$state = $utilities->clean($_POST['state']);
$country = $utilities->clean($_POST['country']);
$pincode = $utilities->clean($_POST['pincode']);
$phone_number = $utilities->clean($_POST['phone_number']);
$country_code = $utilities->clean($_POST['country_code']);
$is_default = $utilities->replaceZero($_POST['is_default']);
$user_id = $utilities->replaceZero($_POST['user_id']);
$log_datetime = $utilities->replaceNow();
$addressId = -1;
try {
    $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO " . " `address` (street_address, landmark, city, state, country, pincode, phone_number, country_code, is_default, user_id, log_datetime) " . " VALUES ('{$street_address}', '{$landmark}', '{$city}', '{$state}', '{$country}', '{$pincode}', '{$phone_number}', '{$country_code}', '{$is_default}', '{$user_id}', '{$log_datetime}')";
    $statement = $dbConnection->prepare($insertQuery);
    try {
        if ($statement->execute()) {
            $addressId = $dbConnection->lastInsertId();
            $response = array('status' => $addressId, 'desc' => 'Success');
        } else {
            $status = -99;
            $dbError = $statement->errorInfo();
            $response = array('status' => $status, 'desc' => 'DB error occured' . $dbError[2]);
    } catch (PDOExecption $e) {
        $status = -7;
        $error = "Exception: " . $e->getMessage();
        $response = array('status' => $status, 'desc' => 'PDO exception occured' . $error);
} catch (PDOExecption $e) {
    $status = -8;
$utilities = new Utilities();
$response = array();
$name = $utilities->clean($_POST['name']);
$area = $utilities->clean($_POST['area']);
$pincode = $utilities->clean($_POST['pincode']);
$latitude = $utilities->replaceZero($_POST['latitude']);
$longitude = $utilities->replaceZero($_POST['longitude']);
$log_datetime = $utilities->replaceNow();
$kitchenId = -1;
try {
    $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO " . " `kitchen` (name, area, pincode, latitude, longitude, log_datetime) " . " VALUES ('{$name}', '{$area}', '{$pincode}', '{$latitude}', '{$longitude}', '{$log_datetime}')";
    $statement = $dbConnection->prepare($insertQuery);
    try {
        if ($statement->execute()) {
            $kitchenId = $dbConnection->lastInsertId();
            $response = array('status' => $kitchenId, 'desc' => 'Success');
        } else {
            $status = -99;
            $dbError = $statement->errorInfo();
            $response = array('status' => $status, 'desc' => 'DB error occured' . $dbError[2]);
    } catch (PDOExecption $e) {
        $status = -7;
        $error = "Exception: " . $e->getMessage();
        $response = array('status' => $status, 'desc' => 'PDO exception occured' . $error);
} catch (PDOExecption $e) {
    $status = -8;
        $error = "Exception: " . $e->getMessage();
        $response = array('status' => $errorCode, 'data' => array(), 'desc' => 'PDO exception occured' . $error);
} catch (PDOExecption $e) {
    $errorCode = -8;
    $error = "Exception: " . $e->getMessage();
    $response = array('status' => $errorCode, 'data' => array(), 'desc' => 'PDO exception occured' . $error);
if ($dataReviewd[0]['is_reviewed'] == 0) {
    try {
        $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO " . " `likes` (food_item_id, user_id, rating, review, review_detail, log_datetime) " . " VALUES ('{$food_item_id}', '{$user_id}', '{$rating}', '{$review}', '{$review_detail}', '{$log_datetime}')";
        $statement = $dbConnection->prepare($insertQuery);
        try {
            if ($statement->execute()) {
                $likeId = $dbConnection->lastInsertId();
                $response = array('status' => $likeId, 'desc' => 'Success');
            } else {
                $status = -99;
                $dbError = $statement->errorInfo();
                $response = array('status' => $status, 'desc' => 'DB error occured' . $dbError[2]);
        } catch (PDOExecption $e) {
            $status = -7;
            $error = "Exception: " . $e->getMessage();
            $response = array('status' => $status, 'desc' => 'PDO exception occured' . $error);
    } catch (PDOExecption $e) {
        $status = -8;
$item_quantity_price_json = $utilities->clean($_POST['item_quantity_price_json']);
$user_id = $utilities->replaceOne($_POST['user_id']);
$time_slot_id = $utilities->replaceOne($_POST['time_slot_id']);
$status = $utilities->replaceOne($_POST['status']);
$date = $utilities->replaceToday($_POST['date']);
$address_id = $utilities->replaceZero($_POST['address_id']);
$order_type_id = $utilities->replaceZero($_POST['order_type_id']);
$log_datetime = $utilities->replaceNow();
$order_id = -1;
try {
    $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO " . " `order` (basket_code, user_id, item_quantity_price_json, time_slot_id, status, date, address_id, log_datetime) " . " VALUES ('{$basket_code}', '{$user_id}', '{$item_quantity_price_json}', '{$time_slot_id}', '{$status}', '{$date}', '{$address_id}', '{$log_datetime}')";
    $statement = $dbConnection->prepare($insertQuery);
    try {
        if ($statement->execute()) {
            $order_id = $dbConnection->lastInsertId();
            $response = array('status' => $order_id, 'basket_code' => $basket_code, 'desc' => 'Success');
        } else {
            $status = -99;
            $dbError = $statement->errorInfo();
            $response = array('status' => $status, 'basket_code' => '', 'desc' => 'DB error occured' . $dbError[2]);
    } catch (PDOExecption $e) {
        $status = -7;
        $error = "Exception: " . $e->getMessage();
        $response = array('status' => $status, 'basket_code' => '', 'desc' => 'PDO exception occured' . $error);
} catch (PDOExecption $e) {
    $status = -8;
 $dataRegPushArray = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
 if ($dataRegPushArray[0]['isPushReg'] == 0) {
     $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO " . " `push_reg` (user_id, push_reg_token, device_imei, os_id, os_name, datetime) " . " VALUES (:user_id, :push_reg_token, :device_imei, :os_id, :os_name, :datetime);";
     $statement = $dbConnection->prepare($insertQuery);
     $statement->bindParam(":user_id", $userId, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $statement->bindParam(":push_reg_token", $push_reg_token, PDO::PARAM_STR);
     $statement->bindParam(":device_imei", $device_imei, PDO::PARAM_STR);
     $statement->bindParam(":os_id", $os_id, PDO::PARAM_INT);
     $statement->bindParam(":os_name", $os_name, PDO::PARAM_STR);
     $statement->bindParam(":datetime", $dateTime, PDO::PARAM_STR);
     try {
         if ($statement->execute()) {
             $pushRegId = $dbConnection->lastInsertId();
             $response = array('status' => $pushRegId, 'desc' => 'Success');
         } else {
             $pushRegId = -99;
             $dbError = $statement->errorInfo();
             $response = array('status' => $pushRegId, 'desc' => 'DB error occured: ' . $dbError[2]);
     } catch (PDOExecption $e) {
         $pushRegId = -7;
         $error = "Exception: " . $e->getMessage();
         $response = array('status' => $pushRegId, 'desc' => 'PDO exception occured' . $error);
 } else {
     $response = array('status' => 0, 'desc' => 'Push already exists with this IMEI and pus token');
$response = array();
$f_name = $utilities->clean($_POST['f_name']);
$l_name = $utilities->clean($_POST['l_name']);
$country_code = $utilities->replaceDefaultCountryCode($_POST['country_code']);
$phone_number = $utilities->clean($_POST['phone_number']);
$image_url = $utilities->clean($_POST['image_url']);
$rating = $utilities->replaceZero($_POST['rating']);
$log_datetime = $utilities->replaceNow();
$chefId = -1;
try {
    $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO " . " `chef` (f_name, l_name, country_code, phone_number, image_url, rating, log_datetime) " . " VALUES ('{$f_name}', '{$l_name}', '{$country_code}', '{$phone_number}', '{$image_url}', '{$rating}', '{$log_datetime}')";
    $statement = $dbConnection->prepare($insertQuery);
    try {
        if ($statement->execute()) {
            $chefId = $dbConnection->lastInsertId();
            $response = array('status' => $chefId, 'desc' => 'Success');
        } else {
            $status = -99;
            $dbError = $statement->errorInfo();
            $response = array('status' => $status, 'desc' => 'DB error occured' . $dbError[2]);
    } catch (PDOExecption $e) {
        $status = -7;
        $error = "Exception: " . $e->getMessage();
        $response = array('status' => $status, 'desc' => 'PDO exception occured' . $error);
} catch (PDOExecption $e) {
    $status = -8;
$phone_number = $utilities->clean($_POST['phone_number']);
$is_default = $utilities->replaceZero($_POST['is_default']);
$user_id = $utilities->clean($_POST['user_id']);
$log_datetime = $utilities->replaceNow();
$addressId = -1;
try {
    if ($isUpdate == 0) {
        $query = "INSERT INTO " . " `address` (street_address, landmark, city, state, country, pincode, phone_number, country_code, is_default, user_id, log_datetime) " . " VALUES ('{$street_address}', '{$landmark}', '{$city}','{$state}', 'country', '{$pincode}', '{$phone_number}', '+91', '{$is_default}', '{$user_id}' ,'{$log_datetime}')";
    } else {
        $query = "UPDATE `address` SET" . " street_address = '{$street_address}', " . " landmark = '{$landmark}', " . " city = '{$city}', " . " state = '{$state}', " . " country = '{$country}', " . " pincode = '{$pincode}', " . " phone_number = '{$phone_number}', " . " country_code = '+91', " . " is_default = '{$is_default}', " . " log_datetime = '{$log_datetime}'  " . " WHERE address_id = '{$address_id}';";
    $statement = $dbConnection->prepare($query);
    try {
        if ($statement->execute()) {
            $addressId = $isUpdate == 0 ? $dbConnection->lastInsertId() : $address_id;
            $response = array('status' => $addressId, 'desc' => 'Success');
        } else {
            $status = -99;
            $dbError = $statement->errorInfo();
            $response = array('status' => $status, 'desc' => 'DB error occured' . $dbError[2]);
    } catch (PDOExecption $e) {
        $status = -7;
        $error = "Exception: " . $e->getMessage();
        $response = array('status' => $status, 'desc' => 'PDO exception occured' . $error);
} catch (PDOExecption $e) {
    $status = -8;
$utilities = new Utilities();
$response = array();
$item_id = $utilities->replaceZero($_POST['item_id']);
$serving_id = $utilities->replaceZero($_POST['serving_id']);
$available_for = $utilities->replaceZero($_POST['available_for']);
$order_count = $utilities->replaceZero($_POST['order_count']);
$date = $utilities->replaceZero($_POST['date']);
$log_datetime = $utilities->replaceNow();
$itemServingMappingId = -1;
try {
    $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO " . " `item_serving_mapping` (item_id, serving_id, available_for, order_count, date, log_datetime) " . " VALUES ('{$item_id}', '{$serving_id}', '{$available_for}', '{$order_count}', '{$date}', '{$log_datetime}')";
    $statement = $dbConnection->prepare($insertQuery);
    try {
        if ($statement->execute()) {
            $itemServingMappingId = $dbConnection->lastInsertId();
            $response = array('status' => $itemServingMappingId, 'desc' => 'Success');
        } else {
            $status = -99;
            $dbError = $statement->errorInfo();
            $response = array('status' => $status, 'desc' => 'DB error occured' . $dbError[2]);
    } catch (PDOExecption $e) {
        $status = -7;
        $error = "Exception: " . $e->getMessage();
        $response = array('status' => $status, 'desc' => 'PDO exception occured' . $error);
} catch (PDOExecption $e) {
    $status = -8;
$food_image_5 = $utilities->clean($_POST['food_image_5']);
$food_image_6 = $utilities->clean($_POST['food_image_6']);
$rating = $utilities->replaceZero($_POST['rating']);
$price = $utilities->replaceZero($_POST['price']);
$currency_id = $utilities->replaceOne($_POST['currency_id']);
$chef_id = $utilities->replaceZero($_POST['chef_id']);
$category_id = $utilities->replaceOne($_POST['category_id']);
$log_datetime = $utilities->replaceNow();
$foodId = -1;
try {
    $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO " . " `food_item` (name, description, ingredients, preparation_method, nutrition, food_image_1,food_image_2,food_image_3, food_image_4, food_image_5, food_image_6, rating, price, currency_id, chef_id, category_id, log_datetime) " . " VALUES ('{$name}', '{$description}', '{$ingredients}', '{$preparation_method}', '{$nutrition}', '{$food_image_1}', '{$food_image_2}','{$food_image_3}','{$food_image_4}','{$food_image_5}','{$food_image_6}', '{$rating}', '{$price}', '{$currency_id}', '{$chef_id}', '{$category_id}', '{$log_datetime}')";
    $statement = $dbConnection->prepare($insertQuery);
    try {
        if ($statement->execute()) {
            $foodId = $dbConnection->lastInsertId();
            $response = array('status' => $foodId, 'desc' => 'Success');
        } else {
            $status = -99;
            $dbError = $statement->errorInfo();
            $response = array('status' => $status, 'desc' => 'DB error occured' . $dbError[2]);
    } catch (PDOExecption $e) {
        $status = -7;
        $error = "Exception: " . $e->getMessage();
        $response = array('status' => $status, 'desc' => 'PDO exception occured' . $error);
} catch (PDOExecption $e) {
    $status = -8;
include_once '../classes/Utilities.php';
$dbConnection = new PDOExt();
$utilities = new Utilities();
$response = array();
$user_id = $utilities->replaceZero($_POST['user_id']);
$item_d = $utilities->replaceZero($_POST['item_d']);
$rating = $utilities->replaceZero($_POST['rating']);
$log_datetime = $utilities->replaceNow();
$user_item_rating = -1;
try {
    $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO " . " `user_item_rating` (user_id, item_d, rating, log_datetime) " . " VALUES ('{$user_id}', '{$item_d}', '{$rating}', '{$log_datetime}')";
    $statement = $dbConnection->prepare($insertQuery);
    try {
        if ($statement->execute()) {
            $user_item_rating = $dbConnection->lastInsertId();
            $response = array('status' => $user_item_rating, 'desc' => 'Success');
        } else {
            $status = -99;
            $dbError = $statement->errorInfo();
            $response = array('status' => $status, 'desc' => 'DB error occured' . $dbError[2]);
    } catch (PDOExecption $e) {
        $status = -7;
        $error = "Exception: " . $e->getMessage();
        $response = array('status' => $status, 'desc' => 'PDO exception occured' . $error);
} catch (PDOExecption $e) {
    $status = -8;
include_once '../classes/PDOExt.php';
include_once '../classes/Utilities.php';
$dbConnection = new PDOExt();
$utilities = new Utilities();
$response = array();
$user_id = $utilities->replaceZero($_POST['user_id']);
$item_id = $utilities->replaceZero($_POST['item_id']);
$serving_id = $utilities->replaceZero($_POST['serving_id']);
$preferredId = -1;
try {
    $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO " . " `preffered_list` (user_id, item_id, serving_id, log_datetime) " . " VALUES ('{$user_id}', '{$item_id}', '{$serving_id}', '{$log_datetime}')";
    $statement = $dbConnection->prepare($insertQuery);
    try {
        if ($statement->execute()) {
            $preferredId = $dbConnection->lastInsertId();
            $response = array('status' => $preferredId, 'desc' => 'Success');
        } else {
            $status = -99;
            $dbError = $statement->errorInfo();
            $response = array('status' => $status, 'desc' => 'DB error occured' . $dbError[2]);
    } catch (PDOExecption $e) {
        $status = -7;
        $error = "Exception: " . $e->getMessage();
        $response = array('status' => $status, 'desc' => 'PDO exception occured' . $error);
} catch (PDOExecption $e) {
    $status = -8;
foreach ($orderJSONArray as $foodItem) {
    $subTotalPrice = $foodItem['qunatity'] * $foodItem['price'];
    array_push($basketQunatityArray, array('item_name' => $foodItem['name'], 'qunatity' => $foodItem['qunatity'], 'unit_price' => $foodItem['price'], 'sub_total_price' => $subTotalPrice));
    $totalAmount += $subTotalPrice;
$bill_amount = $totalAmount;
$item_quantity_bill_json = json_encode($basketQunatityArray);
$billId = -1;
try {
    $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO " . " `bill` (bill_code, bill_amount, bill_discount, bill_total_amount, bill_item_count, bill_pay_through, bill_date, user_name, user_email, user_phone_number, use_delivery_address, basket_code, item_quantity_bill_json, is_bill_payed, log_datetime) " . " VALUES ('{$bill_code}', '{$bill_amount}', '{$bill_discount}','{$bill_total_amount}','{$bill_item_count}','{$bill_pay_through}', '{$bill_date}', '{$user_name}', '{$user_email}', '{$user_phone_number}', '{$use_delivery_address}', '{$basket_code}', '{$item_quantity_bill_json}', '{$is_bill_payed}','{$log_datetime}')";
    $statement = $dbConnection->prepare($insertQuery);
    try {
        if ($statement->execute()) {
            $billId = $dbConnection->lastInsertId();
            $response = array('status' => $billId, 'desc' => 'Success');
        } else {
            $status = -99;
            $dbError = $statement->errorInfo();
            $response = array('status' => $status, 'desc' => 'DB error occured' . $dbError[2]);
    } catch (PDOExecption $e) {
        $status = -7;
        $error = "Exception: " . $e->getMessage();
        $response = array('status' => $status, 'desc' => 'PDO exception occured' . $error);
} catch (PDOExecption $e) {
    $status = -8;
        $error = "Exception: " . $e->getMessage();
        $response = array('status' => $errorCode, 'desc' => 'PDO exception occured' . $error);
} catch (PDOExecption $e) {
    $errorCode = -8;
    $error = "Exception: " . $e->getMessage();
    $response = array('status' => $errorCode, 'desc' => 'PDO exception occured' . $error);
if (count($datauser) == 0) {
    try {
        $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO " . " `user` (f_name, l_name, country_code, phone_number, email, image_url, date_of_birth, log_datetime) " . " VALUES ('{$f_name}', '{$l_name}', '{$country_code}', '{$phone_number}', '{$email}', '{$image_url}', '{$date_of_birth}', '{$log_datetime}')";
        $statement = $dbConnection->prepare($insertQuery);
        try {
            if ($statement->execute()) {
                $userId = $dbConnection->lastInsertId();
                $response = array('status' => $userId, 'desc' => 'Success');
            } else {
                $status = -99;
                $dbError = $statement->errorInfo();
                $response = array('status' => $status, 'desc' => 'DB error occured: ' . $dbError[2]);
        } catch (PDOExecption $e) {
            $status = -7;
            $error = "Exception: " . $e->getMessage();
            $response = array('status' => $status, 'desc' => 'PDO exception occured' . $error);
    } catch (PDOExecption $e) {
        $status = -8;