<?php // OTS_Admin class automaticly negotaites encryption, generates XTEA key and negotiates RSA encryption $admin = new OTS_Admin(''); /* put your login steps here */ // closes server for new connections - server is still running $admin->close(); // save current state $admin->save(); // open it again $admin->open();
<?php // OTS_Admin class automaticly negotaites encryption, generates XTEA key and negotiates RSA encryption $admin = new OTS_Admin(''); // checks if server requires logging in if ($admin->requiresLogin()) { $admin->login('password'); } //commands examples: // ping (in seconds) echo 'Server ping: ', $admin->ping(), ' s', "\n"; // sends broadcast message to all players $admin->broadcast('Server is going down for maintenance'); // kicks player from server $admin->kick('Hurz'); // closes server for new connections - server is still running $admin->close(); // requests all rented houses to be paid on server $admin->payHouses(); // shuts server down - closes it physicly $admin->shutdown();