Esempio n. 1
 public function index()
     $db = new Database();
     // clean up old orders that are a week or older and are 'Pending'
     $dat = time();
     $lastweek = $dat - 604800;
     $result = $db->query('DELETE FROM orders WHERE date_modified < ' . $lastweek . ' AND statusID = 1');
     // In Kohana, all views are loaded and treated as objects.
     $this->template->content = new View('homepage');
     $this->template->metaDescription = $this->description;
     $this->template->metaKeywords = $this->keywords;
     $this->template->metaTitle = $this->title;
     // getOccasions and getOccasion($id) is a method defined in Occasion_Model
     $occasions = new Occasion_Model();
     $this->template->content->occasionresults = $occasions->getOccasions();
     // getProducts is a method defined in Product_Model
     $products = new Product_Model();
     $this->template->content->productresults = $products->getHomepageProducts();
     // getLatestTestimonial is a method defined in Testimonial_Model
     $testimonial = new Testimonial_Model();
     $this->template->content->testimonialresult = $testimonial->getLatestTestimonial();
     // get the most recently created hearts of each product type
     $result = $db->query('SELECT, orders.can_share,, orders_baskets.product_id, orders_baskets.designpath, orders_baskets.msg_text1, orders_baskets.msg_text2, FROM orders INNER JOIN orders_baskets ON = orders_baskets.order_id LEFT JOIN foil_colors fc ON = orders_baskets.foil_id WHERE orders.can_share = 1 AND orders_baskets.designpath != "" AND orders_baskets.img_approved = 1 AND orders.statusID IN (2,4,5) AND orders.site_id = ' . My_Template_Controller::getCurrentSite()->id . ' ORDER BY order_date DESC LIMIT 4');
     $recentForward = array();
     $recentBack = array();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($result as $recent) {
         if ($i < 10) {
             $recentForward[$i] = $recent;
         } else {
             $recentBack[$i - 10] = $recent;
     $this->template->content->recentHearts = $recentForward;
     $this->template->content->recentHeartsBack = $recentBack;
     //$result = $db->query('SELECT, orders.can_share,, orders_baskets.product_id, orders_baskets.designpath FROM orders INNER JOIN orders_baskets ON = orders_baskets.order_id WHERE orders.can_share = 1 AND orders_baskets.designpath != "" AND orders_baskets.img_approved = 1 AND orders.statusID IN (2,4,5) ORDER BY order_date ASC LIMIT 10');
     // You can assign anything variable to a view by using standard OOP
     // methods. In my welcome view, the $title variable will be assigned
     // the value I give it here.
     $this->template->title = $this->title;
     $result = $db->query("SELECT * FROM slides WHERE site_id = '" . My_Template_Controller::getCurrentSite()->id . "'");
     $this->template->content->slides = $result;
Esempio n. 2
 public function index()
     // In Kohana, all views are loaded and treated as objects.
     $this->template->content = new View('testimonials');
     $this->template->metaDescription = $this->description;
     $this->template->metaKeywords = $this->keywords;
     $this->template->metaTitle = $this->title;
     // You can assign anything variable to a view by using standard OOP
     // methods. In my welcome view, the $title variable will be assigned
     // the value I give it here.
     $this->template->title = $this->title;
     $db = new Database();
     $resultall = $db->query('SELECT t.* ' . 'FROM testimonials t ' . 'INNER JOIN sites_testimonials st ON = st.testimonial_id ' . 'WHERE st.site_id = ' . self::getCurrentSite()->id . ' ORDER BY DESC');
     $this->template->content->testimonialresults = $resultall;
     // getProducts is a method defined in Product_Model
     $products = new Product_Model();
     $this->template->content->productresults = $products->getProductsForSite(TRUE);
     // getOccasions and getOccasion($id) is a method defined in Occasion_Model
     $occasions = new Occasion_Model();
     $this->template->content->occasionresults = $occasions->getOccasions();
     $this->template->content->message = "";
Esempio n. 3
 public function show()
     // In Kohana, all views are loaded and treated as objects.
     $this->template->content = new View('occasions');
     $occasionarray = Router::$arguments;
     $occasionname = $occasionarray[0];
     // getOccasions and getOccasion($id) is a method defined in Occasion_Model
     $occasions = new Occasion_Model();
     $this->template->content->occasionresults = $occasions->getOccasions();
     $occasion = $occasions->getOccasionByName($occasionname);
     $this->template->content->occasion = $occasion;
     $this->template->metaDescription = $occasion->meta_description;
     $this->template->metaKeywords = $occasion->meta_keywords;
     $this->template->metaTitle = $occasion->meta_title;
     // You can assign anything variable to a view by using standard OOP
     // methods. In my welcome view, the $title variable will be assigned
     // the value I give it here.
     $this->template->title = $occasion->meta_title;
     // getProducts is a method defined in Product_Model
     $products = new Product_Model();
     $this->template->content->productresults = $products->getProductsForSite(TRUE);
Esempio n. 4
 public function add()
     $argumentarray = Router::$arguments;
     $occasions = new Occasion_Model();
     $id = $occasions->getNextID();
     if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
         $post = new Validation(array_merge($_POST, $_FILES));
         $post->pre_filter('trim', 'occasionName', 'occasionHeadline', 'occasionDescription');
         $post->add_rules('occasionName', 'required');
         $post->add_rules('occasionHeadline', 'required');
         if (!$post->validate()) {
             $errors = $post->errors('form_errors');
             foreach ($errors as $error) {
                 echo '<p class="error">' . $error . '</p>';
         } else {
             //$id = $argumentarray[0];
             $occasions = new Occasion_Model();
             $occasion = ORM::factory('occasion');
             $occasion->name = $post->occasionName;
             $occasion->headline = $post->occasionHeadline;
             //$occasion->description = $post->occasionDescription;
             if ($occasion->occasions_description_id) {
                 $desc = ORM::factory('occasions_description')->find($occasion->occasions_description_id);
             } else {
                 $desc = ORM::factory('occasions_description');
             $desc->description = $post->occasionDescription;
             $desc->title_url = $post->metaUrl;
             $desc->short_description = $post->occasionShortDescription;
             $desc->meta_description = $post->metaDescription;
             $desc->meta_keywords = $post->metaKeywords;
             $desc->meta_title = $post->metaTitle;
             $desc->image_alt = $post->image_alt;
             $occasion->occasions_description_id = $desc->id;
             if (!empty($_FILES['image']['name'])) {
                 // uses Kohana upload helper
                 $_FILES = Validation::factory($_FILES)->add_rules('image', 'upload::valid', 'upload::type[gif,jpg,jpeg,png]', 'upload::size[2M]');
                 if ($_FILES->validate()) {
                     // Temporary file name
                     $filename = upload::save('image', basename($_FILES['image']['tmp_name']));
                     $file = basename($_FILES['image']['name']);
                     // Resize, sharpen, and save the image
                     Image::factory($filename)->save(DOCROOT . '../../env/product_images/' . $file);
                     // Remove the temporary file
                     $desc->image = $file;
                 } else {
                     $errors = $_FILES->errors('form_user');
             if (!empty($post->occasionSites)) {
                 foreach ($post->occasionSites as $site_id) {
                     $sc = ORM::factory('sites_occasion')->where('occasion_id', $occasion->id)->where('site_id', $site_id)->find();
                     if ($sc->id == 0) {
                         $sc->occasion_id = $occasion->id;
                         $sc->site_id = $site_id;
             url::redirect('/occasions/edit/' . $occasion->id);
	oFCKeditor.BasePath	= sBasePath ;
	oFCKeditor.ReplaceTextarea() ;	
	var oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor( 'occasionShortDescription' ) ;
	oFCKeditor.Width = '100%' ;
	oFCKeditor.Height = '300' ; 
	oFCKeditor.BasePath	= sBasePath ;
	oFCKeditor.ReplaceTextarea() ;	

$id = $this->uri->segment(3);
$argumentarray = Router::$arguments;
$occasions = new Occasion_Model();
if (isset($argumentarray[0])) {
    $id = $argumentarray[0];
    //$occasion = $occasions->getOccasionByID($id);
    $occasion = $occasions->find($id);
} else {
    $id = $occasions->getNextID();
    //$occasion = ORM::factory('occasion');
    $occasion = $occasions;
    //$descs = new Occasions_description_Model;
    //$occasion->occasions_description = $descs;
//$desc = ORM::factory('occasions_description')->find($occasion->occasions_description_id);
//$occasions_description = ORM::factory('occasions_description')->find($occasion->occasions_description_id);
$i = 0;