Esempio n. 1
 * @param Company_Type $company_type
 * will redirect the user to the company type place
function encoder_redirect_success(Ownership $ownership)
    $Name = $ownership->getName();
    $Name_Amharic = $ownership->getNameAmharic();
    $dir = "VIEW/html/Encoder/Add_Ownership/Add_Ownership.php?success=1&Name={$Name}&Name_Amharic={$Name_Amharic}";
    $url = BASE_URL . $dir;
    //redirect the encoder to the regions add place
Esempio n. 2
 public static function kill(\PDO $pdo_db, int $ship_id, array $langvars, Reg $tkireg, bool $remove_planets = false)
     $sql = "UPDATE ::prefix::ships SET ship_destroyed='Y', on_planet='N', sector=0, cleared_defenses=' ' WHERE ship_id=:ship_id";
     $stmt = $pdo_db->prepare($sql);
     $stmt->bindParam(':ship_id', $ship_id);
     $sql = "DELETE FROM ::prefix::bounty WHERE placed_by = :placed_by";
     $stmt = $pdo_db->prepare($sql);
     $stmt->bindParam(':placed_by', $ship_id);
     if ($remove_planets === true && $ship_id > 0) {
         $sql = "DELETE FROM ::prefix::planets WHERE owner=:owner";
         $stmt = $pdo_db->prepare($sql);
         $stmt->bindParam(':owner', $ship_id);
     } else {
         $sql = "UPDATE ::prefix::planets SET owner=0, team=0, fighters=0, base='N' WHERE owner=:owner";
         $stmt = $pdo_db->prepare($sql);
         $stmt->bindParam(':owner', $ship_id);
     $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT sector_id FROM ::prefix::planets WHERE owner=:owner AND base='Y'";
     $stmt = $pdo_db->prepare($sql);
     $stmt->bindParam(':owner', $ship_id);
     $sectors_owned = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     if ($sectors_owned !== null) {
         foreach ($sectors_owned as $tmp_sector) {
             Ownership::calc($pdo_db, $tmp_sector, $tkireg->min_bases_to_own, $langvars);
     $sql = "DELETE FROM ::prefix::sector_defense WHERE ship_id=:ship_id";
     $stmt = $pdo_db->prepare($sql);
     $stmt->bindParam(':owner', $ship_id);
     $sql = "SELECT zone_id FROM ::prefix::zones WHERE team_zone='N' AND owner=:owner";
     $stmt = $pdo_db->prepare($sql);
     $stmt->bindParam(':owner', $ship_id);
     $zone = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $sql = "UPDATE ::prefix::universe SET zone_id=1 WHERE zone_id=:zone_id";
     $stmt = $pdo_db->prepare($sql);
     $stmt->bindParam(':zone_id', $zone['zone_id']);
     $sql = "SELECT character_name FROM ::prefix::ships WHERE ship_id=:ship_id";
     $stmt = $pdo_db->prepare($sql);
     $stmt->bindParam(':owner', $ship_id);
     $name = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
     $headline = $name['character_name'] . ' ' . $langvars['l_killheadline'];
     $newstext = str_replace('[name]', $name['character_name'], $langvars['l_news_killed']);
     $sql = "INSERT INTO ::prefix::news (headline, newstext, user_id, date, news_type) VALUES (:headline,:newstext,:user_id,NOW(), 'killed')";
     $stmt = $pdo_db->prepare($sql);
     $stmt->bindParam(':headline', $headline);
     $stmt->bindParam(':newstext', $newstext);
     $stmt->bindParam(':user_id', $ship_id);
Esempio n. 3

include_once '/var/www/html/Lux/Core/Helper.php';
$REQUEST = new Request();
$RULES = new Rules(0, "ownership");
$OUTPUT = new Output();
$OWNERSHIP = new Ownership($RULES);
$document = $OWNERSHIP->mine($REQUEST);
$OUTPUT->success(1, $document);

Esempio n. 4

/* Reformatted 12.11.2015 */
// Helper function's and includes
include_once '/var/www/html/Lux/Core/Helper.php';
// Create Database Connection
$DB = new Db("SocialNetwork");
$OUTPUT = new Output();
// Get Request Variables
$REQUEST = new Request();
// No privleges needed, Ownership rules apply
$RULES = new Rules(0, "assets");
$OWNERSHIP = new Ownership($RULES);
// Allows user to switch away from a standard collection
$collectionName = Helper::getCollectionName($REQUEST, "Groups");
$collection = $DB->selectCollection($collectionName);
// Format Query
$query = Helper::formatQuery($REQUEST);
$query = $OWNERSHIP->adjust($collection, $query);
// Values which are accepted by the Adjustment script
$permitted = array("group_name", "group_picture", "bio", "images[]");
// Format Update and Options
$update = Helper::updatePermitted($REQUEST, $permitted);
$options = Helper::formatOptions($REQUEST);
// Used for Analytics
//$LOG = new Logging("Asset.adjust");
//$LOG->log($RULES->getId(), 31, $query, 100, "User Modified Asset");
// Find and Modify documents in collection
$documents = $collection->findAndModify($query, $update, $options);
// Output
$OUTPUT->success(0, $documents, null);
Esempio n. 5

/* Reformatted 12.11.2015 */
// Helper function's and includes
include_once '/var/www/html/Lux/Core/Helper.php';
// Create Database Connection
$db = new Db("Scoreboard");
$OUTPUT = new Output();
// Get Request Variables
$REQUEST = new Request();
// No Priveleges needed
$RULES = new Rules(0, "scoreboard");
// Select collection
$collectionName = Helper::getCollectionName($REQUEST, "Users");
$collection = $db->selectCollection($collectionName);
// Find Ownership Rules
$OWNERSHIP = new Ownership($RULES);
// Format a query from the request
$query = Helper::formatQuery($REQUEST, "user_id", "user_id");
// Used for analytics
$LOG = new Logging("Asset.query");
$LOG->log($RULES->getId(), 32, $query, 100, "User Queried Asset");
// Find Documents in Collection
$documents = $collection->find($query);
// Filter out unOwned Documents
$documents = $OWNERSHIP->query($documents);
// Output
$OUTPUT->success(1, $documents);
Esempio n. 6
 public function TransferOwnership(Player $player, Ownership $newowner, $price)
     $oldid = $this->GetOwner();
     $newid = $newowner->GetOwner();
     $oldobj = null;
     $newobj = null;
     $oldstats = null;
     $newstats = null;
     switch ($this->GetType()) {
         case OWNERSHIP_ACCOUNT:
             $oldobj = Players::FindByDBID($oldid);
             if (!$oldobj) {
                 $oldstats = Accounts::LoadStats($oldid);
             if (!$oldobj && !$oldstats) {
                 $player->Send(COLOR_RED, '[ERROR] Internal error, a log of this error has been saved to be fixed');
                 echo "WARNING! Trying to transfer ownership from an old owner identified as OWNERSHIP_ACCOUNT({$oldid}), " . "but unable to load their stats (account deleted?)\n";
                 return false;
         case OWNERSHIP_FACTION:
             $oldobj = Factions::FindByID($oldid);
             if (!$oldobj) {
                 $player->Send(COLOR_RED, '[ERROR] Internal error, a log of this error has been saved to be fixed');
                 echo "WARNING! Trying to transfer ownership from an old owner identified as OWNERSHIP_FACTION({$oldid}), " . "but unable to find the faction (corrupted database?)\n";
                 return false;
     switch ($newowner->GetType()) {
         case OWNERSHIP_ACCOUNT:
             $newobj = Players::FindByDBID($newid);
             if (!$newobj) {
                 $newstats = Accounts::LoadStats($newid);
             if (!$newobj && !$newstats) {
                 $player->Send(COLOR_RED, '[ERROR] Internal error, a log of this error has been saved to be fixed');
                 echo "WARNING! Trying to transfer ownership to a new owner identified as OWNERSHIP_ACCOUNT({$newid}), " . "but unable to load their stats (account deleted?)\n";
                 return false;
         case OWNERSHIP_FACTION:
             $newobj = Factions::FindByID($newid);
             if (!$newobj) {
                 $player->Send(COLOR_RED, '[ERROR] Internal error, a log of this error has been saved to be fixed');
                 echo "WARNING! Trying to transfer ownership to a new owner identified as OWNERSHIP_FACTION({$newid}), " . "but unable to find the faction (corrupted database?)\n";
                 return false;
     /* Check if the bank accounts are frozen */
     if ($oldobj && $oldobj->BankFreezed()) {
         $player->Send(COLOR_BANK_FREEZED, '[ERROR] The current owner of this property has his bank account frozen, operation cancelled');
         return false;
     if ($newobj && $newobj->BankFreezed()) {
         $facstr = ' ';
         if ($newobj instanceof Faction) {
             $facstr = ' faction ';
         $player->Send(COLOR_BANK_FREEZED, "[ERROR] Your{$facstr}bank account has been freezed, operation cancelled");
         return false;
     /* Check if the buyer has enough money */
     $facstr = ' ';
     if ($newobj) {
         $bank_buyer = $newobj->GetBank();
         if ($newobj instanceof Faction) {
             $facstr = ' faction ';
     } else {
         $bank_buyer = $newstats['bank'];
     if ($bank_buyer < $price) {
         $player->Send(COLOR_NOTENOUGH_MONEYBANK, "[ERROR] Your{$facstr}bank account hasn\\'t enough money to buy this property");
         return false;
     /* Perform the transaction */
     $newname = 'Somebody';
     if ($newobj) {
         $fixed_price = Core::FixIntegerDots($price);
         if ($newobj instanceof Faction) {
             $newobj->Send(COLOR_OWNERSHIP_ADQUIRED, "[FACTION BANK] {$player->name} adquired a new property for the faction for {$fixed_price}\$", MEMBER_ALLOWBANK);
             $newname = $newobj->GetName() . ' faction';
         } else {
             $newobj->Send(COLOR_OWNERSHIP_ADQUIRED, "[BANK] New property adquired for {$fixed_price}\$");
             $newname = $newobj->name;
     } else {
         if ($newstats != null) {
             $newstats['bank'] -= $price;
             Accounts::SetLoadedStats($newid, $newstats);
     if ($oldobj) {
         $fixed_price = Core::FixIntegerDots($price);
         if ($oldobj instanceof Faction) {
             $oldobj->Send(COLOR_OWNERSHIP_SOLD, "[FACTION BANK] {$newname} bought one of the faction properties for sale for {$fixed_price}\$", MEMBER_ALLOWBANK);
         } else {
             $oldobj->Send(COLOR_OWNERSHIP_SOLD, "[BANK] {$newname} bought one of your properties for sale for {$fixed_price}\$");
     } else {
         if ($oldstats != null) {
             $oldstats['bank'] += $price;
             Accounts::SetLoadedStats($oldid, $oldstats);
     return true;
Esempio n. 7
  ** UpdateOwnership
  ** Updates the ownership of one of the rooms
  ** Parameters:
  ** - room:   The room to update
  ** - owner:  The new owner
 public function UpdateOwnership(Room $room, Ownership $owner)
     $oldowner = $room->GetOwnership();
     switch ($oldowner->GetType()) {
         case OWNERSHIP_ACCOUNT:
         case OWNERSHIP_FACTION:
     switch ($owner->GetType()) {
         case OWNERSHIP_ACCOUNT:
             $this->prooms[$owner->GetOwner()] = $room;
         case OWNERSHIP_FACTION:
             $this->frooms[$owner->GetOwner()] = $room;
     if ($owner->GetType() == OWNERSHIP_NULL) {
Esempio n. 8

include_once '/var/www/html/Lux/Core/Helper.php';
$REQUEST = new Request();
$RULES = new Rules(0, "ownership");
$OWNERSHIP = new Ownership($RULES);
$OUTPUT = new Output();
$document = $OWNERSHIP->find($REQUEST);
$OUTPUT->success(1, $document);

Esempio n. 9

/* Reformatted 12.11.2015 */
// Helper function's and includes
include_once '/var/www/html/Lux/Core/Helper.php';
// Create Database Connection
$DB = new Db("Assets");
$OUTPUT = new Output();
// Get Request Variables
$REQUEST = new Request();
// No privleges needed, Ownership rules apply
$RULES = new Rules(0, "assets");
$OWNERSHIP = new Ownership($RULES);
// Allows user to switch away from a standard collection
$collectionName = Helper::getCollectionName($REQUEST, "Standard", true);
$collection = $DB->selectCollection($collectionName);
// Format Query
$query = Helper::formatQuery($REQUEST);
$query = $OWNERSHIP->adjust($collection, $query);
// Values which are accepted by the Adjustment script
$permitted = array();
// All values accepted
// Format Update and Options
$update = Helper::updatePermitted($REQUEST, $permitted);
$options = Helper::formatOptions($REQUEST);
// Used for Analytics
$LOG = new Logging("Asset.adjust");
$LOG->log($RULES->getId(), 31, $query, 100, "User Modified Asset");
// Find and Modify documents in collection
$documents = $collection->findAndModify($query, $update, $options);
$documents = $OWNERSHIP->check($documents);
Esempio n. 10
 function insert_into_table()
     $this->tbl->domain = $this->get_domain($this->tbl->url);
     $this->tbl->status = "live";
     $this->tbl->type = $this->type;
     $this->tbl->code = base62::encode($this->tbl->id);
     $own = new Ownership();
     $own->url_id = $this->tbl->id;
     $own->user_id = 1;
     //TODO: basepage user_id'den gelecek...
     $own->created_by = $this->get_ip();
     $visitor->created_on = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
Esempio n. 11
                $ownership_code = '';
                $ownership_type = '';
                $exemption = '';
                $bcode = '';
                $Submit = "";
                $com = "";
                        <body onload='javascript:alert ("Record Successfully Updated");'></body>
} elseif ($com == 'delete') {
    $where = "business_category_code='{$bcode}'";
    $nDelOwnType = new Ownership();
    $nDelOwnType->DeleteQuery('ebpls_business_category', $where);
    $r = mysql_query("delete from fee_exempt where business_category_code='{$bcode}'") or die("d");
    $bcode = '';
    $com = "";
$bname1 = mysql_query("select * from ebpls_business_category where business_category_code='{$bcode}'") or die("**");
if ($com == 'edit') {
    $get_info = mysql_fetch_row($bname1);
$bc = mysql_fetch_row($bname1);
$bn = $bc[1];
include 'html/ownership_type.html';
if ($bcode == '') {
    $ownership_code = 0;
} else {
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer the ID of the model to be loaded
 public function loadModel($id)
     $model = Ownership::model()->findByPk((int) $id);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $model;
Esempio n. 13

include_once '/var/www/html/Lux/Core/Helper.php';
$REQUEST = new Request();
$RULES = new Rules(0, "ownership");
$OWNERSHIP = new Ownership($RULES);
 function Ownership_Exist(Ownership $ownership)
     $Name = $ownership->getName();
     $query = "SELECT * FROM Ownership WHERE Name='{$Name}'";
     $result = mysqli_query($this->getDbc(), $query);
     if (mysqli_num_rows($result) >= 1) {
         return TRUE;
     } else {
         if (mysqli_num_rows($result) == 0) {
             return FALSE;
Esempio n. 15
 function Edit_Ownership(Ownership $Ownership, $Ownership_ID)
     $Name = $Ownership->getName();
     $Name_Amharic = $Ownership->getNameAmharic();
     $query = "UPDATE Ownership set Name='{$Name}',Name_Amharic='{$Name_Amharic}' where ID='{$Ownership_ID}'";
     $result = mysqli_query($this->getDbc(), $query);
     //if the company is deleted return true
     if ($result) {
         return TRUE;
     } else {
         return FALSE;