Esempio n. 1
    if (array_key_exists($command, $commandPriceIni)) {
        if (intval($commandPriceIni[$command]) < 1 || intval($commandPriceIni[$command]) > 1) {
            $price = $commandPriceIni[$command] . ' ' . $pointNames[0];
        } else {
            $price = $commandPriceIni[$command] . ' ' . $pointNames[1];
    } else {
        $price = '0 ' . $pointNames[0];
    if (array_key_exists($command, $commandCooldown)) {
        $cooldown = $functions->secondsToTime(intval($commandCooldown[$command]));
    } else {
        $cooldown = $functions->secondsToTime(0);
    $customCommandsTableRows .= '<tr>' . $templates->addTooltip('<td class="command-actor">' . $actor . '</td>', '<span class="message ' . $msgClass . '">' . $message . '</span>', ['position' => \PBPanel\Util\ComponentTemplates::TOOLTIP_POS_RIGHT, 'offsetY' => strlen($message) < 50 ? 17 : (strlen($message) > 90 ? -17 : 0)]) . '<td>' . '<span class="text-muted">Group:</span>&nbsp;' . $perm . '<br />' . '<span class="text-muted">Price:</span>&nbsp;' . $price . '<br />' . '<span class="text-muted">Cooldown:</span>&nbsp;' . $cooldown . '</td>' . '<td>' . join(', ', $commandAliases) . '</td>' . '<td class="actions">' . $templates->botCommandButton('delcom ' . $command, '<span class="fa fa-trash"></span>', 'danger', 'Are you sure you want to delete !' . $command . '?', true) . '</td>' . '</tr>';
array_walk($commandPermIni, function ($value) use($defaultCommands) {
    $defaultCommands[] = str_replace('_recursive', '', $value);
$defaultCommands = array_unique(array_merge($defaultCommands, array_keys($commandPriceIni), array_values($commandAliasIni), array_keys($commandCooldown)));
foreach ($defaultCommands as $command) {
    if (array_key_exists($command, $commandAliasIni) || array_key_exists($command, $customCommandsIni)) {
    $commandAliases = [];
    foreach ($commandAliasIni as $alias => $originalCommand) {
        if ($originalCommand == $command) {
            $commandAliases[] = '!' . $alias;
echo $renderedMenu;
      <ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
          <a nohref onclick="logOut()" role="button">
    <div class="container-fluid">
      <ul id="favorites-menu" class="nav navbar-nav">
echo $templates->addTooltip('<li class="favorites-menu-icon"><span class="fa fa-star-half-empty"></span></li>', 'Favorites', ['position' => \PBPanel\Util\ComponentTemplates::TOOLTIP_POS_LEFT, 'offsetX' => 10, 'offsetY' => 21, 'appendToBody' => true]);
  <div class="panel panel-primary">
    <div class="panel-heading">
      <h3 class="panel-title">
        Hi <span id="current-user"></span>
echo str_repeat('<span class="pull-right info-banner-space-left">&nbsp;</span>', 3);
echo $templates->streamInfoBanner($NOSubscribers, 'dollar', 'warning', 'Subscriber Count', '', $NOSubscribers > -1);
Esempio n. 3
$dataStore = new \PBPanel\Util\DataStore();
$connection = new \PBPanel\Util\BotConnectionHandler($dataStore);
$functions = new \PBPanel\Util\Functions($dataStore, $connection);
$templates = new \PBPanel\Util\ComponentTemplates();
$botSettings = $functions->getIniArray('settings');
$pastRaiders = $functions->getIniArray('raiders');
$pastRaidersTableRows = '';
$doRaidCommandResponse = $functions->getIniValueByKey('command', 'doraid');
$firstTime = false;
$addCommandJsActive = $functions->getModuleStatus('addCommand.js');
$doRaidCommandForm = $templates->botCommandForm('doraid', 'Raid target', '[username]');
if ($addCommandJsActive == 1 && (!$doRaidCommandResponse || $doRaidCommandResponse == '')) {
    $connection->send('!addcom doraid Let\'s raid (1)! Go to and say "' . $dataStore->getVar('connector', 'channelOwner') . ' Raid!", throw them a follow and show the love! <3');
    $firstTime = true;
} elseif ($addCommandJsActive == '0') {
    $doRaidCommandForm = $templates->addTooltip($templates->botCommandForm('doraid', 'Raid target', '[username]', null, 'Send', true), 'Enable the addCommand.js module to use this form.' . $templates->botCommandButton('!module enable ./commands/addCommand.js', 'Enable addCommand.js Now', 'primary btn-block'));
foreach ($pastRaiders as $username => $timesRaided) {
    $pastRaidersTableRows .= '<tr><td>' . str_replace('_count', '', $username) . '</td><td>' . $timesRaided . ' raids</td></tr>';
<div class="app-part">
  <div class="panel panel-default">
    <div class="panel-heading">
      <h3 class="panel-title">
        Raid System
echo $templates->toggleFavoriteButton();
echo $templates->moduleActiveIndicator($functions->getModuleStatus('raidSystem.js'));