public function updateStatusProgress()
     $idDish = $_GET["id_dish"];
     $idOrder = $_GET["id_order"];
     $idResto = $_GET["id_restaurant"];
     //TODO cek id_resto di order header apakah sama degan $Resto
     $resto = new MasterRestaurantModel();
     $od = new OrderDetailModel();
     $arrOrDetails = $od->getWhere("id_order='{$idOrder}' AND id_dish='{$idDish}'");
     foreach ($arrOrDetails as $oDetails) {
         if ($oDetails->status_progress < 2) {
             $sp = $oDetails->status_progress;
         } else {
             //TODO ERROR order already out
     $order = $this->updateOrderHeaderStatusProgress($idOrder);
     $ids = $order->user_guest_id + "," + $order->id_user;
     $msg = "Your ";
     if ($order->type_order == "0") {
         $msg .= "Dine In ";
     } elseif ($order->type_order == "3") {
         $msg .= "Take Away ";
     } else {
         $json["status_code"] = 1;
         $json["results"]["id_dish"] = $idDish;
         $json["results"]["id_order"] = $idDish;
         $json["results"]["id_restaurant"] = $idDish;
         $json["results"]["status_progress"] = $sp;
         $json["results"]["order_status_progress"] = $order->status_progress;
     $msg .= "order's status at {$resto->name} has been updated";
     $j["id_order"] = $idOrder;
     $json = json_encode($j);
     $_POST["ids"] = $ids;
     $_POST["msg"] = $msg;
     $_POST["json"] = $json;
     $_POST["type"] = 41;
     $p = new PushTo();
 public static function getAllOrderDetailsByIDOrder($id_order)
     $objOrderDetails = new OrderDetailModel();
     $arrOrderDetails = $objOrderDetails->getWhere("id_order='{$id_order}' ORDER BY status_progress ASC, id_dish ASC");
     //        MasterDish::checkCount($arrOrderDetails);
     $orderdetails = array();
     if (count($arrOrderDetails) > 0) {
         $exp = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $objOrderDetails->crud_webservice_allowed));
         foreach ($arrOrderDetails as $order) {
             $sem = array();
             foreach ($exp as $attr) {
                 $sem[$attr] = stripslashes($order->{$attr});
             $sem['name'] = MasterDish::getDishNameByID($order->id_dish);
             $orderdetails[] = $sem;
     return $orderdetails;
 public static function getOrderDetailsByIDOrderAndUserID($id_order, $id_user)
     $objOrderDetails = new OrderDetailModel();
     $objUser = new UserModel();
     $arrOrderDetails = $objOrderDetails->getWhere("id_order='{$id_order}' AND id_user='******'");
     //        MasterDish::checkCount($arrOrderDetails);
     if (count($arrOrderDetails) > 0) {
         $exp = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $objOrderDetails->crud_webservice_allowed));
         $orderdetails = array();
         foreach ($arrOrderDetails as $order) {
             $sem = array();
             foreach ($exp as $attr) {
                 $sem[$attr] = stripslashes($order->{$attr});
             $sem['name'] = MasterDish::getDishNameByID($order->id_dish);
             $sem['image_user'] = _BPATH . _PHOTOURL . $objUser->pic;
             $orderdetails[] = $sem;
     return $orderdetails;
 private function forceDoneOrder($orderId)
     if (Efiwebsetting::getData('checkOAuth') == 'yes') {
     $order = new MasterOrderModel();
     $order->status_progress = 9;
     $o = new OrderDetailModel();
     $orderDetails = $o->getWhere("id_order='{$orderId}'");
     foreach ($orderDetails as $orderDetail) {
         $orderDetail->load = 1;
         $orderDetail->status_progress = 9;
     $resto = new MasterRestaurantModel();
     if ($order->id_table != 0) {
     if ($order->id_user != 0) {
         $guestId = $order->id_user;
         if ($order->user_guest_id != "" || $order->user_guest_id != ",") {
             $guestId .= $order->user_guest_id;
         $j["id_order"] = $orderId;
         $j['datetime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         $msg = "Your order at restaurant {$resto->name} with order ID {$orderId} has been voided";
         $this->pushToUser($guestId, $msg, $j, Push::$typeUpdateWaiting);
 public function getHistoryDishByRestaurantId()
     if (Efiwebsetting::getData('checkOAuth') == 'yes') {
     $idUser = Generic::mustCheck($_GET['id_user'], "User ID not Found");
     $idResto = Generic::mustCheck($_GET['id_restaurant'], "Restaurant ID not Found");
     $page = $_GET['page'];
     $limit = $_GET['limit'];
     $p = $page * $limit;
     $q = "id_user = '******' AND status_progress = '4' GROUP BY id_dish ORDER BY datetime_order DESC";
     $q .= Generic::IsNullOrEmptyString($page) || Generic::IsNullOrEmptyString($limit) ? "" : " LIMIT {$p},{$limit}";
     $o = new OrderDetailModel();
     $arrOrderDetail = $o->getWhere($q);
     $user = new UserModel();
     $arrFavDishIds = explode(',', $user->fav_dishes_ids);
     $hasFav = count($arrFavDishIds) <= 0;
     $result['history_dish'] = array();
     foreach ($arrOrderDetail as $oDetail) {
         $dish = new MasterDishModel();
         if ($dish->id_restaurant != $idResto) {
         $b['id_dish'] = $dish->id_dish;
         $b['id_restaurant'] = $dish->id_restaurant;
         $b['name'] = $dish->name;
         $b['image_foto'] = Generic::insertImageUrl($dish->image_foto);
         $b["is_favorite"] = !$hasFav ? false : in_array($oDetail->id_dish, $arrFavDishIds);
         $resto = new MasterRestaurantModel();
         $b['restaurant_name'] = $resto->name;
         $b['$restaurant_image'] = $resto->image_logo;
         $result['history_dish'][] = $b;
 public function getMenu()
     if (Efiwebsetting::getData('checkOAuth') == 'yes') {
     $json = array();
     $json['status_code'] = 1;
     $id_restaurant = isset($_GET['id_restaurant']) ? addslashes($_GET['id_restaurant']) : "";
     if (!$id_restaurant) {
         $json['status_code'] = 0;
         $json['status_message'] = "No ID Found";
         echo json_encode($json);
     $objRestaurant = new MasterRestaurantModel();
     $arrResto = $objRestaurant->getWhere("id_restaurant={$id_restaurant}");
     if (count($arrResto) == 0) {
         $json['status_code'] = 0;
         $json['status_message'] = "Can't find Restaurant in the Database!";
         echo json_encode($json);
     $resto = User::getRestaurant($id_restaurant);
     $json['results']['restaurant'][] = $resto;
     global $db;
     $objDish = new MasterDishModel();
     $q = "SELECT id_category FROM {$objDish->table_name} WHERE availability=1 AND id_restaurant={$id_restaurant}";
     $arrCat = $objDish->getWhere("availability=1 AND id_restaurant='{$id_restaurant}'");
     if (count($arrCat) == 0) {
         $json['status_code'] = 1;
         $json['status_message'] = "Can't find dish in the Restaurant!";
         $json['results']['categories'] = array();
         echo json_encode($json);
     $catIds = explode(",", $resto["id_categories"]);
     //        pr($catIds);
     //        foreach ($arrCat as $idCat) {
     //            $arrIDCategory[] = $idCat->id_category;
     //            $arrIDCategory = array_unique($arrIDCategory);
     //        }
     $objCategory = new MasterCategoryModel();
     $objDish = new MasterDishModel();
     //        $expCategory = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $objCategory->crud_webservice_allowed));
     //        $expDish = explode(",", str_replace(" ", "", $objDish->crud_webservice_allowed));
     //        $arrPicsDishToAddPhotoUrl = $objDish->crud_add_photourl;
     //        pr($arrIDCategory);
     foreach ($catIds as $val) {
         $cat = MasterCategory::getCategoryByID($val);
         //echo "abc: " . $val ;
         $arrDish = $objDish->getWhere("availability=1 AND id_category='{$val}' AND id_restaurant='{$id_restaurant}'");
         if (count($arrDish) == 0) {
         $dishHelp = array();
         foreach ($arrDish as $val) {
             //                echo $val->id_dish;
             $dishHelp[] = MasterDish::getDish($val->id_dish);
         $cat['dishes'] = $dishHelp;
         $json['results']['categories'][] = $cat;
     //TODO add order utk ini perlu user_id dan id_order
     $idUser = Generic::getOrDefault($_GET['id_user'], Keys::$EMPTY);
     $idOrder = Generic::getOrDefault($_GET['id_order'], Keys::$EMPTY);
     if ($idOrder != Keys::$EMPTY) {
         //ambil semua order yang active
         //dan isi2nya
         $orderModel = new MasterOrderModel();
         //            $orderDetails = Util::getOrderDetailsByIDOrder($idOrder);
         //            $order["Order_Details"] = Array();
         $orderDetail = new OrderDetailModel();
         $orderDetails = $orderDetail->getWhere("id_order = '{$idOrder}' AND id_user = '******'");
         $new = array();
         foreach ($orderDetails as $or) {
             if ($or->quantity < 1) {
             $new[] = Util::extractModel($or);
         $json['order_details'] = $new;
         //        pr($orderDetails);
         //        $sudah = array();
         //            foreach ($new as $orderDetail) {
         //                if($orderDetail['status_progress']=="")$orderDetail['status_progress'] = 0;
         //                $dish = new MasterDishModel();
         //                $dish->getByID($orderDetail['id_dish']);
         //                $userInstance = Util::createUserInstance($orderDetail["id_user"], $orderDetail["note"], $orderDetail["id_order_detail"]);
         //                $string_name = rtrim(trim(preg_replace('/\s\s+/', ' ', $orderDetail['name'])));
         //                $order['Order_Details_new'][$orderDetail['id_dish']]['quantity'] += $orderDetail['quantity'];
         //                $order['Order_Details_new'][$orderDetail['id_dish']]['price'] += ($orderDetail['quantity']*$dish->price);
         //                if($order['Order_Details'][$orderDetail['id_dish']]['status_progress']!==null)
         //                    $order['Order_Details_new'][$orderDetail['id_dish']]['status_progress'] = min($orderDetail['status_progress'],$order['Order_Details'][$orderDetail['id_dish']]['status_progress']);
         //                else
         //                    $order['Order_Details_new'][$orderDetail['id_dish']]['status_progress'] = 0;
         //                $order['Order_Details_new'][$orderDetail['id_dish']]['id_dish'] = $orderDetail['id_dish'];
         //                $order['Order_Details_new'][$orderDetail['id_dish']]['name'] = $string_name;
         //                $order['Order_Details_new'][$orderDetail['id_dish']]['single_price'] = (double)$dish->price;
         //                $order['Order_Details_new'][$orderDetail['id_dish']]['users'][] = $userInstance;
         //            }
         ////        pr($order['Order_Details_new']);
         //            foreach($order['Order_Details_new'] as $obj){
         //                if($obj['quantity']<1)continue;
         //                $json['order_details'][] = $obj;
         //            }
         //            $orderDetail = new OrderDetailModel();
         //            $arrOrderDetail = $orderDetail->getWhere("id_order = '$idOrder'");
         //            $json['order'] = Util::extractModel($orderModel);
         //            $new = array();
         //            foreach($arrOrderDetail as $or){
         //                $new[] = Util::extractModel($or);
         //            }
         //            $json['order_details'] = $order['Order_Details'];
     echo json_encode($json);
 public function updateSubTotal()
     $od = new OrderDetailModel();
     $q = $this->calcPending ? "id_order='{$this->idOrder}'\n            AND voided='0'\n            AND status ='1'\n            AND order_now='0'" : "id_order='{$this->idOrder}'\n            AND voided='0'\n            AND status ='1'\n            AND order_now='1'";
     if ($this->calcPending == 2) {
         $q = "id_order='{$this->idOrder}' AND status_progress != '9'";
     $this->orderDetails = $od->getWhere($q);
     $this->countOrderDetail = count($this->orderDetails);
     foreach ($this->orderDetails as $orderDetail) {
         if (!$orderDetail instanceof OrderDetailModel) {
         if ($orderDetail->status_progress == 9) {
         $this->countDish += $orderDetail->quantity;
         $this->subTotal += $orderDetail->price;
 public function updateStatusProgress()
     if (Efiwebsetting::getData('checkOAuth') == 'yes') {
     $idDish = $_GET["id_dish"];
     $idOrder = $_GET["id_order"];
     $idResto = $_GET["id_restaurant"];
     //TODO cek id_resto di order header apakah sama degan $Resto
     $objOrder = new MasterOrderModel();
     $arrOrder = $objOrder->getWhere("id_order='{$idOrder}' AND order_now='1' AND status_payment='0'");
     //        $objOrder->getByID($idOrder);
     if ($arrOrder[0]->id_restaurant != $idResto) {
         Generic::errorMsg("ID Resto in Order is not same as id resto!");
     $resto = new MasterRestaurantModel();
     $od = new OrderDetailModel();
     $arrOrDetails = $od->getWhere("id_order='{$idOrder}' AND id_dish='{$idDish}' AND status_progress > 3");
     Generic::checkCountWithMsg($arrOrDetails, "Dish already out!");
     foreach ($arrOrDetails as $oDetails) {
         if ($oDetails->status_progress < 2) {
             $oDetails->status_progress = $oDetails->status_progress + 1;
             $oDetails->load = 1;
             $sp = $oDetails->status_progress;
         } else {
             //TODO ERROR order already out
     $order = $this->updateOrderHeaderStatusProgress($idOrder);
     $ids = $order->user_guest_id + "," + $order->id_user;
     $msg = "Your ";
     if ($order->type_order == "0") {
         $msg .= "Dine In ";
     } elseif ($order->type_order == "3") {
         $msg .= "Take Away ";
     } else {
         $json["status_code"] = 1;
         $json["results"]["id_dish"] = $idDish;
         $json["results"]["id_order"] = $idDish;
         $json["results"]["id_restaurant"] = $idDish;
         $json["results"]["status_progress"] = $sp;
         $json["results"]["order_status_progress"] = $order->status_progress;
         echo json_encode($json);
     $msg .= "order's status at {$resto->name} has been updated";
     $j["id_order"] = $idOrder;
     $json = json_encode($j);
     $_POST["ids"] = $ids;
     $_POST["msg"] = $msg;
     $_POST["json"] = $json;
     $_POST["type"] = 41;
     $p = new PushTo();
     echo json_encode($json);