Esempio n. 1
  * Implements Net_Finger::query() function using PEAR's socket functions
  * @param 	string	$server The finger-server to query
  * @param 	string  $query	The finger database object to lookup
  * @return 	mixed  			The data returned from the finger-server as string
  *                          or a PEAR_Error ( see Net_Socket for error codes)
 function query($server, $query)
     $socket = new Net_Socket();
     if (PEAR::isError($sockerror = $socket->connect($server, 79))) {
         $data = new PEAR_Error("Error connecting to {$server} ( Net_Socket says: " . $sockerror->getMessage() . ")", $sockerror->getCode());
     } else {
         $query .= "\n";
         $data = $socket->read(16384);
     return $data;
Esempio n. 2
  * Send a command to the IMAP server and retrieve
  * the response
  * @param string $command The command to send
  * @param string $data    If we are issuing a command
  *                        that means the server will
  *                        consequently expect literal
  *                        data sent then this is that data.
  * @return mixed          Server response string on success
  *                        or bool false on error
 function sendCmd($command, $data = null, $fh = false)
     if (!is_resource($this->socket->fp)) {
         $this->lastError = IC_NOT_CONNECTED;
         return false;
     if (feof($this->socket->fp)) {
         $this->lastError = IC_NOT_CONNECTED;
         return false;
     $cid = $this->cid;
     $this->socket->writeLine("{$this->cid} {$command}");
     if ($this->debug) {
         $this->debugOutput("C: {$cid} {$command}\n");
     $resp = '';
     $loop = 0;
     $lines = 0;
     $bytesRead = 0;
     $respSize = 0;
     $code = '';
     $fetch = substr($command, 0, 5) == 'FETCH';
     $select = substr($command, 0, 6) == 'SELECT';
     while (true) {
         // Check we are still connected
         if (!is_resource($this->socket->fp)) {
             return $resp;
         if (feof($this->socket->fp)) {
             $this->lastError = IC_NOT_CONNECTED;
             return false;
         $line = $this->socket->gets(8192);
         // 8192 same buffer used in Pear Net::POP3
         if ($this->debug) {
             $this->debugOutput("S: {$line}");
         if (preg_match("/^{$cid} (OK|BAD|NO)/", $line, $m)) {
             $code = $m[1];
         } elseif (!$fetch && !$select && preg_match("/^\\* (BAD|NO|BYE)/", $line, $m)) {
             $code = $m[1];
         // UW-IMAP been brain dead for 'status' command on a mailbox
         if ($code == 'NO' && preg_match("/NO CLIENT BUG DETECTED/", $line)) {
             $code = '';
         } else {
             if ($code == 'BAD' || $code == 'NO' || $code == 'BYE') {
                 return false;
             } else {
                 if ($code == 'OK') {
                     return !empty($resp) ? $resp : $line;
         // If writing to the filehandle, get msg size and skip the first line response from the IMAP server
         if (is_resource($fh) && preg_match('/^\\* /', $line) && $lines == '1') {
             preg_match('/\\{(\\d+)\\}/', $line, $m);
             $respSize = $m[1];
         // Check if we are sending literal data
         // and server is ready for literal data
         if ($data && preg_match('/^\\+/', $line)) {
             $size = $this->socket->write($data);
             if ($this->debug) {
                 $this->debugOutput("C: {$cid} {$data}\n");
         // Double check that we are not hung on a
         // command (ie not enough data sent)
         if ($data && $line == '') {
             // Send some new lines to try and
             // reach expected bytes
             if ($this->debug) {
                 $this->debugOutput("C: {$cid} \n");
         // Replace/fix - Under cyrus, multiple IMAP logins, mailbox locks, sockets are closed automatically
         if ($line == '' && $loop > 1000) {
             return $resp;
         } else {
             if ($line == '') {
         // Print to the filehandle only up to $respSize bytes so we do not append the last IMAP header on the message
         if ($stop) {
         } elseif (is_resource($fh)) {
             $bytesRead += strlen($line);
             // Strip Control-M chars
             $line = preg_replace('/\\cM+$/', '', $line);
             fwrite($fh, $line);
             // Only read up to expected byte size
             if ($bytesRead == $respSize) {
                 $stop = true;
         } else {
             $resp .= "{$line}";
 function get_gg_status($numer_gg, $haslo_gg, $szukany_numer, &$error, &$gg_status_widocznosc)
     define("GG_WELCOME", 0x1);
     define("GG_LOGIN", 0xc);
     define("GG_LOGIN60", 0x15);
     define("GG_LOGIN_OK", 0x3);
     define("GG_LOGIN_FAILED", 0x9);
     define("GG_NEW_STATUS", 0x2);
     define("GG_STATUS", 0x2);
     define("GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL", 0x1);
     define("GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL_DESCR", 0x15);
     define("GG_STATUS_AVAIL", 0x2);
     define("GG_STATUS_AVAIL_DESCR", 0x4);
     define("GG_STATUS_BUSY", 0x3);
     define("GG_STATUS_BUSY_DESCR", 0x5);
     define("GG_STATUS_INVISIBLE", 0x14);
     define("GG_NOTIFY", 0x10);
     define("GG_NOTIFY_REPLY", 0xc);
     define("GG_NOTIFY_REPLY60", 0x11);
     define("GG_USER_NORMAL", 0x3);
     define("GG_USER_BLOCKED", 0x4);
     define("GG_SEND_MSG", 0xb);
     define("GG_CLASS_MSG", 0x4);
     define("GG_CLASS_CHAT", 0x8);
     define("GG_CLASS_ACK", 0x20);
     define("GG_SEND_MSG_ACK", 0x5);
     define("GG_ACK_DELIVERED", 0x2);
     define("GG_ACK_QUEUED", 0x3);
     define("GG_RECV_MSG", 0xa);
     define("GG_LOGIN_FAILED2", 0xb);
     define("GG_ACK_MBOXFULL", 0x4);
     define("DISCONNECTED", 0x100);
     define("GG_PUBDIR50_REQUEST", 0x14);
     define("GG_PUBDIR50_REPLY", 0xe);
     define("GG_PUBDIR50_SEARCH", 0x3);
     // Getting a logon server
     require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php';
     $req = new HTTP_Request('<' . $numer_gg . '>');
     if (PEAR::isError($req->sendRequest()) || $req->getResponseCode() != '200') {
         $error = PLUGIN_GGOPIS_MSG_NOCONNTOAPPMSG . $errno . " - " . $errstr . "\n";
         return false;
     } else {
         $buf = $req->getResponseBody();
         preg_match("/\\s([\\d\\.]{8,16})\\:([\\d]{1,5})\\s/", $buf, $adres);
         $host = $adres[1];
         $port = $adres[2];
     // Connecting to a server
     require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'Net/Socket.php';
     $conn = new Net_Socket();
     if (!$conn->connect($host, $port, null, 10)) {
         $error = PLUGIN_GGOPIS_MSG_CONNERROR . ": {$errno} - {$errstr}\n\n";
         return false;
     // Getting data from a server -
     // receiving a key needed to calculate
     // a hash from your password
     if (!($data = $conn->read(12))) {
         $error = PLUGIN_GGOPIS_MSG_CONNUNEXPCLOSED . "\n\n";
         return false;
     $tab = unpack("Vtyp/Vrozmiar/Vklucz", $data);
     // Calculating a password hash
     $hash = $this->calculate_hash($haslo_gg, $tab['klucz']);
     $data = pack("VVVVVVvVvVvCCa" . strlen(""), GG_LOGIN60, 0x20 + strlen(""), $numer_gg, $hash, GG_STATUS_AVAIL, 0x20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x14, 0xbe, "");
     // Sending a password hash - logging to a GG server
     if (!($data1 = $conn->read(8))) {
         $error = PLUGIN_GGOPIS_MSG_UNKNOWNERROR . "\n";
         return false;
     // Checking a login status
     $tab = unpack("Vlogin_status/Vrozmiar", $data1);
     if ($tab['login_status'] != GG_LOGIN_OK) {
         $error = PLUGIN_GGOPIS_MSG_INCORRPASSWD . "\n\n";
         return false;
     // Sending a contact list with one contact
     $data = pack("VVVC", GG_NOTIFY, 5, $szukany_numer, GG_USER_NORMAL);
     if (!$conn->write($data)) {
         return false;
     // Receiving a packet with the next packet specification
     $gg_opis = '';
     $data = $conn->read(8);
     if (strlen($data) > 0) {
         $tab = unpack("Vtyp/Vrozmiar", $data);
         // Pobranie pakietu opisu
         // DEBUG: echo $tab['rozmiar'];
         $data = $conn->read($tab['rozmiar']);
         if ($tab['rozmiar'] > 14) {
             $tablica = unpack("Iuin/Cstatus/Iremoteip/Sremoteport/Cversion/Cimagesize/Cunknown/Cdescription_size/a*description", $data);
             // Getting a status description, and converting it from CP1250 (that's how it's encoded) to UTF8
             $gg_opis = $this->cp1250_to_utf8($tablica['description']);
             // Getting a status itself
             $gg_status_flaga = $tablica['status'];
         } else {
             $tablica = unpack("Iuin/Cstatus", $data);
             // Getting a status
             $gg_status_flaga = $tablica['status'];
         if (empty($gg_opis)) {
             $gg_opis = PLUGIN_GGOPIS_MSG_NOSTATUSDESC;
         // Choosing a status icon to display
         switch ($gg_status_flaga) {
             case GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL:
             case GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL_DESCR:
                 $gg_status_widocznosc = 'gg11';
             case GG_STATUS_AVAIL:
             case GG_STATUS_AVAIL_DESCR:
                 $gg_status_widocznosc = 'gg12';
             case GG_STATUS_BUSY:
             case GG_STATUS_BUSY_DESCR:
                 $gg_status_widocznosc = 'gg13';
                 $gg_status_widocznosc = 'gg11';
     } else {
     // Closing a connection to the server
     return $gg_opis;
Esempio n. 4
    * Sends the request
    * @access public
    * @param  bool   Whether to store response body in Response object property,
    *                set this to false if downloading a LARGE file and using a Listener
    * @return mixed  PEAR error on error, true otherwise
    function sendRequest($saveBody = true)
        if (!is_a($this->_url, 'Net_URL')) {
            return PEAR::raiseError('No URL given', HTTP_REQUEST_ERROR_URL);

        $host = isset($this->_proxy_host) ? $this->_proxy_host : $this->_url->host;
        $port = isset($this->_proxy_port) ? $this->_proxy_port : $this->_url->port;

        // 4.3.0 supports SSL connections using OpenSSL. The function test determines
        // we running on at least 4.3.0
        if (strcasecmp($this->_url->protocol, 'https') == 0 AND function_exists('file_get_contents') AND extension_loaded('openssl')) {
            if (isset($this->_proxy_host)) {
                return PEAR::raiseError('HTTPS proxies are not supported', HTTP_REQUEST_ERROR_PROXY);
            $host = 'ssl://' . $host;

        // magic quotes may f**k up file uploads and chunked response processing
        $magicQuotes = ini_get('magic_quotes_runtime');
        ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', false);

        // RFC 2068, section 19.7.1: A client MUST NOT send the Keep-Alive 
        // connection token to a proxy server...
        if (isset($this->_proxy_host) && !empty($this->_requestHeaders['connection']) &&
            'Keep-Alive' == $this->_requestHeaders['connection'])

        $keepAlive = (HTTP_REQUEST_HTTP_VER_1_1 == $this->_http && empty($this->_requestHeaders['connection'])) ||
                     (!empty($this->_requestHeaders['connection']) && 'Keep-Alive' == $this->_requestHeaders['connection']);
        $sockets   = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('HTTP_Request', 'sockets');
        $sockKey   = $host . ':' . $port;

        // There is a connected socket in the "static" property?
        if ($keepAlive && !empty($sockets[$sockKey]) &&
            $this->_sock =& $sockets[$sockKey];
            $err = null;
        } else {
            $this->_sock = new Net_Socket();
            $err = $this->_sock->connect($host, $port, null, $this->_timeout, $this->_socketOptions);
        PEAR::isError($err) or $err = $this->_sock->write($this->_buildRequest());

        if (!PEAR::isError($err)) {
            if (!empty($this->_readTimeout)) {
                $this->_sock->setTimeout($this->_readTimeout[0], $this->_readTimeout[1]);


            // Read the response
            $this->_response = new HTTP_Response($this->_sock, $this->_listeners);
            $err = $this->_response->process(
                $this->_saveBody && $saveBody,
                HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_HEAD != $this->_method

            if ($keepAlive) {
                $keepAlive = (isset($this->_response->_headers['content-length'])
                              || (isset($this->_response->_headers['transfer-encoding'])
                                  && strtolower($this->_response->_headers['transfer-encoding']) == 'chunked'));
                if ($keepAlive) {
                    if (isset($this->_response->_headers['connection'])) {
                        $keepAlive = strtolower($this->_response->_headers['connection']) == 'keep-alive';
                    } else {
                        $keepAlive = 'HTTP/'.HTTP_REQUEST_HTTP_VER_1_1 == $this->_response->_protocol;

        ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', $magicQuotes);

        if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
            return $err;

        if (!$keepAlive) {
        // Store the connected socket in "static" property
        } elseif (empty($sockets[$sockKey]) || empty($sockets[$sockKey]->fp)) {
            $sockets[$sockKey] =& $this->_sock;

        // Check for redirection
        if (    $this->_allowRedirects
            AND $this->_redirects <= $this->_maxRedirects
            AND $this->getResponseCode() > 300
            AND $this->getResponseCode() < 399
            AND !empty($this->_response->_headers['location'])) {

            $redirect = $this->_response->_headers['location'];

            // Absolute URL
            if (preg_match('/^https?:\/\//i', $redirect)) {
                $this->_url = new Net_URL($redirect);
                $this->addHeader('Host', $this->_generateHostHeader());
            // Absolute path
            } elseif ($redirect{0} == '/') {
                $this->_url->path = $redirect;
            // Relative path
            } elseif (substr($redirect, 0, 3) == '../' OR substr($redirect, 0, 2) == './') {
                if (substr($this->_url->path, -1) == '/') {
                    $redirect = $this->_url->path . $redirect;
                } else {
                    $redirect = dirname($this->_url->path) . '/' . $redirect;
                $redirect = Net_URL::resolvePath($redirect);
                $this->_url->path = $redirect;
            // Filename, no path
            } else {
                if (substr($this->_url->path, -1) == '/') {
                    $redirect = $this->_url->path . $redirect;
                } else {
                    $redirect = dirname($this->_url->path) . '/' . $redirect;
                $this->_url->path = $redirect;

            return $this->sendRequest($saveBody);

        // Too many redirects
        } elseif ($this->_allowRedirects AND $this->_redirects > $this->_maxRedirects) {
            return PEAR::raiseError('Too many redirects', HTTP_REQUEST_ERROR_REDIRECTS);

        return true;
Esempio n. 5
  * Sends the request
  * @access public
  * @param  bool   Whether to store response body in Response object property,
  *                set this to false if downloading a LARGE file and using a Listener
  * @return mixed  PEAR error on error, true otherwise
 function sendRequest($saveBody = true)
     if (!is_a($this->_url, 'Net_URL')) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('No URL given', HTTP_REQUEST_ERROR_URL);
     $host = isset($this->_proxy_host) ? $this->_proxy_host : $this->_url->host;
     $port = isset($this->_proxy_port) ? $this->_proxy_port : $this->_url->port;
     if (strcasecmp($this->_url->protocol, 'https') == 0) {
         // Bug #14127, don't try connecting to HTTPS sites without OpenSSL
         if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '4.3.0', '<') || !extension_loaded('openssl')) {
             return PEAR::raiseError('Need PHP 4.3.0 or later with OpenSSL support for https:// requests', HTTP_REQUEST_ERROR_URL);
         } elseif (isset($this->_proxy_host)) {
             return PEAR::raiseError('HTTPS proxies are not supported', HTTP_REQUEST_ERROR_PROXY);
         $host = 'ssl://' . $host;
     // magic quotes may f**k up file uploads and chunked response processing
     $magicQuotes = ini_get('magic_quotes_runtime');
     ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', false);
     // RFC 2068, section 19.7.1: A client MUST NOT send the Keep-Alive
     // connection token to a proxy server...
     if (isset($this->_proxy_host) && !empty($this->_requestHeaders['connection']) && 'Keep-Alive' == $this->_requestHeaders['connection']) {
     $keepAlive = HTTP_REQUEST_HTTP_VER_1_1 == $this->_http && empty($this->_requestHeaders['connection']) || !empty($this->_requestHeaders['connection']) && 'Keep-Alive' == $this->_requestHeaders['connection'];
     $sockets =& PEAR::getStaticProperty('HTTP_Request', 'sockets');
     $sockKey = $host . ':' . $port;
     // There is a connected socket in the "static" property?
     if ($keepAlive && !empty($sockets[$sockKey]) && !empty($sockets[$sockKey]->fp)) {
         $this->_sock =& $sockets[$sockKey];
         $err = null;
     } else {
         $this->_sock = new Net_Socket();
         $err = $this->_sock->connect($host, $port, null, $this->_timeout, $this->_socketOptions);
     PEAR::isError($err) or $err = $this->_sock->write($this->_buildRequest());
     if (!PEAR::isError($err)) {
         if (!empty($this->_readTimeout)) {
             $this->_sock->setTimeout($this->_readTimeout[0], $this->_readTimeout[1]);
         // Read the response
         $this->_response = new HTTP_Response($this->_sock, $this->_listeners);
         $err = $this->_response->process($this->_saveBody && $saveBody, HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD_HEAD != $this->_method);
         if ($keepAlive) {
             $keepAlive = isset($this->_response->_headers['content-length']) || isset($this->_response->_headers['transfer-encoding']) && strtolower($this->_response->_headers['transfer-encoding']) == 'chunked';
             if ($keepAlive) {
                 if (isset($this->_response->_headers['connection'])) {
                     $keepAlive = strtolower($this->_response->_headers['connection']) == 'keep-alive';
                 } else {
                     $keepAlive = 'HTTP/' . HTTP_REQUEST_HTTP_VER_1_1 == $this->_response->_protocol;
     ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', $magicQuotes);
     if (PEAR::isError($err)) {
         return $err;
     if (!$keepAlive) {
         // Store the connected socket in "static" property
     } elseif (empty($sockets[$sockKey]) || empty($sockets[$sockKey]->fp)) {
         $sockets[$sockKey] =& $this->_sock;
     // Check for redirection
     if ($this->_allowRedirects and $this->_redirects <= $this->_maxRedirects and $this->getResponseCode() > 300 and $this->getResponseCode() < 399 and !empty($this->_response->_headers['location'])) {
         $redirect = $this->_response->_headers['location'];
         // Absolute URL
         if (preg_match('/^https?:\\/\\//i', $redirect)) {
             $this->_url = new Net_URL($redirect);
             $this->addHeader('Host', $this->_generateHostHeader());
             // Absolute path
         } elseif ($redirect[0] == '/') {
             $this->_url->path = $redirect;
             // Relative path
         } elseif (substr($redirect, 0, 3) == '../' or substr($redirect, 0, 2) == './') {
             if (substr($this->_url->path, -1) == '/') {
                 $redirect = $this->_url->path . $redirect;
             } else {
                 $redirect = dirname($this->_url->path) . '/' . $redirect;
             $redirect = Net_URL::resolvePath($redirect);
             $this->_url->path = $redirect;
             // Filename, no path
         } else {
             if (substr($this->_url->path, -1) == '/') {
                 $redirect = $this->_url->path . $redirect;
             } else {
                 $redirect = dirname($this->_url->path) . '/' . $redirect;
             $this->_url->path = $redirect;
         // handle cookes on redirect...
         if (!empty($this->_response->_cookies)) {
             foreach ($this->_response->_cookies as $c) {
                 $this->_cookies[] = $c;
         if (isset($this->_requestHeaders['cookie'])) {
         $cookies = array();
         foreach ($this->_cookies as $c) {
             if (substr($this->_url->host, -1 * strlen($c['domain']) == $c['domain'])) {
                 $cookies[$c['name']] = $c['value'];
         foreach ($cookies as $k => $v) {
             $this->addCookie($k, $v);
         return $this->sendRequest($saveBody);
         // Too many redirects
     } elseif ($this->_allowRedirects and $this->_redirects > $this->_maxRedirects) {
         return PEAR::raiseError('Too many redirects', HTTP_REQUEST_ERROR_REDIRECTS);
     return true;
 function checkout()
     //$repo_url, $repo_sub_path, $current_rev) {
     $repo_url = $this->state->get_repository_root();
     $repo_sub_path = $this->state->get_repository_path();
     $current_rev = $this->state->get_revision();
     $src_path = $repo_url . $repo_sub_path;
     // figure out where to send our http REPORT request
     $bits = parse_url($repo_url . "/!svn/vcc/default");
     $repo_host = $bits['host'];
     $repo_port = @$bits['port'];
     if (!$repo_port) {
         $repo_port = 80;
     $repo_path = $bits['path'];
     $this->out("Connecting to host {$repo_host}:{$repo_port},<br>sending HTTP REPORT {$repo_path} for src-path {$src_path}.\n");
     $xml = '<S:update-report send-all="true" xmlns:S="svn:"><S:src-path>' . $src_path . '</S:src-path><S:entry rev="' . $current_rev . '"></S:entry></S:update-report>';
     $xml_len = strlen($xml);
     $query = "REPORT {$repo_path} HTTP/1.0\nHost: {$repo_host}\nContent-Type: text/xml\nContent-Length: {$xml_len}\nDepth: 0\n\n{$xml}";
     $sock = new Net_Socket();
     $this->check_err($sock->connect($repo_host, $repo_port, null, 60, null));
     // 60 sec timeout
     // read response
     $this->out("Downloading patch ...\n");
     $this->fp = fopen($this->diff_fn, "wt");
     if (!$this->fp) {
         throw new Subversion_Failure("can't open {$this->diff_fn} file");
     $listeners = array($this);
     $this->received_bytes = 0;
     $resp = new HTTP_Response($sock, $listeners);
     $this->out("\nFinished downloading update ({$this->received_bytes} bytes).\n");