public function getExternalConfig($aRelativePath) { $Out = Out::getInstance(); $ConfigPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/sites'; $BootstrapPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/includes/'; if (!file_exists($ConfigPath)) { $Out->pushError($ConfigPath . ' ' . L('NotExisting') . '.'); return null; } @(include_once $BootstrapPath); $Version = 70000; if (defined('VERSION')) { $VersionParts = explode('.', VERSION); $Version = intval($VersionParts[0]) * 10000 + intval($VersionParts[1]) * 100; } $Sites = scandir($ConfigPath); foreach ($Sites as $SiteDir) { if (is_dir($ConfigPath . '/' . $SiteDir) && file_exists($ConfigPath . '/' . $SiteDir . '/settings.php')) { @(include_once $ConfigPath . '/' . $SiteDir . '/settings.php'); if (isset($databases) && isset($databases['default']['default'])) { $DbConfig = $databases['default']['default']; return array('database' => $DbConfig['database'], 'user' => $DbConfig['username'], 'password' => $DbConfig['password'], 'prefix' => $DbConfig['prefix'], 'cookie' => isset($base_url) ? $base_url : 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/' . $aRelativePath, 'version' => $Version); } } } $Out->pushError(L('NoValidConfig')); return null; }
function msgQueryLocations($aRequest) { global $gSite; global $gGame; loadGameSettings(); $Out = Out::getInstance(); if (validRaidlead()) { $Connector = Connector::getInstance(); // Locations $ListLocations = $Connector->prepare('Select * FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Location` WHERE Game = :Game ORDER BY Name'); $ListLocations->bindValue(':Game', $gGame['GameId'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $Locations = array(); $ListLocations->loop(function ($Data) use(&$Locations) { $LocationData = array('id' => $Data['LocationId'], 'name' => $Data['Name'], 'image' => $Data['Image']); array_push($Locations, $LocationData); }); $Out->pushValue('location', $Locations); // Images $Images = @scandir('../themes/icons/' . $gSite['Iconset'] . '/raidsmall'); $ImageList = array(); if ($Images != null) { foreach ($Images as $Image) { if (strripos($Image, '.png') !== false) { array_push($ImageList, $Image); } } } $Out->pushValue('locationimage', $ImageList); } else { $Out->pushError(L('AccessDenied')); } }
public static function getInstance($aRethrow = false) { if (self::$Instance == null) { self::$Instance = new Out(); } return self::$Instance; }
/** * @param Out $outputStream The stream where the formatted message has to be written * @param MessageInterface $message * * @throws \Avalonia\Component\Message\Exception\MapperInvalidArgumentException if the given $message is not of the good type * @throws \Avalonia\Component\Message\Exception\MapperInvalidDataException if the given $rawData doesn't not contain required headers/attachments/body * * Writes a formatted message into the output stream */ public function mapMessageToStream(Out $outputStream, MessageInterface $message) { $outputMessage = ''; // First, build the query string $queryHeadersPrefix = str_replace(".", "\\.", HttpMessage::HTTP_QUERY_HEADER_PREFIX); $queryHeadersArray = []; foreach ($message->getHeadersByNameFormat(sprintf("/^%s/", $queryHeadersPrefix)) as $name => $value) { // remove query. for the header name $queryHeadersArray[substr($name, strlen(HttpMessage::HTTP_QUERY_HEADER_PREFIX))] = $value; } $queryString = http_build_query($queryHeadersArray); // Then build the uri $uri = $message->getHeader(HttpMessage::HEADER_HTTP_URI); if ('' !== $queryString) { $uri .= "?" . $queryString; } // Write command line $commandLine = sprintf("%s %s", $message->getHeader(HttpMessage::HEADER_HTTP_METHOD), $uri); $httpVersion = $message->getHeader(HttpMessage::HEADER_HTTP_VERSION, static::DEFAULT_HTTP_VERSION); if (static::DEFAULT_HTTP_VERSION !== $httpVersion) { $commandLine .= " HTTP/" . $httpVersion; } $outputMessage .= $commandLine . static::CRLF; foreach ($message->getHeadersByNameFormat(static::HTTP_HEADER_NAME_PATTERN) as $name => $header) { $outputMessage .= sprintf("%s: %s%s", $name, $header, static::CRLF); } // Write an empty line to end headers section if the HTTP version is 1.x // This empty line is not necessary for http 0.9 $httpVersion = $message->getHeader(HttpMessage::HEADER_HTTP_VERSION); if ("0.9" !== $httpVersion && null !== $httpVersion) { $outputMessage .= static::CRLF; } $outputMessage .= $message->getBodyAsString(); $outputStream->writeString($outputMessage); }
/** * @param Out $outputStream The stream where the formatted message has to be written * @param MessageInterface $message * * @throws \Avalonia\Component\Message\Exception\MapperInvalidArgumentException if the given $message is not of the good type * @throws \Avalonia\Component\Message\Exception\MapperInvalidDataException if the given $rawData doesn't not contain required headers/attachments/body * * Writes a formatted message into the output stream */ public function mapMessageToStream(Out $outputStream, MessageInterface $message) { $outputMessage = ''; $httpVersion = $message->getHeader(HttpMessage::HEADER_HTTP_VERSION, static::DEFAULT_HTTP_VERSION); if (static::DEFAULT_HTTP_VERSION !== $httpVersion) { // If http version is 1.x write status line and headers $outputMessage .= sprintf('HTTP/%s %s %s%s', $httpVersion, $message->getHeader(HttpMessage::HEADER_HTTP_STATUS_CODE), $message->getHeader(HttpMessage::HEADER_HTTP_STATUS_MESSAGE), static::CRLF); foreach ($message->getHeadersByNameFormat(static::HTTP_HEADER_NAME_PATTERN) as $name => $header) { $outputMessage .= sprintf("%s: %s%s", $name, $header, static::CRLF); } // Add empty line to end headers section and write body $outputMessage .= static::CRLF; } $outputMessage .= $message->getBodyAsString(); $outputStream->writeString($outputMessage); }
function msgQueryLocale($aRequest) { global $gLocale; global $gGame; loadGameSettings(); $EncodedLocale = array(); $LocaleName = getLocaleName(); $Flags = PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50400 ? ENT_COMPAT | ENT_XHTML : ENT_COMPAT; $Flags = PHP_VERSION_ID >= 50300 ? $Flags | ENT_IGNORE : $Flags; // Hardcoded strings foreach ($gLocale as $Key => $Value) { if ($Value != null) { $Encoded = getUTF8($Value); //htmlentities(getUTF8($Value), $Flags, 'UTF-8'); $EncodedLocale[$Key] = $Encoded; } } // Game based strings if (isset($gGame['Locales'][$LocaleName])) { foreach ($gGame['Locales'][$LocaleName] as $Key => $Value) { if ($Value != null) { $Encoded = getUTF8($Value); //htmlentities(getUTF8($Value), $Flags, 'UTF-8'); $EncodedLocale[$Key] = $Encoded; } } } Out::getInstance()->pushValue('locale', $EncodedLocale); }
public function actionIndex() { //取出公告数据 $notice = Announcement::model()->findAll(array('order' => 'create_time DESC', 'condition' => 'status=:status', 'params' => array(':status' => 2))); $notice = CJSON::decode(CJSON::encode($notice)); Out::jsonOutput($notice); }
function msgQueryNewRaidData($aRequest) { $Out = Out::getInstance(); if (validRaidlead()) { $Connector = Connector::getInstance(); // Settings $NewRaidSettings = $Connector->prepare('SELECT Name, IntValue, TextValue FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Setting`'); $IntOfInterest = array('RaidSize', 'RaidStartHour', 'RaidStartMinute', 'RaidEndHour', 'RaidEndMinute', 'StartOfWeek'); $TextOfInterest = array('RaidMode'); $Settings = array(); $NewRaidSettings->loop(function ($Data) use(&$Settings, $IntOfInterest, $TextOfInterest) { $KeyValue = array('name' => $Data['Name'], 'value' => null); if (in_array($Data['Name'], $IntOfInterest)) { $KeyValue['value'] = $Data['IntValue']; } elseif (in_array($Data['Name'], $TextOfInterest)) { $KeyValue['value'] = $Data['TextValue']; } array_push($Settings, $KeyValue); }); $Out->pushValue('setting', $Settings); // Locations msgQueryLocations($aRequest); } else { $Out->pushError(L('AccessDenied')); } }
public function getExternalConfig($aRelativePath) { $Out = Out::getInstance(); $ConfigPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/config.php'; $DataPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/data'; if (!file_exists($ConfigPath)) { $Out->pushError($ConfigPath . ' ' . L('NotExisting') . '.'); return null; } @(include_once $ConfigPath); if (!defined('EQDKP_INSTALLED')) { $Out->pushError(L('NoValidConfig')); return null; } $Version = 10000; $DataFolder = scandir($DataPath); foreach ($DataFolder as $Candidate) { $LocalConfPath = $DataPath . '/' . $Candidate . '/eqdkp/config/localconf.php'; if (file_exists($LocalConfPath)) { define('EQDKP_INC', 1); @(include_once $LocalConfPath); $VersionParts = explode('.', $localconf['plus_version']); $Version = intval($VersionParts[0]) * 10000 + intval($VersionParts[1]) * 100 + intval($VersionParts[2]); break; } } return array('database' => $dbname, 'user' => $dbuser, 'password' => $dbpass, 'prefix' => $table_prefix, 'cookie' => null, 'version' => $Version); }
public function actionIndex() { $shop_id = Yii::app()->request->getParam('shop_id'); if (!$shop_id) { Error::output(Error::ERR_NO_SHOPID); } //获取该店的留言 $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->order = 't.order_id DESC'; $criteria->condition = 't.shop_id=:shop_id AND t.status=:status'; $criteria->params = array(':shop_id' => $shop_id, ':status' => 1); $messageMode = Message::model()->with('members', 'shops', 'replys')->findAll($criteria); $message = array(); foreach ($messageMode as $k => $v) { $message[$k] = $v->attributes; $message[$k]['shop_name'] = $v->shops->name; $message[$k]['user_name'] = $v->members->name; $message[$k]['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $v->create_time); $message[$k]['status_text'] = Yii::app()->params['message_status'][$v->status]; $message[$k]['status_color'] = Yii::app()->params['status_color'][$v->status]; $_replys = Reply::model()->with('members')->findAll(array('condition' => 'message_id=:message_id', 'params' => array(':message_id' => $v->id))); if (!empty($_replys)) { foreach ($_replys as $kk => $vv) { $message[$k]['replys'][$kk] = $vv->attributes; $message[$k]['replys'][$kk]['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $vv->create_time); $message[$k]['replys'][$kk]['user_name'] = $vv->user_id == -1 ? '前台妹子说' : $vv->members->name; } } } Out::jsonOutput($message); }
public function actionIndex() { $shop_id = Yii::app()->request->getParam('shop_id'); if (!$shop_id) { Error::output(Error::ERR_NO_SHOPID); } //查询出改商店的一些详细信息 $shopData = Shops::model()->findByPk($shop_id); if (!$shopData) { Error::output(Error::ERR_NO_SHOPID); } $shopData = CJSON::decode(CJSON::encode($shopData)); //根据店铺id查询出该店铺的菜单 $menuData = Menus::model()->with('food_sort', 'image', 'shops')->findAll(array('condition' => 't.shop_id=:shop_id AND t.status=:status', 'params' => array(':shop_id' => $shop_id, ':status' => 2))); $data = array(); foreach ($menuData as $k => $v) { $data[$k] = $v->attributes; $data[$k]['index_pic'] = $v->index_pic ? Yii::app()->params['img_url'] . $v->image->filepath . $v->image->filename : ''; $data[$k]['sort_name'] = $v->food_sort->name; $data[$k]['shop_name'] = $v->shops->name; $data[$k]['create_time'] = Yii::app()->format->formatDate($v->create_time); $data[$k]['status'] = Yii::app()->params['menu_status'][$v->status]; $data[$k]['price'] = $v->price; } Out::jsonOutput(array('shop' => $shopData, 'menus' => $data)); }
function msgQueryLocalCredentialsById($aRequest) { $Credentials = UserProxy::getInstance()->getUserCredentialsById($aRequest['UserId'], 'none'); $Out = Out::getInstance(); if ($Credentials == null) { $Out->pushError(L('NoSuchUser')); } else { $Out->pushValue('salt', $Credentials['salt']); $Out->pushValue('pubkey', $Credentials['key']); $Out->pushValue('method', $Credentials['method']); } }
public function prepare($aStatement, $aDriverOptions = array()) { $StatementObj = parent::prepare($aStatement, $aDriverOptions); if ($StatementObj === false) { $Out = Out::getInstance(); foreach (parent::errorInfo() as $ErrorLine) { $Out->pushError(strval($ErrorLine)); } $Out->writeJSONandStop(); } return new Query($StatementObj); }
function msgQueryConfig($aRequest) { global $gSite; global $gGame; $Out = Out::getInstance(); loadGameSettings(); $Config = array(); $Config['AllowRegistration'] = defined('ALLOW_REGISTRATION') && ALLOW_REGISTRATION; // Push unset($gGame['Locales']); $Out->pushValue('site', array_merge($gSite, $Config)); $Out->pushValue('game', $gGame); }
function api_help($aRequest) { global $gApiHelp; $Out = Out::getInstance(); $Topic = strtolower($aRequest['help']); if (isset($gApiHelp[$Topic])) { foreach ($gApiHelp[$Topic] as $Name => $Value) { $Out->pushValue($Name, $Value); } } else { $Out->pushError('Unknown help topic.'); } }
function msgUserLink($aRequest) { $Out = Out::getInstance(); if (validAdmin()) { $UserInfo = tryGetUserLink($aRequest['userId']); if ($UserInfo != null) { $Out->pushValue('syncActive', !defined('ALLOW_GROUP_SYNC') || ALLOW_GROUP_SYNC); $Out->pushValue('userid', $aRequest['userId']); $Out->pushValue('binding', $UserInfo->BindingName); $Out->pushValue('group', $UserInfo->Group); } } else { $Out->pushError(L('AccessDenied')); } }
function InstallDB($Prefix) { global $gDatabaseLayout; $Out = Out::getInstance(); $Connector = Connector::getInstance(); foreach ($gDatabaseLayout as $Name => $Rows) { $QueryString = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `" . $Prefix . $Name . "` ("; $FirstRow = true; foreach ($Rows as $Row) { $QueryString .= ($FirstRow ? "" : ",") . $Row->CreateText(); $FirstRow = false; } $QueryString .= ") ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=1;"; $Connector->exec($QueryString); } }
public function getExternalConfig($aRelativePath) { $Out = Out::getInstance(); $ConfigPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/wcf/'; if (!file_exists($ConfigPath)) { $Out->pushError($ConfigPath . ' ' . L('NotExisting') . '.'); return null; } @(include_once $ConfigPath); // Read cookie $Connector = new Connector(SQL_HOST, $dbName, $dbUser, $dbPassword, false); $OptionQuery = $Connector->prepare('SELECT optionValue FROM `wcf' . WCF_N . '_option` ' . 'WHERE optionName = "cookie_prefix" AND categoryName = "general.system.cookie" LIMIT 1'); $OptionData = $OptionQuery->fetchFirst(); // Build result return array('database' => $dbName, 'user' => $dbUser, 'password' => $dbPassword, 'prefix' => WCF_N, 'cookie' => $OptionData['optionValue'], 'version' => 40000); }
public function getExternalConfig($aRelativePath) { $Out = Out::getInstance(); $ConfigPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/wp-config.php'; if (!file_exists($ConfigPath)) { $Out->pushError($ConfigPath . ' ' . L('NotExisting') . '.'); return null; } define('SHORTINIT', true); @(include_once $ConfigPath); if (!isset($table_prefix)) { $Out->pushError(L('NoValidConfig')); return null; } $VersionElements = explode('.', $wp_version); $Version = $VersionElements[0] * 10000 + (isset($VersionElements[1]) ? $VersionElements[1] * 100 : 0) + (isset($VersionElements[2]) ? $VersionElements[2] : 0); return array('database' => DB_NAME, 'user' => DB_USER, 'password' => DB_PASSWORD, 'prefix' => $table_prefix, 'cookie' => LOGGED_IN_KEY . LOGGED_IN_SALT, 'version' => $Version); }
function msgUserCreate($aRequest) { require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config/config.php'; $Out = Out::getInstance(); if (ALLOW_REGISTRATION) { $Salt = UserProxy::generateKey32(); $NativeBinding = new NativeBinding(); $HashedPassword = $NativeBinding->hash($aRequest['pass'], $Salt, 'none'); $PublicMode = defined('PUBLIC_MODE') && PUBLIC_MODE; $DefaultGroup = $PublicMode ? 'member' : 'none'; $Out->pushValue('publicmode', $PublicMode); if (!UserProxy::createUser($DefaultGroup, 0, 'none', $aRequest['name'], $HashedPassword, $Salt)) { $Out->pushError(L('NameInUse')); } } else { $Out->pushError(L('AccessDenied')); } }
function msgQueryUser($aRequest) { $Out = Out::getInstance(); if (registeredUser()) { $CurrentUser = UserProxy::getInstance(); $CharacterIds = array(); $CharacterGames = array(); $CharacterNames = array(); $CharacterClasses = array(); $CharacterRoles1 = array(); $CharacterRoles2 = array(); $Settings = array(); foreach ($CurrentUser->Characters as $Character) { array_push($CharacterIds, $Character->CharacterId); array_push($CharacterGames, $Character->Game); array_push($CharacterNames, $Character->Name); array_push($CharacterClasses, explode(':', $Character->ClassName)); array_push($CharacterRoles1, $Character->Role1); array_push($CharacterRoles2, $Character->Role2); } $Out->pushValue('registeredUser', true); $Out->pushValue('id', $CurrentUser->UserId); $Out->pushValue('name', $CurrentUser->UserName); $Out->pushValue('characterIds', $CharacterIds); $Out->pushValue('characterGames', $CharacterGames); $Out->pushValue('characterNames', $CharacterNames); $Out->pushValue('characterClass', $CharacterClasses); $Out->pushValue('role1', $CharacterRoles1); $Out->pushValue('role2', $CharacterRoles2); $Out->pushValue('validUser', validUser()); $Out->pushValue('isRaidlead', validRaidlead()); $Out->pushValue('isAdmin', validAdmin()); $Out->pushValue('settings', $CurrentUser->Settings); $Session = Session::get(); if (isset($Session['Calendar'])) { $Out->pushValue('calendar', $Session['Calendar']); } else { $Out->pushValue('calendar', null); } } else { $Out->pushValue('registeredUser', false); } }
public function getExternalConfig($aRelativePath) { $Out = Out::getInstance(); $DefaultsPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/conf/config-defaults.php'; $ConfigPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/conf/config.php'; $IndexPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/index.php'; if (!file_exists($DefaultsPath)) { $Out->pushError($DefaultsPath . ' ' . L('NotExisting') . '.'); return null; } if (!file_exists($ConfigPath)) { $Out->pushError($ConfigPath . ' ' . L('NotExisting') . '.'); return null; } $Version = 20000; if (file_exists($IndexPath)) { $Index = file_get_contents($IndexPath); $AppIdx = strpos($Index, 'APPLICATION_VERSION'); if ($AppIdx !== false) { $StripIdx = strpos($Index, ';', $AppIdx); $Index = substr($Index, 0, $StripIdx + 1); $Index = substr($Index, strpos($Index, '<?php') + 5); eval($Index); $VersionParts = explode('.', APPLICATION_VERSION); $Version = intval($VersionParts[0]) * 10000 + intval($VersionParts[1]) * 100 + intval($VersionParts[2]); } } if (!defined('APPLICATION')) { define('APPLICATION', 'Vanilla'); } define('PATH_CACHE', ''); @(include_once $DefaultsPath); @(include_once $ConfigPath); if (!isset($Configuration)) { $Out->pushError(L('NoValidConfig')); return null; } $CookieConf = $Configuration['Garden']['Cookie']; $DbConf = $Configuration['Database']; return array('database' => $DbConf['Name'], 'user' => $DbConf['User'], 'password' => $DbConf['Password'], 'prefix' => $DbConf['DatabasePrefix'], 'cookie' => $CookieConf['Name'] . ',' . $CookieConf['HashMethod'] . ',' . $CookieConf['Salt'], 'version' => $Version); }
public function getExternalConfig($aRelativePath) { $Out = Out::getInstance(); $ConfigPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/Configuration.php'; $VersionPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/libraries/cms/version/version.php'; if (!file_exists($ConfigPath)) { $Out->pushError($ConfigPath . ' ' . L('NotExisting') . '.'); return null; } @(include_once $ConfigPath); define('JPATH_PLATFORM', ''); define('_JEXEC', ''); @(include_once $VersionPath); $Version = 30000; if (class_exists("JVersion")) { $VersionClass = new JVersion(); $VersionParts = explode('.', $VersionClass->RELEASE); $Version = intval($VersionParts[0]) * 10000 + intval($VersionParts[1]) * 100 + intval($VersionClass->DEV_LEVEL); } $Config = new JConfig(); return array('database' => $Config->db, 'user' => $Config->user, 'password' => $Config->password, 'prefix' => $Config->dbprefix, 'cookie' => $Config->secret, 'version' => $Version); }
public function getExternalConfig($aRelativePath) { $ConfigPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/Settings.php'; if (!file_exists($ConfigPath)) { Out::getInstance()->pushError($ConfigPath . ' ' . L('NotExisting') . '.'); return null; } @(include_once $ConfigPath); if (!isset($mbname)) { Out::getInstance()->pushError(L('NoValidConfig')); return null; } $Version = 20000; $Connector = new Connector(SQL_HOST, $db_name, $db_user, $db_passwd, false); if ($Connector != null) { $VersionQuery = $Connector->prepare('SELECT value FROM `' . $db_prefix . 'settings` WHERE variable="smfVersion" LIMIT 1'); $VersionData = $VersionQuery->fetchFirst(); $VersionParts = explode('.', $VersionData['value']); $Version = intval($VersionParts[0]) * 10000 + intval($VersionParts[1]) * 100 + intval($VersionParts[2]); } return array('database' => $db_name, 'user' => $db_user, 'password' => $db_passwd, 'prefix' => $db_prefix, 'cookie' => isset($cookiename) ? $cookiename : 'SMFCookie956', 'version' => $Version); }
public function getExternalConfig($aRelativePath) { $Out = Out::getInstance(); $ConfigPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/includes/config.php'; $CorePath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/includes/class_core.php'; if (!file_exists($ConfigPath)) { $Out->pushError($ConfigPath . ' ' . L('NotExisting') . '.'); return null; } @(include_once $ConfigPath); @(include_once $CorePath); if (!isset($config)) { $Out->pushError(L('NoValidConfig')); return null; } $Version = 30000; if (defined('FILE_VERSION')) { $VersionParts = explode('.', FILE_VERSION); $Version = intval($VersionParts[0]) * 10000 + intval($VersionParts[1]) * 100 + intval($VersionParts[2]); } return array('database' => $config['Database']['dbname'], 'user' => $config['MasterServer']['username'], 'password' => $config['MasterServer']['password'], 'prefix' => $config['Database']['tableprefix'], 'cookie' => $config['Misc']['cookieprefix'], 'version' => $Version); }
protected function doUpgrade($name) { $upgradeFile = Module::getUpgradeDir() . '/' . $name . '.php'; if (!is_file($upgradeFile)) { return false; } /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ require_once $upgradeFile; $class = 'Sprint\\Migration\\' . $name; if (!class_exists($class)) { return false; } /** @var Upgrade $obj */ $obj = new $class(); $obj->setDebug($this->debug); $obj->doUpgrade(); if ($this->debug) { Out::out('Upgrade to version: %s', $name); } Module::setDbOption('upgrade_version', $name); return true; }
function msgCommentupdate($aRequest) { if (validUser()) { $Connector = Connector::getInstance(); $RaidId = intval($aRequest['raidId']); $UserId = UserProxy::getInstance()->UserId; $CheckQuery = $Connector->prepare('SELECT UserId FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance` WHERE UserId = :UserId AND RaidId = :RaidId LIMIT 1'); $CheckQuery->bindValue(':UserId', $UserId, PDO::PARAM_INT); $CheckQuery->bindValue(':RaidId', $RaidId, PDO::PARAM_INT); if ($CheckQuery->execute()) { $UpdateQuery = null; if ($CheckQuery->getAffectedRows() > 0) { $UpdateQuery = $Connector->prepare('UPDATE `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance` ' . 'SET comment = :Comment, LastUpdate = FROM_UNIXTIME(:Timestamp) ' . 'WHERE RaidId = :RaidId AND UserId = :UserId LIMIT 1'); $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':Timestamp', time(), PDO::PARAM_INT); } else { $UpdateQuery = $Connector->prepare('INSERT INTO `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance` ( CharacterId, UserId, RaidId, Status, Role, Comment ) ' . 'VALUES ( :CharacterId, :UserId, :RaidId, :Status, :Role, :Comment )'); $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':CharacterId', 0, PDO::PARAM_INT); $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':Role', '', PDO::PARAM_STR); $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':Status', 'undecided', PDO::PARAM_STR); } $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':RaidId', $RaidId, PDO::PARAM_INT); $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':UserId', $UserId, PDO::PARAM_INT); $UpdateQuery->bindValue(':Comment', requestToXML($aRequest['comment'], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), PDO::PARAM_STR); $UpdateQuery->execute(); } // reload calendar $RaidQuery = $Connector->prepare('SELECT Start FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid` WHERE RaidId = :RaidId LIMIT 1'); $RaidQuery->bindValue(':RaidId', $RaidId, PDO::PARAM_INT); $RaidData = $RaidQuery->fetchFirst(); $Session = Session::get(); $ShowMonth = isset($Session['Calendar']) && isset($Session['Calendar']['month']) ? $Session['Calendar']['month'] : intval(substr($RaidData['Start'], 5, 2)); $ShowYear = isset($Session['Calendar']) && isset($Session['Calendar']['year']) ? $Session['Calendar']['year'] : intval(substr($RaidData['Start'], 0, 4)); msgQueryCalendar(prepareCalRequest($ShowMonth, $ShowYear)); } else { $Out = Out::getInstance(); $Out->pushError(L('AccessDenied')); } }
public function getExternalConfig($aRelativePath) { $Out = Out::getInstance(); $ConfigPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/config.php'; if (!file_exists($ConfigPath)) { $Out->pushError($ConfigPath . ' ' . L('NotExisting') . '.'); return null; } @(include_once $ConfigPath); if (!defined('PHPBB_INSTALLED')) { $Out->pushError(L('NoValidConfig')); return null; } $Version = 30000; $Connector = new Connector(SQL_HOST, $dbname, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, false); if ($Connector != null) { $VersionQuery = $Connector->prepare('SELECT config_value FROM `' . $table_prefix . 'config` WHERE config_name="version" LIMIT 1'); $VersionData = $VersionQuery->fetchFirst(); $VersionParts = explode('.', $VersionData['config_value']); $Version = intval($VersionParts[0]) * 10000 + intval($VersionParts[1]) * 100 + intval($VersionParts[2]); } return array('database' => $dbname, 'user' => $dbuser, 'password' => $dbpasswd, 'prefix' => $table_prefix, 'cookie' => null, 'version' => $Version); }
public function getExternalConfig($aRelativePath) { $Out = Out::getInstance(); $ConfigPath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/inc/config.php'; $CorePath = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/' . $aRelativePath . '/inc/class_core.php'; if (!file_exists($ConfigPath)) { $Out->pushError($ConfigPath . ' ' . L('NotExisting') . '.'); return null; } @(include_once $ConfigPath); if (!isset($config)) { $Out->pushError(L('NoValidConfig')); return null; } include_once $CorePath; $Version = 10600; if (class_exists("MyBB")) { $VersionClass = new MyBB(); $VersionParts = explode('.', $VersionClass->version); $Version = intval($VersionParts[0]) * 10000 + intval($VersionParts[1]) * 100 + intval($VersionParts[2]); } return array('database' => $config['database']['database'], 'user' => $config['database']['username'], 'password' => $config['database']['password'], 'prefix' => $config['database']['table_prefix'], 'cookie' => null, 'version' => $Version); }
function msgRaidList($aRequest) { if (validUser()) { global $gGame; loadGameSettings(); $Out = Out::getInstance(); $Connector = Connector::getInstance(); // Get next 6 raids $NextRaidQuery = $Connector->prepare('Select ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid.*, ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Location.*, ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance.CharacterId, ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance.UserId, ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance.Status, ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance.Class, ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance.Role, ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance.Comment, ' . 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid.Start) AS StartUTC, ' . 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid.End) AS EndUTC ' . 'FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Location` USING(LocationId) ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Attendance` USING(RaidId) ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Character` USING (CharacterId) ' . 'WHERE ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid.Start >= FROM_UNIXTIME(:Start) ' . 'AND ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Location.Game = :Game ' . 'ORDER BY ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid.Start, ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid.RaidId'); $NextRaidQuery->bindValue(':Start', mktime(0, 0, 0), PDO::PARAM_INT); $NextRaidQuery->bindValue(':Game', $gGame['GameId'], PDO::PARAM_STR); parseRaidQuery($aRequest, $NextRaidQuery, 6); // Load raid history $RaidHistoryQuery = $Connector->prepare('Select ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid.*, ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Location.*, ' . 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid.Start) AS StartUTC, ' . 'UNIX_TIMESTAMP(' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid.End) AS EndUTC ' . 'FROM `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid` ' . 'LEFT JOIN `' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Location` USING(LocationId) ' . 'WHERE ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Raid.Start < FROM_UNIXTIME(:Start) ' . 'AND ' . RP_TABLE_PREFIX . 'Location.Game = :Game ' . 'ORDER BY Start DESC LIMIT ' . intval($aRequest['offset']) . ', ' . intval($aRequest['count'])); $RaidHistoryQuery->bindValue(':Start', mktime(0, 0, 0), PDO::PARAM_INT); $RaidHistoryQuery->bindValue(':Game', $gGame['GameId'], PDO::PARAM_STR); $RaidList = array(); $RaidHistoryQuery->loop(function ($Data) use(&$RaidList) { $StartDate = getdate($Data['StartUTC']); $EndDate = getdate($Data['EndUTC']); $Raid = array('id' => $Data['RaidId'], 'location' => $Data['Name'], 'stage' => $Data['Stage'], 'image' => $Data['Image'], 'size' => $Data['Size'], 'startDate' => $StartDate['year'] . '-' . leadingZero10($StartDate['mon']) . '-' . leadingZero10($StartDate['mday']), 'start' => leadingZero10($StartDate['hours']) . ':' . leadingZero10($StartDate['minutes']), 'endDate' => $EndDate['year'] . '-' . leadingZero10($EndDate['mon']) . '-' . leadingZero10($EndDate['mday']), 'end' => leadingZero10($EndDate['hours']) . ':' . leadingZero10($EndDate['minutes'])); array_push($RaidList, $Raid); }); $Out->pushValue('history', $RaidList); } else { $Out = Out::getInstance(); $Out->pushError(L('AccessDenied')); } }