function respaldo($tables = '*')
     $return = '';
     $nomina = new Nomina();
     $modelName = $nomina;
     $dataSource = $nomina->getDataSource();
     $databaseName = $dataSource->getSchemaName();
     // Do a short header
     $return .= '-- Database: `' . $databaseName . '`' . "\n";
     $return .= '-- Generation time: ' . date('D jS M Y H:i:s') . "\n\n\n";
     if ($tables == '*') {
         $tables = array();
         $result = $nomina->query('SHOW TABLES');
         foreach ($result as $resultKey => $resultValue) {
             $tables[] = current($resultValue['TABLE_NAMES']);
     } else {
         $tables = is_array($tables) ? $tables : explode(',', $tables);
     // Run through all the tables
     foreach ($tables as $table) {
         $tableData = $nomina->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $table);
         $return .= 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ' . $table . ';';
         $createTableResult = $nomina->query('SHOW CREATE TABLE ' . $table);
         $createTableEntry = current(current($createTableResult));
         $return .= "\n\n" . $createTableEntry['Create Table'] . ";\n\n";
         // Output the table data
         foreach ($tableData as $tableDataIndex => $tableDataDetails) {
             $return .= 'INSERT INTO ' . $table . ' VALUES(';
             foreach ($tableDataDetails[$table] as $dataKey => $dataValue) {
                 if (is_null($dataValue)) {
                     $escapedDataValue = 'NULL';
                 } else {
                     // Convert the encoding
                     $escapedDataValue = mb_convert_encoding($dataValue, "UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1");
                     // Escape any apostrophes using the datasource of the model.
                     $escapedDataValue = $nomina->getDataSource()->value($escapedDataValue);
                 $tableDataDetails[$table][$dataKey] = $escapedDataValue;
             $return .= implode(',', $tableDataDetails[$table]);
             $return .= ");\n";
         $return .= "\n\n\n";
     // Set the default file name
     $fileName = $databaseName . '-backup-' . date('Y-m-d_H-i-s') . '.sql';
     // Serve the file as a download
     $this->autoRender = false;
     $this->response->type('Content-Type: text/x-sql');
Esempio n. 2
 function GetDetail($CfdiPath)
     $CfdiType = $this->GetCfdiType($CfdiPath);
     if (strcasecmp($CfdiType, "0") == 0) {
         echo "\n Xml desconocido " . basename($CfdiPath);
         return 0;
     switch ($CfdiType) {
         /* Factura de Proveedor/Cliente */
         case 'Factura':
             return Proveedor::GetDetail($CfdiPath);
         case 'Nomina':
             return Nomina::GetDetail($CfdiPath);
             return 0;
Esempio n. 3
$t_lph = 0;
$t_inasistencia = 0;
$t_descuento = 0;
$t_deducciones = 0;
$t_neto = 0;


$criteria = new CDbCriteria();
$criteria->condition = 'fecha=:fecha';
$criteria->params = array(':fecha' => $model);
$criteria->with = array('obra');
$criteria->order = 'obra.nombre_obra';
$model2 = Nomina::model()->findAll($criteria);
foreach ($model2 as $data) {
    echo $data->empleado->nro_cuenta != "" ? '<tr>' : '<tr bgcolor="yellow">';
    echo $data->obra->nombre_obra;
    echo $data->persona->nombre . ' ' . $data->persona->apellido;
Esempio n. 4
  * Returns the data model based on the primary key given in the GET variable.
  * If the data model is not found, an HTTP exception will be raised.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be loaded
  * @return Nomina the loaded model
  * @throws CHttpException
 public function loadModel($id)
     $model = Nomina::model()->findByPk($id);
     if ($model === null) {
         throw new CHttpException(404, 'The requested page does not exist.');
     return $model;
 public function pdfNomina($mes, $quincena)
     Configure::write('debug', 2);
     $empleado = new Empleado();
     $nomina = new Nomina();
     $this->set('nominas', $nomina->find('all', array('conditions' => array('Nomina.mes' => $mes, 'Nomina.quincena' => $quincena))));
             $respuesta = array('raiz' => $arreglo);
             $respuesta = json_encode($respuesta);
             echo $respuesta;
     } else {
         $arreglo[0]['mensaje'] = obtenerMensaje('OPERACION_FALLIDA');
         $arreglo[0]['valido'] = false;
         $respuesta = array('raiz' => $arreglo);
         $respuesta = json_encode($respuesta);
         echo $respuesta;
 case 'obtenerDatosNomina':
     $objNomina = new Nomina();
     $objNomina->codemp = $_SESSION['la_empresa']['codemp'];
     $objNomina->servidor = $_SESSION['sigesp_servidor'];
     $objNomina->usuario = $_SESSION['sigesp_usuario'];
     $objNomina->clave = $_SESSION['sigesp_clave'];
     $objNomina->basedatos = $_SESSION['sigesp_basedatos'];
     $objNomina->gestor = $_SESSION['sigesp_gestor'];
     $objNomina->tipoconexionbd = 'ALTERNA';
     $datos = $objNomina->leer();
     if ($objNomina->valido) {
         if (!$datos->EOF) {
             $varJson = generarJson($datos);
             echo $varJson;
         } else {
             $arreglo[0]['codsis'] = '';
             $arreglo[0]['valido'] = true;
 function actualizarNomina()
     global $conexionbd;
     $consulta = "UPDATE sno_nomina " . "  SET anocurnom = '" . substr($this->fecinimen, 0, 4) . "', " . "      fecininom = '" . $this->fecinisem . "'," . "      peractnom = '001'  " . " WHERE codemp = '{$this->codemp}'  " . "  AND tippernom = 0 " . "  AND codnom = '" . $this->valornuevo . "'";
     $result = $conexionbd->Execute($consulta);
     $consulta = "UPDATE sno_nomina " . "  SET anocurnom = '" . substr($this->fecinimen, 0, 4) . "', " . "      fecininom = '" . $this->fecinimen . "'," . "      peractnom = '001'  " . " WHERE codemp = '{$this->codemp}'  " . "  AND tippernom <> 0 " . "  AND codnom = '" . $this->valornuevo . "'";
     $result = $conexionbd->Execute($consulta);
     $objNomina = new Nomina();
     $objNomina->codemp = $this->codemp;
     $objNomina->codnom = $this->valornuevo;
     $objNomina->tippernom = $this->tippernom;
     $objNomina->fecininom = $this->fecinimen;
     if ($this->tippernom == 0) {
         $objNomina->fecininom = $this->fecinisem;