Esempio n. 1
 * This is a sample application to show how to delete an existing link between
 * Customers entity instance and Orders Entity Instance.
require_once 'NorthwindEntities.php';
require_once 'urldef.php';
echo "<h3>Sample9: Delete the link added in Sample8 between a customer entity and Order entity</h3>";
try {
    $svc = new NorthwindEntities(NORTHWIND_SERVICE_URL);
    $response = $svc->Customers()->filter("CustomerID eq 'CHAN9'")->Expand('Orders')->Execute();
    if (count($response->Result)) {
        foreach ($response->Result as $customer) {
            foreach ($customer->Orders as $order) {
                $svc->DeleteLink($customer, "Orders", $order);
        echo "All Order Links associated with customer with ID CHAN9 has been deleted, also the orders and customer has been deleted";
    } else {
        echo "Customer with CustomerID CHAN9 not found";
} catch (DataServiceRequestException $ex) {
    echo 'Error: while running the query ' . $ex->Response->getQuery();
    echo "<br/>";
    echo $ex->Response->getError();
} catch (ODataServiceException $e) {
    echo "Error:" . $e->getError() . "<br>" . "Detailed Error:" . $e->getDetailedError();