Esempio n. 1
 public static function get_google_fonts()
     $font_registry = Nova_Toolkit::fonts();
     return $font_registry->get_google_fonts();
 public function google_link()
      * Get the array of fields from the Nova object.
     $fields = Nova::$fields;
      * Early exit if no fields are found.
     if (empty($fields)) {
     $fonts = array();
      * Run a loop for our fields
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
          * Sanitize the field
         $field = Nova_Field_Sanitize::sanitize_field($field);
          * No reason to proceed any further if no 'output' has been defined
          * or if it's not defined as an array.
         if (!isset($field['output']) || !is_array($field['output'])) {
          * Run through each of our "output" items in the array separately.
         foreach ($field['output'] as $output) {
             $valid = false;
              * If the field-type exists and is set to "typography"
              * then we need some extra checks to figure out if we need to proceed.
             if (isset($field['type']) && 'typography' == $field['type']) {
                 if (isset($field['choices']) && isset($field['choices']['font-family']) && $field['choices']['font-family']) {
                     $valid = true;
              * Check if the "property" of this item is related to typography.
             if (isset($output['property']) && in_array($output['property'], array('font-family', 'font-weight', 'font-subset'))) {
                 $valid = true;
              * If the $valid var is not true, then we don't need to proceed.
              * Continue to the next item in the array.
             if (!$valid) {
              * Get the value of this field
             $value = Nova_Values::get_sanitized_field_value($field);
              * Typography fields arew a bit more complex than usual fields.
              * We need to get the sub-items of the array
              * and then base our calculations on these.
             if ('typography' == $field['type']) {
                  * Add the font-family to the array
                 if (isset($value['font-family'])) {
                     $fonts[]['font-family'] = $value['font-family'];
                  * Add the font-weight to the array
                 if (isset($value['font-weight'])) {
                     $fonts[]['font-weight'] = $value['font-weight'];
             } else {
                 if ('font-family' == $output['property']) {
                      * Add the font-family to the array
                     $fonts[]['font-family'] = $value;
                 } else {
                     if ('font-weight' == $output['property']) {
                          * Add font-weight to the array
                         $fonts[]['font-weight'] = $value;
                     } else {
                         if ('font-subset' == $output['property']) {
                              * add font subsets to the array
                             $fonts[]['subsets'] = $value;
      * Start going through all the items in the $fonts array.
     foreach ($fonts as $font) {
          * Do we have font-families?
         if (isset($font['font-family'])) {
             $font_families = !isset($font_families) ? array() : $font_families;
             $font_families[] = $font['font-family'];
              * Determine if we need to create a google-fonts link or not.
             if (!isset($has_google_font)) {
                 if (Nova_Toolkit::fonts()->is_google_font($font['font-family'])) {
                     $has_google_font = true;
          * Do we have font-weights?
         if (isset($font['font-weight'])) {
             $font_weights = !isset($font_weights) ? array() : $font_weights;
             $font_weights[] = $font['font-weight'];
          * Do we have font-subsets?
         if (isset($font['subsets'])) {
             $font_subsets = !isset($font_subsets) ? array() : $font_subsets;
             $font_subsets[] = $font['subsets'];
      * Make sure there are no empty values and define some sane defaults.
     $font_families = !isset($font_families) || empty($font_families) ? false : $font_families;
     $font_weights = !isset($font_weights) || empty($font_weights) ? array('400') : $font_weights;
     $font_subsets = !isset($font_subsets) || empty($font_subsets) ? array('all') : $font_subsets;
      * Get rid of duplicate values
     if (is_array($font_families) && !empty($font_families)) {
         $font_families = array_unique($font_families);
     if (is_array($font_weights) && !empty($font_weights)) {
         $font_weights = array_unique($font_weights);
     if (is_array($font_subsets) && !empty($font_subsets)) {
         $font_subsets = array_unique($font_subsets);
     if (!isset($has_google_font) || !$has_google_font) {
         $font_families = false;
     // Return the font URL.
     return $font_families ? Nova_Toolkit::fonts()->get_google_font_uri($font_families, $font_weights, $font_subsets) : false;