  * Set ups up for each test.
  * @return void
  * @author Eric Rochester <*****@*****.**>
 public function setUp()
     $this->_todel = array();
     $this->user = $this->db->getTable('user')->find(1);
     $this->phelper = new Omeka_Test_Helper_Plugin();
     $this->_dbHelper = Omeka_Test_Helper_Db::factory($this->application);
     // Retrieve the element for some DC fields.
     $el_table = get_db()->getTable('Element');
     $this->_title = $el_table->findByElementSetNameAndElementName('Dublin Core', 'Title');
     $this->_subject = $el_table->findByElementSetNameAndElementName('Dublin Core', 'Subject');
     $this->_coverage = $el_table->findByElementSetNameAndElementName('Dublin Core', 'Coverage');
     $this->_cutil = new NeatlineFeatures_Utils_View();
     $this->_cutil->setEditOptions(null, $this->_coverage, "", "Elements[38][0]", 0);
     $this->_item = new Item();
     $t1 = $this->addElementText($this->_item, $this->_title, '<b>A Title</b>', 1);
     $t2 = $this->addElementText($this->_item, $this->_subject, 'Subject');
  * This tests that we can iterate over mixed coverages.
  * This is a work-around for this spec no longer working, due to O2's 
  * popping up a new window when you click "View Public Page." Technically, 
  * this test should have been a unittest all along, but having it as a 
  * feature keep the planning cleaner.
  *  @kml
  *  @file_fixture @javascript
  *  Scenario: Mixed Feature Coverages
  *    Given I am logged into the admin console
  *    And I replace "themes/default/items/show.php" with "plugins/NeatlineFeatures/features/data/show-display-coverage-test.php"
  *    And I click "Add a new item"
  *    And I enter "Cucumber: Test Iterate Mixed Feature Coverages" for the "Elements-50-0-text"      # Title
  *    And I enter "Iterate Mixed Feature Coverages" for the "Elements-49-0-text"      # Subject
  *    And I click "Use Map" checkbox in "#Elements-38-0-widget"
  *    And I draw a line on "div#Elements-38-0-map.olMap"
  *    And I click "add_element_38"
  *    And I wait 15 seconds
  *    And I enter "UVa" into "Elements-38-1-free"
  *    And I click on "Add Item"
  *    And I click "Test Iterate Mixed Feature Coverages"
  *    When I click "View Public Page"
  *    Then I should see the following output in unordered list "#item-coverage":
  *      | true  |
  *      | false |
  * @return void
  * @author Eric Rochester
 public function testTestMixedFeatureCoverage()
     $table = $this->db->getTable('NeatlineFeature');
     $utils = new NeatlineFeatures_Utils_View();
     $item = new Item();
     $this->_addElementTextDelete($item, $this->_title, "Unittest: Display All Feature Coverages", 1);
     $this->_addFeature($utils, $table, $item, "<kml xmlns=\"http://earth.google.com/kml/2.0\"><Folder><name>OpenLayers export</name><description>Exported on Thu Mar 07 2013 11:18:43 GMT-0500 (EST)</description><Placemark><name>OpenLayers.Feature.Vector_158</name><description>No description available</description><Polygon><outerBoundaryIs><LinearRing><coordinates>-10194865.083145,4313188.6314755 -9803507.4983789,3295658.9110849 -9744803.8606641,5017632.2840536 -10194865.083145,4313188.6314755</coordinates></LinearRing></outerBoundaryIs></Polygon></Placemark><Placemark><name>OpenLayers.Feature.Vector_182</name><description>No description available</description><LineString><coordinates>-8003262.6084573,5487261.3857724 -10097025.686953,6269976.5553037 -10958012.373438,4724114.0954794</coordinates></LineString></Placemark><Placemark><name>OpenLayers.Feature.Vector_194</name><description>No description available</description><LineString><coordinates>-10958012.373438,4724114.0954794 -10488383.271719,3119547.9979404</coordinates></LineString></Placemark></Folder></kml>|3|-9490421.4305667|3972279.4853711|osm\ncoverage a", 0);
     $this->_addElementTextDelete($item, $this->_coverage, "Charlottesville, VA", 1);
     set_current_record('item', $item);
     $covs = metadata('item', array('Dublin Core', 'Coverage'), array('all' => true, 'no_filter' => true, 'no_escape' => true));
     $this->assertCount(2, $covs);
  * This tests updateFeatures.
  * @return void
  * @author Eric Rochester <*****@*****.**>
 public function testUpdateFeatures()
     $utils = new NeatlineFeatures_Utils_View();
     $et_table = $this->db->getTable('ElementText');
     $item = new Item();
     // First test with no features.
     $features = $this->table->updateFeatures($item, array());
     // Now test with two features.
     $this->setupCoverageData($item, "Just Text.", 0, 0);
     $this->setupCoverageData($item, "WKT: POINT\n\nAnd Text.", 0, 1, 1);
     $features = $this->table->updateFeatures($item, $utils->getPost());
     $this->assertCount(2, $features);
     $this->assertFalse((bool) $features[0]->is_map);
     $this->assertEquals("Just Text.", $et_table->find($features[0]->element_text_id)->getText());
     $this->assertTrue((bool) $features[1]->is_map);
     $this->assertEquals("WKT: POINT\n\nAnd Text.", $et_table->find($features[1]->element_text_id)->getText());
     // Finally, wipe those out and test with just one feature.
     $etexts = $et_table->fetchObjects($this->db->select()->from($et_table->getTableName())->where('element_id=?', $this->_coverage->id)->where('record_id=?', $item->id));
     foreach ($etexts as $et) {
     $this->setupCoverageData($item, "Other Text.", 0, 0);
     $this->table->updateFeatures($item, $utils->getPost());
     $features = $this->table->getItemFeatures($item);
     $this->assertCount(1, $features);
     $this->assertFalse((bool) $features[0]->is_map);
     $this->assertEquals("Other Text.", $et_table->find($features[0]->element_text_id)->getText());
  * This returns the string to display a coverage field, whether a map or 
  * not.
  * @param string           $text        The original text for the element.
  * @param Omeka_Record     $record      The record that this text applies 
  * to.
  * @param ElementText|NULL $elementText The ElementText record that stores 
  * this text. (This is optional and defaults to NULL.)
  * @return string
  * @author Eric Rochester <*****@*****.**>
 public static function displayCoverage($text, $record, $elementText = NULL)
     $util = new NeatlineFeatures_Utils_View();
     $util->setViewOptions($text, $record, $elementText);
     $output = $util->getView();
     return $output;
  * This overrides the definition for the coverage form input.
  * @param string       $html          An empty string.
  * @param string       $inputNameStem The stem of the input name.
  * @param string       $value         The initial value for the input.
  * @param array        $options       Additional options.
  * @param Omeka_Record $record        The element's record.
  * @param Element      $element       The Element.
  * @return string The string containing the HTML for the customized element
  * form.
  * @author Eric Rochester <*****@*****.**>
 public function filterInputItemDublinCoreCoverage($components, $args)
     // $args keys => input_name_stem, value, record, element, index, is_html
     $util = new NeatlineFeatures_Utils_View();
     $util->setEditOptions($args['record'], $args['element'], $args['value'], $args['input_name_stem'], $args['index']);
     // Default $components['inputs']:
     // <div class="input-block"><div class="input"><textarea name="Elements[38][0][text]" id="Elements-38-0-text" rows="3" cols="50"></textarea></div><div class="controls"><input type="submit" name="" value="Remove" class="remove-element red button"></div><label class="use-html">Use HTML<input type="hidden" name="Elements[38][0][html]" value="0"><input type="checkbox" name="Elements[38][0][html]" id="Elements-38-0-html" value="1" class="use-html-checkbox"></label></div>
     $components['input'] = $util->getEditControl();
     return $components;