Esempio n. 1
#!/usr/bin/php -q
require_once "";
$cs = new OBData();
#$npc = $cs->get_item('BeggarICMarketSimplicia');
#$npc = $cs->get_item('ICMarketGuardPostDay01');
$npc = $cs->get_item('SchlerusSestius');
print $npc->get('marksman') . "\n";
if (0) {
    foreach (array('aggression', 'confidence', 'energy', 'responsibility', 'strength', 'intelligence', 'willpower', 'personality') as $attrib) {
        print "{$attrib} " . $npc->get($attrib) . "\n";
    $totals = $npc->persuasion_reactions();
    foreach ($totals as $reaction => $value) {
        print "{$reaction} {$value}\n";
Esempio n. 2

require_once "";
$cs = new OBData();
$npc = $cs->get_item($npc_name);

Esempio n. 3
#!/usr/bin/php -q
require_once "";
$cs = new OBData();
$csread = $cs->get_data();
$race = $cs->get_item('WoodElf');
print "Bosmer\n";
for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) {
    $skill = $race->get('skl' . $i);
    $bonus = $race->get('skbonus' . $i);
    print "{$skill} {$bonus}\n";
$race = $cs->get_item('Breton');
print "Breton\n";
for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) {
    $skill = $race->get('skl' . $i);
    $bonus = $race->get('skbonus' . $i);
    print "{$skill} {$bonus}\n";
Esempio n. 4
#!/usr/bin/php -q
require_once "";
$cs = new OBData();
foreach (array("DLCBattlehornDragonswordPower3", "NDLpGreavesShieldOther", "NDBlessingOfTalos", "BSRitualBlessedWord", "VampireHuntersSight") as $edid) {
    $spell = $cs->get_item($edid);
    print "spell=" . $spell->get('name') . " spellcost=" . $spell->get('spellcost') . " autocost=" . $spell->get('auto_spellcost') . " spelllevel=" . $spell->get('spelllevel') . " autolevel=" . $spell->get('auto_spelllevel') . " autocalc=" . $spell->get('autocalc') . "\n";
$spell = $cs->newitem('SPEL');
$spell->add_custom_effect('Fire Damage', 5, 5, 10);
$spell->add_custom_effect('Fire Damage', 70, 1, 20);
print "custom spell\n";
foreach ($spell->indices('effect_id') as $index) {
    print $spell->magic_desc_line($index) . "  cost=" . $spell->effect_cost($index) . "\n";
print "Total cost=" . $spell->get('spellcost') . " spelllevel=" . $spell->get('spelllevel') . "\n";
Esempio n. 5

require_once "";
require_once "";
/*$str = pack('f', -4.);
print $str."\n";
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($str); $i++) {
	$s = substr($str,$i,1);
	list($x, $n) = unpack('C', $s);
	printf("%d     %3d   0x%02x\n", $i, $n, $n);
$cs = new OBData();
// this should fill in all the lookups from but is it still needed?
if ($argc > 1 && substr($argv[$argc - 1], -4) == '.ess') {
    $filename = $argv[$argc - 1];
} else {
    $filename = 'text2609.ess';
//$save = new OBSaveRead('Save 2605 - Nenya - Arch-Mage\'s Tower Council Chambers, Level 6, Playing Time 41.28.20.ess', $cs);
//$save = new OBSaveRead('xboxsave1313.ess', $cs);
//$save = new OBSaveRead('xboxsave0451.ess', $cs);
//$save = new OBSaveRead('textsave2606.ess', $cs);
//$save = new OBSaveRead('xboxsave2427.ess', $cs);
print "processing file {$filename}\n\n";
$save = new OBSaveRead($filename, $cs);

what is update.esp?  can I get it from xbox?  .... and then, what is script at formid 0x010047af?
need text version of 2617 or 2650 (flag 16 on ACHR); 2912 or 2950 (misc. flag 3 with data)