function getRevisionAuthor($rev) { $xmlLines = OS::executeAndReturnOutput("svn log -c {$rev} --xml"); $xmlString = implode('', $xmlLines); $xml = simplexml_load_string($xmlString); return (string) $xml->logentry->author; }
public function update() { if (isset($this->config['build'])) { OS::run('cd ' . OS::bashize($this->directory) . ';git pull'); $this->readConfig(); } }
function db_executeSqlFile($filename) { $dsn = Config::get('global.database'); $parts = db_splitDsn($dsn); $command = sprintf("cat {$filename} | mysql -u %s %s %s", $parts['user'], $parts['database'], $parts['password'] ? "-p" . $parts['password'] : ''); OS::executeAndAssert($command); }
function parseArguments() { global $argv; $verbose = false; $fileName = FILE_NAME; for ($i = 1; $i < count($argv); $i++) { $arg = $argv[$i]; if ($arg == "-v") { $verbose = true; } else { if ($arg == '-f') { $i++; $fileName = $argv[$i]; } else { if ($arg == '-t') { runTestSuite(); exit; } else { OS::errorAndExit("Unknown flag: {$arg}"); } } } } return array($verbose, $fileName); }
public function run(array $arguments) { foreach ($arguments as $dep) { echo "* Removing {$dep}...\n"; $dir = $this->deps->getPackageDirectory($dep); OS::run("rm -rf {$dir}"); } return true; }
function closeCurrentFile() { global $g_numFiles; global $g_curFileName; global $g_curFile; fprintf($g_curFile, "</urlset>\n"); fclose($g_curFile); OS::executeAndAssert("gzip - < {$g_curFileName} > wwwbase/sitemap{$g_numFiles}.xml.gz"); util_deleteFile($g_curFileName); }
public static function bold($message) { if (!OS::isWindows()) { echo "[1m"; } echo $message; if (!OS::isWindows()) { echo "[m"; } }
function GetWotdFromSubject($subject) { $parts = preg_split("/\\s+/", trim($subject)); if (count($parts) != 2) { OS::errorAndExit("Ignoring message '{$subject}' due to invalid subject", 0); } if ($parts[0] != Config::get('WotD.password')) { OS::errorAndExit("Ignoring message '{$subject}' due to invalid password in the subject", 0); } return $parts[1]; }
/** @return lat_lng_bound */ public function get_grid_cell() { /** @var lat_lng_bound $cell */ foreach (OS::cells() as $cell) { if ($cell->contains($this)) { return $cell; } } $bound = new \stdClass(); $bound->code = 'N/A'; return $bound; }
public function ensureThumbnail() { if (!$this->image) { return; } $fullImage = self::$IMAGE_DIR . "/{$this->image}"; $fullThumb = self::$THUMB_DIR . "/{$this->image}"; if (!file_exists($fullThumb) && file_exists($fullImage)) { $oldumask = umask(0); @mkdir(dirname($fullThumb), 0777, true); umask($oldumask); OS::executeAndAssert(sprintf("convert -strip -geometry %dx%d -sharpen 1x1 '%s' '%s'", self::$THUMB_SIZE, self::$THUMB_SIZE, $fullImage, $fullThumb)); } }
function recursiveScan($path, $logFile) { global $IGNORED_DIRS, $EXTENSIONS, $beforeBytes, $afterBytes; $files = scandir($path); foreach ($files as $file) { if (in_array($file, $IGNORED_DIRS)) { continue; } $full = "{$path}/{$file}"; if (is_dir($full)) { recursiveScan($full, $logFile); } else { $extension = pathinfo(strtolower($full), PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $fullNoExt = substr($full, 0, strlen($full) - strlen($extension) - 1); // Strip the dot as well if (in_array($extension, $EXTENSIONS)) { OS::executeAndAssert("convert -strip '{$full}' '" . Config::get('global.tempDir') . "/fileNoExif.{$extension}'"); OS::executeAndAssert("convert '" . Config::get('global.tempDir') . "/fileNoExif.{$extension}' '/fileNoExifPng.png'"); OS::executeAndAssert("optipng '" . Config::get('global.tempDir') . "/fileNoExifPng.png'"); $fs1 = filesize($full); $fs2 = filesize(Config::get('global.tempDir') . "/fileNoExif.{$extension}"); $fs3 = filesize(Config::get('global.tempDir') . '/fileNoExifPng.png'); $beforeBytes += $fs1; if ($fs3 < $fs1 && $fs3 < $fs2) { $compression = 100.0 * (1 - $fs3 / $fs1); $afterBytes += $fs3; fprintf($logFile, "%s -- Strip EXIF, convert to PNG and optimize: %d/%d bytes, %.2f%% saved\n", $full, $fs3, $fs1, $compression); unlink($full); unlink(Config::get('global.tempDir') . "/fileNoExif.{$extension}"); rename(Config::get('global.tempDir') . '/fileNoExifPng.png', "{$fullNoExt}.png"); } else { if ($fs2 < $fs1) { $compression = 100.0 * (1 - $fs2 / $fs1); $afterBytes += $fs2; fprintf($logFile, "%s -- Strip EXIF: %d/%d bytes, %.2f%% saved\n", $full, $fs2, $fs1, $compression); unlink($full); rename(Config::get('global.tempDir') . "/fileNoExif.{$extension}", $full); unlink(Config::get('global.tempDir') . '/fileNoExifPng.png'); } else { $afterBytes += $fs1; fprintf($logFile, "{$full} -- leave unchanged\n"); unlink(Config::get('global.tempDir') . "/fileNoExif.{$extension}"); unlink(Config::get('global.tempDir') . '/fileNoExifPng.png'); } } } } } }
function createThumb() { $url = Config::get('static.url') . self::STATIC_DIR . $this->path; $ext = pathinfo($url, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $localFile = "/tmp/a.{$ext}"; $localThumbFile = "/tmp/thumb.{$ext}"; $contents = file_get_contents($url); file_put_contents($localFile, $contents); $command = sprintf("convert -strip -geometry %sx%s -sharpen 1x1 '%s' '%s'", self::THUMB_SIZE, self::THUMB_SIZE, $localFile, $localThumbFile); OS::executeAndAssert($command); $f = new FtpUtil(); $f->staticServerPut($localThumbFile, self::STATIC_THUMB_DIR . $this->path); unlink($localFile); unlink($localThumbFile); }
/** * build the global Error object and create the WMI connection */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // don't set this params for local connection, it will not work $strHostname = ''; $strUser = ''; $strPassword = ''; // initialize the wmi object $objLocator = new COM('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator'); if ($strHostname == "") { $this->_wmi = $objLocator->ConnectServer(); } else { $this->_wmi = $objLocator->ConnectServer($strHostname, 'rootcimv2', $strHostname . '\\' . $strUser, $strPassword); } $this->_getCodeSet(); }
public function run(array $arguments) { $json = $this->deps->nearestJson(); $linkDir = dirname($json); $package = new Package(dirname($json)); $name = $package->getName(); if (!$name) { echo "Error: no name for package\n"; } else { echo "* Linking package {$name} to {$linkDir}...\n"; $dir = $this->deps->getPackageDirectory($package->getName()); if (is_dir($dir)) { OS::run("rm -rf {$dir}"); } OS::run("ln -s {$linkDir} {$dir}"); } }
/** * build the global Error object and create the WMI connection */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); // don't set this params for local connection, it will not work $strHostname = ''; $strUser = ''; $strPassword = ''; try { // initialize the wmi object $objLocator = new COM('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator'); if ($strHostname == "") { $this->_wmi = $objLocator->ConnectServer(); } else { $this->_wmi = $objLocator->ConnectServer($strHostname, 'rootcimv2', $strHostname . '\\' . $strUser, $strPassword); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error->addError("WMI connect error", "PhpSysInfo can not connect to the WMI interface for security reasons.\nCheck an authentication mechanism for the directory where phpSysInfo is installed."); } $this->_getCodeSet(); }
public function run(array $arguments) { $json = $this->deps->nearestJson(); $linkDir = dirname($json); $package = new Package(dirname($json)); $name = $package->getName(); if (!$name) { echo "Error: no name for package\n"; } else { echo "Do you want to create symlink from {$name} to {$linkDir}? (yes/no)\n"; $l = readline(); if (trim($l) == 'yes') { echo "* Linking package {$name} to {$linkDir}...\n"; $dir = $this->deps->getPackageDirectory($package->getName()); if (is_dir($dir)) { OS::run("rm -rf {$dir}"); } OS::run("ln -s {$linkDir} {$dir}"); } else { echo "Aborting.\n"; } } }
/** * deleteContents of a folder recursively, but not the folder itself. * * On Windows systems this will try to remove the read-only attribute if needed. * * @param string $path Path of folder whose contents will be deleted * * @throws \RuntimeException Thrown when something could not be deleted. */ public static function deleteContents($path) { if (!is_dir($path)) { return; } /** @var \SplFileInfo[] $files */ $files = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path, \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST); foreach ($files as $fileInfo) { if ($fileInfo->isDir()) { if (@rmdir($fileInfo->getRealPath()) === false) { throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("Unable to delete child folder '%s' in '%s': %s", $fileInfo->getFilename(), $fileInfo->getPathname(), error_get_last()['message'])); } } elseif (@unlink($fileInfo->getRealPath()) === false) { if (OS::isWindows()) { Exec::create('attrib', '-R', $fileInfo->getRealPath())->run(); if (@unlink($fileInfo->getPathname())) { continue; } } throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf("Unable to delete file '%s' in folder '%s': %s", $fileInfo->getFilename(), $fileInfo->getPathname(), error_get_last()['message'])); } } }
public function run(array $arguments) { Terminal::info("* Updating deps from git...\n"); $dir = $this->deps->getDirectory(); OS::run("cd {$dir}; git pull"); }
foreach ($schemaOnly as $table) { $command .= " {$table}"; } $command .= " >> {$SQL_FILE}"; OS::executeAndAssert($command); if (!$doFullDump) { // Anonymize the User table. Handle the case for id = 0 separately, since // "insert into _User_Copy set id = 0" doesn't work (it inserts an id of 1). log_scriptLog('Anonymizing the User table'); db_execute("create table _User_Copy like User"); db_execute("insert into _User_Copy select * from User where id = 0"); db_execute("update _User_Copy set id = 0 where id = 1"); db_execute("insert into _User_Copy select * from User where id > 0"); db_execute("update _User_Copy set password = md5('1234'), email = concat(id, ''), identity = null"); OS::executeAndAssert("{$COMMON_COMMAND} _User_Copy | sed 's/_User_Copy/User/g' >> {$SQL_FILE}"); db_execute("drop table _User_Copy"); log_scriptLog('Anonymizing the Source table'); db_execute("create table _Source_Copy like Source"); db_execute("insert into _Source_Copy select * from Source"); db_execute("update _Source_Copy set link = null"); OS::executeAndAssert("{$COMMON_COMMAND} _Source_Copy | sed 's/_Source_Copy/Source/g' >> {$SQL_FILE}"); db_execute("drop table _Source_Copy"); // Dump only the Definitions for which we have redistribution rights log_scriptLog('Filtering the Definition table'); OS::executeAndAssert("{$COMMON_COMMAND} Definition --lock-all-tables --where='Definition.sourceId in (select id from Source where canDistribute)' " . ">> {$SQL_FILE}"); } OS::executeAndAssert("gzip -f {$SQL_FILE}"); $f = new FtpUtil(); $f->staticServerPut($GZ_FILE, $remoteFile); unlink($GZ_FILE); log_scriptLog('dumpDatabase.php completed successfully (against all odds)');
/** * call parent constructor */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->error->addError("WARN", "The Minix version of phpSysInfo is work in progress, some things currently don't work"); }
/** * call parent constructor */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); }
function wgetAndGunzip($url) { $tmpFile = tempnam(Config::get('global.tempDir'), 'xmldump_'); OS::executeAndAssert("wget -q -O {$tmpFile}.gz {$url}"); OS::executeAndAssert("gunzip -f {$tmpFile}.gz"); return $tmpFile; }
/** * @param string $argument * * @return string */ private function escapeArgument($argument) { // Always escape an empty argument so it doesn't get lost. if ($argument === '') { return escapeshellarg($argument); } if (!OS::isWindows()) { return $this->escapeLinuxArgument($argument); } return $this->escapeWindowsArgument($argument); }
require_once "../phplib/util.php"; ini_set('max_execution_time', '3600'); define('DB_QUERY', 'select * from Lexem where isLoc order by formNoAccent'); $locVersion = util_getRequestParameter('locVersion'); $newLocVersion = util_getRequestParameter('newLocVersion'); if ($newLocVersion) { if ($locVersion == $newLocVersion) { FlashMessage::add('Ați selectat aceeași versiune LOC de două ori'); util_redirect('scrabble-loc'); } $file1 = tempnam('/tmp', 'loc_diff_'); $file2 = tempnam('/tmp', 'loc_diff_'); writeLexems($locVersion, $file1); writeLexems($newLocVersion, $file2); $diff = OS::executeAndReturnOutput("diff {$file1} {$file2} || true"); print "<pre>\n"; foreach ($diff as $line) { if (StringUtil::startsWith($line, '< ')) { print sprintf("<span style=\"color: red\">%s: %s</span>\n", $locVersion, substr($line, 2)); } else { if (StringUtil::startsWith($line, '> ')) { print sprintf("<span style=\"color: green\">%s: %s</span>\n", $newLocVersion, substr($line, 2)); } } } print "</pre>\n"; util_deleteFile($file1); util_deleteFile($file2); exit; }
public function install($dep, $rebuildDeps = true) { if (isset($this->installed[$dep])) { return; } $this->installed[$dep] = true; if (!$this->hasPackage($dep)) { Terminal::info("* Installing {$dep}...\n"); $target = $this->getPackageDirectory($dep); if (is_dir($target)) { OS::run("rm -rf {$target}"); } $btarget = OS::bashize($target); $remotes = $this->remotes->getRemotes(); $addr = $remotes[$this->remotes->getCurrent()]; $addr = sprintf($addr, $dep); $return = OS::run("git clone --depth=1 {$addr} {$btarget}"); if ($return != 0) { OS::run("rm -rf {$target}"); throw new \Exception("Unable to install package {$dep}"); } $package = new Package($target); if (!$package->hasConfig()) { OS::run("rm -rf {$btarget}"); throw new \Exception("{$dep} doesn't look like a deps package (no deps.json)"); } $package->updateRemotes($this->remotes, true); $this->packages[$package->getName()] = $package; } else { $this->update($dep); $package = $this->getPackage($dep); } $package->readConfig(); foreach ($package->getDependencies() as $sdep) { if ($rebuildDeps) { $this->install($sdep); } else { if (!$this->hasPackage($sdep)) { $this->install($sdep); } } } $this->build($dep); }
function isImage($fileName) { // Check that the image exists $output = OS::executeAndReturnOutput("file \"{$fileName}\""); assert(count($output) == 1); if (strpos($output[0], 'JPEG image data') === false) { return IMG_NOT_JPEG; } $output = OS::executeAndReturnOutput("identify -verbose \"{$fileName}\" 2>&1 1>/dev/null"); if (count($output)) { return IMG_CORRUPT; // because there are warnings } return IMG_NORMAL; }
function postProcess($fileName) { $tmpFile = tempnam($this->tmpDir, 'loc_'); log_scriptLog('* removing diacritics'); $s = file_get_contents($fileName); $s = StringUtil::unicodeToLatin($s); file_put_contents($tmpFile, $s); log_scriptLog('* removing duplicates and sorting'); OS::executeAndAssert("sort -u {$tmpFile} -o {$fileName}"); unlink($tmpFile); }
/** * Get the total parent count of a class * * @param string $class Full classname or instance * * @return integer */ protected function _getAncestorCount($class) { return count(OS::_getAncestors($class)); }
<?php require_once "../phplib/util.php"; $PS_COMMAND = 'ps -eo user,pid,etime,args --no-headers --sort etime'; $APACHE_USER = '******'; $PHP_EXECUTABLE = '/usr/lib/cgi-bin/php5'; $TIME_LIMIT = 3600; /*seconds */ log_scriptLog('Running killOrphanPhpProcesses.php.'); $output = OS::executeAndReturnOutput($PS_COMMAND); foreach ($output as $line) { $parts = preg_split('/ +/', $line, 4); $runningTime = getRunningTime($parts[2]); if ($parts[0] == $APACHE_USER && $runningTime > $TIME_LIMIT && $parts[3] == $PHP_EXECUTABLE) { log_scriptLog("killing process {$parts[1]}"); OS::executeAndAssert("kill -9 {$parts[1]}"); } } log_scriptLog('killOrphanPhpProcesses.php done.'); /****************************************************************************/ // ps gives us the running time in [[DD-]hh:]mm:ss format. function getRunningTime($string) { $matches = array(); preg_match("/^(?:(?:(\\d+)-)?(\\d+):)?(\\d+):(\\d+)\$/", $string, $matches); return $matches[1] * 86400 + $matches[2] * 3600 + $matches[3] * 60 + $matches[4]; }
require_once '../commons/'; try { // Send the dmi information. if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'dmi') { print $FOGCore->getSetting('FOG_PLUGIN_CAPONE_DMI'); } else { if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'imagelookup' && $_REQUEST['key'] != null) { $key = trim(base64_decode(trim($_REQUEST['key']))); // Find the key association $Capones = $FOGCore->getClass('CaponeManager')->find(); if ($FOGCore->getClass('CaponeManager')->count() > 0) { foreach ($Capones as $Capone) { if (stristr($key, $Capone->get('key'))) { $Image = new Image($Capone->get('imageID')); $OS = new OS($Capone->get('osID')); $StorageGroup = new StorageGroup($Image->get('storageGroupID')); $StorageNode = $StorageGroup->getMasterStorageNode(); switch ($Image->get('imageTypeID')) { case 1: $imgType = 'n'; break; case 2: $imgType = 'mps'; break; case 3: $imgType = 'mpa'; break; case 4: $imgType = 'dd'; break;