Esempio n. 1
  * Renders the One_Query into an xpath that can fetch results from the XML-datastore
  * @param One_Query $query
 public function render(One_Query $query)
     $this->query = $query;
     $this->scheme = $this->query;
     $resources = $this->scheme->getResources();
     if (trim($query->getRaw()) != '') {
         return $query->getRaw();
     $xpath = $resources['item'];
     // add possible filters to the query
     if (isset($resources['filter'])) {
         $filters = explode(';', $resources['filter']);
         if (count($filters) > 0) {
             foreach ($filters as $filterName) {
                 if ($filterName != '') {
                     $filter = One_Repository::getFilter($filterName, $query->name());
     $whereClauses = $query->getWhereClauses();
     if (!is_null($whereClauses)) {
         $clauses = $this->whereClauses($whereClauses);
         if (!is_null($clauses)) {
             $xpath .= '[' . $clauses . ']';
     return $xpath;
Esempio n. 2
  * Render the query
  * @param One_Query $query
  * @return string
 public function render(One_Query $query, $overrideFilters = false)
     $this->query = $query;
     $this->scheme = $this->query->getScheme();
     // if the person wants to perform a raw query, return the raw query
     if (!is_null($query->getRaw())) {
         if (One_Config::get('debug.query')) {
             echo '<pre>';
             echo '</pre>';
         return $query->getRaw();
     $this->query = $query;
     $this->scheme = $this->query->getScheme();
     $resources = $this->scheme->getResources();
     // fetch collection to fetch data from
     $this->_collection = $resources['collection'];
     // add possible filters to the query
     if (!$overrideFilters && isset($resources['filter'])) {
         $filters = explode(';', $resources['filter']);
         if (count($filters) > 0) {
             foreach ($filters as $filterName) {
                 if ($filterName != '') {
                     $filter = One_Repository::getFilter($filterName, $query->getScheme()->getName());
     $findQuery = array('fields' => array(), 'query' => array());
     if (count($query->getSelect()) > 0) {
         $findQuery['fields'] = $this->createSelects($query->getSelect());
     // get where clauses
     $whereClauses = $query->getWhereClauses();
     $where = NULL;
     if (!is_null($whereClauses)) {
         $where = $this->whereClauses($whereClauses);
     if (!is_null($where)) {
         $findQuery['query'] = $where;
     if (One_Config::get('debug.query')) {
         echo '<pre>';
         echo '</pre>';
     $findQuery = json_encode($findQuery);
     return $findQuery;
Esempio n. 3
  * Render the query
  * @param One_Query $query
  * @return string
 public function render(One_Query $query, $overrideFilters = false)
     $this->query = $query;
     $this->scheme = $this->query->getScheme();
     // if the person wants to perform a raw query, return the raw query
     if (!is_null($query->getRaw())) {
         if (One_Config::get('debug.query')) {
             echo '<pre>';
             echo '</pre>';
         return $query->getRaw();
     $this->query = $query;
     $this->scheme = $this->query->getScheme();
     $resources = $this->scheme->getResources();
     // fetch main table to fetch data from
     $this->mainTable = $resources['table'];
     // add possible filters to the query
     if (!$overrideFilters && isset($resources['filter'])) {
         $filters = explode(';', $resources['filter']);
         if (count($filters) > 0) {
             foreach ($filters as $filterName) {
                 if ($filterName != '') {
                     $filter = One_Repository::getFilter($filterName, $query->getScheme()->getName());
     // TR20100531 No longer needs to be run after the rest since joins are now checked while adding
     // sselects, order, ...
     $joins = NULL;
     $qJoins = $query->getJoins();
     if (count($qJoins) > 0) {
         foreach ($qJoins as $join => $type) {
             $query->setRoleAlias($join, $this->aliases[$join]);
             $joins .= $this->createJoin($query->getRole($join), $type);
     $selects = $this->aliases['$self$'] . '.*';
     if (count($query->getSelect()) > 0) {
         $selects = $this->createSelects($query->getSelect());
     // get where clauses
     $whereClauses = $query->getWhereClauses();
     $where = NULL;
     if (!is_null($whereClauses)) {
         $where = $this->whereClauses($whereClauses);
     // get having clauses
     $havingClauses = $query->getHavingClauses();
     $having = NULL;
     if (!is_null($havingClauses)) {
         $having = $this->whereClauses($havingClauses);
     // get order
     $order = $this->createOrder();
     //get grouping
     $group = $this->createGroup();
     // get limit
     $limit = $this->createLimit();
     $sql = 'SELECT ' . $selects . ' FROM ' . $this->mainTable . ' ' . $this->aliases['$self$'];
     if (!is_null($joins)) {
         $sql .= $joins;
     if (!is_null($where)) {
         $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $where;
     if (!is_null($group)) {
         $sql .= ' GROUP BY ' . $group;
     if (!is_null($having)) {
         $sql .= ' HAVING ' . $having;
     if (!is_null($order)) {
         $sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . $order;
     if (!is_null($limit)) {
         /* Use the following format to replace MySQL LIMIT for PL/SQL :
         				SELECT * FROM (
         						SELECT rownum rnum, a.*
         								SELECT fieldA,fieldB
         								FROM table
         								ORDER BY fieldA
         						) a
         						WHERE rownum <= START + LIMIT
         				WHERE rnum >= START
         				** or **
         				SELECT rownum rnum, a.*
         						SELECT fieldA,fieldB
         						FROM table
         						ORDER BY fieldA
         				) a
         				WHERE rownum <= LIMIT
         $qLimit = $this->query->getLimit();
         if (isset($qLimit['start']) && intval($qLimit['start']) > -1) {
             $start = intval($qLimit['start']);
         } else {
             $start = 0;
         if (isset($qLimit['limit']) && intval($qLimit['limit']) > 0) {
             $limit = intval($qLimit['limit']);
         } else {
             $limit = 50;
         // @TODO: clean this up
         // create alias for rownum field
         $rnfield = $this->createAlias();
         $subsel = $this->createAlias();
         $sql = "SELECT rownum {$rnfield}, {$subsel}.* FROM ( {$sql} ) {$subsel} WHERE rownum <= {$limit}";
         if ($start) {
             $sql = "SELECT * FROM ( {$sql} )  WHERE {$rnfield} > {$start}";
     if (One_Config::get('debug.query')) {
         echo '<pre>';
         echo '</pre>';
     return $sql;
Esempio n. 4
  * Render the query
  * @param One_Query $query
  * @return string
 public function render(One_Query $query, $overrideFilters = false)
     $this->query = $query;
     $this->scheme = $this->query->getScheme();
     // if the person wants to perform a raw query, return the raw query
     if (!is_null($query->getRaw())) {
         if (One_Config::get('debug.query')) {
             echo '<pre>';
             echo '</pre>';
         return $query->getRaw();
     $this->query = $query;
     $this->scheme = $this->query->getScheme();
     $resources = $this->scheme->getResources();
     // fetch main table to fetch data from
     $this->mainTable = $resources['table'];
     // add possible filters to the query
     if (!$overrideFilters && isset($resources['filter'])) {
         $filters = explode(';', $resources['filter']);
         if (count($filters) > 0) {
             foreach ($filters as $filterName) {
                 if ($filterName != '') {
                     $filter = One_Repository::getFilter($filterName, $query->getScheme()->getName());
     // TR20100531 No longer needs to be run after the rest since joins are now checked while adding
     // sselects, order, ...
     $joins = NULL;
     $qJoins = $query->getJoins();
     if (count($qJoins) > 0) {
         foreach ($qJoins as $join => $type) {
             $query->setRoleAlias($join, $this->aliases[$join]);
             $joins .= $this->createJoin($query->getRole($join), $type);
     // *** TODO: change the '*' to only the relavant fields defined in the scheme
     $selects = $this->aliases['$self$'] . '.*';
     if (count($query->getSelect()) > 0) {
         $selects = $this->createSelects($query->getSelect());
     // get where clauses
     $whereClauses = $query->getWhereClauses();
     $where = NULL;
     if (!is_null($whereClauses)) {
         $where = $this->whereClauses($whereClauses);
     // get having clauses
     $havingClauses = $query->getHavingClauses();
     $having = NULL;
     if (!is_null($havingClauses)) {
         $having = $this->whereClauses($havingClauses);
     // get order
     $order = $this->createOrder();
     //get grouping
     $group = $this->createGroup();
     // get limit
     $limit = $this->createLimit();
     $sql = 'SELECT ' . $selects . ' FROM `' . $this->mainTable . '` ' . $this->aliases['$self$'];
     if (!is_null($joins)) {
         $sql .= $joins;
     if (!is_null($where)) {
         $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $where;
     if (!is_null($group)) {
         $sql .= ' GROUP BY ' . $group;
     if (!is_null($having)) {
         $sql .= ' HAVING ' . $having;
     if (!is_null($order)) {
         $sql .= ' ORDER BY ' . $order;
     if (!is_null($limit)) {
         $sql .= ' LIMIT ' . $limit;
     if (One_Config::get('debug.query')) {
         echo '<pre>';
         echo '</pre>';
     return $sql;