Esempio n. 1
         $info .= '<span class="errors">' . _('Tried to import the fallowing already existing concept schemes:') . '"' . implode('", "', $duplicateConceptSchemes) . '"</span><br /><br />';
     if (!empty($notImportedNotations)) {
         // If there are thousands of not imported notations - show only first 100
         if (count($notImportedNotations) > 100) {
             $notImportedNotations = array_slice($notImportedNotations, 0, 100);
             $notImportedNotations[] = '...';
         $info .= _('The documents with the fallowing notations were not imported because already exist:') . '"' . implode('", "', $notImportedNotations) . '"';
 case OpenSKOS_Db_Table_Row_Job::JOB_TASK_HARVEST:
     $harvester = OpenSKOS_Oai_Pmh_Harvester::factory($collection)->setFrom($job->getParam('from'))->setUntil($job->getParam('until'))->setOption('set', $job->getParam('set'));
     try {
         foreach ($harvester as $page => $records) {
             echo "page " . ($page + 1) . ":\n";
             foreach ($records as $r => $record) {
                 echo "  record " . ($r + 1) . ": {$record->identifier}\n";
     } catch (OpenSKOS_Oai_Pmh_Harvester_Exception $e) {
         fwrite(STDERR, $job->id . ': ' . $e->getMessage() . "\n");
 case OpenSKOS_Db_Table_Row_Job::JOB_TASK_EXPORT:
Esempio n. 2
 $from = $ts;
 $until = $OPTS->until;
 if (null !== $until) {
     $ts = strtotime($until);
     if (false === $ts) {
         fwrite(STDERR, "unrecognized date format: `{$until}`\n");
     $until = $ts;
 $params = array();
 $harvester = OpenSKOS_Oai_Pmh_Harvester::factory($collection)->setFrom($from)->setUntil($until);
 foreach (array('set', 'q', 'row') as $opt) {
     if (null !== $OPTS->{$opt}) {
         $harvester->setOption($opt, $OPTS->{$opt});
 $data = array('tenant' => $collection->tenant, 'collection' => $collection->id);
 try {
     foreach ($harvester as $page => $records) {
         if (null !== $OPTS->verbose) {
             fwrite(STDOUT, sprintf("fetching page %d (%d records):\n", $page + 1, count($harvester)));
         foreach ($records as $r => $record) {
             if (null !== $OPTS->verbose) {
                 fwrite(STDOUT, "  processing record {$record->identifier}: ");
Esempio n. 3
 public function getOaiJobForm()
     static $form;
     if (null === $form) {
         $form = new Zend_Form();
         $form->addElement('text', 'from', array('label' => 'Index records modified since', 'style' => 'width: 250px;'))->addElement('text', 'until', array('label' => 'Index records modified until', 'style' => 'width: 250px;'))->addElement('select', 'set', array('label' => 'OAI setSpec', 'style' => 'width: 250px;'))->addElement('select', 'metadataPrefix', array('label' => 'OAI metadataPrefix', 'style' => 'width: 250px;'))->addElement('checkbox', 'delete-before-import', array('label' => _('delete concepts in this collection before import')))->addElement('submit', 'submit', array('label' => 'Submit'));
     $form->getElement('from')->addValidator(new OpenSKOS_Validate_Datestring());
     $form->getElement('until')->addValidator(new OpenSKOS_Validate_Datestring());
     $harvester = new OpenSKOS_Oai_Pmh_Harvester($this);
     try {
         $sets = array('' => _('choose optional set:')) + $harvester->listSets()->toArray();
     } catch (OpenSKOS_Oai_Pmh_Harvester_Exception $e) {
         $form->getElement('set')->setMultiOptions(array('[' . _('Failed to load sets from OAI!') . ']'));
     return $form;