define('AUTHURL', $_ENV['NOVA_URL']); define('USERNAME', $_ENV['OS_USERNAME']); define('TENANT', $_ENV['OS_TENANT_NAME']); define('APIKEY', $_ENV['NOVA_API_KEY']); */ define('AUTHURL', ''); define('USERNAME', 'onyourblog'); define('APIKEY', 'b3fa0f633b6f09d61c8e37b2b414769b'); $cloud = new \OpenCloud\Rackspace(AUTHURL, array('username' => USERNAME, 'apiKey' => APIKEY)); $cloud->Authenticate(); $arr = $cloud->ExportCredentials(); printf("%s Token [%s] expires in %5d seconds\n", date('r'), $arr['token'], $arr['expiration'] - time()); echo '<br>'; if ($cloud) { echo 'rackspace connection established<br>'; $cloud->SetDefaults('ObjectStore', 'cloudFiles', 'ORD'); $ostore = $cloud->ObjectStore(); // uses default values if ($ostore) { echo 'ostore opened<br>'; $containerlist = $ostore->ContainerList(); while ($container = $containerlist->Next()) { // do something with the container printf("Container %s has %u bytes<br>", $container->name, $container->bytes); } $oyb_01 = $ostore->Container('oyb_01'); echo 'Container ' . $oyb_01->name . ' has the following objects:<br>'; $objlist = $oyb_01->ObjectList(); while ($object = $objlist->Next()) { printf("Object %s, size=%u\n", $object->name, $object->bytes); }
<?php // (c)2012 Rackspace Hosting // See COPYING for licensing information require_once "php-opencloud.php"; define('INIFILE', 'auth.ini'); /** * Load the .INI file into an associative array. The second parameter causes it * to store the various [sections] of the .ini file. In our example, the * [Identity] section contains the auth secret info. */ $ini = parse_ini_file(INIFILE, TRUE); if (!$ini) { printf("Unable to load .ini file [%s]\n", INIFILE); exit; } // establish our credentials $RAX = new \OpenCloud\Rackspace($ini['Identity']['url'], $ini['Identity']); $RAX->SetDefaults('Compute', $ini['Compute']['serviceName'], $ini['Compute']['region'], $ini['Compute']['urltype']); $compute = $RAX->Compute(); $serverlist = $compute->ServerList(); while ($server = $serverlist->Next()) { print $server->name . "\n"; }