function workspaces_override_member_color($member, &$color) { $ws_ot = ObjectTypes::findByName('workspace'); if (!$ws_ot instanceof ObjectType) return; if ($member->getObjectTypeId() == $ws_ot->getId()) { $ws = Workspaces::getWorkspaceById($member->getObjectId()); if ($ws instanceof Workspace) { $color = $ws->getColumnValue('color'); } } }
function workspaces_update_5_6() { // create associations DB::execute("\n\t\t\tINSERT INTO `" . TABLE_PREFIX . "dimension_member_associations` (`dimension_id`,`object_type_id`,`associated_dimension_id`, `associated_object_type_id`, `is_required`,`is_multiple`, `keeps_record`) VALUES\n\t\t\t((SELECT id from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dimensions WHERE code = 'workspaces'),(SELECT id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_types WHERE name = 'workspace'),(SELECT id from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dimensions WHERE code = 'feng_persons'),(SELECT id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_types WHERE name = 'person' LIMIT 1),0,1,0),\n\t\t\t((SELECT id from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dimensions WHERE code = 'workspaces'),(SELECT id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_types WHERE name = 'workspace'),(SELECT id from " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dimensions WHERE code = 'feng_persons'),(SELECT id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_types WHERE name = 'company' LIMIT 1),0,1,0);\n\t\t"); // instantiate actual associations $ws_dim = Dimensions::findByCode('workspaces'); $ws_ot = ObjectTypes::findByName('workspace'); $ws_members = Members::findAll(array('conditions' => 'dimension_id = ' . $ws_dim->getId() . ' AND object_type_id = ' . $ws_ot->getId())); foreach ($ws_members as $ws_mem) { // after saving permissions the associations are instantiated by 'core_dimensions' plugin save_member_permissions($ws_mem); } }
function getObjectTypeId() { if (!$this instanceof ContentDataObjects || is_null($this->object_type_name)) { return null; } if (is_null($this->object_type_id)) { $ot = ObjectTypes::findByName($this->object_type_name); if ($ot instanceof ObjectType) { $this->object_type_id = $ot->getId(); } } return $this->object_type_id; }
/** * * Checks if user can access the member for a specified access level * @param $permission_group_ids - string array: User permission group ids * @param $member_id - integer: Member Id * @param $user - Contact * @param $access_level - enum: ACCESS_LEVEL_READ, ACCESS_LEVEL_WRITE, ACCESS_LEVEL_DELETE * @param $check_administrator bool - if user is super administrator do not check permission */ function contactCanAccessMemberAll($permission_group_ids, $member_id, $user, $access_level, $check_administrator = true) { if ($user instanceof Contact && $user->isAdministrator() && $check_administrator) { return true; } $member = Members::findById($member_id); if ($member instanceof Member && !$member->getDimension()->getDefinesPermissions()) { return true; } $disabled_ots = array(); $disableds = DB::executeAll("SELECT object_type_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "tab_panels WHERE object_type_id>0 AND enabled=0"); if (is_array($disableds)) { $disabled_ots = array_flat($disableds); } $ws_ot = ObjectTypes::findByName('workspace')->getId(); $comment_ot = ObjectTypes::findByName('comment')->getId(); $disabled_ots[] = $ws_ot; $disabled_ots[] = $comment_ot; $disabled_ot_cond = ""; if (count($disabled_ots) > 0) { $disabled_ot_cond = "AND object_type_id NOT IN (" . implode(",", $disabled_ots) . ")"; } if ($access_level == ACCESS_LEVEL_READ) { if (!isset(self::$readable_members["{$permission_group_ids}"])) { $res = DB::execute("SELECT DISTINCT member_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "contact_member_permissions WHERE permission_group_id IN (" . $permission_group_ids . ") {$disabled_ot_cond}"); $rows = $res->fetchAll(); if (is_array($rows)) { self::$readable_members["{$permission_group_ids}"] = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { self::$readable_members["{$permission_group_ids}"][] = $row['member_id']; } } } return in_array($member_id, self::$readable_members["{$permission_group_ids}"]); } else { if (!isset(self::$writable_members["{$permission_group_ids}"])) { $res = DB::execute("SELECT DISTINCT member_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "contact_member_permissions WHERE can_write=1 AND permission_group_id IN (" . $permission_group_ids . ") {$disabled_ot_cond}"); $rows = $res->fetchAll(); if (is_array($rows)) { self::$writable_members["{$permission_group_ids}"] = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { self::$writable_members["{$permission_group_ids}"][] = $row['member_id']; } } } return in_array($member_id, self::$writable_members["{$permission_group_ids}"]); } }
/** * Render form control * * @param string $control_name * @return string */ function render($control_name) { $options = array(); $contact_types[] = array(ObjectTypes::findByName("contact")->getId(), lang("contact")); $contact_types[] = array(ObjectTypes::findByName("company")->getId(), lang("company")); $unknown_id = 0; $option_attributes = $this->getRawValue() == $unknown_id ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang("unknown"), $unknown_id, $option_attributes); $contact_id = ObjectTypes::findByName("contact")->getId(); $option_attributes = $this->getRawValue() == $contact_id ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang("contact"), $contact_id, $option_attributes); $company_id = ObjectTypes::findByName("company")->getId(); $option_attributes = $this->getRawValue() == $company_id ? array('selected' => 'selected') : null; $options[] = option_tag(lang("company"), $company_id, $option_attributes); return select_box($control_name, $options); }
function list_all() { ajx_current("empty"); // Get all variables from request $start = array_var($_GET, 'start', 0); $limit = array_var($_GET, 'limit', config_option('files_per_page')); $order = 'name'; $order_dir = array_var($_GET, 'dir'); $action = array_var($_GET, 'action'); $attributes = array("ids" => explode(',', array_var($_GET, 'ids'))); if (!$order_dir) { switch ($order) { case 'name': $order_dir = 'ASC'; break; default: $order_dir = 'DESC'; } } $dim_controller = new DimensionController(); $members = $dim_controller->initial_list_dimension_members(Dimensions::findByCode('workspaces')->getId(), ObjectTypes::findByName('workspace')->getId(), $context, true); $ids = array(); foreach ($members as $m) { $ids[] = $m['object_id']; } $members = active_context_members(false); // Context Members Ids $members_sql = ""; if (count($members) > 0) { $members_sql .= " AND parent_member_id IN (" . implode(',', $members) . ")"; } else { $members_sql .= " AND parent_member_id = 0"; } $res = Members::findAll(array("conditions" => "object_id IN (" . implode(',', $ids) . ") " . $members_sql, 'offset' => $start, 'limit' => $limit, 'order' => "{$order} {$order_dir}")); $object = $this->prepareObject($res, $start, $limit, count($res)); ajx_extra_data($object); tpl_assign("listing", $object); }
private function get_allowed_columns($object_type) { $fields = array(); if (isset($object_type)) { $customProperties = CustomProperties::getAllCustomPropertiesByObjectType($object_type); $objectFields = array(); foreach ($customProperties as $cp) { if ($cp->getType() == 'table') { continue; } $fields[] = array('id' => $cp->getId(), 'name' => $cp->getName(), 'type' => $cp->getType(), 'values' => $cp->getValues(), 'multiple' => $cp->getIsMultipleValues()); } $ot = ObjectTypes::findById($object_type); eval('$managerInstance = ' . $ot->getHandlerClass() . "::instance();"); $objectColumns = $managerInstance->getColumns(); $objectFields = array(); $objectColumns = array_diff($objectColumns, $managerInstance->getSystemColumns()); foreach ($objectColumns as $column) { $objectFields[$column] = $managerInstance->getColumnType($column); } $common_columns = Objects::instance()->getColumns(false); $common_columns = array_diff_key($common_columns, array_flip($managerInstance->getSystemColumns())); $objectFields = array_merge($objectFields, $common_columns); foreach ($objectFields as $name => $type) { if ($type == DATA_TYPE_FLOAT || $type == DATA_TYPE_INTEGER) { $type = 'numeric'; } else { if ($type == DATA_TYPE_STRING) { $type = 'text'; } else { if ($type == DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN) { $type = 'boolean'; } else { if ($type == DATA_TYPE_DATE || $type == DATA_TYPE_DATETIME) { $type = 'date'; } } } } $field_name = Localization::instance()->lang('field ' . $ot->getHandlerClass() . ' ' . $name); if (is_null($field_name)) { $field_name = lang('field Objects ' . $name); } $fields[] = array('id' => $name, 'name' => $field_name, 'type' => $type); } $externalFields = $managerInstance->getExternalColumns(); foreach ($externalFields as $extField) { $field_name = Localization::instance()->lang('field ' . $ot->getHandlerClass() . ' ' . $extField); if (is_null($field_name)) { $field_name = lang('field Objects ' . $extField); } $fields[] = array('id' => $extField, 'name' => $field_name, 'type' => 'external', 'multiple' => 0); } //if Object type is person $objType = ObjectTypes::findByName('contact'); if ($objType instanceof ObjectType) { if ($object_type == $objType->getId()) { $fields[] = array('id' => 'email_address', 'name' => lang('email address'), 'type' => 'text'); $fields[] = array('id' => 'phone_number', 'name' => lang('phone number'), 'type' => 'text'); $fields[] = array('id' => 'web_url', 'name' => lang('web pages'), 'type' => 'text'); $fields[] = array('id' => 'im_value', 'name' => lang('instant messengers'), 'type' => 'text'); $fields[] = array('id' => 'address', 'name' => lang('address'), 'type' => 'text'); } } } usort($fields, array(&$this, 'compare_FieldName')); return $fields; }
function core_dimensions_update_9_10() { $template_ot = ObjectTypes::findByName('template'); $users = Contacts::getAllUsers(); foreach ($users as $user) { /* @var $user Contact */ if (!$user->isAdminGroup()) { continue; } // don't allow to write emails for collaborators and guests $user_type_name = $user->getUserTypeName(); if ($template_ot instanceof ObjectType) { DB::executeAll("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "contact_member_permissions SET can_write=1, can_delete=1 WHERE object_type_id=" . $template_ot->getId() . " AND permission_group_id=" . $user->getPermissionGroupId()); } } $pgs = PermissionGroups::findAll(array("conditions" => "`name` in ('Super Administrator','Administrator')")); foreach ($pgs as $pg) { DB::executeAll("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "role_object_type_permissions SET can_write=1, can_delete=1 WHERE object_type_id=" . $template_ot->getId() . " AND role_id=" . $user->getPermissionGroupId()); } }
static function objectNotification($object, $people, $sender, $notification, $description = null, $descArgs = null, $properties = array(), $links = array()) { if (!is_array($people) || !count($people)) { return; } if ($sender instanceof Contact) { $sendername = $sender->getObjectName(); $senderemail = $sender->getEmailAddress(); $senderid = $sender->getId(); } else { $sendername = owner_company()->getObjectName(); $senderemail = owner_company()->getEmailAddress(); if (!is_valid_email($senderemail)) { $senderemail = '*****@*****.**'; } $senderid = 0; } $type = $object->getObjectTypeName(); $typename = lang($object->getObjectTypeName()); $name = $object instanceof Comment ? $object->getRelObject()->getObjectName() : $object->getObjectName(); $assigned_to = ""; $assigned_by = ""; if ($object instanceof ProjectTask) { if ($object->getAssignedTo() instanceof Contact) { $assigned_to = $object->getAssignedToName(); if ($object->getAssignedBy() instanceof Contact) { $assigned_by = $object->getAssignedBy()->getObjectName(); } } } $text = ""; //text, descripction or revision comment if ($object->columnExists('text') && trim($object->getColumnValue('text'))) { if ($object->getObjectTypeId() == "3" || $object->getObjectTypeId() == "5") { if (config_option("wysiwyg_tasks") || config_option("wysiwyg_messages")) { $text = purify_html(nl2br($object->getColumnValue('text'))); } else { $text = escape_html_whitespace("\n" . $object->getColumnValue('text')); } } else { $text = escape_html_whitespace("\n" . $object->getColumnValue('text')); } } if ($object->columnExists('description') && trim($object->getColumnValue('description'))) { if ($object->getObjectTypeId() == "3" || $object->getObjectTypeId() == "5") { if (config_option("wysiwyg_tasks") || config_option("wysiwyg_messages")) { $text = purify_html(nl2br($object->getColumnValue('description'))); } else { $text = escape_html_whitespace("\n" . $object->getColumnValue('description')); } } else { $text = escape_html_whitespace("\n" . $object->getColumnValue('description')); } } $text_comment = ""; if ($object instanceof ProjectFile && $object->getType() == ProjectFiles::TYPE_DOCUMENT) { $revision = $object->getLastRevision(); if (trim($revision->getComment())) { $text_comment = escape_html_whitespace("\n" . $revision->getComment()); } } //context $contexts = array(); $members = $object instanceof Comment ? $object->getRelObject()->getMembers() : $object->getMembers(); // Do not send context when edit a user if (!($object instanceof Contact && $notification == 'modified' && $object->getUserType() > 0)) { if (count($members) > 0) { foreach ($members as $member) { $dim = $member->getDimension(); if ($dim->getIsManageable()) { /* @var $member Member */ $parent_members = $member->getAllParentMembersInHierarchy(); $parents_str = ''; foreach ($parent_members as $pm) { /* @var $pm Member */ if (!$pm instanceof Member) { continue; } $parents_str .= '<span style="' . get_workspace_css_properties($pm->getMemberColor()) . '">' . $pm->getName() . '</span>'; } if ($dim->getCode() == "customer_project" || $dim->getCode() == "customers") { $obj_type = ObjectTypes::findById($member->getObjectTypeId()); if ($obj_type instanceof ObjectType) { $contexts[$dim->getCode()][$obj_type->getName()][] = $parents_str . '<span style="' . get_workspace_css_properties($member->getMemberColor()) . '">' . $member->getName() . '</span>'; } } else { $contexts[$dim->getCode()][] = $parents_str . '<span style="' . get_workspace_css_properties($member->getMemberColor()) . '">' . $member->getName() . '</span>'; } } } } } $attachments = array(); try { if ($object instanceof ProjectFile && ($object->getAttachToNotification() || $object->getFileType() && $object->getFileType()->getIsImage() && config_option('show images in document notifications') && in_array($object->getTypeString(), ProjectFiles::$image_types))) { if (FileRepository::getBackend() instanceof FileRepository_Backend_FileSystem) { $file_path = FileRepository::getBackend()->getFilePath($object->getLastRevision()->getRepositoryId()); } else { $file_path = ROOT . "/tmp/" . $object->getFilename(); $handle = fopen($file_path, 'wb'); fwrite($handle, $object->getLastRevision()->getFileContent(), $object->getLastRevision()->getFilesize()); fclose($handle); } $att_disposition = 'attachment'; if (config_option('show images in document notifications') && in_array($object->getTypeString(), ProjectFiles::$image_types)) { $att_disposition = 'inline'; } $attachments[] = array('cid' => gen_id() . substr($senderemail, strpos($senderemail, '@')), 'path' => $file_path, 'type' => $object->getTypeString(), 'disposition' => $att_disposition, 'name' => $object->getFilename()); } } catch (FileNotInRepositoryError $e) { // don't interrupt notifications. } if (trim($name) == "") { $name = lang($object->getObjectTypeName()) . " (" . lang('id') . ": " . $object->getId() . ")"; } tpl_assign('object', $object); tpl_assign('title', $name); //title tpl_assign('by', $assigned_by); //by tpl_assign('asigned', $assigned_to); //assigned to tpl_assign('description', $text); //descripction tpl_assign('revision_comment', $text_comment); //revision_comment tpl_assign('contexts', $contexts); //contexts $emails = array(); $grouped_people = self::buildPeopleGroups($people); foreach ($grouped_people as $pgroup) { $lang = array_var($pgroup, 'lang'); $timezone = array_var($pgroup, 'tz'); $group_users = array_var($pgroup, 'groups'); // contains arrays of users, with max size = 20 each one, a single email is sent foreach user group foreach ($group_users as $users) { $to_addresses = array(); foreach ($users as $user) { if (logged_user() instanceof Contact && logged_user()->getId() == $user->getId()) { $user->notify_myself = logged_user()->notify_myself; } if (($user->getId() != $senderid || $user->notify_myself) && ($object->canView($user) || $user->ignore_permissions_for_notifications)) { $to_addresses[$user->getId()] = self::prepareEmailAddress($user->getEmailAddress(), $user->getObjectName()); } } // build notification if (count($to_addresses) > 0) { if ($object instanceof Comment) { $subscribers = $object->getRelObject()->getSubscribers(); } else { $subscribers = $object->getSubscribers(); } //ALL SUBSCRIBERS if (count($subscribers) > 0) { $string_subscriber = ''; $total_s = count($subscribers); $c = 0; foreach ($subscribers as $subscriber) { $c++; if ($c == $total_s && $total_s > 1) { $string_subscriber .= " " . lang('and') . " "; } else { if ($c > 1) { $string_subscriber .= ", "; } } $string_subscriber .= $subscriber->getFirstName(); if ($subscriber->getSurname() != "") { $string_subscriber .= " " . $subscriber->getSurname(); } } tpl_assign('subscribers', $string_subscriber); // subscribers } // send notification on user's locale and with user info Localization::instance()->loadSettings($lang, ROOT . '/language'); if ($object instanceof Comment) { $object_comment = Objects::findObject($object->getRelObjectId()); $object_type_name = $object_comment->getObjectTypeName(); } else { $object_type_name = ''; } $object_type = strtolower(lang($object_type_name)); if ($object_type_name != "") { tpl_assign('object_comment_name', lang("the " . strtolower($object_type_name) . " notification")); //object_comment_name } if (!isset($description)) { $descArgs = array(clean($name), $sendername, $object_type, $object->getCreatedByDisplayName()); $description = "{$notification} notification {$type} desc"; } else { //reminders $date = ""; //due if ($object->columnExists('due_date') && $object->getColumnValue('due_date')) { if ($object->getColumnValue('due_date') instanceof DateTimeValue) { $date = Localization::instance()->formatDescriptiveDate($object->getColumnValue('due_date'), $timezone); $time = Localization::instance()->formatTime($object->getColumnValue('due_date'), $timezone); if ($time > 0) { $date .= " " . $time; } } } //start if ($object->columnExists('start') && $object->getColumnValue('start')) { if ($object->getColumnValue('start') instanceof DateTimeValue) { $date = Localization::instance()->formatDescriptiveDate($object->getColumnValue('start'), $timezone); $time = Localization::instance()->formatTime($object->getColumnValue('start'), $timezone); if ($time > 0) { $date .= " " . $time; } } } $descArgs = array(clean($name), $date != "" ? $date : $sendername, $object_type, $object->getCreatedByDisplayName(), $date); } tpl_assign('description_title', langA($description, $descArgs)); //description_title tpl_assign('priority', ''); //priority if ($object->columnExists('priority') && trim($object->getColumnValue('priority'))) { if ($object->getColumnValue('priority') >= ProjectTasks::PRIORITY_URGENT) { $priorityColor = "#FF0000"; $priority = lang('urgent priority'); } else { if ($object->getColumnValue('priority') >= ProjectTasks::PRIORITY_HIGH) { $priorityColor = "#FF9088"; $priority = lang('high priority'); } else { if ($object->getColumnValue('priority') <= ProjectTasks::PRIORITY_LOW) { $priorityColor = "white"; $priority = lang('low priority'); } else { $priorityColor = "#DAE3F0"; $priority = lang('normal priority'); } } } tpl_assign('priority', array($priority, $priorityColor)); //priority } //ESPECIAL ASSIGNED FOR EVENTS tpl_assign('start', ''); //start tpl_assign('time', ''); //time tpl_assign('duration', ''); //duration tpl_assign('guests', ''); // invitations tpl_assign('start_date', ''); //start_date tpl_assign('due_date', ''); //due_date $event_ot = ObjectTypes::findByName('event'); if ($object->getObjectTypeId() == $event_ot->getId()) { //start if ($object->getStart() instanceof DateTimeValue) { $date = Localization::instance()->formatDescriptiveDate($object->getStart(), $timezone); $time = Localization::instance()->formatTime($object->getStart(), $timezone); tpl_assign('start', $date); //start if ($object->getTypeId() != 2) { tpl_assign('time', $time); //time } } if ($object->getTypeId() != 2) { //duration if ($object->getDuration() instanceof DateTimeValue) { $durtime = $object->getDuration()->getTimestamp() - $object->getStart()->getTimestamp(); $durhr = $durtime / 3600 % 24; //seconds per hour tpl_assign('duration', $durhr . " hs"); //duration } } else { tpl_assign('duration', lang('all day event')); //duration } //invitations $guests = ""; $send_link = array(); $invitations = EventInvitations::findAll(array('conditions' => 'event_id = ' . $object->getId())); if (isset($invitations) && is_array($invitations)) { foreach ($invitations as $inv) { $inv_user = Contacts::findById($inv->getContactId()); if ($inv_user instanceof Contact) { if (can_access($inv_user, $object->getMembers(), ProjectEvents::instance()->getObjectTypeId(), ACCESS_LEVEL_READ)) { $state_desc = lang('pending response'); if ($inv->getInvitationState() == 1) { $state_desc = lang('yes'); } else { if ($inv->getInvitationState() == 2) { $state_desc = lang('no'); } else { if ($inv->getInvitationState() == 3) { $state_desc = lang('maybe'); } } } $guests .= '<div style="line-height: 20px; clear:both;">'; $guests .= '<div style="width: 35%;line-height: 20px; float: left;">' . clean($inv_user->getObjectName()) . '</div>'; $guests .= '<div style="line-height: 20px; float: left;">' . $state_desc . '</div></div>'; } if ($inv->getInvitationState() == 0) { $send_link[] = $inv_user->getId(); } } } } tpl_assign('guests', $guests); // invitations } else { //start date, due date or start if ($object->columnExists('start_date') && $object->getColumnValue('start_date')) { if ($object->getColumnValue('start_date') instanceof DateTimeValue) { $date = Localization::instance()->formatDescriptiveDate($object->getColumnValue('start_date'), $timezone); $time = Localization::instance()->formatTime($object->getColumnValue('start_date'), $timezone); if ($time > 0) { $date .= " " . $time; } } tpl_assign('start_date', $date); //start_date } if ($object->columnExists('due_date') && $object->getColumnValue('due_date')) { if ($object->getColumnValue('due_date') instanceof DateTimeValue) { $date = Localization::instance()->formatDescriptiveDate($object->getColumnValue('due_date'), $timezone); $time = Localization::instance()->formatTime($object->getColumnValue('due_date'), $timezone); if ($time > 0) { $date .= " " . $time; } } tpl_assign('due_date', $date); //due_date } } $toemail = $user->getEmailAddress(); try { $content = FileRepository::getBackend()->getFileContent(owner_company()->getPictureFile()); if ($content != "") { $file_path = ROOT . "/tmp/logo_empresa.png"; $handle = fopen($file_path, 'wb'); if ($handle) { fwrite($handle, $content); fclose($handle); $attachments['logo'] = array('cid' => gen_id() . substr($toemail, strpos($toemail, '@')), 'path' => $file_path, 'type' => 'image/png', 'disposition' => 'inline', 'name' => 'logo_empresa.png'); } } } catch (FileNotInRepositoryError $e) { unset($attachments['logo']); } tpl_assign('attachments', $attachments); // attachments $from = self::prepareEmailAddress($senderemail, $sendername); if (!$toemail) { continue; } $subject = htmlspecialchars_decode(langA("{$notification} notification {$type}", $descArgs)); if ($object instanceof ProjectFile && $object->getDefaultSubject() != "") { $subject = $object->getDefaultSubject(); tpl_assign('description_title', $subject); } $recipients_field = config_option('notification_recipients_field', 'to'); $emails[] = array("{$recipients_field}" => $to_addresses, "from" => self::prepareEmailAddress($senderemail, $sendername), "subject" => $subject, "body" => tpl_fetch(get_template_path('general', 'notifier')), "attachments" => $attachments); } } } self::queueEmails($emails); $locale = logged_user() instanceof Contact ? logged_user()->getLocale() : DEFAULT_LOCALIZATION; Localization::instance()->loadSettings($locale, ROOT . '/language'); }
function get_template_tasks_data() { ajx_current("empty"); $ids = explode(',', array_var($_REQUEST, 'ids')); foreach ($ids as $k => &$id) { if (!is_numeric($id)) { unset($ids[$k]); } } $objects = array(); if (count($ids) > 0) { $tasks = TemplateTasks::findAll(array('conditions' => 'id IN (' . implode(',', $ids) . ')')); $ot = ObjectTypes::findByName('template_task'); foreach ($tasks as $task) { $objects[] = $this->prepareObject($task->getId(), $task->getId(), $task->getObjectName(), $ot->getName(), $task->manager(), "", $task->getMilestoneId(), array(), $task->getParentId(), 'ico-task'); } } ajx_extra_data(array('tasks' => $objects)); }
//check email if(!og.checkValidEmailAddress(mail)){ container.closest(".widget-body").removeClass("loading"); og.err("<?php echo lang('invalid email address'); ?> "); return; } var user_type = container.find('select[name="contact[user][type]"] option:selected').val(); var company_id = container.find('select[name="contact[user][company_id]"] option:selected').val(); var postVars = { 'member[object_type_id]': <?php echo ObjectTypes::findByName('person')->getId(); ?> , 'member[name]': value, 'member[parent_member_id]' : parent, 'member[dimension_id]': <?php echo Dimensions::findByCode('feng_persons')->getId(); ?> , 'contact[email]': mail, 'contact[user][create-user]' : create_user, 'contact[user][type]': user_type, 'contact[user][company_id]': company_id }; var firstName = '';
function workspaces_additional_dashboard_actions($ignored, &$actions) { $ws_dim = Dimensions::findByCode('workspaces'); $wot = ObjectTypes::findByName('workspace'); $wdot = DimensionObjectTypes::findOne(array('conditions' => 'dimension_id=' . $ws_dim->getId() . ' AND object_type_id=' . $wot->getId())); if ($wdot instanceof DimensionObjectType && $wdot->getEnabled()) { if (active_context_can_contain_member_type($ws_dim->getId(), $wot->getId())) { $actions[] = array('id' => 'workspaces-list', 'assoc_ot' => $wot->getId(), 'assoc_dim' => $ws_dim->getId(), 'name' => lang('workspaces list'), 'class' => 'link-ico ico-workspace', 'onclick' => "og.openLink(og.getUrl('member', 'init', {dim_id:" . $ws_dim->getId() . ", type_id:" . $wot->getId() . "}), {caller:'" . $ws_dim->getCode() . "'}); return false;"); } } $tags_dim = Dimensions::findByCode('tags'); $tot = ObjectTypes::findByName('tag'); $tdot = DimensionObjectTypes::findOne(array('conditions' => 'dimension_id=' . $tags_dim->getId() . ' AND object_type_id=' . $tot->getId())); if ($tdot instanceof DimensionObjectType && $tdot->getEnabled()) { if (active_context_can_contain_member_type($tags_dim->getId(), $tot->getId())) { $actions[] = array('id' => 'tags-list', 'assoc_ot' => $tot->getId(), 'assoc_dim' => $tags_dim->getId(), 'name' => lang('tags list'), 'class' => 'link-ico ico-tag', 'onclick' => "og.openLink(og.getUrl('member', 'init', {dim_id:" . $tags_dim->getId() . ", type_id:" . $tot->getId() . "}), {caller:'" . $tags_dim->getCode() . "'}); return false;"); } } }
/** * Execute search * TODO: Performance gus: * Fetch only ids and execute a select statement by pk (fer each result) * @param void * @return null */ function search() { // Init vars $search_for = array_var($_GET, 'search_for'); $search_dimension = array_var($_GET, 'search_dimension'); $advanced = array_var($_GET, 'advanced'); $minWordLength = $this->minWordLength($search_for); $useLike = ( $minWordLength && ($this->ignoreMinWordLength) && ($minWordLength < self::$MYSQL_MIN_WORD_LENGHT) ); $search_pieces= explode(" ", $search_for); $search_string = ""; if (!$useLike){ // Prepare MATCH AGAINST string foreach ($search_pieces as $word ) { if (( strpos($word, "@") || strpos($word, ".") || strpos($word, ",")) === false ) { // STRING Dont containt special characheters that mysql use as separator. Noramal flow if ($this->wildCardSearch) { $word.="*"; } }else{ $word = str_replace($this->mysqlWordSeparator, " +", $word) ; } if ( !str_starts_with($word, " ") ) { $word = " +".$word; } $search_string .= mysql_real_escape_string( $word ). " "; } $search_string = substr($search_string, 0 , -1); }else{ // USE Like Query $search_string = mysql_real_escape_string($search_for, DB::connection()->getLink()); } $this->search_for = $search_for; $limit = $this->limit; $start = array_var($_REQUEST, 'start' , $this->start); $this->start = $start; $limitTest = max( $this->limitTest , $this->limit); $filteredResults = 0; $uid = logged_user()->getId(); if(!isset($search_dimension)){ $members = active_context_members(false); }else{ if($search_dimension == 0){ $members = array(); }else{ $members = array($search_dimension); } } // click on search everywhere if (array_var($_REQUEST, 'search_all_projects')) { $members = array(); } $revisionObjectTypeId = ObjectTypes::findByName("file revision")->getId(); $members_sql = ""; if(count($members) > 0){ $members_sql = "AND (rel_object_id IN (SELECT object_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_members om WHERE member_id IN (" . implode ( ',', $members ) . ") GROUP BY object_id HAVING count(member_id) = ".count($members).") OR o.object_type_id = $revisionObjectTypeId AND rel_object_id IN (SELECT fr.object_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_members om INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."project_file_revisions fr ON om.object_id=fr.file_id WHERE member_id IN (" . implode ( ',', $members ) . ") GROUP BY object_id HAVING count(member_id) = ".count($members)."))"; $this->search_dimension = implode ( ',', $members ); }else{ $this->search_dimension = 0; } $listableObjectTypeIds = implode(",",ObjectTypes::getListableObjectTypeIds()); if($_POST) { $conditions = array_var($_POST, 'conditions'); $search = array_var($_POST, 'search'); $type_object = array_var($search, 'search_object_type_id'); if(!is_array($conditions)) $conditions = array(); $where_condiition = ''; $conditions_view = array(); $cont = 0; $joincp =""; foreach($conditions as $condition){ $condValue = array_key_exists('value', $condition) ? $condition['value'] : ''; if($condition['field_type'] == 'boolean'){ $value = array_key_exists('value', $condition); }else if($condition['field_type'] == 'date'){ if ($condValue != '') { $dtFromWidget = DateTimeValueLib::dateFromFormatAndString(user_config_option('date_format'), $condValue); $value = date("m/d/Y", $dtFromWidget->getTimestamp()); } }else{ $value = mysql_real_escape_string($condValue, DB::connection()->getLink()); } $condition_condition = mysql_real_escape_string(array_var($condition, 'condition'), DB::connection()->getLink()); $condition_field_name = mysql_real_escape_string(array_var($condition, 'field_name'), DB::connection()->getLink()); $conditionLocal = "like"; tpl_assign('type_object', $type_object); if (isset($condition['custom_property_id']) and is_numeric($condition['custom_property_id'])){ $condition_field_name = 'value'; $joincp = 'JOIN fo_custom_property_values cp ON cp.object_id = so.rel_object_id'; }; if ($condition_condition == "=" or $condition_condition == ">" or $condition_condition == "<" or $condition_condition == "<>" or $condition_condition == ">=" or $condition_condition == "<="){ $conditionLocal = $condition_condition; }; if($condition_field_name == "id"){ $condition_field_name = "o`.`id" ; }; if($condition_condition == "like"){ $where_condiition .= " AND `" . $condition_field_name . "` " . "like" . " '%" . $value . "%' "; }else if($condition_condition == "ends with"){ $where_condiition .= " AND `" . $condition_field_name . "` " . "like" . " '%" . $value . "' "; }else if($condition_condition == "start with"){ $where_condiition .= " AND `" . $condition_field_name . "` " . "like" . " '" . $value . "%' "; }else if($condition_condition == "not like"){ $where_condiition .= " AND `" . $condition_field_name . "` " . "not like" . " '%" . $value . "%' "; }else{ $where_condiition .= " AND `" . $condition_field_name . "` " . $conditionLocal . " '" . $value . "' "; } $conditions_view[$cont]['id'] = $condition['id']; $conditions_view[$cont]['custom_property_id'] = $custom_prop_id; $conditions_view[$cont]['field_name'] = $condition['field_name']; $conditions_view[$cont]['condition'] = $condition['condition']; $conditions_view[$cont]['value'] = $value; $cont++; } tpl_assign('conditions', $conditions_view); if($type_object){ $object_table = ObjectTypes::findById($type_object); $table = $object_table->getTableName(); } $sql = " SELECT distinct(so.rel_object_id) AS id FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."searchable_objects so ".$joincp." INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX.$table." nto ON nto.object_id = so.rel_object_id INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."objects o ON = so.rel_object_id WHERE ( ( so.rel_object_id IN ( SELECT object_id FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."sharing_table WHERE group_id IN ( SELECT permission_group_id FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."contact_permission_groups WHERE contact_id = $uid ) ) ) ) " . $where_condiition . $members_sql . " ORDER by o.updated_on DESC LIMIT $start, $limitTest "; } else { $type_object = ''; $sql = " SELECT distinct(so.rel_object_id) AS id FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."searchable_objects so INNER JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."objects o ON = so.rel_object_id WHERE ( ( o.object_type_id = $revisionObjectTypeId AND EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."sharing_table WHERE object_id = ( SELECT file_id FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."project_file_revisions WHERE object_id = ) AND group_id IN (SELECT permission_group_id FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."contact_permission_groups WHERE contact_id = $uid ) ) ) OR ( so.rel_object_id IN ( SELECT object_id FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."sharing_table WHERE group_id IN ( SELECT permission_group_id FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."contact_permission_groups WHERE contact_id = $uid ) ) ) )" . (($useLike) ? "AND so.content LIKE '%$search_string%' " : "AND MATCH (so.content) AGAINST ('$search_string' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ") . " AND o.object_type_id IN ($listableObjectTypeIds) " . $members_sql . " ORDER by o.updated_on DESC LIMIT $start, $limitTest "; } tpl_assign('type_object', $type_object); $db_search_results = array(); $search_results_ids = array(); $timeBegin = time(); $res = DB::execute($sql); $timeEnd = time(); while ($row = $res->fetchRow() ) { $search_results_ids[] = $row['id'] ; } // Prepare results for view to avoid processing at presentation layer $search_results = $this->prepareResults($search_results_ids, $null, $limit); // Calculate or approximate total for pagination $total = count($search_results_ids) + $start ; if ( count ( $search_results_ids ) < $limitTest ) { $total = count($search_results_ids) + $start ; }else{ $total = "Many" ; } //$total -= $filteredResults ; $this->total = $total ; // Pagination $this->buildPagination($search_results, $search_for); // Extra data $extra = new stdClass() ; if ($this->showQueryTime) { $extra->time = $timeEnd-$timeBegin ; } //$extra->filteredResults = $filteredResults ; // Template asigns tpl_assign('pagination', $this->pagination); tpl_assign('search_string', $search_for); tpl_assign('search_dimension', $this->search_dimension); tpl_assign('search_results', $search_results); tpl_assign('advanced', $advanced); tpl_assign('extra', $extra ); $types = array(array("", lang("select one"))); $object_types = ObjectTypes::getAvailableObjectTypes(); foreach ($object_types as $ot) { $types[] = array($ot->getId(), lang($ot->getName())); } // if ($selected_type != '') // tpl_assign('allowed_columns', $this->get_allowed_columns($selected_type)); tpl_assign('object_types', $types); //Ajax if (!$total && !$advanced){ if($_POST && count($search_results < 0)){ tpl_assign('msg_advanced', true); }else{ $this->setTemplate('no_results'); } } ajx_set_no_toolbar(true); }
function render_widget_option_input($widget_option, $genid = null) { if (is_null($genid)) { $genid = gen_id(); } $output = ""; $name = 'widgets[' . $widget_option['widget'] . '][options][' . $widget_option['option'] . ']'; switch ($widget_option['handler']) { case 'UserCompanyConfigHandler': if ($widget_option['widget'] == 'overdue_upcoming') { $ot = ObjectTypes::findByName('task'); } else { break; } $users = allowed_users_in_context($ot->getId(), array(), ACCESS_LEVEL_READ, '', true); $output .= "<select name='{$name}' id='" . $genid . $name . "' onchange='og.on_widget_select_option_change(this);'>"; $sel = $widget_option['value'] == 0 ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $output .= "<option value='0' {$sel}>" . lang('everyone') . "</option>"; foreach ($users as $user) { $sel = $widget_option['value'] == $user->getId() ? 'selected="selected"' : ''; $output .= "<option value='" . $user->getId() . "' {$sel}>" . $user->getObjectName() . "</option>"; } $output .= "</select>"; break; case 'BooleanConfigHandler': $output .= yes_no_widget($name, $genid . $name, $widget_option['value'], lang('yes'), lang('no'), null, array('onchange' => 'og.on_widget_radio_option_change(this);')); break; default: break; } return $output; }
<?php $genid = gen_id(); $selectedPage = user_config_option('custom_report_tab'); $customReports = Reports::getAllReportsByObjectType(); $active_members = active_context_members(false); if (count($active_members) > 0) { $report = new Report(); $can_add_reports = $report->canAdd(logged_user(), active_context()); } else { $can_add_reports = logged_user()->isManager() || logged_user()->isAdminGroup(); } $reports_by_type = array(); $object_types = ObjectTypes::getAvailableObjectTypes(); $object_types[] = ObjectTypes::findByName('timeslot'); Hook::fire('custom_reports_object_types', array('object_types' => $object_types), $object_types); foreach ($object_types as $ot) { $reports_by_type[$ot->getId()] = array("name" => $ot->getName(), "display_name" => lang($ot->getName()), "icon_class" => $ot->getIconClass()); } $ignored = null; Hook::fire('modify_report_pages', $ignored, $reports_by_type); // To add, edit or remove report pages $default_reports = array('task time report' => array('url' => get_url('reporting', 'total_task_times_p'), 'name' => lang('task time report'), 'description' => lang('task time report description'))); Hook::fire('modify_default_reports', $ignored, $default_reports); // To add, edit or remove default reports Hook::fire('add_report_categories', $ignored, $report_categories); Hook::fire('add_reports_by_category', $ignored, $reports_by_category); require_javascript("og/ReportingFunctions.js"); ?> <div>
<div class="custom-properties"><?php require_javascript("og/CustomProperties.js"); $ot = ObjectTypes::findById($member->getObjectTypeId()); if ($ot->getName() == 'project_folder' || $ot->getName() == 'customer_folder') { $ot = ObjectTypes::findByName('folder'); } $cps = MemberCustomProperties::getAllMemberCustomPropertiesByObjectType($ot->getId(), $visibility); if ($visibility == 'others' && count($cps) == 0 && Plugins::instance()->isActivePlugin('member_custom_properties')) { echo lang('there are no custom properties defined message', strtolower(lang($ot->getName())), escape_character($member->getName())); echo '<br />' . lang('there are no custom properties defined link'); } if (!$parent_member) { $parent_member = 0; } $ti = 0; if (!isset($genid)) { $genid = gen_id(); } if (!isset($startTi)) { $startTi = 10000; } if (count($cps) > 0) { $print_table_functions = false; foreach ($cps as $customProp) { if (!isset($required) || $required && ($customProp->getIsRequired() || $customProp->getVisibleByDefault()) || !$required && !($customProp->getIsRequired() || $customProp->getVisibleByDefault())) { $ti++; $cpv = MemberCustomPropertyValues::getMemberCustomPropertyValue($member->getId(), $customProp->getId()); $default_value = $customProp->getDefaultValue(); if ($cpv instanceof MemberCustomPropertyValue) { $default_value = $cpv->getValue(); }
function adjust_root_permissions($group, $root_perm_info = null) { // ROOT PERMISSIONS if (!is_null($root_perm_info)) { // user does not have permissions for object_type_ids $root_permissions_sharing_table_delete = array_var($root_perm_info, 'root_permissions_sharing_table_delete'); if (is_array($root_permissions_sharing_table_delete)) { foreach ($root_permissions_sharing_table_delete as $object_type_id) { $cond = "group_id={$group} AND object_id IN (SELECT FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "objects o WHERE o.object_type_id = {$object_type_id} AND NOT EXISTS(\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT om.object_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_members om WHERE AND om.member_id IN (SELECT FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "members m WHERE m.dimension_id IN (\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dimensions d WHERE d.is_manageable=1\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t))"; SharingTables::instance()->delete($cond); } } // user has permissions for object_type_ids $root_permissions_sharing_table_add = array_var($root_perm_info, 'root_permissions_sharing_table_add'); if (is_array($root_permissions_sharing_table_add)) { $file_ot = ObjectTypes::findByName('file'); foreach ($root_permissions_sharing_table_add as $object_type_id) { $additional_where = ""; $additional_join = ""; if ($file_ot->getId() == $object_type_id && Plugins::instance()->isActivePlugin('mail')) { $additional_join .= "INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_files e ON"; $additional_where .= "AND IF(e.mail_id=0, true, EXISTS (SELECT mac.contact_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "mail_account_contacts mac \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE mac.contact_id IN (SELECT cpg.contact_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "contact_permission_groups cpg WHERE permission_group_id={$group}) \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND mac.account_id=(SELECT mc.account_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "mail_contents mc WHERE mc.object_id=e.mail_id)))"; } $sql = "SELECT FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "objects o {$additional_join} WHERE o.object_type_id = {$object_type_id} AND NOT EXISTS(\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT om.object_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_members om WHERE AND om.member_id IN (SELECT FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "members m WHERE m.dimension_id IN (\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "dimensions d WHERE d.is_manageable=1\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t))\r\n\t\t\t\t\t) {$additional_where}"; $rows = DB::executeAll($sql); $ids = array_flat($rows); $values = ""; foreach ($ids as $id) { $values .= ($values == "" ? "" : ",") . "('{$id}','{$group}')"; } DB::execute("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sharing_table (object_id, group_id) VALUES {$values} ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE group_id=group_id;"); } } } }
container.closest(".widget-body").addClass("loading"); var value = $(container).find("input.add-person-field").val(); if (value) { var parent = 0 ; var create_user = ( container.find('input[name="contact[user][create-user]"]').is(':checked') ) ?'on':'' ; //var password = container.find('input[name="contact[user][password]"]').val(); //var password_a =container.find('input[name="contact[user][password_a]"]').val(); var mail = container.find('input[name="contact[email]"]').val(); var user_type = container.find('select[name="contact[user][type]"] option:selected').val(); var company_id = container.find('select[name="contact[user][company_id]"] option:selected').val(); var postVars = { 'member[object_type_id]': <?php echo ObjectTypes::findByName('person')->getId()?> , 'member[name]': value, 'member[parent_member_id]' : parent, 'member[dimension_id]': <?php echo Dimensions::findByCode('feng_persons')->getId()?>, 'contact[email]': mail, 'contact[user][create-user]' : create_user, 'contact[user][type]': user_type, 'contact[user][company_id]': company_id }; var firstName = ''; var surname = ''; var nameParts = value.split(' '); if (nameParts && nameParts.length > 1) { for ( var i in nameParts ){ if (i == "remove") continue;
function permission_member_form_parameters($member = null, $dimension_id = null) { if ($member) { $dim = $member->getDimension(); } elseif (array_var($_REQUEST, 'dim_id')) { $dim = Dimensions::getDimensionById(array_var($_REQUEST, 'dim_id')); } elseif (!is_null($dimension_id)) { $dim = Dimensions::getDimensionById($dimension_id); } if (!$dim instanceof Dimension) { Logger::log("Invalid dimension: " . ($member instanceof Member ? " for member " . $member->getId() : "request: " . print_r($_REQUEST, 1))); throw new Exception("Invalid dimension"); } if (logged_user()->isMemberOfOwnerCompany()) { $companies = Contacts::findAll(array("conditions" => "is_company = 1 AND object_id IN (SELECT company_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "contacts WHERE user_type>0 AND disabled=0)", 'order' => 'first_name')); } else { $companies = array(owner_company()); if (logged_user()->getCompany() instanceof Contact) { $companies[] = logged_user()->getCompany(); } } $allowed_object_types = array(); $dim_obj_types = $dim->getAllowedObjectTypeContents(); foreach ($dim_obj_types as $dim_obj_type) { // To draw a row for each object type of the dimension if (!array_key_exists($dim_obj_type->getContentObjectTypeId(), $allowed_object_types) && (!$member || $dim_obj_type->getDimensionObjectTypeId() == $member->getObjectTypeId())) { $allowed_object_types[$dim_obj_type->getContentObjectTypeId()] = ObjectTypes::findById($dim_obj_type->getContentObjectTypeId()); $allowed_object_types_json[] = $dim_obj_type->getContentObjectTypeId(); } } $permission_groups = array(); foreach ($companies as $company) { $users = $company->getUsersByCompany(); foreach ($users as $u) { $permission_groups[] = $u->getPermissionGroupId(); } } $no_company_users = Contacts::getAllUsers("AND `company_id` = 0", true); foreach ($no_company_users as $noc_user) { $permission_groups[] = $noc_user->getPermissionGroupId(); } $non_personal_groups = PermissionGroups::getNonRolePermissionGroups(); foreach ($non_personal_groups as $group) { $permission_groups[] = $group->getId(); } $disabled_ots = array(); $disableds = DB::executeAll("SELECT object_type_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "tab_panels WHERE object_type_id>0 AND enabled=0"); if (is_array($disableds)) { $disabled_ots = array_flat($disableds); } $ws_ot = ObjectTypes::findByName('workspace')->getId(); $disabled_ots[] = $ws_ot; $disabled_ot_cond = ""; if (count($disabled_ots) > 0) { $disabled_ot_cond = "AND object_type_id NOT IN (" . implode(",", $disabled_ots) . ")"; } foreach ($permission_groups as $pg_id) { if ($dim->hasAllowAllForContact($pg_id)) { $member_permissions[$pg_id] = array(); foreach ($dim_obj_types as $dim_obj_type) { if ($member && $dim_obj_type->getDimensionObjectTypeId() == $member->getObjectTypeId()) { $member_permissions[$pg_id][] = array('o' => $dim_obj_type->getContentObjectTypeId(), 'w' => 1, 'd' => 1, 'r' => 1); } elseif (!$member) { // WHEN CREATING a new member dont allow any user $member_permissions[$pg_id][] = array('o' => $dim_obj_type->getContentObjectTypeId(), 'w' => 0, 'd' => 0, 'r' => 0); } } } else { if (!$dim->deniesAllForContact($pg_id)) { $member_permissions[$pg_id] = array(); if ($member) { $mpgs = ContactMemberPermissions::findAll(array("conditions" => array("`permission_group_id` = ? AND `member_id` = ? \r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tAND object_type_id IN (" . implode(',', $allowed_object_types_json) . ") {$disabled_ot_cond}", $pg_id, $member->getId()))); if (is_array($mpgs)) { foreach ($mpgs as $mpg) { $member_permissions[$mpg->getPermissionGroupId()][] = array('o' => $mpg->getObjectTypeId(), 'w' => $mpg->getCanWrite() ? 1 : 0, 'd' => $mpg->getCanDelete() ? 1 : 0, 'r' => 1); } } } } } } return array('member' => $member, 'allowed_object_types' => $allowed_object_types, 'allowed_object_types_json' => $allowed_object_types_json, 'permission_groups' => $permission_groups, 'member_permissions' => isset($member_permissions) ? $member_permissions : array()); }
/** * Execute search * TODO: Performance gus: * Fetch only ids and execute a select statement by pk (fer each result) * @param void * @return null */ function search() { // Init vars $search_for = array_var($_GET, 'search_for'); $search_dimension = array_var($_GET, 'search_dimension'); $advanced = array_var($_GET, 'advanced'); $minWordLength = $this->minWordLength($search_for); $useLike = $minWordLength && $this->ignoreMinWordLength && $minWordLength < self::$MYSQL_MIN_WORD_LENGHT; $search_pieces = explode(" ", $search_for); $search_string = ""; if (!$useLike) { // Prepare MATCH AGAINST string foreach ($search_pieces as $word) { if ((strpos($word, "@") || strpos($word, ".") || strpos($word, ",")) === false) { // STRING Dont containt special characheters that mysql use as separator. Noramal flow if ($this->wildCardSearch) { $word .= "*"; } } else { $word = str_replace($this->mysqlWordSeparator, " +", $word); } if (!str_starts_with($word, " ")) { $word = " +" . $word; } $search_string .= mysql_escape_string($word) . " "; } $search_string = substr($search_string, 0, -1); } else { // USE Like Query $search_string = mysql_escape_string($search_for); } $this->search_for = $search_for; $limit = $this->limit; $start = array_var($_REQUEST, 'start', $this->start); $this->start = $start; $limitTest = max($this->limitTest, $this->limit); $filteredResults = 0; $uid = logged_user()->getId(); if (!isset($search_dimension)) { $members = active_context_members(false); } else { if ($search_dimension == 0) { $members = array(); } else { $members = array($search_dimension); } } $members_sql = ""; if (count($members) > 0) { $members_sql = "AND rel_object_id IN (SELECT object_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "object_members om WHERE member_id IN (" . implode(',', $members) . ") \n GROUP BY object_id\n HAVING count(member_id) = " . count($members) . ")"; $this->search_dimension = implode(',', $members); } else { $this->search_dimension = 0; } $revisionObjectTypeId = ObjectTypes::findByName("file revision")->getId(); $listableObjectTypeIds = implode(",", ObjectTypes::getListableObjectTypeIds()); if ($_POST) { $conditions = array_var($_POST, 'conditions'); $search = array_var($_POST, 'search'); $type_object = array_var($search, 'search_object_type_id'); if (!is_array($conditions)) { $conditions = array(); } $where_condiition = ''; $conditions_view = array(); $cont = 0; foreach ($conditions as $condition) { $condValue = array_key_exists('value', $condition) ? $condition['value'] : ''; if ($condition['field_type'] == 'boolean') { $value = array_key_exists('value', $condition); } else { if ($condition['field_type'] == 'date') { if ($condValue != '') { $dtFromWidget = DateTimeValueLib::dateFromFormatAndString(user_config_option('date_format'), $condValue); $value = date("m/d/Y", $dtFromWidget->getTimestamp()); } } else { $value = $condValue; } } if ($condition['condition'] == "like") { $where_condiition .= " AND " . $condition['field_name'] . " " . $condition['condition'] . " '" . $value . "%' "; } else { $where_condiition .= " AND " . $condition['field_name'] . " " . $condition['condition'] . " '" . $value . "' "; } $conditions_view[$cont]['id'] = $condition['id']; $conditions_view[$cont]['custom_property_id'] = $condition['custom_property_id']; $conditions_view[$cont]['field_name'] = $condition['field_name']; $conditions_view[$cont]['condition'] = $condition['condition']; $conditions_view[$cont]['value'] = $value; $cont++; } tpl_assign('conditions', $conditions_view); if ($type_object) { $object_table = ObjectTypes::findById($type_object); $table = $object_table->getTableName(); } $sql = "\t\n\t\t\tSELECT distinct(so.rel_object_id) AS id\n\t\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "searchable_objects so\n INNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . $table . " nto ON nto.object_id = so.rel_object_id \n\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "objects o ON = so.rel_object_id \n\t\t\tWHERE (\n\t\t\t\t(\n\t\t\t\t\tso.rel_object_id IN (\n\t\t\t \t\tSELECT object_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sharing_table WHERE group_id IN (\n\t\t\t \t\t\tSELECT permission_group_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "contact_permission_groups WHERE contact_id = {$uid}\n\t\t\t \t\t)\n\t\t\t \t\t)\n\t\t\t \t)\n\t\t\t) " . $where_condiition . $members_sql . " ORDER by o.updated_on DESC\n\t\t\tLIMIT {$start}, {$limitTest} "; } else { $type_object = ''; $sql = "\t\n\t\t\tSELECT distinct(so.rel_object_id) AS id\n\t\t\tFROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "searchable_objects so\n\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . "objects o ON = so.rel_object_id \n\t\t\tWHERE (\n\t\t\t\t(\t\n\t\t\t\t\to.object_type_id = {$revisionObjectTypeId} AND \n\t\t\t\t\tEXISTS ( \n\t\t\t\t\t\tSELECT id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sharing_table WHERE object_id = ( SELECT file_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "project_file_revisions WHERE object_id = ) \n\t\t\t\t\t\tAND group_id IN (SELECT permission_group_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "contact_permission_groups WHERE contact_id = {$uid} )\n\t\t\t\t\t)\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t) \n\t\t\t\tOR (\n\t\t\t\t\tso.rel_object_id IN (\n\t\t\t \t\tSELECT object_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "sharing_table WHERE group_id IN (\n\t\t\t \t\t\tSELECT permission_group_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "contact_permission_groups WHERE contact_id = {$uid}\n\t\t\t \t\t)\n\t\t\t \t\t)\n\t\t\t \t)\n\t\t\t)" . ($useLike ? "AND\tso.content LIKE '%{$search_string}%' " : "AND MATCH (so.content) AGAINST ('{$search_string}' IN BOOLEAN MODE) ") . " \n\t\t\tAND o.object_type_id IN ({$listableObjectTypeIds}) \n " . $members_sql . "\n\t\t\tORDER by o.updated_on DESC\n\t\t\tLIMIT {$start}, {$limitTest} "; } tpl_assign('type_object', $type_object); $db_search_results = array(); $search_results_ids = array(); $timeBegin = time(); $res = DB::execute($sql); $timeEnd = time(); if ($this->debug) { alert_r("<br>SQL:<br>" . $sql . "<hr>TIME:" . ($timeEnd - $timeBegin)); } while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) { $search_results_ids[] = $row['id']; } // Prepare results for view to avoid processing at presentation layer $search_results = $this->prepareResults($search_results_ids, $null, $limit); // Calculate or approximate total for pagination $total = count($search_results_ids) + $start; if (count($search_results_ids) < $limitTest) { $total = count($search_results_ids) + $start; } else { $total = "Many"; } //$total -= $filteredResults ; $this->total = $total; // Pagination $this->buildPagination($search_results); // Extra data $extra = new stdClass(); if ($this->showQueryTime) { $extra->time = $timeEnd - $timeBegin; } //$extra->filteredResults = $filteredResults ; // Template asigns tpl_assign('pagination', $this->pagination); tpl_assign('search_string', $search_for); tpl_assign('search_dimension', $this->search_dimension); tpl_assign('search_results', $search_results); tpl_assign('advanced', $advanced); tpl_assign('extra', $extra); $types = array(array("", lang("select one"))); $object_types = ObjectTypes::getAvailableObjectTypes(); foreach ($object_types as $ot) { $types[] = array($ot->getId(), lang($ot->getName())); } // if ($selected_type != '') // tpl_assign('allowed_columns', $this->get_allowed_columns($selected_type)); tpl_assign('object_types', $types); // //Ajax if (!$total && !$advanced) { if ($_POST && count($search_results < 0)) { tpl_assign('msg_advanced', true); } else { $this->setTemplate('no_results'); } } ajx_set_no_toolbar(true); }
} } } if ($show_widget) { $extra_conditions = " AND parent_member_id " . ($add_ctx_members && count($allowed_members) > 0 ? "IN (" . implode(",", $allowed_members) . ")" : "=0"); $parent = null; $context = active_context(); if (is_array($context)) { foreach ($context as $selection) { if ($selection instanceof Member && $selection->getDimensionId() == $ws_dimension->getId()) { $parent = $selection; break; } } } $ws_ot_id = ObjectTypes::findByName('workspace')->getId(); $pg_array = logged_user()->getPermissionGroupIds(); $current_member_cond = $parent instanceof Member ? "AND parent_member_id=" . $parent->getId() : ""; $members = Members::findAll(array('limit' => $limit, 'order' => "depth, name", 'conditions' => "object_type_id={$ws_ot_id} {$current_member_cond} AND archived_by_id=0 AND EXISTS (\r\n\t\t\tSELECT cmp.member_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "contact_member_permissions cmp WHERE cmp.member_id=" . TABLE_PREFIX . " AND cmp.permission_group_id IN (" . implode(',', $pg_array) . "))")); if ($parent instanceof Member && count($members) < $limit) { $tmp_ids = array(); foreach ($members as $m) { $tmp_ids[] = $m->getId(); } $extra_conds = "AND archived_by_id=0 AND EXISTS (\r\n\t\t\tSELECT cmp.member_id FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "contact_member_permissions cmp WHERE cmp.member_id=" . TABLE_PREFIX . " AND cmp.permission_group_id IN (" . implode(',', $pg_array) . "))"; $childs = $parent->getAllChildren(true, 'name', $extra_conds); foreach ($childs as $ch) { if (in_array($ch->getId(), $tmp_ids)) { continue; } if ($ch->getObjectTypeId() == $ws_ot_id && count($members) <= $limit) {
private function get_allowed_columns($object_type) { $fields = array(); if (isset($object_type)) { $customProperties = CustomProperties::getAllCustomPropertiesByObjectType($object_type); $objectFields = array(); foreach ($customProperties as $cp) { if ($cp->getType() == 'table') { continue; } $fields[] = array('id' => $cp->getId(), 'name' => $cp->getName(), 'type' => $cp->getType(), 'values' => $cp->getValues(), 'multiple' => $cp->getIsMultipleValues()); } $ot = ObjectTypes::findById($object_type); if (class_exists($ot->getHandlerClass())) { eval('$managerInstance = ' . $ot->getHandlerClass() . "::instance();"); $objectColumns = $managerInstance->getColumns(); } else { $objectColumns = array(); } $objectFields = array(); if (class_exists($ot->getHandlerClass())) { $objectColumns = array_diff($objectColumns, $managerInstance->getSystemColumns()); foreach ($objectColumns as $column) { $objectFields[$column] = $managerInstance->getColumnType($column); } } $common_columns = Objects::instance()->getColumns(false); if (class_exists($ot->getHandlerClass())) { $common_columns = array_diff_key($common_columns, array_flip($managerInstance->getSystemColumns())); } $objectFields = array_merge($objectFields, $common_columns); foreach ($objectFields as $name => $type) { if ($type == DATA_TYPE_FLOAT || $type == DATA_TYPE_INTEGER) { $type = 'numeric'; } else { if ($type == DATA_TYPE_STRING) { $type = 'text'; } else { if ($type == DATA_TYPE_BOOLEAN) { $type = 'boolean'; } else { if ($type == DATA_TYPE_DATE || $type == DATA_TYPE_DATETIME) { $type = 'date'; } } } } $field_name = Localization::instance()->lang('field ' . $ot->getHandlerClass() . ' ' . $name); if (is_null($field_name)) { $field_name = lang('field Objects ' . $name); } $fields_array = array('id' => $name, 'name' => $field_name, 'type' => $type); $task_ot = ObjectTypes::findByName('task'); if ($task_ot instanceof ObjectType && $object_type == $task_ot->getId() && $name == 'priority') { $fields_array = array('id' => 'priority', 'name' => lang('priority'), 'type' => 'list', 'values' => '100,200,300,400'); } $fields[] = $fields_array; } if (class_exists($ot->getHandlerClass())) { $externalFields = $managerInstance->getExternalColumns(); foreach ($externalFields as $extField) { $field_name = Localization::instance()->lang('field ' . $ot->getHandlerClass() . ' ' . $extField); if (is_null($field_name)) { $field_name = lang('field Objects ' . $extField); } $fields[] = array('id' => $extField, 'name' => $field_name, 'type' => 'external', 'multiple' => 0); } } //if Object type is person $contact_ot = ObjectTypes::findByName('contact'); if ($contact_ot instanceof ObjectType && $object_type == $contact_ot->getId()) { $fields[] = array('id' => 'is_user', 'name' => lang('is_user'), 'type' => 'boolean'); $fields[] = array('id' => 'email_address', 'name' => lang('email address'), 'type' => 'text'); $fields[] = array('id' => 'mobile_phone', 'name' => lang('mobile phone'), 'type' => 'text'); $fields[] = array('id' => 'work_phone', 'name' => lang('work phone'), 'type' => 'text'); $fields[] = array('id' => 'home_phone', 'name' => lang('home phone'), 'type' => 'text'); $fields[] = array('id' => 'im_values', 'name' => lang('instant messaging'), 'type' => 'text'); $fields[] = array('id' => 'personal_webpage', 'name' => lang('personal_webpage'), 'type' => 'text'); $fields[] = array('id' => 'work_webpage', 'name' => lang('work_webpage'), 'type' => 'text'); $fields[] = array('id' => 'other_webpage', 'name' => lang('other_webpage'), 'type' => 'text'); $fields[] = array('id' => 'home_address', 'name' => lang('home_address'), 'type' => 'text'); $fields[] = array('id' => 'work_address', 'name' => lang('work_address'), 'type' => 'text'); $fields[] = array('id' => 'other_address', 'name' => lang('other_address'), 'type' => 'text'); } if (!array_var($_REQUEST, 'noaddcol')) { Hook::fire('custom_reports_additional_columns', array('object_type' => $ot), $fields); } } usort($fields, array(&$this, 'compare_FieldName')); return $fields; }