function testParsing() { $dom = new DOMDocument(); $dom->load("test/testData/testObjectTypes.xml"); foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagName('testValue') as $dateNode) { $checkList = array(); foreach ($dateNode->getElementsByTagName('input') as $inputNode) { $input = $inputNode->nodeValue; } foreach ($dateNode->getElementsByTagName('expectedResult') as $expectedResultNode) { $checkList[] = $expectedResultNode->nodeValue; } // // ATTENTION: the restrictions are disabled in the ObjectTypeParser.php // if restrictions are enabled the encoding has to be considered // $output = ObjectTypeParser::parseValue($input, 'en', ''); $countCheckArray = count($checkList); $countOutputArray = count($output); $this->assertEqual($countCheckArray, $countOutputArray, 'number of expected results: ' . $countCheckArray . ' - number of actual results: ' . $countOutputArray); if ($countCheckArray >= $countOutputArray) { $lim = $countCheckArray; } else { $lim = $countOutputArray; } for ($x = 0; $x < $lim; $x++) { $this->assertEqual($checkList[$x], $output[$x]); } } }
public static function parseValue($input, $language, $restrictions) { if (!self::$mysql) { include "databaseconfig.php"; $catalog = $dbprefix . "extraction_" . $language; self::$mysql = new MySQL($host, $user, $password, $catalog); } $results = array(); $filteredresults = array(); preg_match_all("/\\[\\[([^:\\]]*)\\]\\]/", $input, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); foreach ($matches as $match) { if (strlen($match[1]) > 255) { continue; } $link = self::getLinkForLabeledLink($match[1]); if ($link != null) { $results[] = $link; } } self::$mysql->query("SET NAMES utf8"); $restrictions = null; if (isset($restrictions)) { foreach ($results as $r) { $resourcequeryname = self::encodeLocalName($r); $query = "select type from types where resource = '{$resourcequeryname}'"; $qresult = self::$mysql->query($query); $correctType = false; //var_dump($restrictions); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($qresult, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { if ($row['type'] == $restrictions) { $filteredresults[] = $r; } } } } else { return $results; } return $filteredresults; }
public function extractPage($pageID, $pageTitle, $pageSource) { $mysql = $this->mysql; $result = new ExtractionResult($pageID, $this->language, $this->getExtractorID()); if ($this->decode_title($pageTitle) == NULL) { return $result; } // don't remove tables // 1. some templates are used within templates, e.g. // 2. the regex sometimes reaches PREG_BACKTRACK_LIMIT_ERROR // $text=preg_replace('~{\|.*\|}~s','',$pageSource); // remove Prettytables $text = $pageSource; $templates = Util::getTemplates($text); foreach ($templates as $template) { $tpl = $template["content"]; //TODO: HIER NICHT "TEMPLATE" HARDCODE, SONDERN SPRACHABHAENGIG $dbpedia_uri = "" . Util::encodeLocalName($template["name"]); //var_dump($dbpedia_uri); // get template ID from DB $templatequery = "select template_id from template_uri where uri = '{$dbpedia_uri}'"; $templatequeryresult = $mysql->query($templatequery); $tqrow = mysql_fetch_array($templatequeryresult, MYSQL_ASSOC); $template_id = $tqrow['template_id']; if (!isset($template_id)) { continue; } $props = Util::getTemplateProperties($tpl); //TODO: INNER JOIN VERWENDEN STATT NORMALEM JOIN // find ontology class with template id $classquery = "select name, class_id from class, template_class where template_class.template_id = '{$template_id}' and template_class.class_id ="; $classqueryresult = $mysql->query($classquery); $cqrow = mysql_fetch_array($classqueryresult, MYSQL_ASSOC); $class_id = $cqrow['class_id']; $class_name = $cqrow['name']; // get template properties $template_properties = array(); $template_properties_to_merge = array(); // get merging rules for template ID $mergequery = "select ordered_template_property_ids from template_property_merge_rule where template_id = '{$template_id}'"; $mergequeryresult = $mysql->query($mergequery); $i = 0; while ($mergerow = mysql_fetch_array($mergequeryresult, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $temp = explode(",", $mergerow['ordered_template_property_ids']); $merging_group_count[$i] = 0; foreach ($temp as $tempp) { $template_properties_to_merge[] = $tempp; $merging_group[$tempp] = $i; $merging_group_count[$i]++; } $i++; } $merge_template_sets_done = array(); $main_propid_from_merging_group[] = array(); $main_propvalue_from_merging_group[] = array(); foreach ($props as $keyvalue) { $propkey = mysql_escape_string($keyvalue[1]); $propvalue = $keyvalue[2]; if (trim($propvalue) == "" || $propvalue == null) { continue; } $propquery = "select id from template_property where name = '{$propkey}' and template_id = '{$template_id}'"; $propqueryresult = $mysql->query($propquery); $pqrow = mysql_fetch_array($propqueryresult, MYSQL_ASSOC); $template_property_id = $pqrow['id']; if (!is_null($template_property_id)) { if (!in_array($template_property_id, $template_properties_to_merge)) { $template_properties[$template_property_id] = trim($propvalue); } else { $query = "select class_property_id from template_property_class_property where template_property_id = {$template_property_id}"; $dbresult = $mysql->query($query); $target_unit = null; while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($dbresult, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $class_property_ids = $row['class_property_id']; $ptrquery = "select * from parser_type_rule where class_property_id = '{$class_property_ids}'"; $ptrresult = $mysql->query($ptrquery); $ptrrow = mysql_fetch_array($ptrresult, MYSQL_ASSOC); $parser_rule = $ptrrow['parser_type']; $unit_type = $ptrrow['unit_type']; $target_unit = $ptrrow['target_unit']; } $unit_exact_type = null; $query1 = "select unit_exact_type from template_parser_type_rule where template_property_id = {$template_property_id}"; $dbresult1 = $mysql->query($query1); while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($dbresult1, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { if (strlen($row1['unit_exact_type']) > 0) { $unit_exact_type = $row1['unit_exact_type']; } } if (!in_array($merging_group[$template_property_id], $merge_template_sets_done)) { $merge_template_sets_done[] = $merging_group[$template_property_id]; $propvalue = trim($propvalue); if ($parser_rule == "unit") { if ($unit_type == "Length") { $parseResultArray = UnitValueParser::parseValue($propvalue, $this->language, array(PAGEID => $pageID, PROPERTYNAME => $propkey, UNITTYPE => $unit_type, UNITEXACTTYPE => $unit_exact_type, TARGETUNIT => $target_unit, IGNOREUNIT => true)); if (!is_null($parseResultArray)) { foreach ($parseResultArray as $parseResults) { $propvalue = (string) $parseResults[0] . " {$unit_exact_type}"; } } } } else { if ($parser_rule == "geocoordinates") { if ($merging_group_count[$merging_group[$template_property_id]] == 6 || $merging_group_count[$merging_group[$template_property_id]] == 8) { //{{coord|51|30|29|N|00|07|29|W}} $propvalue = "{{coord|" . $propvalue; $geocoordinatescount = $merging_group_count[$merging_group[$template_property_id]] - 1; } } else { // TODO: new Unit type! } } $template_properties[$template_property_id] = $propvalue; $main_propid_from_merging_group[$merging_group[$template_property_id]] = $template_property_id; $main_propvalue_from_merging_group[$merging_group[$template_property_id]] = $propvalue; } else { $main_propvalue = $main_propvalue_from_merging_group[$merging_group[$template_property_id]]; $main_template_property_id = $main_propid_from_merging_group[$merging_group[$template_property_id]]; if ($parser_rule == "unit") { if ($unit_type == "Length") { $parseResultArray = UnitValueParser::parseValue($propvalue, $this->language, array(PAGEID => $pageID, PROPERTYNAME => $propkey, UNITTYPE => $unit_type, UNITEXACTTYPE => $unit_exact_type, TARGETUNIT => $target_unit)); if (!is_null($parseResultArray)) { foreach ($parseResultArray as $parseResults) { $propvalue = (string) $parseResults[0] . " {$unit_exact_type}"; } } $template_properties[$main_template_property_id] = $main_propvalue . " " . $propvalue; } } else { if ($parser_rule == "geocoordinates") { $geocoordinatescount--; if ($merging_group_count[$merging_group[$template_property_id]] == 6 || $merging_group_count[$merging_group[$template_property_id]] == 8) { //{{coord|51|30|29|N|00|07|29|W}} if ($geocoordinatescount == 0) { $propvalue = $propvalue . "}}"; } $main_propvalue_from_merging_group[$merging_group[$main_template_property_id]] = $main_propvalue . "|" . $propvalue; $template_properties[$main_template_property_id] = $main_propvalue . "|" . $propvalue; } else { $main_propvalue_from_merging_group[$merging_group[$main_template_property_id]] = $main_propvalue . " " . $propvalue; $template_properties[$main_template_property_id] = $main_propvalue . " " . $propvalue; } } else { // TODO: new Unit type! } } unset($template_properties[$template_property_id]); } } } } foreach ($template_properties as $template_property_id => $propvalue) { $query = "select class_property_id from template_property_class_property where template_property_id = {$template_property_id}"; $dbresult = $mysql->query($query); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($dbresult, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $class_property_ids = $row['class_property_id']; // foreach template_property_class_property.class_property_id // get parser_type_rule.parser_type $target_unit = null; $ptrquery = "select * from parser_type_rule where class_property_id = '{$class_property_ids}'"; $ptrresult = $mysql->query($ptrquery); $ptrrow = mysql_fetch_array($ptrresult, MYSQL_ASSOC); $parser_rule = $ptrrow['parser_type']; $unit_type = $ptrrow['unit_type']; $target_unit = $ptrrow['target_unit']; $cpquery = "select cp.type, cp.datatype_range,, as superclass from class_property cp inner join class c on(cp.class_id = where = {$class_property_ids}"; $cpresult = $mysql->query($cpquery); $cprow = mysql_fetch_array($cpresult, MYSQL_ASSOC); $property_type = $cprow['type']; $datatype_range = $cprow['datatype_range']; $property_name = $cprow['name']; $ontclass = $cprow['superclass']; //IF PROPERTY IS NOT FROM ONTOLOGY, BUT EXTERNAL, SUCH AS FOAF if (!$cprow) { $cpquery = "select name, uri, class_id from class_property where id = {$class_property_ids}"; $cpresult = $mysql->query($cpquery); $cprow = mysql_fetch_array($cpresult, MYSQL_ASSOC); //TODO: IST DIE CLASS_ID NICHT IMMER NULL IN DIESEM FALL??? $domain_class_id = $cprow['class_id']; if ($domain_class_id == null && $cprow['uri'] == "" && $cprow['name'] == "homepage") { try { $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::URI(""), RDFtriple::URI($propvalue)); } catch (Exception $e) { //TODO uncorrect URI } } else { if ($domain_class_id == null && $cprow['uri'] == "" && $cprow['name'] == "name") { if (strpos($propvalue, "{{PAGENAME}}") === false) { if (strpos($propvalue, "{{") === false) { $parseResults = StringParser::parseValue($propvalue, $this->language, null); foreach ($parseResults as $mystring) { if ($mystring != "") { $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::URI(""), RDFtriple::Literal($mystring)); } } } } } } } else { /* if (strpos($propvalue, "[[") !== false) { $propvalue = Util::replaceWikiLinks($propvalue); } */ switch ($property_type) { case 'object': $rangequery = "SELECT as rangeclass FROM class_property_range cpr inner join class c on (cpr.range_class_id = where property_id = {$class_property_ids}"; $rangeresult = $mysql->query($rangequery); $rowrange = mysql_fetch_array($rangeresult, MYSQL_ASSOC); $rangeclass = $rowrange['rangeclass']; $propvalue = Util::removeWikiEmphasis($propvalue); //TODO:ADD LANGUAGE AS PARAM $parseResults = ObjectTypeParser::parseValue($propvalue, $this->language, $rangeclass); foreach ($parseResults as $r) { $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::property($ontclass, $property_name, $this->flagNewSchema), RDFtriple::page($r)); } break; case 'datatype': switch ($datatype_range) { case 'string': switch ($parser_rule) { case 'geocoordinates': //TODO: Predicate URIs entweder nur in DB oder nur hardcoden? $propvalue = Util::removeHtmlTags($propvalue); $propvalue = Util::removeHtmlComments($propvalue); $parseResultArray = GeoParser::parseValue($propvalue, $this->language, null); if (!is_null($parseResultArray)) { // 52.5166666667 13.4166666667 // geo:lat 52.516666 (xsd:float) // geo:long 13.416667 (xsd:float) // $output = array('georss'=>$georss,'lat'=>$lat,'long'=>$long); $georss = $parseResultArray["georss"]; $lat = $parseResultArray["lat"]; $long = $parseResultArray["long"]; if ($georss != null) { $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::URI(""), RDFtriple::Literal($georss)); } if ($lat != null) { $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::URI(""), RDFtriple::Literal($lat, "", NULL)); } if ($long != null) { $result->addTriple(RDFtriple::page($pageID), RDFtriple::URI(""), RDFtriple::Literal($long, "", NULL)); } } else { //TODO: DEBUG LOGFILE FOR UN-PARSED VALUES $this->addLiteral($result, $pageID, $ontclass, $property_name, $propvalue); } break; default: $parseResults = StringParser::parseValue($propvalue, $this->language, null); foreach ($parseResults as $mystring) { $this->addLiteral($result, $pageID, $ontclass, $property_name, $mystring); } break; } break; case 'integer': if (strpos($propvalue, "{{") !== false) { $propvalue = Util::replaceTemplates($propvalue); } $propvalue = Util::removeHtmlTags($propvalue); $propvalue = Util::removeHtmlComments($propvalue); $propvalue = Util::removeWikiEmphasis($propvalue); /* preg_match_all("/([^0-9]+)[0-9]/", $propvalue, $other_characters, PREG_SET_ORDER); $only_commata_whitespaces_dots = true; foreach ($other_characters as $other_character) { //echo $other_character[1]; if (($other_character[1] != " ") && ($other_character[1] != ",") && ($other_character[1] != ".")) { $only_commata_whitespaces_dots = false; break; } } if ($only_commata_whitespaces_dots) { $propvalue = preg_replace("/[^0-9]*([0-9])/", "$1", $propvalue); } */ $parseResults = NumberParser::parseValue($propvalue, $this->language, array("integer")); if (!is_null($parseResults)) { $this->addLiteral($result, $pageID, $ontclass, $property_name, $parseResults, ""); } else { //TODO: ADD DEGUB LOGFILE FOR UN-PARSED TRIPLES if (!$this->flagStrictExport) { $this->addLiteral($result, $pageID, $ontclass, $property_name, $propvalue); } } break; case 'float': if (strpos($propvalue, "{{") !== false) { $propvalue = Util::replaceTemplates($propvalue); } $propvalue = Util::removeHtmlTags($propvalue); $propvalue = Util::removeHtmlComments($propvalue); $propvalue = Util::removeWikiEmphasis($propvalue); $parseResults = NumberParser::parseValue($propvalue, $this->language, array("float")); if (!is_null($parseResults)) { $this->addLiteral($result, $pageID, $ontclass, $property_name, $parseResults, ""); } else { //TODO: ADD DEGUB LOGFILE FOR UN-PARSED TRIPLES if (!$this->flagStrictExport) { $this->addLiteral($result, $pageID, $ontclass, $property_name, $propvalue); } } break; case 'double': switch ($parser_rule) { case 'currency': $propvalue = Util::removeHtmlTags($propvalue); $propvalue = Util::removeHtmlComments($propvalue); $parseResultArray = UnitValueParser::parseValue($propvalue, $this->language, array(PAGEID => $pageID, PROPERTYNAME => $property_name, UNITTYPE => 'Currency', UNITEXACTTYPE => null, TARGETUNIT => null)); if (!is_null($parseResultArray)) { foreach ($parseResultArray as $parseResults) { $parsedDataType = $parseResults[1]; if ($parsedDataType == "") { $parsedDataType = null; } if ($parseResults[0] != "") { $this->addLiteral($result, $pageID, $ontclass, $property_name, (string) $parseResults[0], $parsedDataType); } } } else { if (!$this->flagStrictExport) { $propvalue = Util::removeTemplates($propvalue); $this->addLiteral($result, $pageID, $ontclass, $property_name, $propvalue); } } break; case 'unit': $propvalue = Util::replaceWikiLinks($propvalue); //TODO: WARUM NUR IN DIESEM FALL CITE RAUSNEHMEN? preg_match_all("/{{2}cite.*?\\}{2}/i", $propvalue, $matches); foreach ($matches as $match) { $propvalue = str_replace($match[0], Util::replaceTemplates($match[0]), $propvalue); } $propvalue = Util::removeHtmlTags($propvalue); $propvalue = Util::removeHtmlComments($propvalue); // get unit exact type $unit_exact_type = null; // if property is part of merged properties then unit is (probably) already appended, otherwise append unit (here: "exact unit type") if (!in_array($template_property_id, $template_properties_to_merge)) { $query1 = "select unit_exact_type from template_parser_type_rule where template_property_id = {$template_property_id}"; $dbresult1 = $mysql->query($query1); while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($dbresult1, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { if (strlen($row1['unit_exact_type']) > 0) { $unit_exact_type = $row1['unit_exact_type']; } } } $parseResultArray = UnitValueParser::parseValue($propvalue, $this->language, array(PAGEID => $pageID, PROPERTYNAME => $property_name, UNITTYPE => $unit_type, UNITEXACTTYPE => $unit_exact_type, TARGETUNIT => $target_unit)); if (!is_null($parseResultArray)) { foreach ($parseResultArray as $parseResults) { $parsedDataType = $parseResults[1]; if ($parsedDataType == "") { $parsedDataType = null; } if ($parseResults[0] != "") { $this->addLiteral($result, $pageID, $ontclass, $property_name, (string) $parseResults[0], $parsedDataType); } } } else { //TODO: GENERATE LOGFILE WITH UNPARSED VALUES if (!$this->flagStrictExport) { $this->addLiteral($result, $pageID, $ontclass, $property_name, $propvalue); } } break; default: if (strpos($propvalue, "{{") !== false) { $propvalue = Util::replaceTemplates($propvalue); } $propvalue = Util::removeHtmlTags($propvalue); $propvalue = Util::removeHtmlComments($propvalue); $propvalue = Util::removeWikiEmphasis($propvalue); $parseResults = NumberParser::parseValue($propvalue, $this->language, array("float")); if (!is_null($parseResults)) { $this->addLiteral($result, $pageID, $ontclass, $property_name, $parseResults, ""); } else { //TODO: ADD DEGUB LOGFILE FOR UN-PARSED TRIPLES if (!$this->flagStrictExport) { $this->addLiteral($result, $pageID, $ontclass, $property_name, $propvalue); } } break; } break; case 'date': // TODO: when DateTimeParser uses restrictions (start date / end date), pass them as parameter // $parseResults = DateTimeParser::parseValue($propvalue, $this->language, array($unit_type)); $parseResultArray = DateTimeParser::parseValue($propvalue, $this->language, array(PAGEID => $pageID, PROPERTYNAME => $property_name, UNITTYPE => $unit_type, UNITEXACTTYPE => $unit_exact_type, TARGETUNIT => $target_unit)); if (!is_null($parseResultArray)) { $this->addLiteral($result, $pageID, $ontclass, $property_name, $parseResultArray[0], $parseResultArray[1]); } else { if (!$this->flagStrictExport) { $parseResults = StringParser::parseValue($propvalue, $this->language, null); foreach ($parseResults as $mystring) { $this->addLiteral($result, $pageID, $ontclass, $property_name, $mystring); } } } break; default: break; } break; default: break; } } } } } return $result; }