function fetchElement() { $this->_values = array(); $css = NextendCss::getInstance(); $css->addCssLibraryFile('element/switcher.css'); $js = NextendJavascript::getInstance(); $js->addLibraryJsAssetsFile('dojo', 'element.js'); $js->addLibraryJsAssetsFile('dojo', 'element/switcher.js'); $html = ""; $html .= "<div class='nextend-switcher' style='" . NextendXmlGetAttribute($this->_xml, 'style') . "'>"; $html .= "<div class='nextend-switcher-vertical'>"; $html .= "<div class='nextend-switcher-vertical-dot'>"; $html .= "</div>"; $html .= "</div>"; $html .= "<div class='nextend-switcher-units'>"; foreach ($this->_xml->unit as $unit) { $this->_values[] = (string) $unit->attributes()->value; $html .= "<span class='nextend-switcher-units-unit'>"; $html .= NextendText::_((string) $unit); $html .= "</span>"; } $html .= "</div>"; $this->_value = $this->_form->get($this->_name, $this->_default); $hidden = new NextendElementHidden($this->_form, $this->_tab, $this->_xml); $hiddenhtml = $hidden->render($this->control_name, false); $html .= $hiddenhtml[1]; $html .= "</div>"; $js->addLibraryJs('dojo', ' new NextendElementSwitcher({ hidden: "' . $this->_id . '", values: ' . json_encode($this->_values) . ' }); '); return $html; }
function fetchElement() { $this->setfolder(); $files = NextendFilesystem::files($this->_folder); $this->_xml->addChild('option', NextendText::_('No_image'))->addAttribute('value', -1); for ($i = 0; $i < count($files); $i++) { $ext = pathinfo($files[$i], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if ($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg' || $ext == 'png') { $this->_xml->addChild('option', htmlspecialchars(ucfirst($files[$i])))->addAttribute('value', NextendFilesystem::toLinux(NextendFilesystem::pathToRelativePath($this->_folder . $files[$i]))); } } if (nextendIsWordPress()) { $wpfolder = get_template_directory() . '/' . NextendXmlGetAttribute($this->_xml, 'folder') . '/'; if (isset($_GET['nextendpath'])) { echo $wpfolder . "<br />"; } if (NextendFilesystem::existsFolder($wpfolder)) { $files = NextendFilesystem::files($wpfolder); for ($i = 0; $i < count($files); $i++) { $ext = pathinfo($files[$i], PATHINFO_EXTENSION); if ($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'jpeg' || $ext == 'png') { $this->_xml->addChild('option', htmlspecialchars(ucfirst($files[$i])))->addAttribute('value', NextendFilesystem::toLinux(NextendFilesystem::pathToRelativePath($wpfolder . $files[$i]))); } } } } $css = NextendCss::getInstance(); $css->addCssLibraryFile('element/imagelist.css'); $html = "<div class='nextend-imagelist' style='" . NextendXmlGetAttribute($this->_xml, 'style') . "'>"; $html .= parent::fetchElement(); $html .= '</div>'; return $html; }
function render($control_name) { $this->initTabs(); $js = NextendJavascript::getInstance(); $js->addLibraryJsAssetsFile('jquery', 'tab/tabbed.js'); $count = count($this->_tabs); $id = 'nextend-tabbed-' . $this->_name; $active = intval(NextendXmlGetAttribute($this->_xml, 'active')); $active = $active > 0 ? $active - 1 : 0; $js->addLibraryJs('jquery', "new nextendTabTabbed('" . $id . "-container', " . $active . ")"); echo "<div id='" . $id . "-container' class='nextend-tab nextend-tab-tabbed nextend-clearfix'>"; echo '<div class="smartslider-greybar smartslider-button-grey">'; $i = 0; foreach ($this->_tabs as $tabname => $tab) { echo '<div class="smartslider-toolbar-options smartslider-button-grey' . ($i == $active ? ' active' : '') . ($i == 0 ? ' first' : '') . ($i == $count - 1 ? ' last' : '') . '"><div>' . NextendText::_(NextendXmlGetAttribute($tab->_xml, 'label')) . '</div></div>'; $i++; } echo '</div>'; echo "<div id='" . $id . "' class='nextend-tab-tabbed-panes nextend-clearfix' style='width: " . $count * 100 . "%; margin-left: " . -$active * 100 . "%;'>"; $i = 0; foreach ($this->_tabs as $tabname => $tab) { echo "<div class='nextend-tab-tabbed-pane' style='width: " . 100 / $count . "%; visibility: " . ($i == $active ? 'visible' : 'hidden') . ";'>"; $tab->render($control_name); echo "</div>"; $i++; } echo "</div>"; echo "</div>"; }
function fetchElement() { $element = new SimpleXMLElement('<param type="hidden" label="' . NextendText::_($this->_label) . '" default="' . NextendText::_($this->_label) . '" name="' . $this->_name . 'customlabel" />'); $customlabel = new NextendElementHidden($this->_form, $this, $element); $h = $customlabel->render($this->control_name, false); return $h[1] . parent::fetchElement(); }
function onNextendSliderGeneratorList(&$group, &$list, $showall = false) { $group[$this->_group] = 'Image'; if (!isset($list[$this->_group])) { $list[$this->_group] = array(); } $list[$this->_group][$this->_group . '_fromfolder'] = array(NextendText::_('From_folder'), $this->getPath() . 'fromfolder' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, true, false, true, 'image'); }
function fetchElement() { $easings = array("dojo.fx.easing.linear" => "Linear", "dojo.fx.easing.quadIn" => "Quad_In", "dojo.fx.easing.quadOut" => "Quad_Out", "dojo.fx.easing.quadInOut" => "Quad_In_Out", "dojo.fx.easing.cubicIn" => "Cubic_In", "dojo.fx.easing.cubicOut" => "Cubic_Out", "dojo.fx.easing.cubicInOut" => "Cubic_In_Out", "dojo.fx.easing.quartIn" => "Quart_In", "dojo.fx.easing.quartOut" => "Quart_Out", "dojo.fx.easing.quartInOut" => "Quart_In_Out", "dojo.fx.easing.quintIn" => "Quint_In", "dojo.fx.easing.quintOut" => "Quint_Out", "dojo.fx.easing.quintInOut" => "Quint_In_Out", "dojo.fx.easing.sineIn" => "Sine_In", "dojo.fx.easing.sineOut" => "Sine_Out", "dojo.fx.easing.sineInOut" => "Sine_In_Out", "dojo.fx.easing.expoIn" => "Expo_In", "dojo.fx.easing.expoOut" => "Expo_Out", "dojo.fx.easing.expoInOut" => "Expo_In_Out", "dojo.fx.easing.circIn" => "Circ_In", "dojo.fx.easing.circOut" => "Circ_Out", "dojo.fx.easing.circInOut" => "Circ_In_Out", "dojo.fx.easing.backIn" => "Back_In", "dojo.fx.easing.backOut" => "Back_Out", "dojo.fx.easing.backInOut" => "Back_In_Out", "dojo.fx.easing.bounceIn" => "Bounce_In", "dojo.fx.easing.bounceOut" => "Bounce_Out", "dojo.fx.easing.bounceInOut" => "Bounce_In_Out"); foreach ($easings as $k => $easing) { $this->_xml->addChild('option', NextendText::_($easing))->addAttribute('value', $k); } return parent::fetchElement(); }
function generateOptions(&$xml) { $html = ''; foreach ($xml->option as $option) { $v = NextendXmlGetAttribute($option, 'value'); $html .= '<option value="' . $v . '" ' . $this->isSelected($v) . '>' . ($this->_translateable ? NextendText::_((string) $option) : (string) $option) . '</option>'; } return $html; }
static function sprintf($text) { $args = func_get_args(); if (count($args) > 0) { $args[0] = NextendText::_($args[0]); return call_user_func_array('printf', $args); } return $text; }
function fetchElement() { $css = NextendCss::getInstance(); $css->addCssLibraryFile('element/fontmanager.css'); $js = NextendJavascript::getInstance(); $js->addLibraryJsAssetsFile('dojo', 'element.js'); $js->addLibraryJsAssetsFile('dojo', 'element/fontmanager.js'); $this->_value = $this->_form->get($this->_name, $this->_default); if (intval(NextendXmlGetAttribute($this->_xml, 'base64'))) { $this->base64 = 1; $js->addLibraryJsFile('jquery', NEXTENDLIBRARYASSETS . 'js' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'base64.js'); $json = json_decode($this->_value); if ($json != null && $json != $this->_value) { $this->_value = base64_encode($this->_value); $this->_form->set($this->_name, $this->_value); } } $hidden = new NextendElementHidden($this->_form, $this->_tab, $this->_xml); $html = ''; $fontmanager = NextendFontmanager::getInstance(); $fontmanager->_currentform = $this->_form; $html .= $fontmanager->render(); $html .= '<a id="nextend-' . $this->_name . '-button" class="nextend-font-button" href="#">' . NextendText::_('Font') . '</a>'; $html .= '<a id="nextend-' . $this->_name . '-button-export" class="nextend-button-css nextend-font-export nextend-element-hastip" title="' . NextendText::_('FONTMANAGER_Export') . '" href="#"></a>'; $html .= '<a id="nextend-' . $this->_name . '-button-import" class="nextend-button-css nextend-font-import nextend-element-hastip" title="' . NextendText::_('FONTMANAGER_Import') . '" href="#"></a>'; $html .= '<div id="nextend-' . $this->_name . '-message" class="nextend-message"></div>'; $html .= "<div class='nextend-fontmanager nextend-clearfix'>"; $hiddenhtml = $hidden->render($this->control_name, false); $html .= $hiddenhtml[1]; $html .= "</div>"; $tabs = explode('|', NextendXmlGetAttribute($this->_xml, 'tabs')); $translatedTabs = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tabs); $i++) { $translatedTabs[$i] = NextendText::_($tabs[$i]); } $this->printjs = ' new NextendElementFontmanager({ hidden: "' . $this->_id . '", button: "nextend-' . $this->_name . '-button", importbtn: "nextend-' . $this->_name . '-button-import", exportbtn: "nextend-' . $this->_name . '-button-export", message: "nextend-' . $this->_name . '-message", tabs: ' . json_encode($tabs) . ', translatedTabs: ' . json_encode($translatedTabs) . ', firsttab: "' . $tabs[0] . '", txt: { importingdone: "' . NextendText::_('FONTMANAGER_Importing_done') . '", youcanimport: "' . NextendText::_('FONTMANAGER_Now_you_can_import_the_settings_of_this_font') . '" }, base64: ' . $this->base64 . ' }); '; if ($this->_includeJS) { $js->addLibraryJs('dojo', $this->printjs); } return $html; }
function render() { if ($this->_form) { return; } $html = ''; $css = NextendCss::getInstance(); $css->addCssLibraryFile('fontmanager.css'); $js = NextendJavascript::getInstance(); nextendimport('nextend.form.form'); $form = new NextendForm(); $form->loadXMLFile(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'fontmanager' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'form.xml'); $this->_form =& $form; $js->addLibraryJsLibraryFile('dojo', 'dojo/window.js'); $js->addLibraryJsAssetsFile('dojo', 'window.js'); $js->addLibraryJsAssetsFile('dojo', 'element.js'); $js->addLibraryJsAssetsFile('dojo', 'fontmanager.js'); $id = 'nextend-fontmanager-lightbox-' . md5(time()); $html .= '<div id="' . $id . '" class="gk_hack nextend-window ' . $this->_currentform->get('class', isset($_REQUEST['view']) && $_REQUEST['view'] == 'sliders_settings' ? 'smartslider' : '') . '">'; $html .= '<div class="gk_hack nextend-window-container">'; $html .= '<div class="gk_hack nextend-topbar"><div class="gk_hack nextend-topbar-logo"></div>'; $manual = $this->_currentform->get('manual'); if ($manual != "") { $html .= '<a href="' . $manual . '" target="_blank" class="gk_hack nextend-topbar-button nextend-topbar-manual">' . NextendText::_('Manual') . '</a>'; } $support = $this->_currentform->get('support'); if ($support != "") { $html .= '<a href="' . $support . '" target="_blank" class="gk_hack nextend-topbar-button nextend-topbar-support">' . NextendText::_('Support') . '</a>'; } $html .= '<div id="nextend-fontmanager-save" class="nextend-window-save"><div class="NextendWindowSave">' . NextendText::_('APPLY') . '</div></div>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<div class="gk_hack nextend-window-container-inner">'; $html .= '<fieldset id="nextend-fontmanager-panels" class="gk_hack panelform">'; $html .= '<div id="nextend-fontmanager-tabs" class="gk_hack"></div>'; $html .= '<div id="nextend-fontmanager-panel" class="gk_hack pane-sliders">'; $html .= '<h3>' . NextendText::_('FONTMANAGER_Font_manager') . '</h3>'; ob_start(); //echo '<form method="post" name="nextend-fontmanager" id="nextend-fontmanager" action="" onsubmit="return false;">'; $form->render('fontmanager'); //echo '</form>'; $html .= ob_get_clean(); $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '<p id="nextend-fontmanager-preview" style="background-color: #d0d0d0;">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>'; $html .= '<div class="fontcolorpickerinput"><div><input id="nextend-fontmanager-backgroundcolor" value="#d0d0d0" name="nextend-fontmanager-backgroundcolor" /></div></div>'; $html .= '<div id="nextend-fontmanager-cleartab" style="float:right;">' . NextendText::_('FONTMANAGER_Clear_this_tab') . '</div>'; $html .= '</fieldset>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; $js->addLibraryJs('dojo', ' new NextendFontmanager({ node: "' . $id . '" }); '); return $html; }
function fetchElement() { global $smartslidercontroller, $ss2sliderafterform; $this->_value = htmlspecialchars($this->_form->get($this->_name, $this->_default), ENT_QUOTES); $this->_form->set($this->_name, $this->_value); $html = '<div style="display:none;">' . parent::fetchElement() . '</div>'; $slider = null; $params = new NextendData(); if (nextendIsJoomla()) { nextendimportsmartslider2('nextend.smartslider.joomla.slider'); $module = new stdClass(); $module->id = 0; $params->loadArray(array('slider' => intval($_GET['sliderid']))); $slider = new NextendSliderJoomla($module, $params, dirname(__FILE__), true); } else { if (nextendIsWordpress()) { nextendimportsmartslider2('nextend.smartslider.wordpress.slider'); $slider = new NextendSliderWordpress(intval($_GET['sliderid']), $params, dirname(__FILE__), true); } else { if (nextendIsMagento()) { nextendimportsmartslider2('nextend.smartslider.magento.slider'); $slider = new NextendSliderMagento(intval($_GET['sliderid']), $params, dirname(__FILE__), true); } } } ob_start(); echo "<div id='smartslider-adjust-height' style='overflow:auto; margin: 5px; padding: 5px;'>"; $slider->render(); echo "</div>"; echo "<div id='smart-slider-layer-dummy' class='smart-slider-layer'></div>"; echo '<div class="smartslider-slide-advanced-layers" style="min-width: 1600px;"></div>'; $ss2sliderafterform = ob_get_clean(); $css = NextendCss::getInstance(); $css->addCssLibraryFile('jqueryui/jquery.ui.resizable.css'); $css->addCssFile(NEXTEND_SMART_SLIDER2_ASSETS . 'admin/css/layer.css'); $js = NextendJavascript::getInstance(); $js->addLibraryJsLibraryFile('jquery', 'ui/jquery.ui.core.min.js'); $js->addLibraryJsLibraryFile('jquery', 'ui/jquery.ui.widget.min.js'); $js->addLibraryJsLibraryFile('jquery', 'ui/jquery.ui.mouse.min.js'); $js->addLibraryJsLibraryFile('jquery', 'ui/jquery.ui.resizable.min.js'); $js->addLibraryJsLibraryFile('jquery', 'ui/jquery.ui.draggable.min.js'); $js->addLibraryJsLibraryFile('jquery', 'ui/jquery.ui.sortable.min.js'); $js->addLibraryJsLibraryFile('jquery', 'ui/jquery.ui.droppable.min.js'); $js->addLibraryJsFile('jquery', NEXTENDLIBRARYASSETS . 'js' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'base64.js'); $js->addLibraryJsFile('jquery', NEXTENDLIBRARYASSETS . 'js' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sortable.js'); $js->addLibraryJsFile('jquery', NEXTEND_SMART_SLIDER2_ASSETS . 'admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'js' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'console.js'); $js->addLibraryJsFile('jquery', NEXTEND_SMART_SLIDER2_ASSETS . 'admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'js' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'slide.js'); $js->addLibraryJsFile('jquery', NEXTEND_SMART_SLIDER2_ASSETS . 'admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'js' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'slide.layer.js'); $js->addLibraryJsFile('jquery', NEXTEND_SMART_SLIDER2_ASSETS . 'admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'js' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'slide.item.js'); $js->addLibraryJsFile('jquery', NEXTEND_SMART_SLIDER2_ASSETS . 'admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'js' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'slide.layout.js'); $js->addLibraryJs('jquery', "\r\n njQuery(document).ready(function(){\r\n var el = \$('#smartslider-adjust-height');\r\n el.height(el[0].scrollHeight+10);\r\n \$(window).trigger('resize');\r\n });\r\n ndojo.addOnLoad(function(){\r\n SmartSliderAdminSlide('" . $slider->getId() . "','" . $slider->_activeSlide . "','" . $this->_id . "', '" . $smartslidercontroller->route('controller=layouts&action=create') . "');\r\n });\r\n "); if (NextendSmartSliderSettings::get('slideeditoralert', 1)) { $js->addLibraryJs('jquery', "\r\n njQuery(window).on('beforeunload', function() {\r\n if ( > 60000 && !window.nextendsave) { // 1 min\r\n return '" . NextendText::_('Your_slide_settings_has_not_been_submitted_yet') . "';\r\n } else {\r\n return;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n "); } return $html; }
function generateOptions(&$xml) { $this->_values = array(); $html = ''; foreach ($xml->option as $option) { $v = NextendXmlGetAttribute($option, 'value'); $this->_values[] = $v; $html .= '<div class="nextend-radio-option' . $this->isSelected($v) . '">' . NextendText::_((string) $option) . '</div>'; } return $html; }
function onNextendSliderGeneratorList(&$group, &$list, $showall = false) { if ($showall || smartsliderIsFull()) { $group[self::$_group] = 'Twitter'; if (!isset($list[self::$_group])) { $list[self::$_group] = array(); } $configured = is_string(NextendSmartSliderStorage::get(self::$_group)); $list[self::$_group][self::$_group . '_timeline'] = array(NextendText::_('Timeline'), $this->getPath() . 'twittertimeline' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $configured, true, true); } }
function getValues() { return array('html' => '<div class="myfirstclass"> ' . NextendText::_('My_HTML_element') . ' </div>', 'css' => '.myfirstclass { height: 30px; line-height: 30px; background: royalblue; color: white; text-align: center; }', 'onmouseclick' => '', 'onmouseenter' => '', 'onmouseleave' => ''); }
function decorateTitle() { echo "<div class='nextend-tab'>"; if ($this->_hidetitle != 1) { echo "<h3>" . NextendText::_(NextendXmlGetAttribute($this->_xml, 'label')) . "</h3>"; } ?> <div style="position: absolute; right: 130px; top: 0;"> <div class="smartslider-advanced-layers smartslider-greybar"> <div class="smartslider-toolbar-simple smartslider-toolbar-options smartslider-button-grey first"> <div><?php echo NextendText::_('Simple_mode'); ?> </div> </div><div class="smartslider-toolbar-advanced smartslider-toolbar-options smartslider-button-grey last"> <div><?php echo NextendText::_('Advanced_mode'); ?> </div> </div> </div> <div class="smartslider-device-switch smartslider-greybar smartslider-toolbar-options-4"> <div class="smartslider-toolbar-device-all smartslider-toolbar-options smartslider-button-grey first"> <div><?php echo NextendText::_('All'); ?> </div> </div><div class="smartslider-toolbar-desktop smartslider-toolbar-options smartslider-button-grey"> <div><?php echo NextendText::_('Desktop'); ?> </div> </div><div class="smartslider-toolbar-tablet smartslider-toolbar-options smartslider-button-grey"> <div><?php echo NextendText::_('Tablet'); ?> </div> </div><div class="smartslider-toolbar-phone smartslider-toolbar-options smartslider-button-grey last"> <div><?php echo NextendText::_('Mobile'); ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="smartslider-toolbar-play"><?php echo NextendText::_('PLAY'); ?> </div> <div class="smartslider-slide-console"></div> <?php }
function NextendGeneratorflexicontent_items($data) { parent::__construct($data); nextendimport('nextend.database.database'); $db = NextendDatabase::getInstance(); $this->_variables = array('link' => NextendText::_('Link_to_the_article')); $db->setQuery('SELECT * FROM #__flexicontent_fields'); $result = $db->loadAssocList(); foreach ($result as $field) { $this->_variables[$field['name']] = $field['label'] . ' - ' . $field['description']; } }
function NextendGeneratorK2_Items($data) { parent::__construct($data); $this->extraFields = array(); $this->_variables = array('title' => NextendText::_('Title_of_the_item'), 'image' => NextendText::_('Image_for_the_item'), 'thumbnail' => NextendText::_('Image_for_the_item'), 'description' => NextendText::_('Intro_of_the_item'), 'url' => NextendText::_('Url_of_the_item'), 'alias' => NextendText::_('Alias_of_the_item'), 'fulltext' => NextendText::_('Text_of_the_item'), 'catid' => NextendText::_('Id_of_the_item_s_category'), 'cat_title' => NextendText::_('Title_of_the_item_s_category'), 'categoryurl' => NextendText::_('Url_to_the_item_s_category'), 'created_by' => NextendText::_('Id_of_the_item_s_creator'), 'author_name' => NextendText::_('Name_of_the_article_s_creator'), 'image_caption' => NextendText::_('Image_caption_for_the_item'), 'image_credits' => NextendText::_('Image_credits_for_the_item'), 'hits' => NextendText::_('Hits_of_the_item')); $this->loadExtraFields(); if (count($this->extraFields) > 0) { foreach ($this->extraFields as $v) { $this->_variables['extra' . $v['id'] . '_' . preg_replace("/\\W|_/", "", $v['group_name'] . '_' . $v['name'])] = 'Extra field ' . $v['name'] . ' of the item'; } } }
function NextendGeneratorCobalt_Records($data) { parent::__construct($data); $this->extraFields = array(); $this->_variables = array('id' => NextendText::_('ID_of_the_record'), 'title' => NextendText::_('Title_of_the_record'), 'url' => NextendText::_('Url_of_the_record'), 'section_id' => NextendText::_('Id_of_the_record_s_section'), 'section_title' => NextendText::_('Title_of_the_record_s_section'), 'section_url' => NextendText::_('Url_to_the_record_s_section'), 'category_id' => NextendText::_('Id_of_the_record_s_category'), 'cat_title' => NextendText::_('Title_of_the_record_s_category'), 'category_url' => NextendText::_('Url_to_the_record_s_category'), 'type_id' => NextendText::_('Id_of_the_record_s_type'), 'type_title' => NextendText::_('Title_of_the_record_s_type'), 'created_by' => NextendText::_('Id_of_the_record_s_creator'), 'created_by_alias' => NextendText::_('Name_of_the_record_s_creator'), 'hits' => NextendText::_('Hits_of_the_record')); $this->loadExtraFields(); if (count($this->extraFields) > 0) { foreach ($this->extraFields as $v) { $this->_variables['extra' . $v['id'] . '_' . preg_replace("/\\W|_/", "", $v['label'])] = 'Extra field ' . $v['label'] . ' of the record'; } } }
function onNextendSliderGeneratorList(&$group, &$list, $showall = false) { if ($showall || smartsliderIsFull()) { $installed = NextendFilesystem::existsFile(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'components' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'com_jshopping' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'jshopping.php'); if ($showall || $installed) { $group[$this->_group] = 'JoomShopping'; if (!isset($list[$this->_group])) { $list[$this->_group] = array(); } $list[$this->_group][$this->_group . '_products'] = array(NextendText::_('Products'), $this->getPath() . 'products' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, true, true, $installed ? true : '', 'product'); } } }
function onNextendSliderGeneratorList(&$group, &$list, $showall = false) { if ($showall || smartsliderIsFull()) { $group[self::$_group] = 'Flickr'; if (!isset($list[self::$_group])) { $list[self::$_group] = array(); } $configured = is_string(NextendSmartSliderStorage::get(self::$_group)); $list[self::$_group][self::$_group . '_peoplephotostream'] = array(NextendText::_('My_photostream'), $this->getPath() . 'peoplephotostream' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $configured, true, true); $list[self::$_group][self::$_group . '_peoplephotoset'] = array(NextendText::_('My_photoset'), $this->getPath() . 'peoplephotoset' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $configured, true, true); $list[self::$_group][self::$_group . '_peoplephotogallery'] = array(NextendText::_('My_gallery'), $this->getPath() . 'peoplephotogallery' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $configured, true, true); } }
function onNextendSliderGeneratorList(&$group, &$list, $showall = false) { if ($showall || smartsliderIsFull()) { $group[$this->_group] = 'Joomla content'; if (!isset($list[$this->_group])) { $list[$this->_group] = array(); } $list[$this->_group][$this->_group . '_joomlacontent'] = array(NextendText::_('Contents_by_category'), $this->getPath() . 'joomlacontent' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, true, true, true, 'article'); if ($showall == false) { $list[$this->_group][$this->_group . '_joomlacategory'] = array(NextendText::_('Subcategories_by_category'), $this->getPath() . 'joomlacategory' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, true, true, true, 'article'); } } }
function onNextendSliderGeneratorList(&$group, &$list, $showall = false) { if ($showall || smartsliderIsFull()) { $installed = NextendFilesystem::existsFolder(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'components' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'com_flexicontent'); if ($showall || $installed) { $group[$this->_group] = 'FLEXIcontent'; if (!isset($list[$this->_group])) { $list[$this->_group] = array(); } $list[$this->_group][$this->_group . '_items'] = array(NextendText::_('Items'), $this->getPath() . 'items' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, true, true, $installed ? true : '', null); } } }
function onNextendSliderGeneratorList(&$group, &$list, $showall = false) { if ($showall || smartsliderIsFull()) { $installed = NextendFilesystem::existsFolder(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'components' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'com_phocagallery'); if ($showall || $installed) { $group[$this->_group] = 'Phoca Gallery'; if (!isset($list[$this->_group])) { $list[$this->_group] = array(); } $list[$this->_group][$this->_group . '_phocagalleryimages'] = array(NextendText::_('Images'), $this->getPath() . 'phocagalleryimages' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, true, true, $installed ? true : '', 'image_extended'); } } }
function onNextendSliderGeneratorList(&$group, &$list, $showall = false) { if ($showall || smartsliderIsFull()) { $group[self::$_group] = 'Instagram'; if (!isset($list[self::$_group])) { $list[self::$_group] = array(); } $configured = is_string(NextendSmartSliderStorage::get(self::$_group)); $list[self::$_group][self::$_group . '_myfeed'] = array(NextendText::_('My_feed'), $this->getPath() . 'myfeed' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $configured, true, true); $list[self::$_group][self::$_group . '_tagsearch'] = array(NextendText::_('Search_by_tag'), $this->getPath() . 'tagsearch' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $configured, true, true); $list[self::$_group][self::$_group . '_myphotos'] = array(NextendText::_('My_photos'), $this->getPath() . 'myphotos' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $configured, true, true); } }
function onNextendSliderGeneratorList(&$group, &$list, $showall = false) { if ($showall || smartsliderIsFull()) { $installed = NextendFilesystem::existsFolder(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'components' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'com_easyblog'); if ($showall || $installed) { $group[$this->_group] = 'EasyBlog'; if (!isset($list[$this->_group])) { $list[$this->_group] = array(); } $list[$this->_group][$this->_group . '_posts'] = array(NextendText::_('Posts'), $this->getPath() . 'posts' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, true, true, $installed ? true : '', 'article'); } } }
function onNextendSliderGeneratorList(&$group, &$list, $showall = false) { if ($showall || smartsliderIsFull()) { $group[self::$_group] = 'Facebook'; if (!isset($list[self::$_group])) { $list[self::$_group] = array(); } $configured = is_string(NextendSmartSliderStorage::get(self::$_group)); $list[self::$_group][self::$_group . '_postsbypage'] = array(NextendText::_('Posts_by_page'), $this->getPath() . 'postsbypage' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $configured, true, true); $list[self::$_group][self::$_group . '_albumbypage'] = array(NextendText::_('Photos_by_page_album'), $this->getPath() . 'albumbypage' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $configured, true, true); $list[self::$_group][self::$_group . '_albumbyuser'] = array(NextendText::_('Photos_by_user_album'), $this->getPath() . 'albumbyuser' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $configured, true, true); } }
function generateList() { $html = ''; for ($i = 1; $i <= $this->_generatorgroup; $i++) { $html .= '<p class="nextend-variables">'; foreach ($this->_variables as $k => $v) { $html .= '<span class="nextend-variable nextend-variable-hastip" title="' . $v . ' ' . NextendText::_('for') . ' ' . $i . '. ' . NextendText::_('record_in_group') . '" onClick="selectText(this);">{|' . $k . '-' . $i . '|}</span> '; } $html .= "</p>"; } $html .= '<style>.nextend-variables{line-height: 20px; font-size: 13px;}.nextend-variable{margin: 0 5px;}</style>'; return $html; }
function fetchTooltip() { if ($this->_label == '-') { $this->_label = ''; } $output = '<label id="' . $this->_id . '-lbl" for="' . $this->_id . '"'; if ($this->_description) { $output .= ' class="hasTip" title="' . NextendText::_($this->_label) . '::' . NextendText::_($this->_description) . '">'; } else { $output .= '>'; } $output .= NextendText::_($this->_label) . '</label>'; return $output; }
function fetchElement() { $html = parent::fetchElement(); if (nextendIsJoomla()) { JHtml::_('behavior.modal'); $user = JFactory::getUser(); $link = 'index.php?option=com_content&view=articles&layout=modal&tmpl=component'; $html .= '<div class="button2-left" style="margin: 2px 0 2px 10px; float: left;"> <div class="article"> <a onclick="window.jSelectArticle = function(id, title, catid, object, link, lang){njQuery(\'#' . $this->_id . '\').val(link); NfireEvent(document.getElementById(\'' . $this->_id . '\'),\'change\');SqueezeBox.close();};return false;" rel="{handler: \'iframe\', size: {x: 900, y: 520}}" href="' . $link . '" title="Article" class="modal btn modal-button"><i class="icon-file-add"></i>' . NextendText::_('Article') . '</a> </div> </div>'; } return $html; }
function generateOptions(&$xml) { $html = ''; $html .= '<option value="0" selected="selected">' . NextendText::_('Choose') . '</option>'; $this->skins = array(); foreach ($this->_xml->children() as $skin) { $v = $skin->getName(); $html .= '<option value="' . $v . '">' . NextendText::_(NextendXmlGetAttribute($skin, 'label')) . '</option>'; $this->skins[$v] = array(); foreach ($skin as $param) { $this->skins[$v][$param->getName()] = (string) $param; } } return $html; }