
     $repo = new \PHPGit_Repository($repoPath, !empty($_REQUEST['debug']));
     //Benchmark::mark("loaded git repo in $repoPath");
     // verify repo state
     if ($repo->getCurrentBranch() != $repoCfg['workingBranch']) {
         return static::throwInvalidRequestError("Current branch in {$repoPath} is not {$repoCfg['workingBranch']}; aborting.");
     //Benchmark::mark("verified working branch");
     // push changes
     $command = "push origin {$repoCfg['workingBranch']}";
     try {
         $output = $repo->git($command);
         return static::respond('push', ['success' => true, 'output' => $output, 'command' => $command]);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return static::respond('push', ['success' => false, 'output' => $output, 'command' => $command, 'error' => $e->getMessage()]);
     Benchmark::mark("pushed to {$repoCfg['workingBranch']}");
 public static function handleCommitRequest()
     // get repo
     if (empty($_REQUEST['repo'])) {
         die('Parameter "repo" required');
     $repoName = $_REQUEST['repo'];
     if (!array_key_exists($repoName, Git::$repositories)) {
         die("Repo '{$repoName}' is not defined in Git::\$repositories");
     $repoCfg = Git::$repositories[$repoName];
     $exportOptions = array('localOnly' => false);
     if (!empty($repoCfg['localOnly'])) {
         $exportOptions['localOnly'] = true;
     // get message
     if (empty($_POST['message'])) {
         die('<form method="POST">' . '<label>Commit message: <input type="text" name="message" size="50"></label>' . '<input type="submit" value="Commit">' . '</form>');
     // start the process
     Benchmark::mark("configured request: repoName={$repoName}");
     // get paths
     $repoPath = "{$_SERVER['SITE_ROOT']}/site-data/git/{$repoName}";
     $keyPath = "{$repoPath}.key";
     $gitWrapperPath = "{$repoPath}";
     // check if there is an existing repo
     if (!is_dir("{$repoPath}/.git")) {
         die("{$repoPath} does not contain .git");
     // get repo
     $repo = new PHPGit_Repository($repoPath, !empty($_REQUEST['debug']));
     Benchmark::mark("loaded git repo in {$repoPath}");
     // verify repo state
     if ($repo->getCurrentBranch() != $repoCfg['workingBranch']) {
         die("Current branch in {$repoPath} is not {$repoCfg['workingBranch']}; aborting.");
     Benchmark::mark("verified working branch");
     // sync trees
     foreach ($repoCfg['trees'] as $srcPath => $treeOptions) {
         if (is_string($treeOptions)) {
             $treeOptions = array('path' => $treeOptions);
         $treeOptions = array_merge($exportOptions, $treeOptions);
         if (!is_string($srcPath)) {
             $srcPath = $treeOptions['path'];
         } elseif (!$treeOptions['path']) {
             $treeOptions['path'] = $srcPath;
         $srcFileNode = Site::resolvePath($srcPath);
         if (is_a($srcFileNode, 'SiteFile')) {
             $destDir = dirname($treeOptions['path']);
             if ($destDir && !is_dir($destDir)) {
                 mkdir($destDir, 0777, true);
             copy($srcFileNode->RealPath, $treeOptions['path']);
             Benchmark::mark("exported file {$srcPath} to {$treeOptions['path']}");
         } else {
             $exportResult = Emergence_FS::exportTree($srcPath, $treeOptions['path'], $treeOptions);
             Benchmark::mark("exported directory {$srcPath} to {$treeOptions['path']}: " . http_build_query($exportResult));
     if (!empty($_REQUEST['syncOnly'])) {
     // set author
     $repo->git(sprintf('git config "%s"', $GLOBALS['Session']->Person->FullName));
     $repo->git(sprintf('git config "%s"', $GLOBALS['Session']->Person->Email));
     // commit changes
     $repo->git('add --all');
     $repo->git(sprintf('commit -n -m "%s"', addslashes($_POST['message'])));
     Benchmark::mark("committed all changes");
     // push changes
     $repo->git("push origin {$repoCfg['workingBranch']}");
     Benchmark::mark("pushed to {$repoCfg['workingBranch']}");
Esempio n. 9
        $tag = substr($line, 41);
        $DB->set_field('dev_git_commits', 'tag', $tag, array('repository' => 'moodle.git', 'commithash' => $commithash));
        if ($options['show-progress']) {
            fputs(STDOUT, ++$counter . '/' . $total . "\r");
if ($options['update-tags']) {
    $repo = new PHPGit_Repository($CFG->dataroot . '/local_dev/repos/moodle.git');
    $commits = $DB->get_fieldset_select('dev_git_commits', 'commithash', 'tag IS NULL ORDER BY authordate DESC');
    $total = count($commits);
    $counter = 0;
    foreach ($commits as $commit) {
        try {
            $tag = $repo->git("describe --exact-match --match 'v[0-9]*' --contains {$commit} 2> /dev/null");
            if (preg_match('/^(v[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+.*?)~.*$/', $tag, $matches)) {
                $tag = $matches[1];
                $DB->set_field('dev_git_commits', 'tag', $tag, array('commithash' => $commit));
        } catch (GitRuntimeException $e) {
            // most probably the "fatal - cannot describe" error meaning there is no tag yet
            // describing this commit
        if ($options['show-progress']) {
            fputs(STDOUT, ++$counter . '/' . $total . "\r");
    if ($options['show-progress']) {
        fputs(STDOUT, "\n");