Esempio n. 1
 function get_oauth_user_id()
     try {
         $verifier = new OAuthRequestVerifier();
         return $verifier->verify();
     } catch (OAuthException2 $e) {
         return FALSE;
Esempio n. 2
 public static function verify()
     $req = new OAuthRequestVerifier();
     $result = $req->verifyExtended('access');
     self::$consumer_key = $result['consumer_key'];
     $query = "SELECT user_id FROM oauth_mapping WHERE oauth_id = ?";
     $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query);
     $user_id = $statement->fetchColumn();
     if (!$user_id) {
         throw new Exception('Precondition failed', 412);
     return $user_id;
 private function checkConnection()
     if (!isset($this->isvalid)) {
         if (OAuthRequestVerifier::requestIsSigned()) {
             try {
                 $this->request = new OAuthRequestVerifier();
                 $req = $this->request;
                 $user_id = $req->verify();
                 // If we have an user_id, then login as that user (for this request)
                 if ($user_id) {
                     $this->userid = $user_id;
                     $this->isvalid = true;
                     return true;
             } catch (OAuthException $e) {
                 // The request was signed, but failed verification
                 header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');
                 header('WWW-Authenticate: OAuth realm=""');
                 header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf8');
                 echo $e->getMessage();
     return false;
Esempio n. 4
 public static function getConsummerKey()
     if (OAuthRequestVerifier::requestIsSigned()) {
         try {
             $req = new OAuthRequestVerifier();
             $key = $req->getParam('oauth_consumer_key');
         } catch (OAuthException $e) {
             sfContext::getInstance()->getLogger()->err("oauthSecurityManager::checkAuthorized exception");
             sfContext::getInstance()->getLogger()->err("Message: " + $e->getMessage());
     } else {
         sfContext::getInstance()->getLogger()->err("oauthSecurityManager::checkAuthorized request not signed");
     return $key;
Esempio n. 5
  * Construct the request to be verified
  * @param string request
  * @param string method
  * @param array params The request parameters
  * @param string store The session storage class.
  * @param array store_options The session storage class parameters.
  * @param array options Extra options:
  *   - allowed_uri_schemes: list of allowed uri schemes.
  *   - disallowed_uri_schemes: list of unallowed uri schemes.
  * e.g. Allow only http and https
  * $options = array(
  *     'allowed_uri_schemes' => array('http', 'https'),
  *     'disallowed_uri_schemes' => array()
  * );
  * e.g. Disallow callto, mailto and file, allow everything else
  * $options = array(
  *     'allowed_uri_schemes' => array(),
  *     'disallowed_uri_schemes' => array('callto', 'mailto', 'file')
  * );
  * e.g. Allow everything
  * $options = array(
  *     'allowed_uri_schemes' => array(),
  *     'disallowed_uri_schemes' => array()
  * ); 
 function __construct($uri = null, $method = null, $params = null, $store = 'SESSION', $store_options = array(), $options = array())
     parent::__construct($uri, $method, $params);
     $this->session = OAuthSession::instance($store, $store_options);
     if (array_key_exists('allowed_uri_schemes', $options) && is_array($options['allowed_uri_schemes'])) {
         $this->allowed_uri_schemes = $options['allowed_uri_schemes'];
     if (array_key_exists('disallowed_uri_schemes', $options) && is_array($options['disallowed_uri_schemes'])) {
         $this->disallowed_uri_schemes = $options['disallowed_uri_schemes'];
Esempio n. 6
 public function direct()
     if (OAuthRequestVerifier::requestIsSigned()) {
         try {
             $req = new OAuthRequestVerifier();
             $authUid = $req->verify();
             if ($authUid) {
                 $registry = Zend_Registry::getInstance();
                 $people = Ml_Model_People::getInstance();
                 $authedUserInfo = $people->getById($authUid);
                 $registry->set("authedUserInfo", $authedUserInfo);
         } catch (OAuthException $e) {
             //If user authentication fails
             header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');
             header('WWW-Authenticate: OAuth realm=""');
             header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf8');
             throw $e;
Esempio n. 7
 case 'oauth':
     Debug::LogEntry('audit', 'OAuth Webservice call');
     $oauth = new ServiceOAuth();
     if (method_exists($oauth, $method)) {
     } else {
         $serviceResponse->ErrorServerError('Unknown Request.');
 case 'rest':
     // OAuth authorization.
     if (OAuthRequestVerifier::requestIsSigned()) {
         try {
             $request = new OAuthRequestVerifier();
             $userID = $request->verify();
             if ($userID) {
                 // Create the login control system.
                 $userClass = Config::GetSetting('userModule');
                 $userClass = explode('.', $userClass);
                 // Create a user.
                 $user = new User($db);
                 // Log this user in.
                 if (!$user->LoginServices($userID)) {
                     $serviceResponse->ErrorServerError('Unknown User.');
             } else {
                 $serviceResponse->ErrorServerError('No user id.');
Esempio n. 8
  * Construct the request to be verified
  * @param string request
  * @param string method
  * @param array params The request parameters
  * @param string store The session storage class.
  * @param array store_options The session storage class parameters.
 function __construct($uri = null, $method = null, $params = null, $store = 'SESSION', $store_options = array())
     parent::__construct($uri, $method, $params);
     $this->session = OAuthSession::instance($store, $store_options);
function oauth_test()
    header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
    echo "Performing OAuth module tests.\n\n";
    echo "See also:\n\n";
    assert_options(ASSERT_CALLBACK, 'oauth_assert_handler');
    assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING, 0);
    $req = new OAuthRequest('', 'GET');
    echo "***** Parameter Encoding *****\n\n";
    assert('$req->urlencode(\'abcABC123\') == \'abcABC123\'');
    assert('$req->urlencode(\'-._~\') == \'-._~\'');
    assert('$req->urlencode(\'%\') == \'%25\'');
    assert('$req->urlencode(\'&=*\') == \'%26%3D%2A\'');
    assert('$req->urlencode(\'&=*\') == \'%26%3D%2A\'');
    assert('$req->urlencode("\\n") == \'%0A\'');
    assert('$req->urlencode(" ") == \'%20\'');
    assert('$req->urlencode("\\x7f") == \'%7F\'');
    echo "***** Normalize Request Parameters *****\n\n";
    $req = new OAuthRequest('', 'GET');
    assert('$req->getNormalizedParams() == \'name=\'');
    $req = new OAuthRequest('', 'GET');
    assert('$req->getNormalizedParams() == \'a=b\'');
    $req = new OAuthRequest('', 'GET');
    assert('$req->getNormalizedParams() == \'a=b&c=d\'');
    // At this moment we don't support two parameters with the same name
    // so I changed this test case to "a=" and "b=" and not "a=" and "a="
    $req = new OAuthRequest('!y&a=x+y', 'GET');
    assert('$req->getNormalizedParams() == \'a=x%20y&b=x%21y\'');
    $req = new OAuthRequest('!y=a&x=a', 'GET');
    assert('$req->getNormalizedParams() == \'x=a&x%21y=a\'');
    echo "***** Base String *****\n\n";
    $req = new OAuthRequest('', 'GET');
    assert('$req->signatureBaseString() == \'GET&\'');
    $req = new OAuthRequest('', 'POST', 'oauth_version=1.0&oauth_consumer_key=dpf43f3p2l4k3l03&oauth_timestamp=1191242090&oauth_nonce=hsu94j3884jdopsl&oauth_signature_method=PLAINTEXT&oauth_signature=ignored', array('X-OAuth-Test' => true));
    assert('$req->signatureBaseString() == \'POST&\'');
    $req = new OAuthRequest('', 'GET');
    assert('$req->signatureBaseString() == \'GET&\'');
    echo "***** HMAC-SHA1 *****\nRequest signing\n";
    OAuthStore::instance('MySQL', array('conn' => false));
    $req = new OAuthRequestSigner('', 'GET');
    assert('$req->urldecode($req->calculateDataSignature(\'bs\', \'cs\', \'\',   \'HMAC-SHA1\')) == \'egQqG5AJep5sJ7anhXju1unge2I=\'');
    assert('$req->urldecode($req->calculateDataSignature(\'bs\', \'cs\', \'ts\', \'HMAC-SHA1\')) == \'VZVjXceV7JgPq/dOTnNmEfO0Fv8=\'');
    $secrets = array('consumer_key' => 'dpf43f3p2l4k3l03', 'consumer_secret' => 'kd94hf93k423kf44', 'token' => 'nnch734d00sl2jdk', 'token_secret' => 'pfkkdhi9sl3r4s00', 'signature_methods' => array('HMAC-SHA1'), 'nonce' => 'kllo9940pd9333jh', 'timestamp' => '1191242096');
    $req->sign(0, $secrets);
    assert('$req->getParam(\'oauth_signature\', true) == \'tR3+Ty81lMeYAr/Fid0kMTYa/WM=\'');
    echo "***** HMAC-SHA1 *****\nRequest verification\n";
    $req = new OAuthRequestVerifier('' . '&oauth_consumer_key=dpf43f3p2l4k3l03&oauth_token=nnch734d00sl2jdk' . '&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1&oauth_nonce=kllo9940pd9333jh' . '&oauth_timestamp=1191242096&oauth_version=1.0' . '&oauth_signature=' . rawurlencode('tR3+Ty81lMeYAr/Fid0kMTYa/WM='), 'GET');
    $req->verifySignature('kd94hf93k423kf44', 'pfkkdhi9sl3r4s00');
    echo "\n";
    echo "***** Yahoo! test case ******\n\n";
    OAuthStore::instance('MySQL', array('conn' => false));
    $req = new OAuthRequestSigner('', 'GET');
    $req->setParam('title', 'taken with a 30% orange filter');
    $req->setParam('file', 'mountain & water view');
    $req->setParam('format', 'jpeg');
    $req->setParam('include', array('date', 'aperture'));
    $secrets = array('consumer_key' => '1234=asdf=4567', 'consumer_secret' => 'erks823*43=asd&123ls%23', 'token' => 'asdf-4354=asew-5698', 'token_secret' => 'dis9$#$Js009%==', 'signature_methods' => array('HMAC-SHA1'), 'nonce' => '3jd834jd9', 'timestamp' => '12303202302');
    $req->sign(0, $secrets);
    // echo "Basestring:\n",$req->signatureBaseString(), "\n\n";
    //echo "queryString:\n",$req->getQueryString(), "\n\n";
    assert('$req->getQueryString() == \'title=taken%20with%20a%2030%25%20orange%20filter&file=mountain%20%26%20water%20view&format=jpeg&include=date&include=aperture\'');
    //echo "oauth_signature:\n",$req->getParam('oauth_signature', true),"\n\n";
    assert('$req->getParam(\'oauth_signature\', true) == \'jMdUSR1vOr3SzNv3gZ5DDDuGirA=\'');
    echo "\n\nFinished.\n";
Esempio n. 10
 public function getParam($name, $default = '')
     $req = new OAuthRequestVerifier();
     $value = $req->getParam($name);
     if (empty($value)) {
         $value = Yii::app()->request->getParam($name, $default);
     return $value;
Esempio n. 11
  * This function checks if the request is CORS valid, if not checks for an authentication and setup the auth routes
 function checkOAuth()
     global $validOrigins;
     if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN']) && in_array($_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN'], $validOrigins)) {
     //Command to generate the Request Tokens
     $this->addRouteCommand(new RouteCommand("POST", "auth", "requestToken", function ($params = NULL) {
         if (empty($_POST["userId"])) {
         $store = OAuthStore::instance('PDO', array('conn' => DBController::$db));
         $key = $store->updateConsumer($_POST, $_POST["userId"], true);
         $c = $store->getConsumer($key, $_POST["userId"]);
         $result["key"] = $c["consumer_key"];
         $result["secret"] = $c["consumer_secret"];
     }, array("userId"), "Request a new token"));
     // Create a new instance of OAuthStore and OAuthServer
     $store = OAuthStore::instance('PDO', array('conn' => DBController::$db));
     $server = new OAuthServer();
     ResterUtils::Log(">> CHECKING OAUTH " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']);
     if (OAuthRequestVerifier::requestIsSigned()) {
         //If the request is signed, allow from any source
         header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
         try {
             $req = new OAuthRequestVerifier();
             $id = $req->verify(false);
             ResterUtils::Log("*** API USER " . $id . " ***");
         } catch (OAuthException2 $e) {
             // The request was signed, but failed verification
             header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');
             header('WWW-Authenticate: OAuth realm=""');
             header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf8');
             ResterUtils::Log(">> OAUTH ERROR >> " . $e->getMessage());
     } else {
         ResterUtils::Log(">> OAUTH: Unsigned request");
         if (isset($validOrigins)) {
             foreach ($validOrigins as $origin) {
                 ResterUtils::Log(">> ADD ORIGIN: " . $origin);
                 header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: ' . $origin);
         } else {
             //TODO; CHECK ORIGIN
             header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');
             header('WWW-Authenticate: OAuth realm=""');
             header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf8');
             echo "Authentication error";
             ResterUtils::Log(">> OAUTH ERROR >> Request not signed");
             ResterUtils::Log("*** AUTH ERROR *** ===>");
<!--API Resource to be accessed by the Client-->

require_once '../include/common.php';
if (OAuthRequestVerifier::requestIsSigned()) {
    try {
        $req = new OAuthRequestVerifier();
        $id = $req->verify();
        //	echo "hey";
        if ($id) {
            echo 'Hello ' . $id;
    } catch (OAuthException $e) {
        header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized');
        header('WWW-Authenticate: OAuth realm=""');
        header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf8');
        echo $e->getMessage();