Esempio n. 1
  * Creates the new translation object.
  * @param Opc_Translate_Adapter $adapter The default translation adapter.
 public function __construct(Opc_Translate_Adapter $adapter)
     if (!Opl_Registry::exists('opc')) {
         throw new Opc_ClassInstanceNotExists_Exception();
     $this->_opc = Opl_Registry::get('opc');
     $this->_defaultLanguage = $this->_opc->defaultLanugage;
     $this->_defaultAdapter = $adapter;
Esempio n. 2
  * The informator that prints the basic OPT configuration to the error
  * output.
  * @param Opc_Exception $exception The exception
 protected function _printBasicConfiguration($exception)
     if (!Opl_Registry::exists('opc')) {
         return false;
     $opc = Opl_Registry::get('opc');
     echo '<p class="directive">Caching directory: <span>' . htmlspecialchars($opc->cacheDir) . "</span></p>\r\n";
     echo '<p class="directive">Caching expiry time: <span>' . htmlspecialchars($opc->expiryTime) . "</span></p>\r\n";
Esempio n. 3
  * Returns the main OPL library class that threw the exception.
  * @return Opl_Class The main class of the exception library.
 public function getLibrary()
     $name = explode('_', get_class_name($this));
     $name = strtolower($name[0]);
     if (Opl_Registry::exists($name)) {
         return Opl_Registry::get($name);
     return null;
Esempio n. 4
     * Processes the opt:form XML node.
     * @param Opt_Xml_Node $node The recognized node.
    public function _processForm(Opt_Xml_Node $node)
        $params = array('name' => array(0 => self::OPTIONAL, self::EXPRESSION, null), 'from' => array(0 => self::OPTIONAL, self::EXPRESSION, null), '__UNKNOWN__' => array(0 => self::OPTIONAL, self::STRING));
        $extra = $this->_extractAttributes($node, $params);
        if (!isset($params['name']) && !isset($params['from']) || isset($params['name']) && isset($params['from'])) {
            throw new Opf_Exception('Attributes "name" or "from" are not defined.');
        $attr = 'array(\'method\' => $_form->getMethod(), \'action\' => $_form->getAction(),
			\'class\' => Opf_Design::getClass(\'form\', $_form->isValid()), ';
        foreach ($extra as $name => $value) {
            $attr .= ' \'' . $name . '\' => ' . $value . ',';
        $attr .= ')';
        $opf = Opl_Registry::get('opf');
        $node->addAfter(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_BEFORE, 'if(($_formy = Opf_Form::topOfStack()) === null)
	if(Opf_Class::hasForm(' . $params['name'] . '))
		$_formx = Opf_Class::getForm(' . $params['name'] . ');
		$_form = $_formx->fluent();
		echo \'<form \'.Opt_Function::buildAttributes(' . $attr . ').\'>\'; 
	$_formx = ' . (isset($params['from']) ? $params['from'] : '$_formy->getItemDisplay(' . $params['name'] . ')') . ';
	$_form = $_formx->fluent();
	if(!$_form instanceof Opf_Form)
		throw new Opf_Exception(\'Invalid form object type(\'.get_class($_formx).\'), should be Opf_Form\');

	foreach($_formx->getInternals() as $n => $v){ echo \'<input type="hidden" name="' . $opf->formInternalId . '[\'.$n.\']" value="\'.htmlspecialchars($v).\'" />\'; }
	self::$_vars[\'form\'] = $_form;
        $node->addBefore(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_AFTER, ' Opf_Form::popFromStack($_form);
	if((self::$_vars[\'form\'] = $_form = Opf_Form::topOfStack()) === null)
		echo \'</form>\';
        $this->_compiler->setConversion('##component', '$_form->_widgetFactory(\'%CLASS%\', \'%TAG%\', %ATTRIBUTES%)');
        $node->set('postprocess', true);
Esempio n. 5
  * Creates the adapter and applies the options.
  * @param array $options The adapter options.
 public function __construct(array $options = array())
     if (!Opl_Registry::exists('opc')) {
         throw new Opc_ClassInstanceNotExists_Exception();
     $this->_opc = Opl_Registry::get('opc');
     if (isset($options['directory'])) {
     if (isset($options['fileExistsCheck'])) {
         $this->_fileExistsCheck = (bool) $options['fileExistsCheck'];
Esempio n. 6
  * Sets the compiler instance.
  * @param Opt_Compiler_Class $compiler The compiler object
 public function setCompiler(Opt_Compiler_Class $compiler)
     $this->_compiler = $compiler;
     $this->_tpl = Opl_Registry::get('opt');
     if ($this->_tpl->unicodeNames) {
         // Register unicode name regular expressions
         $this->_rOpeningChar = '(\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Nl}|\\_|\\:)';
         $this->_rNameChar = '(\\p{Lu}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Ll}|\\p{Lt}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Nl}|\\p{Mc}|\\p{Me}|\\p{Mn}|\\p{Lm}|\\p{Nd}|\\_|\\:|\\.|\\-)';
         $this->_rModifiers = 'msiu';
     // Register the rest of the expressions
     $this->_rNameExpression = '/(' . $this->_rOpeningChar . '?' . $this->_rNameChar . '*)/' . $this->_rModifiers;
     $this->_rXmlTagExpression = '/(\\<((\\/)?(' . $this->_rOpeningChar . '?' . $this->_rNameChar . '*)( [^\\<\\>]*)?(\\/)?)\\>)/' . $this->_rModifiers;
     $this->_rTagExpandExpression = '/^(\\/)?(' . $this->_rOpeningChar . '?' . $this->_rNameChar . '*)( [^\\<\\>]*)?(\\/)?$/' . $this->_rModifiers;
     $this->_rQuirksTagExpression = '/(\\<((\\/)?((' . implode('|', $this->_tpl->_getList('_namespaces')) . ')\\:' . $this->_rNameChar . '*)( [^\\<\\>]+)?(\\/)?)\\>)/' . $this->_rModifiers;
Esempio n. 7
  * TODO: To be documented.
  * @param <type> $name
  * @return <type>
 public function display(Exception $exception)
     $debug = false;
     if (Opl_Registry::getValue('opl_extended_errors')) {
         $debug = true;
     $out = Opl_Registry::get('stdout');
     // Match the port to the exception.
     foreach ($this->_ports as $port) {
         if ($port->match($exception)) {
             $libraryName = $port->getName();
             if ($debug === true) {
                 $context = $port->getContext($exception);
     if (!isset($libraryName)) {
         return false;
     $out->writeLine('= ' . $libraryName . ' =');
     $out->writeLine('MESSAGE: ' . $exception->getMessage());
     $out->writeLine('CODE: ' . get_class($exception));
     if ($debug) {
         $out->writeLine('FILE: ' . $exception->getFile() . ' [LINE ' . $exception->getLine() . ']');
     } else {
         $out->writeLine('Debug mode is disabled. No additional information provided.');
     if ($debug) {
         foreach ($context as $name => $params) {
             $informer = $this->getInformer($name);
             if ($informer !== null) {
                 $informer->display($exception, $params);
             } else {
                 $out->writeLine('Unknown informer: ' . $name);
     return true;
Esempio n. 8
  * Sets the compiler instance in the expression parser.
  * @param Opt_Compiler_Class $compiler The compiler object
 public function setCompiler(Opt_Compiler_Class $compiler)
     $this->_compiler = $compiler;
     $this->_manager = $compiler->getCdfManager();
     $this->_tpl = Opl_Registry::get('opt');
     $this->_tf = $this->_tpl->getTranslationInterface();
Esempio n. 9
  * Formats the input number to look nice in the text. If the extra arguments
  * are not present, they are taken from OPT configuration.
  * @param Number $number The input number
  * @param Integer $d1 The number of decimals
  * @param String $d2 The decimal separator
  * @param String $d3 The thousand separator
  * @return String
 public static function number($number, $d1 = null, $d2 = null, $d3 = null)
     if (self::isContainer($number)) {
         return self::processContainer(array('Opt_Function', 'number'), array($number, $d1, $d2, $d3));
     $opt = Opl_Registry::get('opt');
     $d1 = $d1 === null ? $opt->numberDecimals : $d1;
     $d2 = $d2 === null ? $opt->numberDecPoint : $d2;
     $d3 = $d3 === null ? $opt->numberThousandSep : $d3;
     return number_format($number, $d1, $d2, $d3);
Esempio n. 10
  * The interface method of Opt_Caching_Interface. Finalizes
  * the caching of the view.
  * @param Opt_View $view The cached view.
 public function templateCacheStop(Opt_View $view)
     $header = array('timestamp' => time(), 'expire' => $this->getExpiryTime(), 'dynamic' => $view->hasDynamicContent() ? 'true' : 'false');
     $header = '<' . '?php /* ' . serialize($header) . '*/ ?>' . "\n";
     $tpl = Opl_Registry::get('opt');
     $tpl->setBufferState('cache', false);
     if ($view->hasDynamicContent()) {
         $buffer = $view->getOutputBuffers();
         $dyn = file_get_contents($tpl->compileDir . $view->_convert($view->getTemplate()) . '.dyn');
         if ($dyn !== false) {
             $dynamic = unserialize($dyn);
         } else {
             throw new Opc_View_Cache_InvalidDynamicContent_Exception($view->getTemplate());
             return false;
         $content = '';
         for ($i = 0, $endI = count($buffer); $i < $endI; $i++) {
             $content .= $buffer[$i];
             $content .= $dynamic[$i];
         if (file_put_contents($this->getDirectory() . $this->_getFilename($view), $header . $content . ob_get_flush()) === false) {
             throw new Opc_View_Cache_CannotSaveFile_Exception($this->getDirectory());
             return false;
     } else {
         if (file_put_contents($this->getDirectory() . $this->_getFileName($view), $header . ob_get_contents()) === false) {
             throw new Opc_View_Cache_CannotSaveFile_Exception($this->getDirectory());
             return false;
Esempio n. 11
  * The constructor that creates the new HTTP output object.
 public function __construct()
     $this->_tpl = Opl_Registry::get('opt');
Esempio n. 12
  * The informator that prints the basic OPT configuration to the error
  * output.
  * @internal
  * @param Opt_Exception $exception Exception
 protected function _printBasicConfiguration($exception)
     $compileMode = array(Opt_Class::CM_DEFAULT => 'Default', Opt_Class::CM_REBUILD => 'Rebuild', Opt_Class::CM_PERFORMANCE => 'Performance');
     $tpl = Opl_Registry::get('opt');
     echo "  \t\t\t<p class=\"directive\">Source directories:</p>\r\n";
     echo "  \t\t\t<ol>\r\n";
     foreach ($tpl->sourceDir as $name => $path) {
         echo '  			<li><code>' . $name . '</code>: <span>' . $path . "</span></li>\r\n";
     echo "  \t\t\t</ol>\r\n";
     echo '  			<p class="directive">Compilation directory: <span>' . $tpl->compileDir . "</span></p>\r\n";
     echo '  			<p class="directive">Compilation mode: <span' . ($tpl->compileMode == Opt_Class::CM_REBUILD ? ' class="bad"' : '') . '>' . $compileMode[$tpl->compileMode] . "</span></p>\r\n";
Esempio n. 13
  * Displays the help.
 public function showHelp()
     $stdout = Opl_Registry::get('stdout');
     foreach (self::$_actions as $action) {
         $stdout->writeLine($action->getName() . ' - ' . $action->getDescription());
Esempio n. 14
  * @covers Opl_Registry::set
  * @covers Opl_Registry::get
 public function testSettingValue()
     Opl_Registry::set('foo', 'bar');
     $this->assertEquals(Opl_Registry::get('foo'), 'bar');
Esempio n. 15
  * Links the element attributes into a valid XML code and returns
  * the output code.
  * @internal
  * @param Opt_Xml_Element $subitem The XML element.
  * @return String
 protected function _linkAttributes()
     // Links the attributes into the PHP code
     if ($this->hasAttributes() || $this->bufferSize(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_BEGINNING_ATTRIBUTES) > 0 || $this->bufferSize(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_ENDING_ATTRIBUTES) > 0) {
         $code = $this->buildCode(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_ATTRIBUTES_BEFORE, Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_BEGINNING_ATTRIBUTES);
         $attrList = $this->getAttributes();
         // Link attributes into a string
         foreach ($attrList as $attribute) {
             $s = $attribute->bufferSize(Opt_Xml_Buffer::ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
             switch ($s) {
                 case 0:
                     $code .= $attribute->buildCode(Opt_Xml_Buffer::ATTRIBUTE_BEGIN) . ' ' . $attribute->getXmlName();
                 case 1:
                     $code .= ($attribute->bufferSize(Opt_Xml_Buffer::ATTRIBUTE_BEGIN) == 0 ? ' ' : '') . $attribute->buildCode(Opt_Xml_Buffer::ATTRIBUTE_BEGIN, ' ', Opt_Xml_Buffer::ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
                     throw new Opt_CompilerCodeBufferConflict_Exception(1, 'ATTRIBUTE_NAME', $this->getXmlName());
             if ($attribute->bufferSize(Opt_Xml_Buffer::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE) == 0) {
                 // Static value
                 $tpl = Opl_Registry::get('opt');
                 if (!($tpl->htmlAttributes && $attribute->getValue() == $attribute->getName())) {
                     $code .= '="' . htmlspecialchars($attribute->getValue()) . '"';
             } else {
                 $code .= '="' . $attribute->buildCode(Opt_Xml_Buffer::ATTRIBUTE_VALUE) . '"';
             $code .= $attribute->buildCode(Opt_Xml_Buffer::ATTRIBUTE_END);
         return $code . $this->buildCode(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_ENDING_ATTRIBUTES, Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_ATTRIBUTES_AFTER);
     return '';
Esempio n. 16
  * Executes the form sequence.
 public function execute()
     $opf = Opl_Registry::get('opf');
     // Validate the input data.
     $data = $this->_retrieveData();
     // Decide, if the form has been sent to us.
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == $this->_method && isset($data[$opf->formInternalId])) {
         // Get the internal data and remove them from the "official" scope.
         $internals = $data[$opf->formInternalId];
         // The names must match.
         if (isset($internals['name']) && $internals['name'] == $this->_name) {
             $this->_step = 0;
             if (isset($internals['step'])) {
                 $this->_step = (int) $internals['step'];
             $tracker = $this->getTracker();
             $current = 0;
             while ($current < $this->_step) {
                 // Get the current form and advance the placeholder pointer.
                 $form = $this->getNextSubform();
                 // Attempt to ensure that the tracked data are still valid.
                 $formData = $tracker->retrieve($internals, $current);
                 $state = $form->_validate($formData);
                 if (!$state) {
                     $this->_step = $current;
                     $this->_state = $form->_state = self::ERROR;
                     return $this->_state;
             $form = $this->getNextSubform();
             // Now, the currently displayed form.
             $state = $form->_validate($data);
             if (!$state) {
                 $this->_state = $form->_state = self::ERROR;
                 return $this->_state;
             } else {
                 $tracker->track($data, $current);
                 $form->_state = self::ACCEPTED;
             // Decide, what to do next: display another form or return
             if (($form = $this->getNextSubform()) === false) {
                 $this->_state = self::ACCEPTED;
                 return $this->_state;
             } else {
                 $this->_state = $form->_state = self::RENDER;
                 return $this->_state;
     $form = $this->getNextSubform();
     $this->_state = $form->_state = self::RENDER;
     return $this->_state;
Esempio n. 17
  * Generates a help from the available options.
  * @param Opl_Console_Stream $stdout The output stream used for rendering.
 public function printHelp()
     $stdout = Opl_Registry::get('stdout');
     foreach ($this->_availableOpts as $option) {
         $stdout->writeLine('-' . $option->getShortFlag() . ($option->getArgument() !== null ? ' ...' : '') . '/--' . $option->getLongFlag() . ($option->getArgument() !== null ? '=...' : '') . ' - ' . $option->getHelp());
Esempio n. 18
  * Creates a new view object. The optional argument, $template
  * may specify the template to be associated with this view.
  * Please note that if you do not specify the template here,
  * you have to do this manually later using Opt_View::setTemplate()
  * method.
  * @param string $template The template file.
 public function __construct($template = '')
     $this->_tpl = Opl_Registry::get('opt');
     $this->_template = (string) $template;
     $this->_parser = $this->_tpl->parser;
     $this->_cache = $this->_tpl->getCache();
Esempio n. 19
  * Validates the field against the registered validators.
  * @param mixed $data The data to validate.
 protected function _validate(&$data, Opf_Item $errorClass = null)
     $opf = Opl_Registry::get('opf');
     $tf = $opf->getTranslationInterface();
     // The complex items may overwrite this setting to redirect the error
     // messages somewhere else.
     if ($errorClass === null) {
         $errorClass = $this;
     foreach ($this->_validators as $validator) {
         if (!$validator->validate($errorClass, $data)) {
             $this->_valid = false;
             if ($tf === null) {
                 $errorClass->addErrorMessage(vsprintf($validator->getError(), $validator->getErrorData()));
             } else {
                 $tf->assign($opf->translationGroup, $validator->getError(), $validator->getErrorData());
                 $errorClass->addErrorMessage($tf->_($opf->translationGroup, $validator->getError()));
             return false;
     $errorClass->_valid = true;
     return true;
Esempio n. 20
  * Executes the form. The result is the overall result of the
  * form processing process.
  * @return boolean
 public function execute()
     $this->_executed = true;
     $opf = Opl_Registry::get('opf');
     // Validate the input data.
     $data = $this->_retrieveData();
     // Decide, if the form has been sent to us.
     if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == $this->_method && isset($data[$opf->formInternalId])) {
         // Get the internal data and remove them from the "official" scope.
         $internals = $data[$opf->formInternalId];
         // The names must match.
         if (isset($internals['name']) && $internals['name'] == $this->_name) {
             // The form has been sent!
             $state = $this->_validate($data);
             if (!$state) {
                 $this->_state = self::ERROR;
                 return $this->_state;
             $this->_data = $data;
             $this->_state = self::ACCEPTED;
             return $this->_state;
     $this->_state = self::RENDER;
     return $this->_state;
Esempio n. 21
function modifyVariable($item, $value)
    $data = Opl_Registry::get('data');
    $data[$item] = $value;
    Opl_Registry::register('data', $data);
Esempio n. 22
  * Creates new paginator.
  * @param integer $all The amout of all items
  * @param integer $limit Items per page
  * @return void
 public function __construct($all = null, $limit = null)
     if (!Opl_Registry::exists('opc')) {
         throw new Opc_ClassInstanceNotExists_Exception();
     $opc = Opl_Registry::get('opc');
     if (is_null($limit)) {
         $limit = $opc->itemsPerPage;
     if (!is_null($opc->paginatorDecorator)) {
         $this->set('decorator', $opc->paginatorDecorator);
     if (is_array($opc->paginatorDecoratorOptions)) {
     $this->set('all', $all);
     $this->set('limit', $limit);
Esempio n. 23
  * Creates a new instruction processor for the specified compiler.
  * @param Opt_Compiler_Class $compiler The compiler object.
 public function __construct(Opt_Compiler_Class $compiler)
     $this->_compiler = $compiler;
     $this->_tpl = Opl_Registry::get('opt');
Esempio n. 24
  * This function is executed by the compiler during the third compilation stage,
  * linking.
 public function preLink(Opt_Compiler_Class $compiler)
     if ($this->get('cdata')) {
         $compiler->appendOutput($this->buildCode(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_BEFORE) . '<![CDATA[' . $this . ']]>' . $this->buildCode(Opt_Xml_Buffer::TAG_AFTER));
     $tpl = Opl_Registry::get('opt');
     // We strip the white spaces at the linking level.
     if ($tpl->stripWhitespaces) {
         // The CDATA composed of white characters only is reduced to a single space.
         if (ctype_space((string) $this)) {
             // TODO: Wtf is this? Compare with OPT 2.0 code...
             			$output .= ' ';
         } else {
             // In the opposite case reduce all the groups of the white characters
             // to single spaces in the text.
             if ($this->get('noEntitize') === true) {
                 $compiler->appendOutput(preg_replace('/\\s\\s+/', ' ', (string) $this));
             } else {
                 $compiler->appendOutput($compiler->parseSpecialChars(preg_replace('/(\\s){1,}/', ' ', (string) $this)));
     } else {
         $compiler->appendOutput($this->get('noEntitize') ? (string) $this : $compiler->parseSpecialChars($this));
     //	$this->_closeComments($item, $output);