/** * PDF Setup - PGVReportBasePDF */ function setup() { parent::setup(); // Setup the PDF class with custom size pages because PGV supports more page sizes. If PGV sends an unknown size name then the default would be A4 $this->pdf = new PGVRPDF($this->orientation, parent::unit, array($this->pagew, $this->pageh), self::unicode, $this->charset, self::diskcache); // Setup the PDF margins $this->pdf->setMargins($this->leftmargin, $this->topmargin, $this->rightmargin); $this->pdf->SetHeaderMargin($this->headermargin); $this->pdf->SetFooterMargin($this->footermargin); //Set auto page breaks $this->pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(true, $this->bottommargin); // Setup PDF compression $this->pdf->SetCompression(self::compression); // Setup RTL support $this->pdf->setRTL($this->rtl); // Set the document information // Only admin should see the version number $appversion = PGV_PHPGEDVIEW; if (PGV_USER_IS_ADMIN) { $appversion .= " " . PGV_VERSION_TEXT; } $this->pdf->SetCreator($appversion . ' (' . parent::pgv_url . ')'); // Not implemented yet - PGVReportBase::setup() // $this->pdf->SetAuthor($this->rauthor); $this->pdf->SetTitle($this->title); $this->pdf->SetSubject($this->rsubject); $this->pdf->SetKeywords($this->rkeywords); $this->pdf->setReport($this); if ($this->showGenText) { // The default style name for Generated by.... is 'genby' $element = new PGVRCellPDF(0, 10, 0, 'C', '', 'genby', 1, '.', '.', 0, 0, '', '', true); $element->addText($this->generatedby); $element->setUrl(parent::pgv_url); $this->pdf->addFooter($element); } }
/** * HTML Setup - PGVReportBaseHTML */ function setup() { parent::setup(); // Setting up the correct dimensions if Portrait (default) or Landscape if ($this->orientation == 'landscape') { $tmpw = $this->pagew; $this->pagew = $this->pageh; $this->pageh = $tmpw; } // Store the pagewidth without margins $this->noMarginWidth = floor($this->pagew - $this->leftmargin - $this->rightmargin); // If RTL, switch the alignment if ($this->rtl) { $this->rtlalign = "right"; } if ($this->showGenText) { // The default style name for Generated by.... is 'genby' $element = new PGVRCellHTML(0, 10, 0, 'C', '', 'genby', 1, '.', '.', 0, 0, '', '', true); $element->addText($this->generatedby); $element->setUrl(parent::pgv_url); $this->footerElements[] = $element; } }