function display($tpl = null) { // load language: $model = $this->getModel(); $model->loadVirtuemart(); require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'models' . DS . 'config.php'; $config = new JModelConfig(); $config->loadVmConfig(); require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'listfactory.php'; $this->statuses = $config->getOrderStatuses(); // Get data from the model $pagination = $this->get('Pagination'); $items = $this->get('Data'); $total = $this->get('Total'); $ehelper = new OnepageTemplateHelper(); $templates = $ehelper->getExportTemplates('ALL'); $templates = $model->getTemplates(); //$order_data = $model->getOrderData(); //$ehelper = new OnepageTemplateHelper($order_id); $this->assignRef('ehelper', $ehelper); $this->assignRef('templates', $templates); $this->assignRef('model', $model); // push data into the template $this->assignRef('items', $items); $this->assignRef('total', $total); $this->assignRef('pagination', $pagination); parent::display($tpl); }
function template_update_upload() { require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'export_helper.php'; jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $file = ""; $msg = ''; foreach ($_FILES as $k => $v) { // $msg .= 'key: '.$k.'<br />'; // $msg .= 'val: '.$v.'<br />'; if (strpos($k, 'uploadedupdatefile_') !== false && !empty($_FILES[$k]['name'])) { $file = $k; } } $arr = explode('_', $file); if (count($arr) > 1) { $tid = $arr[1]; if (!is_numeric($tid)) { return "Error!"; } // get previous file $ehelper = new OnepageTemplateHelper(); $tt = $ehelper->getTemplate($tid); $target_path = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'export' . DS . 'templates' . DS; $newname = JFile::makesafe(basename($_FILES['uploadedupdatefile_' . $tid]['name'])); if (file_exists($target_path . $newname) && $tt['file'] != $newname) { $msg = 'Another theme is using the same filename'; } else { if (file_exists($target_path . $tt['file'])) { if (!JFile::delete($target_path . $tt['file'])) { $msg .= 'Could not remove old template file: ' . $tt['file'] . '<br />'; } } $msg .= $ehelper->updateFileName($tid, $newname); if (!empty($msg)) { //$userfile = JRequest::getVar('uploadedupdatefile_'.$tid, null, 'files'); //var_dump($userfile); die(); $target_path = $target_path . $newname; //echo $target_path.'<br />'; var_dump($_FILES); die(); if (JFile::upload($_FILES[$file]['tmp_name'], $target_path)) { $msg .= "The template file " . $newname . " has been uploaded"; } else { $msg .= "There was an error uploading the file, please try again! file: " . $newname; } } } } if (empty($msg)) { $msg = 'O.K.'; } //JFile::delete($_FILES[$file]['tmp_name']); $link = 'index.php?option=com_onepage&view=order_export'; $this->setRedirect($link, $msg); return $msg; //die('som tu'); }
function _buildQuery() { $ehelper = new OnepageTemplateHelper(); if ($ehelper->columnExists('#__virtuemart_orders', 'track_num')) { $ups = 'o.track_num, '; } else { $ups = ''; } $keyword = JRequest::getVar('keyword', ''); $show = JRequest::getVar('show', ''); $list = "SELECT o.virtuemart_order_id as order_id, o.order_status, o.order_pass, " . $ups . " o.order_number, o.created_on, o.modified_on, o.order_total, o.order_currency, o.virtuemart_user_id as user_id,"; $list .= "u.first_name, u.last_name FROM #__virtuemart_orders as o LEFT JOIN #__virtuemart_order_userinfos as u ON o.virtuemart_order_id = u.virtuemart_order_id WHERE "; $count = "SELECT count(*) as num_rows FROM #__virtuemart_orders, #__virtuemart_order_userinfos WHERE "; $q = " u.address_type = 'BT' "; if (!empty($keyword)) { $q .= " AND (#__virtuemart_orders.order_id LIKE '%{$keyword}%' "; $q .= "OR #__virtuemart_orders.order_status LIKE '%{$keyword}%' "; $q .= "OR first_name LIKE '%{$keyword}%' "; $q .= "OR last_name LIKE '%{$keyword}%' "; $q .= "OR CONCAT(`first_name`, ' ', `last_name`) LIKE '%{$keyword}%' "; $q .= ") "; } if (!empty($show)) { $q .= " AND order_status = '{$show}' "; } // $q .= "(#__vm_orders.order_id=#__vm_order_user_info.order_id) "; //$q .= " o.vendor_id='".$_SESSION['ps_vendor_id']."' "; $q .= "ORDER BY o.created_on DESC "; $list .= $q; // . " LIMIT $limitstart, " . $limit; //$count .= $q; $query = $list; //.$limit; return $query; /* $this->_db->setQuery($query); $this->_data = $this->_db->loadObjectList(); $this->_total = count( $this->_data ) ; */ }
function getOrderData() { $order_id = JRequest::getVar('order_id'); if (empty($order_id)) { return ""; } $ehelper = new OnepageTemplateHelper(); return $ehelper->getOrderData($order_id); }
function display($tpl = null) { //VM2 CODE HERE //Load helpers if (!class_exists('VmConfig')) { require JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_virtuemart' . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'config.php'; } VmConfig::loadConfig(); if (!class_exists('CurrencyDisplay')) { require JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'currencydisplay.php'; } if (!class_exists('VmHTML')) { require JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'html.php'; } if (!class_exists('vmPSPlugin')) { require JPATH_VM_PLUGINS . DS . 'vmpsplugin.php'; } $orderStatusModel = VmModel::getModel('orderstatus'); $orderStates = $orderStatusModel->getOrderStatusList(); //$this->SetViewTitle( 'ORDER'); $orderModel = VmModel::getModel('orders'); $curTask = JRequest::getWord('task', 'edit'); $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $extension = 'com_onepage'; $base_dir = JPATH_SITE; $language_tag = 'en-GB'; $reload = true; $lang->load($extension, $base_dir); VmConfig::loadJLang('com_virtuemart'); VmConfig::loadJLang('com_virtuemart_shoppers', TRUE); VmConfig::loadJLang('com_virtuemart_orders', true); // Load addl models $userFieldsModel = VmModel::getModel('userfields'); $productModel = VmModel::getModel('product'); // Get the data $virtuemart_order_id = JRequest::getInt('virtuemart_order_id', JRequest::getVar('order_id')); $order = $orderModel->getOrder($virtuemart_order_id); $_orderID = $order['details']['BT']->virtuemart_order_id; $orderbt = $order['details']['BT']; $orderst = array_key_exists('ST', $order['details']) ? $order['details']['ST'] : $orderbt; $orderbt->invoiceNumber = $orderModel->getInvoiceNumber($orderbt->virtuemart_order_id); $currency = CurrencyDisplay::getInstance('', $order['details']['BT']->virtuemart_vendor_id); $this->currency = $currency; $_userFields = $userFieldsModel->getUserFields('account', array('captcha' => true, 'delimiters' => true), array('delimiter_userinfo', 'user_is_vendor', 'username', 'password', 'password2', 'agreed', 'address_type')); $userfields = $userFieldsModel->getUserFieldsFilled($_userFields, $orderbt, 'BT_'); $_userFields = $userFieldsModel->getUserFields('shipment', array(), array('delimiter_userinfo', 'username', 'email', 'password', 'password2', 'agreed', 'address_type')); $shipmentfields = $userFieldsModel->getUserFieldsFilled($_userFields, $orderst, 'ST_'); // Create an array to allow orderlinestatuses to be translated // We'll probably want to put this somewhere in ShopFunctions... $_orderStatusList = array(); foreach ($orderStates as $orderState) { //$_orderStatusList[$orderState->virtuemart_orderstate_id] = $orderState->order_status_name; //When I use update, I have to use this? $_orderStatusList[$orderState->order_status_code] = JText::_($orderState->order_status_name); } $_itemStatusUpdateFields = array(); $_itemAttributesUpdateFields = array(); foreach ($order['items'] as $_item) { $_itemStatusUpdateFields[$_item->virtuemart_order_item_id] = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $orderStates, "item_id[" . $_item->virtuemart_order_item_id . "][order_status]", 'class="selectItemStatusCode"', 'order_status_code', 'order_status_name', $_item->order_status, 'order_item_status' . $_item->virtuemart_order_item_id, true); } if (!isset($_orderStatusList[$orderbt->order_status])) { if (empty($orderbt->order_status)) { $orderbt->order_status = 'unknown'; } $_orderStatusList[$orderbt->order_status] = JText::_('COM_VIRTUEMART_UNKNOWN_ORDER_STATUS'); } /* Assign the data */ $this->assignRef('orderdetails', $order); $this->assignRef('orderID', $_orderID); $this->assignRef('userfields', $userfields); $this->assignRef('shipmentfields', $shipmentfields); $this->assignRef('orderstatuslist', $_orderStatusList); $this->assignRef('itemstatusupdatefields', $_itemStatusUpdateFields); $this->assignRef('itemattributesupdatefields', $_itemAttributesUpdateFields); $this->assignRef('orderbt', $orderbt); $this->assignRef('orderst', $orderst); $this->assignRef('virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id', $orderbt->virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id); /* Data for the Edit Status form popup */ $_currentOrderStat = $order['details']['BT']->order_status; // used to update all item status in one time $_orderStatusSelect = JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $orderStates, 'order_status', '', 'order_status_code', 'order_status_name', $_currentOrderStat, 'order_items_status', true); $this->assignRef('orderStatSelect', $_orderStatusSelect); $this->assignRef('currentOrderStat', $_currentOrderStat); /* Toolbar */ //JToolBarHelper::custom( 'prevItem', 'back','','COM_VIRTUEMART_ITEM_PREVIOUS',false); //JToolBarHelper::custom( 'nextItem', 'forward','','COM_VIRTUEMART_ITEM_NEXT',false); //JToolBarHelper::divider(); //JToolBarHelper::custom( 'cancel', 'back','back','back',false,false); if (!class_exists('calculationHelper')) { require JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'calculationh.php'; } $this->assignRef('orderstatuses', $orderStates); $model = VmModel::getModel('orders'); $orderId = JRequest::getString('orderId', ''); $orderLineItem = JRequest::getVar('orderLineId', ''); $this->assignRef('virtuemart_order_id', $orderId); $this->assignRef('virtuemart_order_item_id', $orderLineItem); $orderItem = $model->getOrderLineDetails($orderId, $orderLineItem); $this->assignRef('orderitem', $orderItem); //END OF VM2CODE $order_id = JRequest::getInt('order_id'); if (empty($order_id)) { die('Empty order id'); } //$limit = JRequest::getVar('limit', $mainframe->getCfg('list_limit')); //limitstart = JRequest::getVar('limitstart', 0); $model = $this->getModel('order_details'); $this->order = $model->getOrderVM2($order_id); $this->shippingmethods = $model->getShippingMethods($this->order); $this->payments = $model->getPaymentMethods($this->order); $this->next_order = $model->getNext($virtuemart_order_id); $this->prev_order = $model->getPrev($virtuemart_order_id); JPluginHelper::importPlugin('vmshipment'); JPluginHelper::importPlugin('vmshopper'); JPluginHelper::importPlugin('vmpayment'); $ehelper = new OnepageTemplateHelper(); $templates = $ehelper->getExportTemplates('ALL'); $templates = $model->getTemplates(); $order_data = $model->getOrderData(); //$ehelper = new OnepageTemplateHelper($order_id); $this->assignRef('ehelper', $ehelper); $this->assignRef('templates', $templates); $this->assignRef('order_data', $order_data); jimport('joomla.html.pagination'); parent::display($tpl); }
function template_update_upload() { return false; jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $file = ""; $msg = ''; foreach ($_FILES as $k => $v) { // $msg .= 'key: '.$k.'<br />'; // $msg .= 'val: '.$v.'<br />'; if (strpos($k, 'uploadedupdatefile_') !== false && !empty($_FILES[$k]['name'])) { $file = $k; } } $arr = explode('_', $file); if (count($arr) > 1) { $tid = $arr[1]; if (!is_numeric($tid)) { return "Error!"; } // get previous file $ehelper = new OnepageTemplateHelper(); $tt = $ehelper->getTemplate($tid); $target_path = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'export' . DS; if (file_exists($target_path . $tt['file'])) { if (!JFile::delete($target_path . $tt['file'])) { $msg .= 'Could not remove old template file: ' . $tt['file']; } } $newname = JFile::makesafe(basename($_FILES['uploadedupdatefile_' . $tid]['name'])); $msg .= $ehelper->updateFileName($tid, $newname); //$userfile = JRequest::getVar('uploadedupdatefile_'.$tid, null, 'files'); //var_dump($userfile); die(); $target_path = $target_path . $newname; if (JFile::upload($_FILES[$file]['tmp_name'], $target_path)) { $msg .= "The template file " . $newname . " has been uploaded"; } else { $msg .= "There was an error uploading the file, please try again! file: " . $newname; } } else { $msg .= "There was an error uploading the file, please try again! "; } return $msg; }
function xmlexport() { $eu = JRequest::getVar('export_eu_csv'); if (!empty($eu)) { $this->runEucsv(); return; } $tid = JRequest::getInt('selected_tid'); if (empty($tid)) { return; } $startdate = JRequest::getVar('startdateo'); $enddate = JRequest::getVar('enddateo'); $startid = JRequest::getVar('startid'); $endid = JRequest::getVar('endid'); if (!empty($startdate)) { $startdate = strtotime($startdate) == -1 ? '' : strtotime($startdate); } if (!empty($enddate)) { $enddate = strtotime($enddate) == -1 ? '' : strtotime($enddate); } $startdate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $startdate); if (!empty($startdate)) { $where = ' where o.created_on >= "' . $startdate . '" '; } if (!empty($enddate)) { $enddate = $enddate + 60 * 60 * 24 - 1; $enddate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $enddate); if (!empty($where)) { $where .= ' and '; } else { $where = ' where '; } $where .= ' o.created_on <= "' . $enddate . '" '; } $startid = JRequest::getVar('startid', ''); $endid = JRequest::getVar('endid', ''); if (!empty($startid)) { $where = ' where o.virtuemart_order_id >= ' . $startid . ' '; } if (!empty($endid)) { if (!empty($where)) { $where .= ' and '; } else { $where = ' where '; } $where .= ' o.virtuemart_order_id <= "' . $endid . '" '; } require_once JPATH_ROOT . DS . 'administrator' . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'export_helper.php'; $ehelper = new OnepageTemplateHelper(); $tt = $ehelper->getTemplate($tid); $q = 'select `virtuemart_order_id` from #__virtuemart_orders as o ' . $where; $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $db->setQuery($q); ob_start(); $arr = $db->loadAssocList(); $e = $db->getErrorMsg(); echo $e; /* var_dump($q); var_dump($arr); die(); */ foreach ($arr as $k => $order_data) { $v = $order_data['virtuemart_order_id']; $ra = $ehelper->getOrderDataEx($tid, $v); $localid = $v; $ehelper->processTxtTemplate($tid, $v, $ra); } $msg = ob_get_clean(); $option = JRequest::getVar('option'); $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); $limit = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest("{$option}.limit", 'limit', 50, 'int'); $limitstart = $mainframe->getUserStateFromRequest("{$option}.limitstart", 'limitstart', 0, 'int'); //var_dump($limit); var_dump($limitstart); die(); $link = 'index.php?option=com_onepage&view=orders&limitstart=' . $limitstart . '&limit=' . $limit; $this->setRedirect($link); $this->setRedirect($link, $msg); }
private function putfile() { require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'export_helper.php'; $ehelper = new OnepageTemplateHelper(); // no direct access // POST: tid, localid, file, hash, $tid = JRequest::getVar('tid'); $localid = JRequest::getVar('localid'); //$ehelper->setStatus($tid, $localid, 'RECEIVING'); $hash = JRequest::getVar('hash'); $hash2 = $ehelper->getFileHash($tid); $eitem = $ehelper->getExportItem($tid, $localid); $tt = $ehelper->getTemplate($tid); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $tname = $tid; $tname = JFile::makesafe($tname); $ex = JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_onepage' . DS . 'export' . DS; $exf = $ex . $tname; if (empty($_FILES)) { JFactory::getApplication()->close(); } if (strtolower($hash) == $hash2 && is_numeric($tid)) { $ehelper->prepareDirectory($tid); // here we should have autoincrement value instead of order id=local id $fileName = $_FILES['file_contents']['name']; $fileTemp = $_FILES['file_contents']['tmp_name']; $num = $eitem['ai']; if (!isset($num)) { $num = $localid; } else { $num = $num; } if (is_numeric($num)) { $num = $ehelper->addZeros($num, 4); } $tn = JFile::makesafe($tt['tid_name']); $path = $exf . DS . $num . '_' . $tn . '.pdf'; $path = $ehelper->getFileName2Save($tid, $localid); if (file_exists($path)) { $xt = rand(); JFile::move($path, $path . '_history_' . $xt . '.bck'); //JFile::delete($path); } if (!JFile::upload($fileTemp, $path)) { $ehelper->setStatus($tid, $localid, 'ERROR'); echo 'Error saving file!'; //JFile::write($exf.DS.'log'.DS.'log.txt', var_export($fileTemp, true)); } else { //echo 'Saving data: '.$tid.' '.$localid.' '.$path; // here we can send it to a customer $tt = $ehelper->getTemplate($tid); if ($ehelper->getStatus($tid, $localid) == 'AUTOPROCESSING') { if (!empty($tt['tid_autocreate']) && !empty($tt['tid_email'])) { $ehelper->setStatus($tid, $localid, 'CREATED', urlencode($path)); ob_start(); $ehelper->sendMail($tid, $localid, false); $x = ob_get_clean(); //JFile::write($exf.DS.'log'.DS.'log.txt', 'sending mail'.$x); //$ehelper->syntaxError(); } } $ehelper->setStatus($tid, $localid, 'CREATED', urlencode($path)); echo 'File Saved OK!'; } //file_put_contents($exf.DS.$localid.'_'.$tname.'.pdf', $file); /* else { echo 'ERROR: Nothing to save!'; } */ JFactory::getApplication()->close(); } else { JFile::write($exf . DS . 'log' . DS . 'log.txt', 'secret not equal'); $ehelper->setStatus($tid, $localid, 'ERROR'); echo 'Secret not equal !'; JFactory::getApplication()->close(); } }
function ajax($terminate = true) { $x = @ob_get_clean(); $x = @ob_get_clean(); $x = @ob_get_clean(); $x = @ob_get_clean(); $x = @ob_get_clean(); $x = @ob_get_clean(); $cmd = JRequest::getVar('cmd', ''); if (strtolower($cmd) == 'showfile') { $this->showFile(); } if ($terminate) { echo 'Running AJAX...<br />'; } $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); echo 'Command: ' . $cmd . '<br />'; if (strtolower($cmd) == 'sendxml') { $this->sendXml(); } if (strtolower($cmd) == 'checkfile') { require_once JPATH_COMPONENT . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'export_helper.php'; $ehelper = new OnepageTemplateHelper(); $ehelper->checkFile(); } if (strtolower($cmd) == 'sendxmlmulti') { $this->sendXmlMulti(); } if (strtolower($cmd) == 'sendemail') { $this->sendMail(); } if (strtolower($cmd) == 'updatejoomla') { $msg = $this->updateJoomla(); echo $msg . '<br />'; if (empty($msg)) { echo 'OK!<br/>'; } return; } $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); // echo JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR.DS.'components'.DS.'com_onepage'.DS.'views'.DS.'order_details'.DS.'tmpl'.DS.'ajax'.DS.'onepage_ajax.php'; //echo '<br />'.$cmd; $fieldid = JRequest::getVar('fieldid', ''); if ($terminate) { $mainframe->close(); die; } if (strpos($fieldid, 'track_num') !== false) { $this->changeTrackNum($fieldid); } $order_id = JRequest::getVar('orderid', ''); if (empty($order_id)) { echo 'Empty Order Id'; if ($terminate) { $mainframe->close(); } } $cmd = JRequest::getVar('cmd', ''); if (!empty($cmd)) { $d = JRequest::get('post'); $d['order_id'] = $order_id; $msg = ''; ob_start(); if (strtolower($cmd) == 'orderstatusset') { echo $this->orderstatusset(); return; } if (strtolower($cmd) == 'orderitemstatusset') { $ps_order = new ps_order(); $ret = $ps_order->order_status_update($d); if ($ret === true) { $msg = '<br />Order Status Updated'; } else { $msg = '<br />Error Updating Order Status'; } //var_dump($d); echo $msg; //die(); return; } if (strtolower($cmd) == 'resendconfirm') { $this->resendconfirm(); if ($terminate) { $mainframe->close(); } } else { //echo 'cmd:'.$cmd.'endcmd'; //$cmd = '$this->'.$cmd.'()'; $msg = '<br />Function: ' . $cmd . '<br />'; $cmd = htmlspecialchars($cmd); if (!@eval('$ps_order_change->' . $cmd . '($d);')) { $msg .= '<br />Error Calling Function !'; } } if (method_exists($this, $cmd)) { $this->{$cmd}(); } $xx = ob_get_clean(); echo $msg . '<br />'; $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); if ($terminate) { $mainframe->close(); } } //$t = @ob_get_clean();$t = @ob_get_clean(); $t = @ob_get_clean();$t = @ob_get_clean();$t = @ob_get_clean(); //while (!@ob_get_clen()) {;} // unset($t); //echo 'ajax initialized'; // var q = '&id='+id+'&orig_val='+val+'&new_val='+element.value; $new_value = JRequest::getVar('newval', ''); $orig_value = JRequest::getVar('origval', ''); $orig_value = urldecode($orig_value); if ($orig_value == ' ') { $orig_value = ''; } $id = JRequest::getVar('fieldid', ''); $onlyOrder = JRequest::getVar('onlyorder', false); if (empty($id) || empty($order_id)) { echo 'Empty field id or order_id ' . $id . ' ' . $order_id . ' <br />'; $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); if ($terminate) { $mainframe->close(); } } $db = JFactory::getDBO(); $new_value = $db->getEscaped($new_value); //$orig_value = trim($db->getEscaped($orig_value)); $id = $db->getEscaped($id); $order_id = urlencode($order_id); if (strpos($id, 'bt_') === 0 || strpos($id, 'st_') === 0) { if (substr($id, 0, 3) == 'st_') { $address_type = 'ST'; } else { $address_type = 'BT'; } //$id = str_replace('bt_', '', $id); $id = substr($id, 3); // lets get the right line in order_user_info $q = "select * from #__vm_order_user_info where order_id = '" . $order_id . "' and address_type = '" . $address_type . "' "; $db->setQuery($q); $res = $db->loadAssoc(); if (!isset($res) && $address_type == 'ST') { // we don't have a shipping address created yet // let us create it $q = "select * from #__vm_order_user_info where order_id = '" . $order_id . "' and address_type='BT' "; $db->setQuery($q); $d1 = $db->loadAssoc(); if (isset($d1)) { $col1 = 'order_info_id, order_id'; // follows user_id $col2 = 'user_info_id'; // follows user_id $val1 = "NULL, '" . $order_id . "'"; $newid = md5(uniqid('VirtueMartIsCool')); $val2 = "'" . $newid . "'"; foreach ($d1 as $key => $val) { if ($key != 'order_info_id' && $key != 'order_id') { if ($key == $id) { $val = $new_value; } if ($key == 'address_type') { $val = 'ST'; } $col1 .= "," . $key . " "; $col2 .= "," . $key . " "; $val1 .= ",'" . $val . "' "; $val2 .= ",'" . $val . "' "; } } $q = 'insert into #__vm_order_user_info (' . $col1 . ') values (' . $val1 . ') '; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); echo 'Creating new shipping address<br />'; $msg = $db->getErrorMsg(); if (!empty($msg)) { echo $msg; } $q = 'insert into #__vm_user_info (' . $col2 . ') values (' . $val2 . ') '; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); $msg = $db->getErrorMsg(); if (!empty($msg)) { echo $msg; } echo 'New shipping address created<br />'; } } $msg = $db->getErrorMsg(); // echo 'right here<br />db:'.var_dump($res[$id]).'<br />orig:'.var_dump($orig_value);die(); if (!empty($msg)) { echo $msg; die; } //echo $orig_value.'='.$res[$id]; if (isset($res)) { if (isset($res[$id])) { if (!($res[$id] == $orig_value)) { echo 'Original value does not match new value!<br />'; } $q = "update #__vm_order_user_info set " . $id . " = '" . $new_value . "' where order_info_id = '" . $res['order_info_id'] . "' limit 1"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); $msg = $db->getErrorMsg(); if (!empty($msg)) { echo $msg; die; } echo 'Order Info updated <br />'; } } // we will not update other fields if we have onlyOrder here if ($onlyOrder === true) { $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); if ($terminate) { $mainframe->close(); } } // lets get the right line in user_info table $q = "select * from #__vm_user_info where user_id = '" . $res['user_id'] . "' and address_type = '" . $address_type . "' and " . $id . " = '" . $db->getEscaped($orig_value) . "' limit 0,10"; $db->setQuery($q); $res3 = $db->loadAssocList(); $msg = $db->getErrorMsg(); echo $msg; if (!isset($res3)) { echo 'Oginal value not found. Will not update VM User Data<br />'; } if (isset($res3)) { foreach ($res3 as $res2) { $q = "update #__vm_user_info set " . $id . " = '" . $new_value . "' where user_id = '" . $res['user_id'] . "' and address_type = '" . $address_type . "' limit 1"; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); echo 'User Info updated <br />'; $msg = $db->getErrorMsg(); if (!empty($msg)) { echo $msg; die; } } } // lets update jomla info, only if address type is BT if ($address_type == 'BT') { $q = 'select * from #__users where id = "' . $res['user_id'] . '" '; $db->setQuery($q); $data = $db->loadAssoc(); if (!empty($data)) { switch ($id) { case 'user_email': $email = $data['email']; if ($email == $orig_value) { if ($data['username'] == $orig_value) { $ins = ", username = '******' "; echo 'Joomla Username updated <br />'; } else { $ins = ""; } $q = "update #__users set email = '" . $new_value . "' " . $ins . " where id = '" . $res['user_id'] . "' limit 1"; echo 'Joomla Email updated <br />'; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); //echo 'jos_users updated <br />'; $msg = $db->getErrorMsg(); if (!empty($msg)) { echo $msg; die; } } else { echo 'emails do not match<br />'; } break; case 'first_name': $full_name = $data['name']; if (strpos($full_name, $orig_value) !== false) { $full_name = str_replace($orig_value, $new_value, $full_name); $q = "update #__users set name = '" . $full_name . "' where id = '" . $res['user_id'] . "' limit 1"; echo 'Joomla Name field updated <br />'; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); $msg = $db->getErrorMsg(); if (!empty($msg)) { echo $msg; die; } } break; case 'last_name': $full_name = $data['name']; if (strpos($full_name, $orig_value) !== false) { $full_name = str_replace($orig_value, $new_value, $full_name); $q = "update #__users set name = '" . $full_name . "' where id = '" . $res['user_id'] . "' limit 1"; echo 'Joomla Name field updated <br />'; $db->setQuery($q); $db->query(); $msg = $db->getErrorMsg(); if (!empty($msg)) { echo $msg; die; } } break; default: break; } } } $q = ""; } $mainframe = JFactory::getApplication(); if ($terminate) { $mainframe->close(); } }
* VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * See /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. * * */ //mm_showMyFileName( __FILE__ ); //global $page; //, $ps_order_status; $show = JRequest::getVar('show', ''); //$pageNav = new JPagination( $this->total, $limit_start, $limit ); $pageNav = $this->pagination; //require_once( CLASSPATH . "htmlTools.class.php" ); $ehelper = new OnepageTemplateHelper(); $templates = $ehelper->getExportTemplates('ALL'); if (!empty($templates)) { ?> <a href="#" style='float: right;' onclick="javascript:return opShow('mytmps');"><img src="/images/M_images/pdf_button.png" alt='Create' title='Create' /></a> <div style="position: absolute; right: 20px; text-align: left; background-color: #CCCCCC; border: 1px solid; margin-top:30px; z-index: 99; display: none; clear: both;" id="mytmps"> <?php foreach ($templates as $t) { //if (empty($t['tid_special'] || (!empty($t['tid_ai']) && ($t['tid_special']=='1') && ($t['tid_ echo "<a style='float: left;' href='#' onclick='javascript:return op_runCmd(\"sendXmlMulti\", this);' id='createpdf_" . $t['tid'] . "' ><img src='/images/M_images/pdf_button.png' alt='Create " . $t['tid_name'] . "' title='Create " . $t['tid_name'] . "' />" . $t['tid_name'] . "</a><br style='clear: both;'/>"; } ?> </div><?php } $listObj = new listFactory($this->pagination); // end template export part