Esempio n. 1

// custom extensions override defaults
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . "/../config/config.php")) {
    require __DIR__ . "/../config/config.php";
Openclerk\Config::merge(array("site_name" => "Openclerk", "site_email" => "*****@*****.**", "site_id" => "openclerk", "openid_host" => "localhost", "absolute_url" => "http://localhost/clerk/", "openclerk_version" => "0.35", "display_errors" => is_localhost(), "database_slave" => true, "database_host_master" => "localhost", "database_host_slave" => "localhost", "database_port" => 3306, "database_name" => "clerk", "database_username" => "clerk", "database_password" => "clerk", "database_timezone" => false, "phpmailer_host" => "", "phpmailer_username" => "sync", "phpmailer_password" => base64_decode("xxx"), "phpmailer_from" => "*****@*****.**", "phpmailer_from_name" => "*****@*****.**", "phpmailer_reply_to" => "*****@*****.**", "phpmailer_bcc" => "*****@*****.**", "admin_email" => "*****@*****.**", "password_salt" => "abc123", "password_reset_salt" => "abc456", "unsubscribe_salt" => "123abc", "user_graph_hash_salt" => "456789", "google_analytics_account" => "UA-12345678-1", "automated_key" => "abc123", "refresh_queue_hours" => 2, "refresh_queue_hours_premium" => 1, "refresh_queue_hours_system" => 0.1, "refresh_queue_hours_ticker" => 0.1, "system_user_id" => 100, "get_contents_timeout" => 5, "get_openid_timeout" => 5, "default_login" => 'user', "signup_login" => 'wizard_currencies', "autologin_expire_days" => 30, "autologin_cookie_seconds" => 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, "external_sample_size" => 10000, "default_cache_seconds" => 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, "vote_coins_multiplier" => 10, "metrics_enabled" => true, "metrics_db_enabled" => true, "metrics_page_enabled" => true, "metrics_curl_enabled" => true, "metrics_store" => true, "show_i18n" => false, "log_missing_i18n" => false, "allow_fake_login" => false, "performance_metrics_enabled" => false, "performance_metrics_slow_query" => 250, "performance_metrics_repeated_query" => 5, "performance_metrics_slow_curl" => 2000, "performance_metrics_repeated_curl" => 2, "jobs_enabled" => !file_exists(__DIR__ . "/../deploy.lock"), "maximum_jobs_running" => 20, "max_job_executions" => 5, "throttle_btcguild" => 30, "throttle_blockchain" => 5, "external_sample_size" => 10000, "default_job_priority" => 10, "premium_job_priority" => 5, "job_test_priority" => 5, "heavy_requests_seconds" => 10, "default_graph_width" => 110, "default_graph_height" => 110, "default_user_graph_width" => 4, "default_user_graph_height" => 2, "default_user_graph_days" => 45, "graph_refresh_public" => 30, "graph_refresh_free" => 30, "graph_refresh_premium" => 1, "technical_period_max" => 365, "ftc_address_url" => "", "ftc_block_url" => "", "ppc_address_url" => "", "ppc_block_url" => "", "nvc_address_url" => "", "nvc_block_url_html" => "", "xpm_address_url" => "", "xpm_block_url_html" => "", "trc_address_url" => "", "trc_block_url_html" => "", "dog_address_url" => "", "dog_block_url" => "", "mec_address_url" => "", "mec_block_url" => "", "xrp_address_url" => "", "nmc_address_url" => "", "nmc_block_url_html" => "", "dgc_address_url" => "", "dgc_block_url" => "", "wdc_address_url" => "", "wdc_block_url" => "", "ixc_address_url" => "", "ixc_block_url" => "", "vtc_address_url" => "", "vtc_block_url" => "", "net_address_url" => "", "net_block_url" => "", "hbn_address_url" => "", "hbn_block_url" => "", "drk_address_url" => "", "drk_block_url" => "", "vrc_address_url" => "", "vrc_balance_url" => "", "vrc_received_url" => "", "vrc_block_url" => "", "nxt_address_url" => "", "rdd_address_url" => "", "rdd_block_url" => "", "via_address_url" => "", "via_block_url" => "", "nbt_address_url" => "", "nsr_address_url" => "", "ftc_confirmations" => 6, "ppc_confirmations" => 6, "nvc_confirmations" => 6, "trc_confirmations" => 6, "dog_confirmations" => 6, "mec_confirmations" => 6, "nmc_confirmations" => 6, "dgc_confirmations" => 6, "ixc_confirmations" => 6, "vtc_confirmations" => 6, "net_confirmations" => 6, "hbn_confirmations" => 6, "drk_confirmations" => 6, "blockchain_api_key" => false, "anxpro_example_api_key" => '...', "anxpro_example_api_secret" => '...', "exchange_cryptsy_key" => "...", "exchange_cryptsy_secret" => "...", "premium_currencies" => array('btc', 'ltc'), "premium_btc_monthly" => 0.02, "premium_btc_yearly" => 0.2, "premium_ltc_monthly" => 1, "premium_ltc_yearly" => 10, "premium_reminder_days" => 7, "outstanding_reminder_hours" => 24, "outstanding_abandon_days" => 7, "premium_user_votes" => 10, "btc_confirmations" => 6, "ltc_confirmations" => 6, "dog_confirmations" => 6, "premium_btc_discount" => 0, "premium_ltc_discount" => 0, "premium_welcome" => false, "new_user_premium_update_hours" => 24, "user_expiry_days" => 30, "taxable_countries" => array(), "archive_ticker_data" => "-31 days", "archive_summary_data" => "-31 days", "archive_balances_data" => "-31 days", "default_css" => "styles/default.css", "custom_css" => false, "forum_link" => "", "blog_link" => "", "google_groups_announce" => "openclerk-announce", "version_history_link" => "!forum/cryptfolio-announce"));
// absolute URLs as necessary
Openclerk\Config::merge(array('coinbase_redirect_uri' => absolute_url(url_for('coinbase'))));
$global_get_site_config = null;
 * @deprecated use {@link config()} instead
function get_site_config($key = null, $fail_if_missing = true)
    return \Openclerk\Config::get($key, $fail_if_missing === false ? false : null);
function config($key, $default = null)
    return \Openclerk\Config::get($key, $default);
$global_get_premium_config = null;
 * This function provides the premium account configuration for an Openclerk instance,
 * based on {@link #get_default_premium_config()} and {@link #get_premium_config_ext()}
 * It can be extended by defining a function 'get_premium_config_ext()'
 * and providing a new map of keys to values.
 * Config values here will never change between calls so can be cached.
 * TODO this should be moved into `\Openclerk\Config::get("premium_$key")`
Esempio n. 2

require __DIR__ . "/../vendor/autoload.php";
require __DIR__ . "/functions.php";
// set up config
Openclerk\Config::merge(array("site_name" => "genealogy", "absolute_url" => is_localhost() ? "http://localhost/genealogy/" : "", "display_errors" => is_localhost()));
// set up routes
\Openclerk\Router::addRoutes(array(":page" => "pages/:page.php"));
// set up pages
\Pages\PageRenderer::addTemplatesLocation(__DIR__ . "/../site/templates");
require __DIR__ . "/tree.php";