Esempio n. 1
  * The internal magic shared by the selector elements. Locates the node elements
  * and constructs the switch() statement for them.
  * @internal
  * @param Opt_Xml_Element $node The found element
  * @param array $section The reference to the section data.
  * @param string $type The name of the selection item.
  * @throws Opt_InstructionTooManyItems_Exception
 private function _internalMagic($node, &$section, $type)
     $section['format']->assign('item', !$type ? $section['test'] : 'item');
     // Check, if there are no instruction tags in the children list.
     $instructions = array();
     $cases = array();
     $alternative = null;
     foreach ($node as $subnode) {
         if ($subnode instanceof Opt_Xml_Element && $this->_compiler->isNamespace($subnode->getNamespace())) {
             if ($this->_compiler->isInstruction($subnode->getXmlName()) || $subnode->getXmlName() == 'opt:separator') {
                 if ($subnode != 'opt:selectorelse') {
                     $instructions[] = $subnode;
                 } else {
                     if (!is_null($alternative)) {
                         throw new Opt_InstructionTooManyItems_Exception('opt:selectorelse', $node->getXmlName(), 'Zero or one');
                     $alternative = $subnode;
             } else {
                 $cases[] = $subnode;
         } else {
     if (sizeof($instructions) > 0) {
         // There are instructions in opt:selector. We have to move the
         // cases to a fake node in order to sanitize them.
         foreach ($instructions as $instruction) {
         $fake = new Opt_Xml_Element('opt:_');
         foreach ($cases as $case) {
         $fake->set('processAll', true);
         $fake->set('hidden', false);
         if (!is_null($alternative)) {
     } else {
         $fake = $node;
     $fake->addAfter(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_CONTENT_BEFORE, 'switch(' . $section['format']->get('section:variable') . '){');
     // If opt:selectorelse is used, the ending curly bracket is created by
     // _processSelectorelse().
     if (is_null($alternative)) {
         $fake->addBefore(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_CONTENT_AFTER, ' } ');
     foreach ($cases as $case) {
         if ($case->getXmlName() == 'opt:separator') {
             Opl_Debug::write('Print shit');
         if ($case->getName() == 'default') {
             $case->addAfter(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_CONTENT_BEFORE, ' default: ');
         } else {
             $case->addAfter(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_CONTENT_BEFORE, ' case \'' . $case->getName() . '\': ');
         $case->addBefore(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_CONTENT_AFTER, ' break; ');
         $case->set('processAll', true);
         $case->set('hidden', false);
Esempio n. 2
  * Adds the show condition PHP code to the specified node, using the
  * information from the section record.
  * @internal
  * @param Opt_Xml_Element $node The node, where to add the show condition.
  * @param Array &$section The section info record
 private function _createShowCondition(Opt_Xml_Element $node, &$section)
     // First, try to check for the call:use tag variable.
     if ($node->get('call:use') !== NULL) {
         $section['node']->set('call:use', $node->get('call:use'));
     // Deal with the data formats
     $format = $section['format'];
     $format->assign('section', $section);
     $request = $format->property('section:anyRequests');
     if (!is_null($request)) {
         // Send the requested data, if the data format needs any.
         switch ($request) {
             case 'ancestorNames':
                 self::$_stack->setIteratorMode(SplDoublyLinkedList::IT_MODE_LIFO | SplDoublyLinkedList::IT_MODE_KEEP);
                 $list = array();
                 $parent = $section['parent'];
                 foreach (self::$_stack as $up) {
                     if ($up == $parent) {
                         $parent = self::$_sections[$up]['parent'];
                         $list[] = self::$_sections[$up]['name'];
                 $format->assign('requestedData', array_reverse($list));
             case 'ancestorNumbers':
                 self::$_stack->setIteratorMode(SplDoublyLinkedList::IT_MODE_LIFO | SplDoublyLinkedList::IT_MODE_KEEP);
                 $list = array();
                 $parent = $section['parent'];
                 $iteration = self::$_stack->count();
                 foreach (self::$_stack as $up) {
                     if ($up == $parent) {
                         $parent = self::$_sections[$up]['parent'];
                         $list[] = $iteration;
                 $format->assign('requestedData', array_reverse($list));
     $code = $format->get('section:init');
     if (is_null($section['display'])) {
         $code .= ' if(' . $format->get('section:isNotEmpty') . '){ ';
     } else {
         $code .= ' if(' . $format->get('section:isNotEmpty') . ' && ' . $section['display'] . '){ ';
     $code .= $format->get('section:started');
     $node->addBefore(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_BEFORE, $code);
     $code = $format->get('section:finished') . ' } ' . $format->get('section:done');
     $node->addAfter(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_AFTER, $code);
     $node->set('priv:initialized', true);
Esempio n. 3
  * Processes the opt:insert element.
  * @internal
  * @param Opt_Xml_Element $node The found element
 public function _processInsert(Opt_Xml_Element $node)
     // A support for the dynamically chosen part captured by opt:capture
     if ($node->getAttribute('captured') !== NULL) {
         $params = array('captured' => array(0 => self::REQUIRED, self::EXPRESSION));
         $this->_extractAttributes($node, $params);
         if ($node->hasChildren()) {
             $node->addBefore(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_BEFORE, 'if(!isset(self::$_capture[' . $params['captured'] . '])){ ');
             $node->addAfter(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_AFTER, '} else { echo self::$_capture[' . $params['captured'] . ']; } ');
         } else {
             $node->addBefore(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_BEFORE, 'if(isset(self::$_capture[' . $params['captured'] . '])){ echo self::$_capture[' . $params['captured'] . ']; } ');
     } else {
         // Snippet insertion
         $params = array('snippet' => array(0 => self::REQUIRED, self::ID), 'ignoredefault' => array(0 => self::OPTIONAL, self::BOOL, false));
         $this->_extractAttributes($node, $params);
         if (in_array($params['snippet'], $this->_current)) {
             array_push($this->_current, $params['snippet']);
             $err = new Opt_SnippetRecursion_Exception($params['snippet']);
             throw $err->setData($this->_current);
         if (isset($this->_snippets[$params['snippet']])) {
             array_push($this->_current, $params['snippet']);
             $snippet =& $this->_snippets[$params['snippet']];
             // Move all the stuff to the fake node.
             if ($node->hasChildren() && $params['ignoredefault'] == false) {
                 $newNode = new Opt_Xml_Element('opt:_');
                 $newNode->set('escaping', $this->_compiler->get('escaping'));
                 $size = sizeof($snippet);
                 $snippet[$size] = $newNode;
                 $node->set('insertSize', $size);
             // We must do the cleaning for the inserted node.
             // Process the snippets
             $node->set('escaping', $this->_compiler->get('escaping'));
             $this->_compiler->set('escaping', $snippet[0]->get('escaping'));
             foreach ($snippet[0] as $subnode) {
                 $node->appendChild(clone $subnode);
             $node->set('insertSnippet', $params['snippet']);
             $node->set('postprocess', true);
         } else {
             // Processing the default content - snippet not found.
Esempio n. 4
  * Parses the input code and returns the OPT XML tree.
  * @param String $filename The file name (for debug purposes)
  * @param String &$code The code to parse
  * @return Opt_Xml_Root
 public function parse($filename, &$code)
     $current = $tree = new Opt_Xml_Root();
     $codeSize = strlen($code);
     $encoding = $this->_tpl->charset;
     // First we have to find the prolog and DTD. Then we will be able to parse tags.
     if ($this->_mode == 0) {
         // Find and parse XML prolog
         $endProlog = 0;
         $endDoctype = 0;
         if (substr($code, 0, 5) == '<?xml') {
             $endProlog = strpos($code, '?>', 5);
             if ($endProlog === false) {
                 throw new Opt_XmlInvalidProlog_Exception('prolog ending is missing');
             $values = $this->_compileProlog(substr($code, 5, $endProlog - 5));
             $endProlog += 2;
             if (!$this->_tpl->prologRequired) {
                 // The prolog must be displayed
                 $tree->setProlog(new Opt_Xml_Prolog($values));
         // Skip white spaces
         for ($i = $endProlog; $i < $codeSize; $i++) {
             if ($code[$i] != ' ' && $code[$i] != '	' && $code[$i] != "\r" && $code[$i] != "\n") {
         // Try to find doctype at the new position.
         $possibleDoctype = substr($code, $i, 9);
         if ($possibleDoctype == '<!doctype' || $possibleDoctype == '<!DOCTYPE') {
             // OK, we've found it, now determine the doctype end.
             $bracketCounter = 0;
             $doctypeStart = $i;
             for ($i += 9; $i < $codeSize; $i++) {
                 if ($code[$i] == '<') {
                 } else {
                     if ($code[$i] == '>') {
                         if ($bracketCounter == 0) {
                             $endDoctype = $i;
             if ($endDoctype == 0) {
                 throw new Opt_XmlInvalidDoctype_Exception('doctype ending is missing');
             if (!$this->_tpl->prologRequired) {
                 $tree->setDtd(new Opt_Xml_Dtd(substr($code, $doctypeStart, $i - $doctypeStart + 1)));
         } else {
             $endDoctype = $endProlog;
         // OK, now skip that part.
         $code = substr($code, $endDoctype, $codeSize);
         // In the quirks mode, some results from the regular expression parser are
         // moved by one position, so we must add some dynamics here.
         $attributeCell = 5;
         $endingSlashCell = 6;
         $tagExpression = $this->_rXmlTagExpression;
     } else {
         $tagExpression = $this->_rQuirksTagExpression;
         $attributeCell = 6;
         $endingSlashCell = 7;
     // Split through the general groups (cdata-content)
     $groups = preg_split($this->_rCDataExpression, $code, 0, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
     $groupCnt = sizeof($groups);
     $groupState = 0;
     Opt_Xml_Cdata::$mode = $this->_mode;
     for ($k = 0; $k < $groupCnt; $k++) {
         // Process CDATA
         if ($groupState == 0 && $groups[$k] == '<![CDATA[') {
             $cdata = new Opt_Xml_Cdata('');
             $cdata->set('cdata', true);
             $groupState = 1;
         if ($groupState == 1) {
             if ($groups[$k] == ']]>') {
                 $current = $this->_treeTextAppend($current, $cdata);
                 $groupState = 0;
             } else {
         $subgroups = preg_split($this->_rCommentExpression, $groups[$k], 0, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
         $subgroupCnt = sizeof($subgroups);
         $subgroupState = 0;
         for ($i = 0; $i < $subgroupCnt; $i++) {
             // Process comments
             if ($subgroupState == 0 && $subgroups[$i] == '<!--') {
                 $commentNode = new Opt_Xml_Comment();
                 $subgroupState = 1;
             if ($subgroupState == 1) {
                 if ($subgroups[$i] == '-->') {
                     $subgroupState = 0;
                 } else {
             } elseif ($subgroups[$i] == '-->') {
                 throw new Opt_XmlInvalidCharacter_Exception('--&gt;');
             // Find XML tags
             preg_match_all($tagExpression, $subgroups[$i], $result, PREG_SET_ORDER);
              * Output field description for $result array:
              *  0 - original content
              *  1 - tag content (without delimiters)
              *  2 - /, if enclosing tag
              *  3 - name
              *  4 - arguments (5 in quirks mode)
              *  5 - /, if enclosing tag without subcontent (6 in quirks mode)
             $resultSize = sizeof($result);
             $offset = 0;
             for ($j = 0; $j < $resultSize; $j++) {
                 // Copy the remaining text to the text node
                 $id = strpos($subgroups[$i], $result[$j][0], $offset);
                 if ($id > $offset) {
                     $current = $this->_treeTextCompile($current, substr($subgroups[$i], $offset, $id - $offset));
                 $offset = $id + strlen($result[$j][0]);
                 if (!isset($result[$j][$endingSlashCell])) {
                     $result[$j][$endingSlashCell] = '';
                 // Process the argument list
                 $attributes = array();
                 if (!empty($result[$j][$attributeCell])) {
                     // Just for sure...
                     $result[$j][$attributeCell] = trim($result[$j][$attributeCell]);
                     $oldLength = strlen($result[$j][$attributeCell]);
                     $result[$j][$attributeCell] = rtrim($result[$j][$attributeCell], '/');
                     if (strlen($result[$j][$attributeCell]) != $oldLength) {
                         $result[$j][$endingSlashCell] = '/';
                     $attributes = $this->_compileAttributes($result[$j][$attributeCell]);
                     if (!is_array($attributes)) {
                         throw new Opt_XmlInvalidAttribute_Exception($result[$j][0]);
                 // Recognize the tag type
                 if ($result[$j][3] != '/') {
                     // Opening tag
                     $node = new Opt_Xml_Element($result[$j][4]);
                     $node->set('single', $result[$j][$endingSlashCell] == '/');
                     foreach ($attributes as $name => $value) {
                         $node->addAttribute($anode = new Opt_Xml_Attribute($name, $value));
                     $current = $this->_treeNodeAppend($current, $node, $result[$j][$endingSlashCell] != '/');
                 } elseif ($result[$j][3] == '/') {
                     if (sizeof($attributes) > 0) {
                         throw new Opt_XmlInvalidTagStructure_Exception($result[$j][0]);
                     if ($current instanceof Opt_Xml_Element) {
                         if ($current->getXmlName() != $result[$j][4]) {
                             throw new Opt_XmlInvalidOrder_Exception($result[$j][4], $current->getXmlName());
                     } else {
                         throw new Opt_XmlInvalidOrder_Exception($result[$j][4], 'NULL');
                     $current = $this->_treeJumpOut($current);
                 } else {
                     throw new Opt_XmlInvalidTagStructure_Exception($result[$j][0]);
             if (strlen($subgroups[$i]) > $offset) {
                 $current = $this->_treeTextCompile($current, substr($subgroups[$i], $offset, strlen($subgroups[$i]) - $offset));
     // Testing if everything was closed.
     if ($current !== $tree) {
         // Error handling - determine the name of the unclosed tag.
         while (!$current instanceof Opt_Xml_Element) {
             $current = $current->getParent();
         throw new Opt_UnclosedTag_Exception($current->getXmlName());
     if ($this->_mode == 0 && $this->_tpl->singleRootNode) {
         // TODO: The current code does not check the contents of Opt_Text_Nodes and other root elements
         // that may contain invalid and valid XML syntax at the same time.
         // For now, this code is frozen, we'll think a bit about it in the future. Maybe nobody
         // will notice this :)
         $elementFound = false;
         foreach ($tree as $item) {
             if ($item instanceof Opt_Xml_Element) {
                 if ($elementFound) {
                     // Oops, there is already another root node!
                     throw new Opt_XmlRootElement_Exception($item->getXmlName());
                 $elementFound = true;
     return $tree;
Esempio n. 5
  * Parses the input code and returns the OPT XML tree.
  * @param String $filename The file name (for debug purposes)
  * @param String &$code The code to parse
  * @return Opt_Xml_Root
 public function parse($filename, &$code)
     $reader = new XMLReader();
     //	$reader->setParserProperty(XMLReader::LOADDTD, true);
     //	$reader->setParserProperty(XMLReader::VALIDATE, true);
     $reader->setParserProperty(XMLReader::SUBST_ENTITIES, true);
     $root = $current = new Opt_Xml_Root();
     $firstElementMatched = false;
     $depth = 0;
     // Thanks, Oh Great PHP for your excellent WARNINGS!!! >:(
     while (@$reader->read()) {
         if ($reader->depth < $depth) {
             $current = $current->getParent();
         } elseif ($reader->depth > $depth) {
             $current = $optNode;
         //	Opl_Debug::write($debug[$reader->nodeType].': '.$reader->name.', '.$reader->value);
         switch ($reader->nodeType) {
             // XML elements
             case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
                 $optNode = new Opt_Xml_Element($reader->name);
                 // Parse element attributes, if you manage to get there
                 if ($reader->moveToFirstAttribute()) {
                     do {
                         // "xmlns" special namespace must be handler somehow differently.
                         if ($reader->prefix == 'xmlns') {
                             $ns = str_replace('xmlns:', '', $reader->name);
                             $root->addNamespace($ns, $reader->value);
                             // Let this attribute to appear, if it does not represent an OPT special
                             // namespace
                             if (!$this->_compiler->isNamespace($ns)) {
                                 $optAttribute = new Opt_Xml_Attribute($reader->name, $reader->value);
                         } else {
                             $optAttribute = new Opt_Xml_Attribute($reader->name, $reader->value);
                     } while ($reader->moveToNextAttribute());
                 // Set "rootNode" flag
                 if (!$firstElementMatched) {
                     $optNode->set('rootNode', true);
                     $firstElementMatched = true;
                 // Set "single" flag
                 if ($reader->isEmptyElement) {
                     $optNode->set('single', true);
             case XMLReader::TEXT:
                 $this->_treeTextCompile($current, $reader->value);
             case XMLReader::COMMENT:
                 $optNode = new Opt_Xml_Comment($reader->value);
             case XMLReader::CDATA:
                 $cdata = new Opt_Xml_Cdata($reader->value);
                 $cdata->set('cdata', true);
                 if ($current instanceof Opt_Xml_Text) {
                 } else {
                     $text = new Opt_Xml_Text();
                     $current = $text;
                 /*		case XMLReader::SIGNIFICANT_WHITESPACE:
                 					$cdata = new Opt_Xml_Cdata($reader->value);
                 					$cdata->set('cdata', true);
                 					if($current instanceof Opt_Xml_Text)
                 						$text = new Opt_Xml_Text();
                 						$current = $text;
         $depth = $reader->depth;
     // Error checking
     $errors = libxml_get_errors();
     if (sizeof($errors) > 0) {
         foreach ($errors as $error) {
             echo $error->message . ' (' . $error->line . ')<br/>';
     return $root;