Esempio n. 1
  * Find an open port in a given range, trying several times.
  * Return FALSE if no open port is found after a timeout (1 second by default)
  * @param  string  $host
  * @param  integer $range_start
  * @param  integer $range_end
  * @param  integer $timeout
  * @return integer|boolean
 public static function ephimeral_port($host, $range_start = 1000, $range_end = 5000, $timeout = 1000)
     return Attempt::make(function () use($host, $range_start, $range_end) {
         $port = rand($range_start, $range_end);
         return Network::is_port_open($host, $port) ? $port : FALSE;
     }, $timeout);
Esempio n. 2
  * Start a phantomjs server in the background. Set port, server js file, additional files and log file.
  * @param  string $file       the server js file
  * @param  integer $port      the port to start the server on
  * @param  string $additional additional file, passed to the js server
  * @param  string $log_file
  * @return string             the pid of the newly started process
 public static function start($file, $port, $additional = NULL, $log_file = '/dev/null')
     if (!Network::is_port_open('localhost', $port)) {
         throw new Exception('Port :port is already taken', array(':port' => $port));
     if ($log_file !== '/dev/null' and !is_file($log_file)) {
         throw new Exception('Log file (:log_file) must be a file or /dev/null', array(':log_file' => $log_file));
     return shell_exec(strtr('nohup :command > :log 2> :log & echo $!', array(':command' => self::command($file, $port, $additional), ':log' => $log_file)));
Esempio n. 3
  * Check if the phantomjs server is actually running (the port is taken)
  * @return boolean
 public function is_running()
     return !Network::is_port_open($this->host(), $this->port());