function fetchElement()
     $v = (array) NextendParse::parse($this->parent->_value);
     $_REQUEST['fbpage'] = $v[0];
     $this->_xml->addChild('option', 'Please choose')->addAttribute('value', 0);
     $js = NextendJavascript::getInstance();
     $js->addLibraryJsAssetsFile('dojo', 'element.js');
     $js->addLibraryJsFile('dojo', dirname(__FILE__) . '/facebookalbumsbypage.js');
     $js->addLibraryJs('dojo', '
         new NextendElementFacebookAlbumsbyPage({
             val: "' . $v[0] . '",
             hidden: "' . $this->parent->_id . '",
             listhidden: "' . $this->_id . '",
             group: "nextendslidergenerator",
             method: "onNextendFacebookPageAlbums"
     $list = null;
     NextendPlugin::callPlugin('nextendslidergenerator', 'onNextendFacebookPageAlbums', array(&$list));
     if ($list) {
         if (count($list)) {
             foreach ($list as $id => $name) {
                 $this->_xml->addChild('option', htmlentities($name))->addAttribute('value', $id);
     $this->_value = $this->_form->get($this->_name, $this->_default);
     $html = parent::fetchElement();
     if (!$list) {
         $html .= ob_get_clean();
     return $html;
Esempio n. 2
 function loadWordpressList()
     require_once NEXTEND_ACCORDION_MENU . 'types' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'loadplugin.php';
     $this->_list = array();
     NextendPlugin::callPlugin('nextendmenu', 'onNextendMenuList', array(&$this->_list));
Esempio n. 3
 function NextendSliderWidgets($slider, $id)
     $this->_slider = $slider;
     $this->_id = $id;
     $this->_widgets = array();
     $this->_enabledWidgets = array();
     $params = $this->_slider->_sliderParams;
     if ($slider->_backend) {
     $plugins = array();
     NextendPlugin::callPlugin('nextendsliderwidget', 'onNextendSliderWidgetList', array(&$plugins));
     foreach ($plugins as $k => $v) {
         $widget = $params->get('widget' . $k);
         $display = NextendParse::parse($params->get('widget' . $k . 'display', '0|*|always|*|0|*|0'));
         if ($widget != '' && (isset($display[0]) && intval($display[0]) || isset($display[2]) && intval($display[2]) || isset($display[3]) && intval($display[3]))) {
             $this->_enabledWidgets[$k] = $widget;
     foreach ($this->_enabledWidgets as $k => $v) {
         if (nextendIsJoomla()) {
             JPluginHelper::importPlugin('nextendsliderwidget' . $k);
         $class = 'plgNextendSliderWidget' . $k . $v;
         if (class_exists($class, false)) {
             $this->_widgets[$k] = call_user_func(array($class, 'render'), $slider, $id, $params);
 function getOptions()
     if ($this->_list == null) {
         $this->_list = array();
         NextendPlugin::callPlugin('nextendsliderwidget', 'onNextendSliderWidgetList', array(&$this->_list));
     uasort($this->_list, array($this, 'sort'));
     return $this->_list;
Esempio n. 5
 function NextendSliderItems($id, $slider, $admin)
     $this->id = $id;
     $this->slider = $slider;
     $this->admin = $admin;
     $this->items = array();
     if (!isset(self::$i[$id])) {
         self::$i[$id] = 0;
     NextendPlugin::callPlugin('nextendslideritem', 'onNextendSliderItemShortcode', array(&$this->items));
Esempio n. 6
 function loadList()
     if ($this->_list == null) {
         $this->_group = array();
         $this->_list = array();
         NextendPlugin::callPlugin(NextendXmlGetAttribute($this->_xml, 'plugingroup'), NextendXmlGetAttribute($this->_xml, 'method'), array(&$this->_group, &$this->_list));
         $v = explode('_', $this->_value);
         if (!isset($this->_list[$v[0]][$this->_value])) {
             $keys = array_keys($this->_list);
             $ks = array_keys($this->_list[$keys[0]]);
             $this->_value = $this->_list[$keys[0]][$ks[0]];
 function pluginAction($tpl)
     $plugin = NextendRequest::getVar('action');
     $path = null;
     NextendPlugin::callPlugin('nextendslidergenerator', 'onNextendGeneratorConfiguration', array(&$plugin, &$path));
     if ($path) {
         $path .= 'configuration.xml';
         $this->xml = $path;
         $this->group = $plugin;
     } else {
Esempio n. 8
 * @return phpFlickr
function getNextendFlickr()
    $flickr = null;
    NextendPlugin::callPlugin('nextendslidergenerator', 'onNextendFlickr', array(&$flickr));
    if ($flickr->auth_checkToken() === false) {
        if (NextendSmartSliderSettings::get('debugmessages', 1)) {
            global $smartslidercontroller;
            echo "<span style='line-height: 24px; padding: 0 10px;'>";
            echo NextendText::_('There_are_some_configuration_issues_with_Flickr_API_Please_check_the_settings') . ' <a href="' . $smartslidercontroller->route('controller=settings&view=sliders_settings&action=flickr') . '">' . NextendText::_('settings') . '</a>!<br />';
            echo "</span>";
        return false;
    return $flickr;
Esempio n. 9
 function fetchElement()
     static $options;
     if (!$options) {
         $options = array(0 => 'No_animation', 'fade' => 'Fade', 'slidelefttoright' => 'Slide_left_to_right', 'sliderighttoleft' => 'Slide_right_to_left', 'slidetoptobottom' => 'Slide_top_to_bottom', 'slidebottomtotop' => 'Slide_bottom_to_top', 'flipx' => 'Flip_X', 'fadeup' => 'Fade_up', 'fadedown' => 'Fade_down', 'fadeleft' => 'Fade_left', 'faderight' => 'Fade_right', 'bounce' => 'Bounce', 'rotate' => 'Rotate', 'rotateupleft' => 'Rotate_up_left', 'rotatedownleft' => 'Rotate_down_left', 'rotateupright' => 'Rotate_up_right', 'rotatedownright' => 'Rotate_down_right', 'rollin' => 'Roll_in', 'rollout' => 'Roll_out', 'scale' => 'Scale');
         NextendPlugin::callPlugin('nextendslider', 'onNextendSliderLayerAnimations', array(&$options));
     if (count($options)) {
         foreach ($options as $k => $v) {
             $this->_xml->addChild('option', $v)->addAttribute('value', $k);
     $this->_value = $this->_form->get($this->_name, $this->_default);
     $html = parent::fetchElement();
     return $html;
Esempio n. 10
function getNextendTwitter()
    $twitter = null;
    NextendPlugin::callPlugin('nextendslidergenerator', 'onNextendTwitter', array(&$twitter));
    $test = $twitter->request('GET', '', array());
    if ($test != 200) {
        if (NextendSmartSliderSettings::get('debugmessages', 1)) {
            global $smartslidercontroller;
            echo "<span style='line-height: 24px; padding: 0 10px;'>";
            echo NextendText::_('There_are_some_configuration_issues_with_Twitter_API_Please_check_the') . ' <a href="' . $smartslidercontroller->route('controller=settings&view=sliders_settings&action=twitter') . '">' . NextendText::_('settings') . '</a>!<br />';
            echo "</span>";
        return false;
    return $twitter;
Esempio n. 11
 function fetchElement()
     static $options;
     if (!$options) {
         $options = array(0 => 'No_animation', '1' => 'Fade - full', '2' => 'Slide left to right - full', '3' => 'Slide right to left - full', '4' => 'Slide top to bottom - full', 'slidebottomtotop' => 'Slide bottom to top', '5' => 'Flip X - full', '6' => 'Fade up - full', 'fadedown' => 'Fade down', '8' => 'Fade left - full', '9' => 'Fade right - full', '10' => 'Bounce - full', '11' => 'Rotate - full', '12' => 'Rotate up left - full', '13' => 'Rotate down left - full', '13' => 'Rotate up right - full', '14' => 'Rotate down right - full', 'rollin' => 'Roll in', '15' => 'Roll out - full', '16' => 'Scale - full');
         NextendPlugin::callPlugin('nextendslider', 'onNextendSliderLayerAnimations', array(&$options));
     if (count($options)) {
         foreach ($options as $k => $v) {
             $this->_xml->addChild('option', $v)->addAttribute('value', $k);
     $this->_value = $this->_form->get($this->_name, $this->_default);
     $html = parent::fetchElement();
     return $html;
Esempio n. 12
 * @return Instagram
function getNextendInstagram()
    $instagram = null;
    NextendPlugin::callPlugin('nextendslidergenerator', 'onNextendInstagram', array(&$instagram));
    $test = json_decode($instagram->getUserFeed(), true);
    if ($test['meta']['code'] != 200) {
        if (NextendSmartSliderSettings::get('debugmessages', 1)) {
            global $smartslidercontroller;
            echo "<span style='line-height: 24px; padding: 0 10px;'>";
            echo NextendText::_('There_are_some_configuration_issues_with_Instagram_API_Please_check_the') . ' <a href="' . $smartslidercontroller->route('controller=settings&view=sliders_settings&action=instagram') . '">' . NextendText::_('settings') . '</a>!<br />';
            echo "</span>";
        return false;
    return $instagram;
Esempio n. 13
 * @return array(Google_Client,Google_Client_YouTube)
function getNextendYoutube()
    static $google = null, $youtube = null;
    if ($google === null) {
        NextendPlugin::callPlugin('nextendslidergenerator', 'onNextendYoutube', array(&$google, &$youtube));
    if ($google->isAccessTokenExpired()) {
        if (NextendSmartSliderSettings::get('debugmessages', 1)) {
            global $smartslidercontroller;
            echo "<span style='line-height: 24px; padding: 0 10px;'>";
            echo NextendText::_('There are some configuration issues with Youtube API. Please check the') . ' <a href="' . $smartslidercontroller->route('controller=settings&view=sliders_settings&action=youtube') . '">' . NextendText::_('settings') . '</a>!<br />';
            echo "</span>";
        return false;
    return array($google, $youtube);
Esempio n. 14
 * @return Facebook
function getNextendFacebook()
    $facebook = null;
    NextendPlugin::callPlugin('nextendslidergenerator', 'onNextendFacebook', array(&$facebook));
    try {
        $test = $facebook->api('/me');
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        if (NextendSmartSliderSettings::get('debugmessages', 1)) {
            global $smartslidercontroller;
            echo "<span style='line-height: 24px; padding: 0 10px;'>";
            echo NextendText::_('There_are_some_configuration_issues_with_Facebook_API_Please_check_the') . ' <a href="' . $smartslidercontroller->route('controller=settings&view=sliders_settings&action=facebook') . '">' . NextendText::_('settings') . '</a>!<br />';
            echo "</span>";
        return false;
    return $facebook;
Esempio n. 15
div#' . $id . ' .nextend-smartslider-caption:HOVER .img-scale-top{
	-moz-transform: scale(1.4);
	-o-transform: scale(1.4);
	-webkit-transform: scale(1.4);
	transform: scale(1.4);

div#' . $id . ' .nextend-smartslider-caption:HOVER .caption.nextend-smartslider-caption-scale-top{
	top: 0;
            case 'fade':
                return 'div#' . $id . ' .nextend-smartslider-caption .caption.nextend-smartslider-caption-fade{
                  opacity: 0;
                div#' . $id . ' .nextend-smartslider-caption:HOVER .caption.nextend-smartslider-caption-fade{
                  opacity: 1;
    function getValues()
        return array('image' => NextendSmartSliderSettings::get('placeholder'), 'alt' => 'Image not available', 'link' => '#|*|_self', 'size' => '130|*|130', 'content' => 'Title', 'description' => 'Here comes the description text.', 'captionclass' => 'simple-bottom', 'fontclasstitle' => 'sliderfont1', 'fontclass' => 'sliderfont11', 'color' => '00000080', 'customcaptionclass' => '', 'onmouseclick' => '', 'onmouseenter' => '', 'onmouseleave' => '');
    function getPath()
        return dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->_identifier . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
NextendPlugin::addPlugin('nextendslideritem', 'plgNextendSliderItemCaption');
Esempio n. 16
        if (!empty($leave)) {
            $attr .= ' data-leave="' . htmlspecialchars($leave) . '"';
        return '<p class="' . $data->get('fontclass', '') . ' ' . $data->get('class', '') . '" style="' . $fontsize . $fontcolor . htmlspecialchars($data->get('css', '')) . '" ' . $attr . '>' . $data->get('content', '') . '</p>';
    function _renderAdmin($data, $id, $sliderid, $items)
        $fontsize = $data->get('fontsize', '');
        if (!empty($fontsize)) {
            $fontsize = 'font-size:' . $fontsize . '%;';
        $fontcolors = (array) NextendParse::parse($data->get('fontcolor', ''));
        $fontcolor = '';
        if (isset($fontcolors[0]) && $fontcolors[0]) {
            if (!empty($fontcolors[1])) {
                $fontcolor = 'color:#' . $fontcolors[1] . ';';
        return '<p class="' . $data->get('fontclass', '') . ' ' . $data->get('class', '') . '" style="' . $fontsize . $fontcolor . htmlspecialchars($data->get('css', '')) . '">' . $data->get('content', '') . '</p>';
    function getValues()
        return array('content' => NextendText::_('Empty_paragraph'), 'fontclass' => 'sliderfont6', 'fontsize' => 'auto', 'fontcolor' => '0|*|000000', 'css' => '', 'class' => '', 'onmouseclick' => '', 'onmouseenter' => '', 'onmouseleave' => '');
    function getPath()
        return dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->_identifier . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
NextendPlugin::addPlugin('nextendslideritem', 'plgNextendSliderItemParagraph');
Esempio n. 17
    var $_title = 'Vimeo';
    function getTemplate()
        return '<img src="//" style="width:100%;" />';
    function _render($data, $id, $sliderid, $items)
        $js = NextendJavascript::getInstance();
        $js->addLibraryJsFile('jquery', dirname(__FILE__) . '/vimeo/vimeo.js');
        return '<div id="' . $id . '" data-vimeocode="' . $data->get('vimeourl') . '" data-autoplay="' . $data->get('autoplay', 0) . '" data-reset="' . $data->get('reset', 0) . '" data-title="' . $data->get('title', 1) . '" data-byline="' . $data->get('byline', 1) . '" data-portrait="' . $data->get('portrait', 1) . '" data-loop="' . $data->get('loop', 0) . '" data-color="' . $data->get('color', '00adef') . '" ></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        njQuery(document).ready(function () {
            ssCreateVimeoPlayer("' . $id . '", "' . $sliderid . '");
    function _renderAdmin($data, $id, $sliderid, $items)
        return '<img src="//" style="width:100%;" />';
    function getValues()
        return array('code' => '75251217', 'autoplay' => 0, 'title' => 1, 'byline' => 1, 'portrait' => 0, 'color' => '00adef', 'loop' => 0);
    function getPath()
        return dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->_identifier . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
NextendPlugin::addPlugin('nextendslideritem', 'plgNextendSliderItemVimeo');
Esempio n. 18

$action = NextendRequest::getCmd('action', 'default');
$settings = array(array('id' => 'default', 'title' => NextendText::_('General_settings')), array('id' => 'layout', 'title' => NextendText::_('Layout_settings')));
if (nextendIsJoomla()) {
    $settings[] = array('id' => 'joomla', 'title' => NextendText::_('Joomla_settings'));
$settings[] = array('id' => 'cache', 'title' => NextendText::_('Cache'));
NextendPlugin::callPlugin('nextendslidergenerator', 'onNextendGeneratorConfigurationList', array(&$settings));
$settings[] = array('id' => 'font', 'title' => NextendText::_('Global_font'));
<dl class="smartslider-list smartslider-sliders-list">
$i = 0;
foreach ($settings as $setting) {
    $c = $i % 2 ? 'even' : 'odd';
    $active = $action == $setting['id'];
    if ($action == 'font' && NextendRequest::getInt('sliderid')) {
        $active = false;
        <dt class="<?php 
    echo $c;
 smartslider-button-blue-active smartslider-icon-container <?php 
    echo $active ? 'active' : '';
        <a class="smartslider-button-link" href="<?php 
    echo $this->route('controller=settings&view=sliders_settings&action=' . $setting['id']);
Esempio n. 19

class plgNextendMenuWordpress
    var $_name = 'wordpress';
    function onNextendMenuList(&$list)
        $list[$this->_name] = $this->getPath();
    function getPath()
        return dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'wordpress' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
NextendPlugin::addPlugin('nextendmenu', 'plgNextendMenuWordpress');
Esempio n. 20
                #' . $id . ' .nextend-bullet-container .nextend-bullet-numbers.nextend-bullet{                
                  background:' . $rgbacss . ';
                #' . $id . ' .nextend-bullet-container,
                #' . $id . ' .nextend-bullet-container .nextend-bullet-numbers.nextend-bullet:HOVER{
                  background:' . $rgbacsshover . ';
                #' . $id . ' .nextend-bullet-container.nextend-bullet.nextend-bullet-numbers.bullet-bar-simple-rounded,              
                #' . $id . ' .nextend-bullet-container.nextend-bullet.nextend-bullet-numbers.bullet-bar-elegant-rounded,
                #' . $id . ' .nextend-bullet-container.nextend-bullet.nextend-bullet-numbers.bullet-bar-simple,              
                #' . $id . ' .nextend-bullet-container.nextend-bullet.nextend-bullet-numbers.bullet-bar-elegant{              
                  background:' . $rgbacssborderbar . ';
                #' . $id . ' .nextend-bullet-numbers-thumbnail .qtip-content{
                  width:' . $thumbnailsize[0] . 'px;                
                  height:' . $thumbnailsize[1] . 'px;
                  padding: 4px;
                #' . $id . ' .nextend-bullet-numbers-thumbnail .qtip-content img{
                  box-shadow: 0 0px 0px 1px RGBA(255,255,255,.2);
                #' . $id . ' .nextend-bullet-numbers-thumbnail{
                  background: ' . $rgbacssthumbnail . ';
                }', $id);
        return $html;
NextendPlugin::addPlugin('nextendsliderwidgetbullet', 'plgNextendSliderWidgetBulletNumbers');
Esempio n. 21

class plgNextendSliderGeneratorFacebook extends NextendPluginBase
    public static $_group = 'facebook';
    function onNextendSliderGeneratorList(&$group, &$list, $showall = false)
        if ($showall || smartsliderIsFull()) {
            $group[self::$_group] = 'Facebook';
            if (!isset($list[self::$_group])) {
                $list[self::$_group] = array();
            $configured = is_string(NextendSmartSliderStorage::get(self::$_group));
            $list[self::$_group][self::$_group . '_postsbypage'] = array(NextendText::_('Posts_by_page'), $this->getPath() . 'postsbypage' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $configured, true, true);
            $list[self::$_group][self::$_group . '_albumbypage'] = array(NextendText::_('Photos_by_page_album'), $this->getPath() . 'albumbypage' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $configured, true, true);
            $list[self::$_group][self::$_group . '_albumbyuser'] = array(NextendText::_('Photos_by_user_album'), $this->getPath() . 'albumbyuser' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $configured, true, true);
    function getPath()
        return dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
NextendPlugin::addPlugin('nextendslidergenerator', 'plgNextendSliderGeneratorFacebook');
Esempio n. 22
 function loadList()
     $this->_list = array();
     NextendPlugin::callPlugin('nextendslidertype', 'onNextendSliderTypeList', array(&$this->_list));
Esempio n. 23
                        <script type="text/javascript">
                            window.ssitemmarker = true;
                        <dl class="smartslider-list smartslider-items-list">
                            <dt style="display: none;"
                                class="even smartslider-button-blue-active smartslider-icon-container subactive ">
                                <a href="#" class="smartslider-button-link" onclick="return false;"><?php 
echo NextendText::_('Add_item');
                                <span class="smartslider-arrowdown"></span>
                            <dd class="active">
$items = array();
NextendPlugin::callPlugin('nextendslideritem', 'onNextendSliderItemList', array(&$items));
                                <div id="draggableitems" class="nextend-clearfix">
foreach ($items as $type => $item) {
                                            class="smart-slider-item-container smartslider-button-grey"><?php 
    echo $item[0];
                                            <div style="display: none;" class="smart-slider-items"
    echo $type;
Esempio n. 24
                $html .= '<div class="nextend-thumbnail-vertical-content" style="width:' . (100 - $thumbnailcolumn) . '%;">';
                $link = NextendParse::parse($slider->_slides[$i]['params']->get('link'));
                if ($thumbnailtitlelink && $link[0] != '' && $link[0] != '#') {
                    $html .= '<h4 class="' . $params->get('thumbnailfontclasstitle') . '"><a href="' . $link[0] . '" target="' . $link[1] . '">' . $slider->_slides[$i]['title'] . '</a></h4>';
                } else {
                    $html .= '<h4 class="' . $params->get('thumbnailfontclasstitle') . '">' . $slider->_slides[$i]['title'] . '</h4>';
                $html .= '<p class="' . $params->get('thumbnailfontclassdescription') . '">' . $slider->_slides[$i]['description'] . '</p>
            $html .= '</div></div></td>';
            $html .= '<div class="nextend-arrow-bottom"></div></div></div>';
            $html .= "\n              <script type='text/javascript'>\n                  njQuery(document).ready(function () {\n                      window['" . $id . "-thumbnail'] = new smartSliderVertical({\n                          id: '" . $id . "',\n                          node: window.njQuery('#" . $id . "-thumbnail'),\n                          thumbnailperpage: '" . $thumbnailperpage . "',\n                          thumbnailanimation: '" . $params->get('thumbnailanimation', 700) . "'\n                      });\n                  });\n              </script>\n            ";
                #' . $id . ' .nextend-thumbnail-container .nextend-thumbnail-vertical-vertical1:HOVER,            
                #' . $id . ' .nextend-thumbnail-container,                      
                #' . $id . ' .nextend-thumbnail-container.nextend-thumbnail-vertical-vertical1 .nextend-arrow-top:HOVER,
                #' . $id . ' .nextend-thumbnail-container.nextend-thumbnail-vertical-vertical1 .nextend-arrow-bottom:HOVER,
                #' . $id . ' .nextend-thumbnail-container .nextend-thumbnail-vertical-vertical-light:HOVER,            
                #' . $id . ' .nextend-thumbnail-container,                      
                #' . $id . ' .nextend-thumbnail-container.nextend-thumbnail-vertical-vertical-light .nextend-arrow-top:HOVER,
                #' . $id . ' .nextend-thumbnail-container.nextend-thumbnail-vertical-vertical-light .nextend-arrow-bottom:HOVER{            
                    background-color:' . $rgbacssthumbnailactivebackground . ';
                }', $id);
        return $html;
NextendPlugin::addPlugin('nextendsliderwidgetthumbnail', 'plgNextendSliderWidgetThumbnailVertical');
Esempio n. 25

class plgNextendSliderItemFade extends plgNextendSliderItemAbstract
    var $_identifier = 'fade';
    var $_title = 'Fade - full';
    function getTemplate()
        return "\r\n          <div>\r\n              Only in full version!\r\n          </div>\r\n        ";
    function getValues()
        return array('imagefront' => NextendSmartSliderSettings::get('placeholder'), 'imageback' => NextendSmartSliderSettings::get('placeholder'), 'alt' => 'Image not available', 'link' => '#|*|_self', 'url' => '', 'target' => '_self', 'width' => '100%', 'fadeclass' => 'myfade', 'css' => '', 'class' => '');
    function getPath()
        return dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->_identifier . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
NextendPlugin::addPlugin('nextendslideritem', 'plgNextendSliderItemFade');
Esempio n. 26

class plgNextendSliderGeneratorTwitter extends NextendPluginBase
    public static $_group = 'twitter';
    function onNextendSliderGeneratorList(&$group, &$list, $showall = false)
        if ($showall || smartsliderIsFull()) {
            $group[self::$_group] = 'Twitter';
            if (!isset($list[self::$_group])) {
                $list[self::$_group] = array();
            $configured = is_string(NextendSmartSliderStorage::get(self::$_group));
            $list[self::$_group][self::$_group . '_timeline'] = array(NextendText::_('Timeline'), $this->getPath() . 'twittertimeline' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $configured, true, true);
    function getPath()
        return dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
NextendPlugin::addPlugin('nextendslidergenerator', 'plgNextendSliderGeneratorTwitter');
Esempio n. 27
        $fontsize = $data->get('fontsize', '');
        if (!empty($fontsize)) {
            $fontsize = 'font-size:' . $fontsize . '%;';
        $fontcolors = (array) NextendParse::parse($data->get('fontcolor', ''));
        $fontcolor = '';
        if (isset($fontcolors[0]) && $fontcolors[0]) {
            if (!empty($fontcolors[1])) {
                $fontcolor = 'color:#' . $fontcolors[1] . ';';
        return '
            <h' . $data->get('priority', 1) . ' class="' . $data->get('fontclass', 'sliderfont2') . ' ' . $data->get('class', '') . '" style="' . $fontsize . $fontcolor . htmlspecialchars($data->get('css', '')) . '">
                ' . ($link[0] != '#' ? '<a href="' . $link[0] . '" target="' . $link[1] . '" style="' . $fontcolor . '">' : '') . '
                  ' . $data->get('heading', '') . '
                ' . ($link[0] != '#' ? '</a>' : '') . '
            </h' . $data->get('priority', 1) . '>
    function getValues()
        return array('priority' => '1', 'heading' => NextendText::_('Heading'), 'link' => '#|*|_self', 'fontclass' => 'sliderfont2', 'fontsize' => 'auto', 'fontcolor' => '0|*|000000', 'css' => "padding: 0;\nmargin: 0;\nbackground: none;\nbox-shadow: none;", 'class' => '', 'onmouseenter' => '', 'onmouseclick' => '', 'onmouseleave' => '');
    function getPath()
        return dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->_identifier . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
NextendPlugin::addPlugin('nextendslideritem', 'plgNextendSliderItemHeading');
Esempio n. 28

class plgNextendSliderWidgetHTML extends NextendPluginBase
    var $_group = 'html';
    function onNextendSliderWidgetList(&$list)
        $list[$this->_group] = array(NextendText::_('HTML'), $this->getPath(), 10);
    function getPath()
        return dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'html' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
NextendPlugin::addPlugin('nextendsliderwidget', 'plgNextendSliderWidgetHTML');
Esempio n. 29
    -webkit-transform: perspective(800px) rotateY(-179.9deg);
    -moz-transform: perspective(800px) rotateY(-179.9deg);
    transform: perspective(800px) rotateY(-179.9deg);

div#' . $id . ' .nextend-smartslider-flip .nextend-smartslider-flip-back-img{
    -moz-transform: perspective(800px) rotateY(180deg);
    -webkit-transform: perspective(800px) rotateY(180deg);
    transform: perspective(800px) rotateY(180deg);

div#' . $id . ' .nextend-smartslider-flip-container:hover .nextend-smartslider-flip-back-img{
    -moz-transform: perspective(800px) rotateY(0deg);
    -webkit-transform: perspective(800px) rotateY(0deg);
    transform: perspective(800px) rotateY(0deg);
    function getValues()
        return array('imagefront' => NextendSmartSliderSettings::get('placeholder'), 'imageback' => NextendSmartSliderSettings::get('placeholder'), 'alt' => NextendText::_('Image_not_available'), 'link' => '#|*|_self', 'width' => '100%', 'css' => '', 'flipclass' => 'myflip', 'onmouseclick' => '', 'onmouseenter' => '', 'onmouseleave' => '');
    function getPath()
        return dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->_identifier . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
NextendPlugin::addPlugin('nextendslideritem', 'plgNextendSliderItemFlipper');
 function loadList()
     $this->_list = array();
     NextendPlugin::callPlugin(NextendXmlGetAttribute($this->_xml, 'group'), 'onNextend' . NextendXmlGetAttribute($this->_xml, 'method') . 'List', array(&$this->_list));