/** * Make an HTTP request * @param \Communique\RESTClientRequest $request Request object * @return \Communique\RESTClientResponse $response Response object * @throws \Communique\CommuniqueRESTConnectionException This is thrown if cURL is unable to connect (this could be because the server is not available or the DNS record is not resolvable) * @throws \Communique\CommuniqueRESTSSLException REST SSL exception. This is thrown for things such as SSL certificate errors or SSL handshake errors. */ public function request(\Communique\RESTClientRequest $request) { $headers = array(); foreach ($request->headers as $header_key => $header_value) { $headers[] = $header_key . ': ' . $header_value; } $this->curl->setopt_array(array(CURLOPT_URL => $request->url, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_HEADER => true, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => $headers)); $this->curl->setopt(CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080311 Firefox/'); switch ($request->method) { case 'POST': $this->curl->setopt_array(array(CURLOPT_POST => true, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $request->payload)); break; case 'PUT': $this->curl->setopt_array(array(CURLOPT_PUT => true, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $request->payload)); break; case 'DELETE': if ($payload = http_build_query($request->payload)) { $payload = '?' . $payload; } else { $payload = ''; } $this->curl->setopt_array(array(CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'DELETE', CURLOPT_URL => $request->url . $payload)); break; default: case 'GET': if ($payload = http_build_query($request->payload)) { $payload = '?' . $payload; } else { $payload = ''; } $this->curl->setopt_array(array(CURLOPT_HTTPGET => true, CURLOPT_URL => $request->url . $payload)); break; } $raw_response = $this->curl->exec(); if (!$raw_response) { $curl_error = $this->curl->errno(); switch ($curl_error) { case CURLE_SSL_PEER_CERTIFICATE: case CURLE_SSL_ENGINE_NOTFOUND: case CURLE_SSL_ENGINE_SETFAILED: case CURLE_SSL_CERTPROBLEM: case CURLE_SSL_CIPHER: case CURLE_SSL_CACERT: case CURLE_SSL_CONNECT_ERROR: throw new \Communique\CommuniqueRESTSSLException('cURL SSL Error: ' . $this->curl->error() . ' cURL Error Code: ' . $curl_error); break; case CURLE_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL: case CURLE_COULDNT_CONNECT: case CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_HOST: throw new \Communique\CommuniqueRESTConnectionException('cURL Error: ' . $this->curl->error() . ' cURL Error Code: ' . $curl_error); break; default: throw new \Communique\CommuniqueRESTException('cURL Error: ' . $this->curl->error() . ' cURL Error Code: ' . $curl_error); break; } } else { return new \Communique\RESTClientResponse($raw_response['http_status_code'], $raw_response['body'], $raw_response['headers']); } }
/** * This method must be called to start the worker execution. * @codeCoverageIgnore */ public function run() { $this->preStartWorker(); while (true) { try { $this->worker->work(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->logIt($e->getMessage()); $error = $this->worker->error(); if (!empty($error)) { $this->logIt($error); } exit(0); } } }
/** * Copy file from another volume. * Return new file path or false. * * @param Object $volume source volume * @param string $src source file hash * @param string $destination destination dir path * @param string $name file name * @return string|false * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ protected function copyFrom($volume, $src, $destination, $name) { if (($source = $volume->file($src)) == false) { return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_COPY, '#' . $src, $volume->error()); } $errpath = $volume->path($src); if (!$this->nameAccepted($source['name'])) { return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_COPY, $errpath, elFinder::ERROR_INVALID_NAME); } if (!$source['read']) { return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_COPY, $errpath, elFinder::ERROR_PERM_DENIED); } if ($source['mime'] == 'directory') { $stat = $this->stat($this->_joinPath($destination, $name)); $this->clearcache(); if ((!$stat || $stat['mime'] != 'directory') && !$this->_mkdir($destination, $name)) { return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_COPY, $errpath); } $path = $this->_joinPath($destination, $name); foreach ($volume->scandir($src) as $entr) { if (!$this->copyFrom($volume, $entr['hash'], $path, $entr['name'])) { return false; } } } else { $mime = $source['mime']; $w = $h = 0; if (strpos($mime, 'image') === 0 && ($dim = $volume->dimensions($src))) { $s = explode('x', $dim); $w = $s[0]; $h = $s[1]; } if (($fp = $volume->open($src)) == false || ($path = $this->_save($fp, $destination, $name, $mime, $w, $h)) == false) { $fp && $volume->close($fp, $src); return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_COPY, $errpath); } $volume->close($fp, $src); } return $path; }
/** * Copy file from another volume. * Return new file path or false. * * @param Object $volume source volume * @param string $src source file hash * @param string $destination destination dir path * @param string $name file name * @return string|false * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ protected function copyFrom($volume, $src, $destination, $name) { if (($source = $volume->file($src)) == false) { return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_COPY, '#' . $src, $volume->error()); } $errpath = $volume->path($source['hash']); if (!$this->nameAccepted($source['name'])) { return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_COPY, $errpath, elFinder::ERROR_INVALID_NAME); } if (!$source['read']) { return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_COPY, $errpath, elFinder::ERROR_PERM_DENIED); } if ($source['mime'] == 'directory') { $stat = $this->stat($this->joinPathCE($destination, $name)); $this->clearcache(); if ((!$stat || $stat['mime'] != 'directory') && $this->convEncOut(!$this->_mkdir($this->convEncIn($destination), $this->convEncIn($name)))) { return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_COPY, $errpath); } $path = $this->joinPathCE($destination, $name); foreach ($volume->scandir($src) as $entr) { if (!$this->copyFrom($volume, $entr['hash'], $path, $entr['name'])) { $this->remove($path, true); // fall back return $this->setError($this->error, elFinder::ERROR_COPY, $errpath); } } } else { // $mime = $source['mime']; // $w = $h = 0; if ($dim = $volume->dimensions($src)) { $s = explode('x', $dim); $source['width'] = $s[0]; $source['height'] = $s[1]; } if (($fp = $volume->open($src)) == false || ($path = $this->saveCE($fp, $destination, $name, $source)) == false) { $fp && $volume->close($fp, $src); return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_COPY, $errpath); } $volume->close($fp, $src); // MIME check $stat = $this->stat($path); if (!$this->allowPutMime($stat['mime'])) { $this->remove($path, true); return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE_MIME, $errpath); } } return $path; }
/** * Copy file from another volume. * Return new file path or false. * * @param Object $volume source volume * @param string $src source file hash * @param string $destination destination dir path * @param string $name file name * @return string|false * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ protected function copyFrom($volume, $src, $destination, $name) { $source = $volume->file($src); if ($source == false) { return $this->setError('errCopy', '#' . $src, $volume->error()); } $errpath = $volume->path($src); if (!$this->nameAccepted($source['name'])) { return $this->setError('errCopy', $errpath, 'errInvName'); } if (!$source['read']) { return $this->setError('errCopy', $errpath, 'errPerm'); } //directory if ($source['mime'] == 'directory') { $path = $this->_joinPath($destination, $name); $stat = $this->stat($path); $this->clearcache(); if ((!$stat || $stat['mime'] != 'directory') && !$this->_mkdir($destination, $name)) { return $this->setError('errCopy', $errpath); } foreach ($volume->scandir($src) as $entr) { if (!$this->copyFrom($volume, $entr['hash'], $path, $entr['name'])) { return false; } } return $path; } //file if (strpos($source['mime'], 'image') === 0 && ($dim = $volume->dimensions($src))) { $s = explode('x', $dim); $stat['width'] = $s[0]; $stat['height'] = $s[1]; } $fp = $volume->open($src); if (!$fp) { return $this->setError('errCopy', $errpath); } $path = $this->_save($fp, $destination, $name, $source); if (!$path) { $volume->close($fp, $src); return $this->setError('errCopy', $errpath); } $volume->close($fp, $src); return $path; }
/** * Renders discount text field * @param RedBeanModel $model * @param Object $form * @param string $inputNameIdPrefix * @param string $attribute * @return string */ protected function renderDiscountOrMarkupPercentageTextField($model, $form, $inputNameIdPrefix, $attribute) { $id = $this->getEditableInputId($inputNameIdPrefix, $attribute); $htmlOptions = array('name' => $this->getEditableInputName($inputNameIdPrefix, $attribute), 'id' => $id, 'style' => $this->resolveInputDisplayStyle($model), 'onkeyup' => 'calculateSellPriceBySellPriceFormula()'); $textField = $form->textField($model, $attribute, $htmlOptions); $error = $form->error($model, $attribute, array('inputID' => $id)); return $textField . $error; }
/** * Dispatcher working method * * @return mixed */ public final function dispatch() { // Before building dispatcher instance, fire THE level1 event "dispatcher" // This is the only way (out of dispatcher-config) to disable dispatcher $fork = $this->events->fire("dispatcher", "VOID", $this); // if ( is_bool($fork) ) $this->enabled = $fork; // After building dispatcher instance, fire THE level2 event "dispatcher.request" // This default hook will expose current request (ObjectRequest) to callbacks $fork = $this->events->fire("dispatcher.request", "REQUEST", $this->request); if ($fork instanceof \Comodojo\Dispatcher\ObjectRequest\ObjectRequest) { $this->request = $fork; } // Fire level3 event "dispatcher.request.[method]" $fork = $this->events->fire("dispatcher.request." . $this->request_method, "REQUEST", $this->request); if ($fork instanceof \Comodojo\Dispatcher\ObjectRequest\ObjectRequest) { $this->request = $fork; } // Fire level3 event "dispatcher.request.[service]" $fork = $this->events->fire("dispatcher.request." . $this->request->getService(), "REQUEST", $this->request); if ($fork instanceof \Comodojo\Dispatcher\ObjectRequest\ObjectRequest) { $this->request = $fork; } // Fire special event, it will not modify request $this->events->fire("dispatcher.request.#", "VOID", $this->request); // Check if dispatcher is enabled if ($this->enabled == false) { $route = new ObjectError(); $route->setStatusCode(503); $return = $this->route($route); $this->logger->info('Shutting down dispatcher (administratively disabled)'); ob_end_clean(); return $return; } // Before calculating service route, expose the routing table via level2 event "dispatcher.routingtable" $fork = $this->events->fire("dispatcher.routingtable", "TABLE", $this->routingtable); if ($fork instanceof \Comodojo\Dispatcher\ObjectRoutingTable\ObjectRoutingTable) { $this->routingtable = $fork; } // Retrieve current route from routing table $service = $this->request->getService(); $this->logger->debug('Querying routingtable for service route', array('SERVICE' => $service)); $preroute = $this->routingtable->getRoute($service); $this->serviceroute = new ObjectRoute(); $this->serviceroute->setService($service)->setType($preroute["type"])->setTarget($preroute["target"]); if (isset($preroute["parameters"]["class"])) { $this->serviceroute->setClass($preroute["parameters"]["class"]); } else { $t = pathinfo($preroute["target"]); $this->serviceroute->setClass(preg_replace('/\\.[^.\\s]{3,4}$/', '', $t["filename"])); } if (isset($preroute["parameters"]["redirectCode"])) { $this->serviceroute->setRedirectCode($preroute["parameters"]["redirectCode"]); unset($preroute["parameters"]["redirectCode"]); } if (isset($preroute["parameters"]["errorCode"])) { $this->serviceroute->setErrorCode($preroute["parameters"]["errorCode"]); unset($preroute["parameters"]["errorCode"]); } if (isset($preroute["parameters"]["cache"])) { $this->serviceroute->setCache($preroute["parameters"]["cache"]); unset($preroute["parameters"]["cache"]); } if (isset($preroute["parameters"]["ttl"])) { $this->serviceroute->setTtl($preroute["parameters"]["ttl"]); unset($preroute["parameters"]["ttl"]); } if (isset($preroute["parameters"]["headers"])) { if (is_array($preroute["parameters"]["headers"])) { foreach ($preroute["parameters"]["headers"] as $header => $value) { $this->serviceroute->setHeader($header, $value); } } unset($preroute["parameters"]["headers"]); } if (isset($preroute["parameters"]["accessControl"])) { $this->serviceroute->setRedirectCode($preroute["parameters"]["accessControl"]); unset($preroute["parameters"]["accessControl"]); } foreach ($preroute["parameters"] as $parameter => $value) { $this->serviceroute->setParameter($parameter, $value); } // Now that we have a route, fire the level2 event "dispatcher.serviceroute" // and level3 events: // - "dispatcher.serviceroute.[type]" // - "dispatcher.serviceroute.[service]" $fork = $this->events->fire("dispatcher.serviceroute", "ROUTE", $this->serviceroute); if ($fork instanceof \Comodojo\Dispatcher\ObjectRoute\ObjectRoute) { $this->serviceroute = $fork; } $fork = $this->events->fire("dispatcher.serviceroute." . $this->serviceroute->getType(), "ROUTE", $this->serviceroute); if ($fork instanceof \Comodojo\Dispatcher\ObjectRoute\ObjectRoute) { $this->serviceroute = $fork; } $fork = $this->events->fire("dispatcher.serviceroute." . $this->serviceroute->getService(), "ROUTE", $this->serviceroute); if ($fork instanceof \Comodojo\Dispatcher\ObjectRoute\ObjectRoute) { $this->serviceroute = $fork; } // Fire special event, it will not modify route $this->events->fire("dispatcher.serviceroute.#", "VOID", $this->serviceroute); // Before using route to handle request, check if access control should block instance $accesscontrol = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $this->serviceroute->getAccessControl()); if ($accesscontrol != null and $accesscontrol != "*") { $origins = explode(",", $accesscontrol); if (!in_array(@$_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'], $origins)) { $route = new ObjectError(); $route->setStatusCode(403)->setContent("Origin not allowed"); $return = $this->route($route); ob_end_clean(); return $return; } } $this->logger->debug('Service route acquired', array('SERVICE' => $this->serviceroute->getService(), 'TYPE' => $this->serviceroute->getType(), 'CLASS' => $this->serviceroute->getClass(), 'REDIRECTCODE' => $this->serviceroute->getRedirectCode(), 'ERRORCODE' => $this->serviceroute->getErrorCode(), 'CACHE' => $this->serviceroute->getCache(), 'TTL' => $this->serviceroute->getTtl(), 'HEADERS' => $this->serviceroute->getHeaders(), 'REDIRECTCODE' => $this->serviceroute->getRedirectCode())); switch ($this->serviceroute->getType()) { case "ERROR": $route = new ObjectError(); $route->setService($this->serviceroute->getService())->setStatusCode($this->serviceroute->getErrorCode())->setContent($this->serviceroute->getTarget())->setHeaders($this->serviceroute->getHeaders()); break; case "REDIRECT": $route = new ObjectRedirect(); $route->setService($this->serviceroute->getService())->setStatusCode($this->serviceroute->getRedirectCode())->setLocation($this->serviceroute->getTarget())->setHeaders($this->serviceroute->getHeaders()); break; case "ROUTE": try { $route = $this->runService($this->request, $this->serviceroute); } catch (DispatcherException $de) { $this->logger->error('Service returns a DispatcherException', array('SERVICE' => $this->serviceroute->getService(), 'CODE' => $de->getCode(), 'MESSAGE' => $de->getMessage())); $route = new ObjectError(); $route->setService($this->serviceroute->getService())->setStatusCode($de->getCode())->setContent($de->getMessage()); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logger->error('Error processing service', array('SERVICE' => $this->serviceroute->getService(), 'CODE' => $e->getCode(), 'MESSAGE' => $e->getMessage())); $route = new ObjectError(); $route->setService($this->serviceroute->getService())->setStatusCode(500)->setContent($e->getMessage()); } break; } $return = $this->route($route); ob_end_clean(); return $return; }
/** * Copy file from another volume. * Return new file path or false. * * @param Object $volume source volume * @param string $src source file hash * @param string $destination destination dir path * @param string $name file name * @return string|false * @author Dmitry (dio) Levashov **/ protected function copyFrom($volume, $src, $destination, $name) { elFinder::extendTimeLimit(); if (($source = $volume->file($src)) == false) { return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_COPY, '#' . $src, $volume->error()); } $errpath = $volume->path($source['hash']); if (!$this->nameAccepted($source['name'])) { return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_COPY, $errpath, elFinder::ERROR_INVALID_NAME); } if (!$source['read']) { return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_COPY, $errpath, elFinder::ERROR_PERM_DENIED); } if ($source['mime'] == 'directory') { $test = $this->stat($this->joinPathCE($destination, $name)); $this->clearcache(); if ($test && $test['mime'] != 'directory' || !$test && !($test = $this->mkdir($this->encode($destination), $name))) { return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_COPY, $errpath); } $path = $this->joinPathCE($destination, $name); $path = $this->decode($test['hash']); foreach ($volume->scandir($src) as $entr) { if (!$this->copyFrom($volume, $entr['hash'], $path, $entr['name'])) { $this->remove($path, true); // fall back return $this->setError($this->error, elFinder::ERROR_COPY, $errpath); } } $this->added[] = $test; } else { // $mime = $source['mime']; // $w = $h = 0; if ($dim = $volume->dimensions($src)) { $s = explode('x', $dim); $source['width'] = $s[0]; $source['height'] = $s[1]; } if (($fp = $volume->open($src)) == false || ($path = $this->saveCE($fp, $destination, $name, $source)) == false) { $fp && $volume->close($fp, $src); return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_COPY, $errpath); } $volume->close($fp, $src); // MIME check $stat = $this->stat($path); $mimeByName = elFinderVolumeDriver::mimetypeInternalDetect($stat['name']); if ($stat['mime'] === $mimeByName) { $mimeByName = ''; } if (!$this->allowPutMime($stat['mime']) || $mimeByName && $mimeByName !== 'unknown' && !$this->allowPutMime($mimeByName)) { $this->remove($path, true); return $this->setError(elFinder::ERROR_UPLOAD_FILE_MIME, $errpath); } $this->added[] = $stat; } return $path; }