/** * Respose A Http Request * * @param string $url * @param array $post * @param string $method * @param bool $returnHeader * @param string $cookie * @param bool $bysocket * @param string $ip * @param integer $timeout * @param bool $block * @return string Response */ public static function httpRequest($url, $post = '', $method = 'GET', $limit = 0, $returnHeader = FALSE, $cookie = '', $bysocket = FALSE, $ip = '', $timeout = 15, $block = TRUE) { $return = ''; $matches = parse_url($url); if (strlen($cookie) == 0) { $cookie = NetHelper::getCookie(); } !isset($matches['host']) && ($matches['host'] = ''); !isset($matches['path']) && ($matches['path'] = ''); !isset($matches['query']) && ($matches['query'] = ''); !isset($matches['port']) && ($matches['port'] = ''); $host = $matches['host']; $path = $matches['path'] ? $matches['path'] . ($matches['query'] ? '?' . $matches['query'] : '') : '/'; $port = !empty($matches['port']) ? $matches['port'] : 80; if (strtolower($method) == 'post') { $post = (is_array($post) and !empty($post)) ? http_build_query($post) : $post; $out = "POST {$path} HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $out .= "Accept: */*\r\n"; //$out .= "Referer: $boardurl\r\n"; $out .= "Accept-Language: zh-cn\r\n"; $out .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $out .= "User-Agent: {$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']}\r\n"; $out .= "Host: {$host}\r\n"; $out .= 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($post) . "\r\n"; $out .= "Connection: Close\r\n"; $out .= "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n"; $out .= "Cookie: {$cookie}\r\n\r\n"; $out .= $post; } else { $out = "GET {$path} HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $out .= "Accept: */*\r\n"; //$out .= "Referer: $boardurl\r\n"; $out .= "Accept-Language: zh-cn\r\n"; $out .= "User-Agent: {$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']}\r\n"; $out .= "Host: {$host}\r\n"; $out .= "Connection: Close\r\n"; $out .= "Cookie: {$cookie}\r\n\r\n"; } $fp = fsockopen($ip ? $ip : $host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout); if (!$fp) { return ''; } else { $header = $content = ''; stream_set_blocking($fp, $block); stream_set_timeout($fp, $timeout); fwrite($fp, $out); $status = stream_get_meta_data($fp); if (!$status['timed_out']) { //未超时 while (!feof($fp)) { $header .= $h = fgets($fp); if ($h && ($h == "\r\n" || $h == "\n")) { break; } } $stop = false; while (!feof($fp) && !$stop) { $data = fread($fp, $limit == 0 || $limit > 8192 ? 8192 : $limit); $content .= $data; if ($limit) { $limit -= strlen($data); $stop = $limit <= 0; } } } fclose($fp); return $returnHeader ? array($header, $content) : $content; } }
/** * 通过IP地址定位用户所在的城市(注:使用即通的IP地址库) * * @return sting/bool $data, 为返回数据, 失败返回 false */ public static function getCityByIp($ip, $time = 0) { $serverNum = 2; $rand = rand(0, $serverNum - 1); $config = Config::getIP('ipagent', $time == 0 ? $rand : $time % $serverNum); if (false === $config) { self::$errCode = Config::$errCode; self::$errMsg = Config::$errMsg; return false; } // 即通省份ID转易迅省份ID $_ProvList = array(1 => 11, 2 => 12, 3 => 13, 4 => 14, 5 => 15, 6 => 32, 7 => 34, 8 => 37, 9 => 21, 10 => 22, 11 => 23, 12 => 31, 13 => 33, 14 => 36, 15 => 35, 16 => 42, 17 => 43, 18 => 41, 19 => 44, 20 => 45, 21 => 46, 22 => 50, 23 => 51, 24 => 52, 25 => 53, 26 => 54, 27 => 61, 28 => 62, 29 => 64, 30 => 63, 31 => 65, 32 => 81, 33 => 82, 34 => 71); $ipLookUpAsk = pack("NNNNA64", 0, 80, ip2long($ip), 1, 'this is iptest for 51buy!'); $ipInfo = NetHelper::udpCmd($config['IP'], $config['PORT'], $ipLookUpAsk, true, 0, 100000); if (empty($ipInfo)) { if ($time < 3) { $time++; return self::getCityByIp($ip, $time); } else { self::$errCode = 10617; self::$errMsg = 'failed to request ip_agent server: ' . $config['IP']; return false; } } $retArray = unpack("Ntype/Nlen/A64info/Nflag/Nidflag/Ncountry/Nprovince/Ncity/Ntown/Naddrtype/Nnetworktype/Nbackbone1/Nbackbone2", $ipInfo); if (isset($retArray) && is_array($retArray) && isset($retArray['province']) && isset($retArray['city']) && isset($retArray['town']) && isset($retArray['backbone1'])) { $prov = isset($_ProvList[$retArray['province']]) ? $_ProvList[$retArray['province']] : 0; $city = $prov . '00'; $city2 = $retArray['city']; $town = $retArray['town']; $net = $retArray['backbone1']; // 站点定位只用到省份,目前只做ip_agent省份编码的转换,城市默认取省会 // 即通的IP地址库可以定位 省->市->区 三级,但ID定义与网站端及ERP端不一致,如果后续需要精确定位, // 需要ERP侧做更细致的ID映射,目前为站点定位只映射了省份ID return array('prov' => $prov, 'city' => $city, 'city2' => $city2, 'town' => $town, 'net' => $net); } else { return false; } }
public function actionAjaxGetStatus() { $task_idstr = Yii::app()->request->getParam('tasks'); $user_id = MenuLoader::getUserId(); $ids = explode(',', $task_idstr); foreach ($ids as $k => &$v) { $v = '"' . trim($v) . '"'; } $idstr = implode(',', $ids); $my_tasks = array(); $tasks_proccess = array(); if ($idstr) { //Yii::log('task ids:'.$idstr, 'info'); $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); $criteria->condition = 'task_id IN (' . $idstr . ') AND user_id=:user_id'; $criteria->params = array(':user_id' => $user_id); $my_tasks = UserTask::model()->findAll($criteria); $base_url = TSInterface::get('G3'); foreach ($my_tasks as &$task) { //Yii::log('task id:'.$task->id.' status:'.$task->status, 'info'); if ($task->status != 0 && $task->status != 1) { continue; } $tasks_proccess[$task->id] = array('total' => 0, 'failed' => 0, 'running' => 0, 'finished' => 0); $url = $base_url . '?taskId=' . $task->task_id; $content = NetHelper::curl_file_get_contents($url); Yii::log('TASK_' . $task->task_id . ' URL:' . $url . ' return:' . $content, 'info'); $data = json_decode($content, true); if ($data && $data['success']) { $all_status = 'finished'; if (empty($data['data'])) { $all_status = 'running'; } foreach ($data['data'] as $item) { $tasks_proccess[$task->id]['total']++; if ($item['status'] == 'failed') { $all_status = 'failed'; $tasks_proccess[$task->id]['failed']++; break; } if ($item['status'] == 'running') { $all_status = 'running'; $tasks_proccess[$task->id]['running']++; break; } if ($item['status'] == 'finished') { $tasks_proccess[$task->id]['finished']++; //break; } } if ($all_status == 'running') { $task->status = 1; } if ($all_status == 'failed') { $task->status = -1; } if ($all_status == 'finished') { $task->status = 2; } $task->save(); $updateArr = array('status' => $task->status); if ($task->status == 2 || $task->status == -1) { $updateArr['task_result'] = $content; $updateArr['finish_time'] = time(); } Yii::log('UPDATE TASK_' . $task->id . ' update_info:' . json_encode($updateArr), 'info'); Task::model()->updateAll($updateArr, 'task_id=:task_id', array(':task_id' => $task->task_id)); } } } $retArr = array(); foreach ($my_tasks as $item) { //Yii::log('export task id:'.$item->id.' status:'.$item->status, 'info'); $retArr[$item->id] = $item->status; } echo json_encode($retArr); }