Esempio n. 1
  * Sets up the fixture, for example, open a network connection.
  * This method is called before a test is executed.
  * Creates a temporary opportunity
 public function setUp()
     $GLOBALS['current_user'] = SugarTestUserUtilities::createAnonymousUser();
     $this->opportunity = new Opportunity();
     $this->opportunity->currency_id = -99;
Esempio n. 2
 public function actionLoadOpportunitiesSampler()
     if (!Group::isUserASuperAdministrator(Yii::app()->user->userModel)) {
         throw new NotSupportedException();
     for ($i = 0; $i < 11; $i++) {
         $owner = Yii::app()->user->userModel;
         $name = 'Mass Delete ' . $i;
         $currencies = Currency::getAll();
         $currencyValue = new CurrencyValue();
         $currencyValue->value = 500.54;
         $currencyValue->currency = $currencies[0];
         $opportunity = new Opportunity();
         $opportunity->owner = $owner;
         $opportunity->name = $name;
         $opportunity->amount = $currencyValue;
         $opportunity->closeDate = '2011-01-01';
         //eventually fix to make correct format
         $opportunity->stage->value = 'Negotiating';
         $saved = $opportunity->save();
         if (!$saved) {
             throw new NotSupportedException();
 function create(&$bean)
     if ($bean->code_inc == '') {
         $relate_field = "contact_id";
         $opportunity = new Opportunity();
         $opportunity->name = "Сделка с клиентом " . $bean->last_name . " " . $bean->first_name . " от " . date("d.m.Y");
         $opportunity->{$relate_field} = $bean->id;
         $opportunity->assigned_user_id = $bean->assigned_user_id;
         $opportunity->type_of_realty = "client";
 function create(&$bean)
     if (empty($_REQUEST['record'])) {
         global $current_user;
         $bean->assigned_user_id = $current_user->id;
         $relate_field = "account_id";
         $opportunity = new Opportunity();
         $opportunity->name = "Сделка с клиентом " . $bean->name . " от " . date("d.m.Y");
         $opportunity->{$relate_field} = $bean->id;
         $opportunity->assigned_user_id = $bean->assigned_user_id;
         $opportunity->type_of_realty = "client";
 public static function setUpBeforeClass()
     $super = User::getByUsername('super');
     Yii::app()->user->userModel = $super;
     $currencies = Currency::getAll();
     //Make opportunities for testing chart data.
     $currencyValue = new CurrencyValue();
     $currencyValue->value = 200;
     $currencyValue->currency = $currencies[0];
     $opportunity = new Opportunity();
     $opportunity->owner = $super;
     $opportunity->name = 'abc1';
     $opportunity->amount = $currencyValue;
     $opportunity->closeDate = '2011-01-01';
     $opportunity->stage->value = 'Negotiating';
     $opportunity->source->value = 'Outbound';
     // Not Coding Standard
     $currencyValue = new CurrencyValue();
     $currencyValue->value = 350;
     $currencyValue->currency = $currencies[0];
     $opportunity = new Opportunity();
     $opportunity->owner = $super;
     $opportunity->name = 'abc2';
     $opportunity->amount = $currencyValue;
     $opportunity->closeDate = '2011-01-01';
     $opportunity->stage->value = 'Negotiating';
     $opportunity->source->value = 'Trade Show';
     // Not Coding Standard
     $currencyValue = new CurrencyValue();
     $currencyValue->value = 100;
     $currencyValue->currency = $currencies[0];
     $opportunity = new Opportunity();
     $opportunity->owner = $super;
     $opportunity->name = 'abc2';
     $opportunity->amount = $currencyValue;
     $opportunity->closeDate = '2011-01-01';
     $opportunity->stage->value = 'Verbal';
     $opportunity->source->value = 'Trade Show';
     // Not Coding Standard
Esempio n. 6
 function populateSeedDataForSearchTest($user_id)
     $results = array();
     $a1_id = create_guid();
     $a1 = new Account();
     $a1->id = $a1_id;
     $a1->new_with_id = TRUE;
     $a1->name = "UNIT TEST {$a1_id}";
     $a1->assigned_user_id = $user_id;
     $results[] = array('id' => $a1_id, 'fieldName' => 'name', 'fieldValue' => "UNIT TEST {$a1_id}");
     $a2_id = create_guid();
     $a2 = new Account();
     $a2->new_with_id = TRUE;
     $a2->id = $a2_id;
     $a2->name = "UNIT TEST {$a2_id}";
     $a2->assigned_user_id = 'unittest';
     $results[] = array('id' => $a2_id, 'fieldName' => 'name', 'fieldValue' => "UNIT TEST {$a2_id}");
     $c1_id = create_guid();
     $c1 = new Contact();
     $c1->id = $c1_id;
     $c1->new_with_id = TRUE;
     $c1->first_name = "UNIT TEST";
     $c1->last_name = "UNIT_TEST";
     $c1->assigned_user_id = $user_id;
     $results[] = array('id' => $c1_id, 'fieldName' => 'name', 'fieldValue' => $c1->first_name . ' ' . $c1->last_name);
     $op1_id = create_guid();
     $op1 = new Opportunity();
     $op1->new_with_id = TRUE;
     $op1->id = $op1_id;
     $op1->name = "UNIT TEST {$op1_id}";
     $op1->assigned_user_id = $user_id;
     $results[] = array('id' => $op1_id, 'fieldName' => 'name', 'fieldValue' => "UNIT TEST {$op1_id}");
     $op2_id = create_guid();
     $op2 = new Opportunity();
     $op2->new_with_id = TRUE;
     $op2->id = $op2_id;
     $op2->name = "UNIT TEST {$op2_id}";
     $op2->assigned_user_id = 'unittest';
     $results[] = array('id' => $op2_id, 'fieldName' => 'name', 'fieldValue' => "UNIT TEST {$op2_id}");
     return $results;
 private function _createOpportunity($id, $time, $account)
     global $timedate;
     $name = 'SugarOpportunity';
     $opportunity = new Opportunity();
     if (!empty($id)) {
         $opportunity->new_with_id = true;
         $opportunity->id = $id;
     $opportunity->name = $name . $time;
     $opportunity->amount = 10000;
     $opportunity->account_id = $account->id;
     $opportunity->account_name = $account->name;
     $opportunity->date_closed = $timedate->to_display_date_time(gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
     self::$_createdOpportunities[] = $opportunity;
     return $opportunity;
 function CreateCrossSellingOpportunities($bean)
     if ($bean->fetched_row['name'] !== $bean->name && $bean->name === "Product/Service A") {
         $opportunity = new Opportunity();
         $opportunity->name = "Product/Service B";
         $opportunity->account_id = $bean->account_id;
         $opportunity->sales_stage = "Prospecting";
         $opportunity->assigned_user_id = $bean->assigned_user_id;
         SugarApplication::appendErrorMessage('You have a new Opportunity for Cross Selling Opportunity');
Esempio n. 9
function create_opportunity($user_name, $password, $name, $amount)
    if (!validate_user($user_name, $password)) {
        return 0;
    $seed_user = new User();
    $user_id = $seed_user->retrieve_user_id($user_name);
    $opp = new Opportunity();
    if (!$opp->ACLAccess('Save')) {
        return -1;
    $opp->name = $name;
    $opp->amount = $amount;
    $opp->assigned_user_id = $user_id;
    $opp->assigned_user_name = $user_name;
    return $opp->save();
Esempio n. 10
         if (!$testrun) {
             $opp = new Opportunity($db, 0, $locid, $client->uid, $client->acct);
             $opp->o_city = addslashes($job->city);
             $opp->o_state = addslashes($job->state);
             $opp->o_zip = $zip;
             $opp->specialty = $spec;
             $opp->o_facility = htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($title));
             $opp->description = $descr;
             $opp->o_name = $jid;
             $opp->o_email = addslashes($client->email);
             $opp->o_phone = addslashes($client->phone);
             $opp->o_fax = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $client->fax);
             $opp->o_title = addslashes($client->title);
             $opp->o_contact = addslashes($client->firstname . " " . $client->lastname);
             $progress .= ' creating...';
             $sql = "insert into importrac (jobid,jobacct,jobflag,jobopp) VALUES ('{$jid}',{$client->acct},0,{$opp->id}) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE jobflag=0";
         // testrun
     // dup check
     $progress .= ' Done!<br>';
 } catch (Exception $e) {
     if ($testrun) {
         $progress .= " TEST FAILED: " . $e->getMessage() . ' (' . $e->getCode() . ')<br>';
         $mesg = "Errors detected: see below";
         $result = 0;
     } else {
         $progress .= " PROBLEM RECORD: " . $e->getMessage() . ' (' . $e->getCode() . ')<br>';
         $mesg = "Errors detected: see below";
Esempio n. 11
 function update_tilkee_project_API(&$bean, $event, $arguments = null)
     if ($event != 'after_save') {
     global $beanFiles;
     // Update linked Opportunity sales_stage if project archived
     if ($bean->status == 'archived' && !empty($bean->opportunities_id)) {
         if (file_exists($beanFiles['Opportunity'])) {
             require_once $beanFiles['Opportunity'];
             $current_opportunity = new Opportunity();
             if ($bean->won == 'true') {
                 if ($current_opportunity->sales_stage != 'Closed Won') {
                     $current_opportunity->sales_stage = 'Closed Won';
             if ($bean->won == 'false') {
                 if ($current_opportunity->sales_stage != 'Closed Lost') {
                     $current_opportunity->sales_stage = 'Closed Lost';
     // If the project just create
     if (empty($bean->tilkee_id)) {
         // appel de l'API de creation du projet et Mise a jour des infos du projet
         //} else {
         // appel de l'API de mise à jour du projet et Mise a jour des infos du projet
         //$bean->update_from_API($this->won, ($this->status=='archived')?'true':'false');
Esempio n. 12
  * @depends testCreateAndGetOpportunityById
 public function testSetStageAndSourceAndRetrieveDisplayName()
     Yii::app()->user->userModel = User::getByUsername('super');
     $user = User::getByUsername('billy');
     $stageValues = array('Prospecting', 'Negotiating', 'Closed Won');
     $stageFieldData = CustomFieldData::getByName('SalesStages');
     $stageFieldData->serializedData = serialize($stageValues);
     $sourceValues = array('Word of Mouth', 'Outbound', 'Trade Show');
     $sourceFieldData = CustomFieldData::getByName('LeadSources');
     $sourceFieldData->serializedData = serialize($sourceValues);
     $currencies = Currency::getAll();
     $currencyValue = new CurrencyValue();
     $currencyValue->value = 500.54;
     $currencyValue->currency = $currencies[0];
     $opportunity = new Opportunity();
     $opportunity->owner = $user;
     $opportunity->name = '1000 Widgets';
     $opportunity->amount = $currencyValue;
     $opportunity->closeDate = '2011-01-01';
     //eventually fix to make correct format
     $opportunity->stage->value = $stageValues[1];
     $opportunity->source->value = $sourceValues[1];
     $saved = $opportunity->save();
     $this->assertTrue($opportunity->id !== null);
     $id = $opportunity->id;
     $opportunity = Opportunity::getById($id);
     $this->assertEquals('Negotiating', $opportunity->stage->value);
     $this->assertEquals('Outbound', $opportunity->source->value);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $currencies[0]->rateToBase);
  * @depends testGetByPartialName
 public function testGetGlobalSearchResultsByPartialTerm()
     //Unfrozen, there are too many attributes that have to be columns in the database at this point, so
     //now this is just a frozen test.
     if (RedBeanDatabase::isFrozen()) {
         $super = User::getByUsername('super');
         Yii::app()->user->userModel = $super;
         //Add an account with an email address.
         $account = new Account();
         $account->name = 'The Zoo';
         $account->owner = $super;
         $email = new Email();
         $email->optOut = 0;
         $email->emailAddress = '*****@*****.**';
         $account->primaryEmail = $email;
         //Create a contact with a similar e-mail address
         $contactStates = ContactState::getAll();
         $contact = new Contact();
         $contact->title->value = 'Mr.';
         $contact->firstName = 'Big';
         $contact->lastName = 'Elephant';
         $contact->owner = $super;
         $contact->state = $contactStates[count($contactStates) - 1];
         $email = new Email();
         $email->optOut = 0;
         $email->emailAddress = '*****@*****.**';
         $contact->primaryEmail = $email;
         //Add an opportunity
         $currencies = Currency::getAll();
         $currencyValue = new CurrencyValue();
         $currencyValue->value = 500.54;
         $currencyValue->currency = $currencies[0];
         $opportunity = new Opportunity();
         $opportunity->owner = $super;
         $opportunity->name = 'Animal Crackers';
         $opportunity->amount = $currencyValue;
         $opportunity->closeDate = '2011-01-01';
         //eventually fix to make correct format
         $opportunity->stage->value = 'Negotiating';
         //Test where no results are expected.
         $data = ModelAutoCompleteUtil::getGlobalSearchResultsByPartialTerm('weqqw', 5, $super);
         $this->assertEquals(array(array('href' => '', 'label' => 'No Results Found', 'iconClass' => '')), $data);
         //Test where one account is expected searching by account name.
         $data = ModelAutoCompleteUtil::getGlobalSearchResultsByPartialTerm('Rabbit', 5, $super);
         $this->assertEquals(1, count($data));
         $this->assertEquals('Rabbit Systems', $data[0]['label']);
         //test anyEmail where results are across more than one module. This will also pick up an opportunity that
         //has the name 'animal' in it.
         $data = ModelAutoCompleteUtil::getGlobalSearchResultsByPartialTerm('animal', 5, $super);
         $this->assertEquals(3, count($data));
         $this->assertEquals('The Zoo', $data[0]['label']);
         $this->assertEquals('Big Elephant', $data[1]['label']);
         $this->assertEquals('Animal Crackers', $data[2]['label']);
Esempio n. 14
 public function testsave()
     $opportunity = new Opportunity();
     $opportunity->name = 'test';
     $opportunity->description = 'test description';
     $opportunity->sales_stage = 'Value Proposition';
     $result = $opportunity->save();
     //test for record ID to verify that record is saved
     $this->assertEquals(36, strlen($opportunity->id));
     $this->assertEquals(-99, $opportunity->currency_id);
     $this->assertEquals(30, $opportunity->probability);
     //mark the record as deleted and verify that this record cannot be retrieved anymore.
     $result = $opportunity->retrieve($opportunity->id);
     $this->assertEquals(null, $result);
  * @depends testConstructDerivedWithUserDefaultCurrency
 public function testIsCurrencyInUseByIdAndChangRateIfValueChangesOrCurrencyChanges()
     $currencyHelper = Yii::app()->currencyHelper;
     $euro = Currency::getByCode('EUR');
     $opportunity = new Opportunity();
     $opportunity->name = 'Tyfe';
     $opportunity->stage->value = 'Starting Up';
     $opportunity->closeDate = '2008-10-05';
     $opportunity->amount->value = 456.78;
     $opportunity->amount->currency = $euro;
     $this->assertEquals(1.5, $opportunity->amount->rateToBase);
     //change the currency rate for the euro.
     $euro->rateToBase = 3;
     //Now test saving the opportunity again but not changing the amount value. The rate should stay the same.
     $id = $opportunity->id;
     $opportunity = Opportunity::getById($id);
     $this->assertEquals(456.78, $opportunity->amount->value);
     $opportunity->amount->value = 456.78;
     $this->assertEquals(456.78, $opportunity->amount->value);
     $this->assertEquals(1.5, $opportunity->amount->rateToBase);
     //Now change amount. the exchange rate should change.
     $opportunity->amount->value = 566.0;
     $this->assertEquals(3, $opportunity->amount->rateToBase);
     //Now change the currency only. should change rate.
     $id = $opportunity->id;
     $opportunity = Opportunity::getById($id);
     $opportunity->amount->currency = Currency::getByCode('USD');
     $this->assertEquals(1, $opportunity->amount->rateToBase);
Esempio n. 16
  * Maps Quote Values to the Opportunity
  * @param Quote $quote
  * @param Opportunity $opp
 protected function mapQuoteToOpportunity(Quote $quote, Opportunity $opp)
     // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart
     global $app_list_strings;
     // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd
     $forecastConfig = $this->getForecastConfig();
     $opp->id = create_guid();
     $opp->new_with_id = true;
     $opp->assigned_user_id = $quote->assigned_user_id;
     $opp->date_closed = $quote->date_quote_expected_closed;
     $opp->name = $quote->name;
     $opp->assigned_user_name = $quote->assigned_user_name;
     $opp->lead_source = isset($app_list_strings['lead_source_dom']['Self Generated']) ? 'Self Generated' : null;
     $opp->opportunity_type = isset($app_list_strings['opportunity_type_dom']['New Business']) ? $app_list_strings['opportunity_type_dom']['New Business'] : null;
     $opp->team_id = $quote->team_id;
     // TODO: this will need to change when we have the switch for Opportunities,
     // TODO: but since that is not done yet this will use the forecast_by.
     if ($forecastConfig['forecast_by'] == 'Opportunities') {
         // just setting sales_stage will now set probability correctly
         $opp->sales_stage = isset($app_list_strings['sales_stage_dom']['Proposal/Price Quote']) ? 'Proposal/Price Quote' : null;
         $opp->amount = $quote->total;
     $opp->quote_id = $quote->id;
     $opp->currency_id = $quote->currency_id;
     $opp->base_rate = $quote->base_rate;
     $opp->account_id = $quote->billing_account_id;
     // save the opp so we can add the products to it.
  * @see testTriggerOnAnInferredModelsOwnedModelWithAMultipleModelsRelated. Saving Note first, then retrieving. This
  * means the activityItems are 'Item' model and need to be casted down.
 public function testTriggerOnAnAlreadySavedInferredModelsOwnedModelWithAMultipleModelsRelated()
     $attributeIndexOrDerivedType = 'Account__activityItems__Inferred___billingAddress___street1';
     $workflow = self::makeOnSaveWorkflowAndTriggerWithoutValueType($attributeIndexOrDerivedType, 'equals', 'cValue', 'NotesModule', 'Note');
     $model = new Note();
     $model->description = 'description';
     $relatedModel = new Account();
     $relatedModel->name = 'dValue';
     $relatedModel->billingAddress->street1 = 'cValue';
     $currencies = Currency::getAll();
     $currencyValue = new CurrencyValue();
     $currencyValue->value = 100;
     $currencyValue->currency = $currencies[0];
     $relatedModel2 = new Opportunity();
     $relatedModel2->name = 'someName';
     $relatedModel2->amount = $currencyValue;
     $relatedModel2->closeDate = '2011-01-01';
     $relatedModel2->stage->value = 'Verbal';
     $saved = $model->save();
     $modelId = $model->id;
     $model = Note::getById($modelId);
     $this->assertTrue(WorkflowTriggersUtil::areTriggersTrueBeforeSave($workflow, $model));
     //Just testing that since nothing changed on the related model, it should still evaluate as true
     $relatedModel2->name = 'someLastName2';
     $this->assertTrue(WorkflowTriggersUtil::areTriggersTrueBeforeSave($workflow, $model));
     $relatedModel->billingAddress->street1 = 'bValue';
     $this->assertFalse(WorkflowTriggersUtil::areTriggersTrueBeforeSave($workflow, $model));
 public static function createOpportunityWithProductsByNameForOwner($name, $owner, $account)
     $currencies = Currency::getAll();
     $currencyValue = new CurrencyValue();
     $currencyValue->value = 500.54;
     $currencyValue->currency = $currencies[0];
     $opportunity = new Opportunity();
     $opportunity->owner = $owner;
     $opportunity->name = $name;
     $opportunity->account = $account;
     $opportunity->amount = $currencyValue;
     $opportunity->closeDate = '2011-01-01';
     //eventually fix to make correct format
     $opportunity->stage->value = 'Negotiating';
     $saved = $opportunity->save();
     return $opportunity;
Esempio n. 19
 * Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301  USA
 * @author SalesAgility <*****@*****.**>
if (!ACLController::checkAccess('Opportunities', 'edit', true)) {
global $app_list_strings;
require_once 'modules/AOS_Quotes/AOS_Quotes.php';
require_once 'modules/Opportunities/Opportunity.php';
//Setting values in Quotes
$quote = new AOS_Quotes();
//Setting Opportunity Values
$opportunity = new Opportunity();
$opportunity->name = $quote->name;
$opportunity->assigned_user_id = $quote->assigned_user_id;
$opportunity->amount = $quote->total_amount;
$opportunity->account_id = $quote->billing_account_id;
$opportunity->currency_id = $quote->currency_id;
$opportunity->sales_stage = 'Proposal/Price Quote';
$opportunity->probability = $app_list_strings['sales_probability_dom']['Proposal/Price Quote'];
$opportunity->lead_source = 'Self Generated';
$opportunity->date_closed = $quote->expiration;
//Setting opportunity quote relationship
header('Location: index.php?module=Opportunities&action=EditView&record=' . $opportunity->id);