 * Populate quick object options
 * @param NamedList $options
 * @param ProjectObject $object
 * @param Use $user
 * @return null
function milestones_handle_on_project_object_quick_options(&$options, $object, $user)
    if (instance_of($object, 'Milestone') && $object->canEdit($user)) {
        $options->addAfter('reschedule', array('url' => $object->getRescheduleUrl(), 'text' => lang('Reschedule')), 'edit');
    // if
 * Populate quick object options
 * @param NamedList $options
 * @param ProjectObject $object
 * @param Use $user
 * @return null
function discussions_handle_on_project_object_quick_options(&$options, $object, $user)
    if (instance_of($object, 'Discussion')) {
        $options->beginWith('details', array('text' => lang('Toggle Details'), 'url' => '#'));
    // if
 * Handle on project options event
 * @param NamedList $options
 * @param Project $project
 * @param User $user
 * @return null
function project_exporter_handle_on_project_options(&$options, $project, $user)
    if ($user->isAdministrator() || $user->isProjectLeader($project) || $user->isProjectManager()) {
        $options->add('export_project', array('url' => assemble_url('project_exporter', array('project_id' => $project->getId())), 'text' => lang('Export Project')));
 * Handle on prepare project overview event
 * @param NamedList $tabs
 * @param User $logged_user
 * @param Project $project
 * @return null
function checklists_handle_on_project_tabs(&$tabs, &$logged_user, &$project)
    if ($logged_user->getProjectPermission('checklist', $project) >= PROJECT_PERMISSION_ACCESS) {
        $tabs->add('checklists', array('text' => lang('Checklists'), 'url' => checklists_module_url($project)));
    // if
 * Handle on_dashboard_important_section event
 * @param NamedList $items
 * @param User $user
 * @return null
function resources_handle_on_dashboard_important_section(&$items, &$user)
    if ($reminders_count = Reminders::countActiveByUser($user)) {
        $items->add('reminders', array('label' => $reminders_count > 1 ? lang('<strong>:count</strong>&nbsp;reminders', array('count' => $reminders_count)) : lang('<strong>:count</strong>&nbsp;reminder', array('count' => $reminders_count)), 'class' => 'reminders', 'icon' => get_image_url('important.gif'), 'url' => assemble_url('reminders')));
    // if
 * Handle on_company_options event
 * @param Company $company
 * @param NamedList $options
 * @param User $logged_user
 * @return null
function invoicing_handle_on_company_options(&$company, &$options, &$logged_user)
    if (Invoice::canAccessCompanyInvoices($logged_user, $company)) {
        $options->add('invoices', array('text' => lang('Invoices'), 'url' => assemble_url('people_company_invoices', array('company_id' => $company->getId())), 'icon' => get_image_url('company-invoices.gif', INVOICING_MODULE)));
    // if
 * Populate quick portal object options
 * @param NamedList $options
 * @param ProjectObject $object
 * @param Portal $portal
 * @param Commit $commit
 * @param string $file
 * @return null
function discussions_handle_on_portal_object_quick_options(&$options, $object, $portal = null, $commit = null, $file = null)
    if (instance_of($object, 'Discussion')) {
        $options->beginWith('details', array('text' => lang('Toggle Details'), 'url' => '#'));
    // if
  * Constructor
  * @param Request $request
  * @return CompanyProfileController
 function __construct($request)
     $company_id = $this->request->getId('company_id');
     if ($company_id) {
         $this->active_company = Companies::findById($company_id);
     // if
     if (instance_of($this->active_company, 'Company')) {
         $this->wireframe->page_actions = array();
         if (!$this->active_company->canView($this->logged_user)) {
         // if
         if ($this->active_company->getIsArchived() && $this->logged_user->isPeopleManager()) {
             $this->wireframe->addBreadCrumb(lang('Archive'), assemble_url('people_archive'));
         // if
         $this->wireframe->addBreadCrumb($this->active_company->getName(), $this->active_company->getViewUrl());
         // Collect company tabs
         $tabs = new NamedList();
         $tabs->add('overview', array('text' => str_excerpt($this->active_company->getName(), 25), 'url' => $this->active_company->getViewUrl()));
         $tabs->add('people', array('text' => lang('People'), 'url' => $this->active_company->getViewUrl()));
         $tabs->add('projects', array('text' => lang('Projects'), 'url' => $this->active_company->getViewUrl()));
         event_trigger('on_company_tabs', array(&$tabs, &$this->logged_user, &$this->active_company));
         $this->smarty->assign(array('company_tabs' => $tabs, 'company_tab' => 'overview'));
     } else {
         $this->active_company = new Company();
     // if
     $this->smarty->assign(array('active_company' => $this->active_company));
 * Handle on prepare project overview event
 * @param NamedList $tabs
 * @param User $logged_user
 * @param Project $project
 * @return null
function timetracking_handle_on_project_tabs(&$tabs, &$logged_user, &$project)
    if ($logged_user->getProjectPermission('timerecord', $project) >= PROJECT_PERMISSION_ACCESS) {
        $tabs->add('time', array('text' => lang('Time'), 'url' => timetracking_module_url($project)));
    // if
 * Handle on prepare project overview event
 * @param NamedList $tabs
 * @param User $logged_user
 * @param Project $project
 * @return null
function source_handle_on_project_tabs(&$tabs, &$logged_user, &$project)
    if ($logged_user->getProjectPermission('repository', $project) >= PROJECT_PERMISSION_ACCESS) {
        $tabs->add('source', array('text' => lang('Source'), 'url' => source_module_url($project)));
    // if
 * Return array of options $logged_user can do to $user account
 * @param User $user
 * @param NamedList $options
 * @param User $logged_user
 * @return null
function calendar_handle_on_user_options(&$user, &$options, &$logged_user)
    if (can_access_profile_calendar($logged_user, $user)) {
        $options->add('calendar', array('text' => lang('Schedule'), 'icon' => get_image_url('gray-calendar.gif'), 'url' => Calendar::getProfileCalendarUrl($user)));
    // if
Esempio n. 12
 * Handle on prepare project overview event
 * @param NamedList $tabs
 * @param User $logged_user
 * @param Project $project
 * @param array $tabs_settings
 * @param string $interface
function frosso_project_tab_handle_on_project_tabs(&$tabs, &$logged_user, &$project, &$tabs_settings, $interface)
    if ($interface == AngieApplication::INTERFACE_DEFAULT && Tasks::canAccess($logged_user, $project, false) && in_array('fred_pt', $tabs_settings)) {
        $tabs->addBefore('fred_pt', array('text' => "Fred PT", 'url' => Router::assemble('frosso_tab_route', array('project_slug' => $project->getSlug())), 'icon' => $interface == AngieApplication::INTERFACE_DEFAULT ? AngieApplication::getImageUrl('icons/16x16/tasks-tab-icon.png', TASKS_MODULE) : AngieApplication::getImageUrl('icons/listviews/tasks.png', TASKS_MODULE, AngieApplication::INTERFACE_PHONE)), 'calendar');
    // if
 * Handle on prepare project overview event
 * @param NamedList $tabs
 * @param User $logged_user
 * @param Project $project
 * @return null
function files_handle_on_project_tabs(&$tabs, &$logged_user, &$project)
    $tabs->add('attachments', array('text' => lang('Attachments'), 'url' => assemble_url('attachments_list', array('project_id' => $project->getId()))));
    if ($logged_user->getProjectPermission('file', $project) >= PROJECT_PERMISSION_ACCESS) {
        $tabs->add('files', array('text' => lang('Files'), 'url' => files_module_url($project)));
    // if
 * Handle on inline tabs event
 * @param NamedList $tabs
 * @param ApplicationObject $object
 * @param User $logged_user
 * @param string $interface
 * @return null
function ac_gitolite_handle_on_inline_tabs(&$tabs, &$object, &$logged_user, $interface)
    if ($object instanceof User) {
        if ($object->getId() == $logged_user->getId() || $logged_user->isAdministrator() || $logged_user->isPeopleManager()) {
            $tabs->add('view_keys', array('title' => lang('Public Keys'), 'url' => Router::assemble('get_public_keys', array('company_id' => $object->getCompanyId(), 'user_id' => $object->getId()))));
    // if User
 * System module on_project_object_quick_options event handler
 * @package activeCollab.modules.system
 * @subpackage handlers
 * @param NamedList $options
 * @param ProjectObject $object
 * @param User $user
 * @return null
function system_handle_on_project_object_quick_options(&$options, $object, $user)
     * Add a quick option which links to the list of commits related to the object
    if (instance_of($object, 'ProjectObject') && $object->getState() == STATE_DELETED && ($user->isAdministrator() || $user->getSystemPermission('manage_trash'))) {
        $options->add('project_object_delete', array('text' => lang('Permanently delete'), 'url' => assemble_url('project_object_delete', array('project_id' => $object->getProjectId(), 'object_id' => $object->getId())), 'method' => 'post', 'confirm' => lang('Are you sure that you wish to permanently remove this :type?', array('type' => $object->getVerboseType(true)))));
    // if
 * Invoicing module on_project_object_quick_options event handler
 * @package activeCollab.modules.invoicing
 * @subpackage handlers
 * @param NamedList $options
 * @param ProjectObject $object
 * @param User $user
 * @return null
function invoicing_handle_on_project_object_quick_options(&$options, $object, $user)
     * Add a quick option to create invoice from the ticket
    if (instance_of($object, 'Ticket') && $object->canView($user) && $user->getSystemPermission('can_manage_invoices')) {
        $options->add('make_invoice', array('text' => lang('Create Invoice'), 'url' => assemble_url('invoices_add', array('ticket_id' => $object->getId()))));
    // if
 * Populate portal object quick options
 * @param NamedList $options
 * @param ProjectObject $object
 * @param Portal $portal
 * @param Commit $commit
 * @param string $file
 * @return null
function source_handle_on_portal_object_quick_options(&$options, $object, $portal = null, $commit = null, $file = null)
    if (instance_of($object, 'Repository')) {
        $options->beginWith('source', array('text' => lang('File Source'), 'url' => $object->getPortalBrowseUrl($portal, $commit, $file)));
        $options->addAfter('history', array('text' => lang('File History'), 'url' => $object->getPortalFileHistoryUrl($portal, $commit, $file)), 'source');
        $options->addAfter('compare', array('text' => lang('Compare'), 'url' => $object->getPortalFileCompareUrl($portal, $commit, $file)), 'history');
        $options->addAfter('download', array('text' => lang('Download'), 'url' => $object->getPortalFileDownloadUrl($portal, $commit, $file)), 'compare');
    // if
 * Handle on_dashboard_important_section event
 * @param NamedList $items
 * @param User $user
 * @return null
function invoicing_handle_on_dashboard_important_section(&$items, &$user)
    $company = $user->getCompany();
    // if user can manage invoices, list overdue invoices for all companies
    if ($user->getSystemPermission('can_manage_invoices')) {
        // if it's administrator list only overdue invoices
        if (($admin_overdue_invoices = Invoices::countOverdue()) > 0) {
            $items->add('admin_overdue_invoices', array('label' => $admin_overdue_invoices > 1 ? lang('<strong>:count</strong> overdue invoices for all companies', array('count' => $admin_overdue_invoices)) : lang('<strong>:count</strong> overdue invoice for all companies', array('count' => $admin_overdue_invoices)), 'class' => 'adminoverdue_invoices', 'icon' => get_image_url('important.gif'), 'url' => assemble_url('invoices')));
        // if
    // if
    // if user is company manager or can manage invoices show outstanding and overdue invoices for his company
    if ($user->isCompanyManager($company) || $user->getSystemPermission('can_manage_invoices')) {
        // Outstanding Invoices
        $issued_invoices_count = Invoices::countOutstanding($company);
        if ($issued_invoices_count > 0) {
            if ($issued_invoices_count == 1) {
                // if there is only one outstanding invoice, then link should open that very same invoice
                $issued_invoices = Invoices::findOutstanding($company, array(INVOICE_STATUS_ISSUED));
                $link_url = $issued_invoices[0]->getCompanyViewUrl();
                $label = lang('<strong>1</strong> outstanding invoice for your company');
            } else {
                // if there is multuple outstanding invoices, then link should open company invoices pages
                $link_url = assemble_url('people_company_invoices', array('company_id' => $company->getId()));
                $label = lang('<strong>:count</strong> outstanding invoices for your company', array('count' => $issued_invoices_count));
            // if
            $items->add('issued_invoices', array('label' => $label, 'class' => 'issued_invoices', 'icon' => get_image_url('icon_small.gif', INVOICING_MODULE), 'url' => $link_url));
        // if
        // Overdue Invoices
        $overdue_invoices_count = Invoices::countOverdue($company);
        if ($overdue_invoices_count > 0) {
            if ($overdue_invoices_count == 1) {
                // if there is only one overdue invoice, then link should open that very same invoice
                $overdue_invoices = Invoices::findOverdue($company, array(INVOICE_STATUS_ISSUED));
                $link_url = $overdue_invoices[0]->getCompanyViewUrl();
                $label = lang('<strong>1</strong> overdue invoice for your company');
            } else {
                // if there is multuple overdue invoices, then link should open company invoices pages
                $link_url = assemble_url('people_company_invoices', array('company_id' => $company->getId()));
                $label = lang('<strong>:count</strong> overdue invoices for your company', array('count' => $overdue_invoices));
            // if
            $items->add('overdue_invoices', array('label' => $label, 'class' => 'overdue_invoices', 'icon' => get_image_url('important.gif'), 'url' => $link_url));
        // if
    // if
 * Populate quick object options
 * @param NamedList $options
 * @param ProjectObject $object
 * @param Use $user
 * @return null
function files_handle_on_project_object_quick_options(&$options, $object, $user)
    if (instance_of($object, 'File')) {
        $options->beginWith('download', array('text' => lang('Download'), 'url' => $object->getDownloadUrl(true)));
        if ($object->canEdit($user)) {
            $options->addAfter('new_revision', array('text' => lang('New Version'), 'url' => $object->getNewVersionUrl()), 'edit');
        // if
    // if
 * Populate object options array
 * @param NamedList $options
 * @param Page $object
 * @param User $user
 * @return null
function pages_handle_on_project_object_options(&$options, $object, $user)
    if (instance_of($object, 'Page') && $object->canEdit($user)) {
        if ($object->getIsArchived()) {
            $options->addAfter('unarchive', array('url' => $object->getUnarchiveUrl(), 'text' => lang('Unarchive'), 'method' => 'post', 'confirm' => lang('Are you sure that you want to mark this archived page as active?')), 'edit');
        } else {
            $options->addAfter('archive', array('url' => $object->getArchiveUrl(), 'text' => lang('Archive'), 'method' => 'post', 'confirm' => lang('Are you sure that you want to archive this page?')), 'edit');
        // if
    // if
 * Populate object options array
 * @param NamedList $options
 * @param ProjectObject $object
 * @param User $user
 * @return null
function discussions_handle_on_project_object_options(&$options, $object, $user)
    if (instance_of($object, 'Discussion') && $object->canEdit($user)) {
        if ($object->getIsPinned()) {
            $options->addAfter('unpin', array('url' => $object->getUnpinUrl(), 'text' => lang('Unpin'), 'method' => 'post'), 'edit');
        } else {
            $options->addAfter('pin', array('url' => $object->getPinUrl(), 'text' => lang('Pin'), 'method' => 'post'), 'edit');
        // if
    // if
 * Populate object options array
 * @param NamedList $options
 * @param ProjectObject $object
 * @param User $user
 * @return null
function source_handle_on_project_object_options(&$options, $object, $user)
    // Trash exposes all commits for individual removal/restoration, which must not be allowed
    if (instance_of($object, 'Repository') || instance_of($object, 'Commit')) {
    // if
    if (instance_of($object, 'Repository') && $object->canEdit($user)) {
        $options->add('repository_users', array('text' => lang('Manage Repository Users'), 'url' => assemble_url('repository_users', array('repository_id' => $object->getId(), 'project_id' => $object->getProjectId()))));
        $options->add('repository_delete', array('text' => lang('Delete repository'), 'url' => assemble_url('repository_delete', array('repository_id' => $object->getId(), 'project_id' => $object->getProjectId()), array('id' => 'repository_delete'))));
    // if
 * Source module on_project_object_quick_options event handler
 * @package activeCollab.modules.source
 * @subpackage handlers
 * @param NamedList $options
 * @param ProjectObject $object
 * @param User $user
 * @return null
function source_handle_on_project_object_quick_options(&$options, $object, $user)
     * Add a quick option which links to the list of commits related to the object
    if ((instance_of($object, 'Ticket') || instance_of($object, 'Discussion') || instance_of($object, 'Milestone')) && $object->canView($user)) {
        $object_commits_count = CommitProjectObjects::countByObject($object);
        if ($object_commits_count > 0) {
            $options->add('new_revision', array('text' => lang('Commits (:object_commits)', array('object_commits' => $object_commits_count)), 'url' => assemble_url('repository_project_object_commits', array('project_id' => $object->getProjectId(), 'object_id' => $object->getId()))));
        // if
    // if
 * Handle on_dashboard_sections event
 * @param NamedList $sections
 * @param User $user
 * @return null
function system_handle_on_dashboard_sections(&$sections, &$user)
    $sections->add('recent_activities', array('text' => lang('Recent Activities'), 'url' => assemble_url('recent_activities')));
    $sections->add('active_projects', array('text' => lang('Active Projects'), 'url' => assemble_url('active_projects')));
    $count_new = ProjectObjects::countNew($user);
    if ($count_new > 0) {
        $sections->add('new_updated', array('text' => lang('New / Updated <span class="slip">:count</span>', array('count' => $count_new)), 'url' => assemble_url('new_since_last_visit')));
    // if
    $count_late_today = ProjectObjects::countLateAndToday($user, null, get_completable_project_object_types());
    if ($count_late_today > 0) {
        $sections->add('late_today', array('text' => lang('Late / Today <span class="slip">:count</span>', array('count' => $count_late_today)), 'url' => assemble_url('late_today')));
    // if
 * Handle on prepare project overview event
 * @param NamedList $tabs
 * @param User $logged_user
 * @param Project $project
 * @return null
function milestones_handle_on_project_tabs(&$tabs, &$logged_user, &$project)
    if ($logged_user->getProjectPermission('milestone', $project) >= PROJECT_PERMISSION_ACCESS) {
        $tabs->add('milestones', array('text' => lang('Milestones'), 'url' => milestones_module_url($project)));
    // if
    if ($logged_user->getProjectPermission('ticket', $project) >= PROJECT_PERMISSION_ACCESS) {
        $tabs->add('tickets', array('text' => lang('Tickets'), 'url' => tickets_module_url($project)));
    // if
    if ($logged_user->getProjectPermission('page', $project) >= PROJECT_PERMISSION_ACCESS) {
        $tabs->add('pages', array('text' => lang('Pages'), 'url' => pages_module_url($project)));
    // if
  * Calendar
  * @param void
  * @return null
 function index()
     require_once CALENDAR_MODULE_PATH . '/models/generators/DashboardCalendarGenerator.class.php';
     if ($this->request->get('month') && $this->request->get('year')) {
         $month = $this->request->get('month');
         $year = $this->request->get('year');
     } else {
         $today = new DateTimeValue(time() + get_user_gmt_offset());
         $month = $today->getMonth();
         $year = $today->getYear();
     // if
     $first_weekday = UserConfigOptions::getValue('time_first_week_day', $this->logged_user);
     $generator = new DashboardCalendarGenerator($month, $year, $first_weekday);
     $generator->setData(Calendar::getActiveProjectsData($this->logged_user, $month, $year));
     $this->smarty->assign(array('month' => $month, 'year' => $year, 'calendar' => $generator, 'navigation_pattern' => Calendar::getDashboardMonthUrl('-YEAR-', '-MONTH-')));
     //BOF:mod 20110623
     $tabs = new NamedList();
     $tabs->add('dashboard', array('text' => 'Active Teams', 'url' => assemble_url('dashboard')));
     $tabs->add('home_page', array('text' => 'Home Page', 'url' => assemble_url('goto_home_tab')));
     $this->smarty->assign('page_tabs', $tabs);
     //EOF:mod 20110623
Esempio n. 27
  * Return quick user options
  * @param User $user
  * @return array
 function getQuickOptions($user)
     if (!isset($this->quick_options[$user->getId()])) {
         $options = new NamedList();
         if ($this->canEdit($user)) {
             $options->add('edit_profile', array('text' => lang('Update Profile'), 'url' => $this->getEditProfileUrl()));
             $options->add('edit_settings', array('text' => lang('Change Settings'), 'url' => $this->getEditSettingsUrl()));
             $options->add('edit_password', array('text' => lang('Change Password'), 'url' => $this->getEditPasswordUrl()));
             $options->add('api', array('text' => lang('API Settings'), 'url' => $this->getApiSettingsUrl()));
         // if
         event_trigger('on_user_quick_options', array(&$this, &$options, &$user));
         $this->quick_options[$user->getId()] = $options;
     // if
     return $this->quick_options[$user->getId()];
 * Add options to Home Screen
 * @param NamedList $menu
 * @param User $user
function timer_handle_on_phone_homescreen(NamedList &$items, IUser &$user)
    $items->add('timer', array('text' => lang('Timer'), 'url' => TimerModule::getTimerRoute(), 'icon' => AngieApplication::getImageUrl('module.png', TIMER_MODULE, AngieApplication::INTERFACE_PHONE)));
Esempio n. 29
  * Return quick options
  * @param User $user
  * @return NamedList
 function getQuickOptions($user)
     if (!isset($this->quick_options[$user->getId()])) {
         $options = new NamedList();
         if ($this->canEdit($user)) {
             $options->add('edit', array('text' => lang('Change Details'), 'url' => $this->getEditUrl()));
             $options->add('edit_logo', array('text' => lang('Change Logo'), 'url' => $this->getEditLogoUrl()));
         // if
         // Additional
         event_trigger('on_company_quick_options', array(&$this, &$options, &$user));
         $this->quick_options[$user->getId()] = $options;
     // if
     return $this->quick_options[$user->getId()];
  * Construct project controller
  * @param Request $request
  * @return ProjectController
 function __construct($request)
     $this->wireframe->page_actions = array();
     // Reset page actions
     $project_id = $this->request->get('project_id');
     if ($project_id) {
         $this->active_project = Projects::findById($project_id);
     // if
     if (instance_of($this->active_project, 'Project')) {
         if (!$this->logged_user->isProjectMember($this->active_project)) {
         // if
         if ($this->active_project->getType() == PROJECT_TYPE_SYSTEM) {
         // if
         if ($this->active_project->isCompleted()) {
             $this->wireframe->addBreadCrumb(lang('Archive'), assemble_url('projects_archive'));
         // if
         $this->wireframe->addBreadCrumb($this->active_project->getName(), $this->active_project->getOverviewUrl());
         $tabs = new NamedList();
         $tabs->add('overview', array('text' => str_excerpt($this->active_project->getName(), 25), 'url' => $this->active_project->getOverviewUrl()));
         event_trigger('on_project_tabs', array(&$tabs, &$this->logged_user, &$this->active_project));
         $tabs->add('people', array('text' => lang('People'), 'url' => $this->active_project->getPeopleUrl()));
         $tabs->add('recent_pages', array('text' => lang('Recent Pages'), 'url' => assemble_url('recent_pages') . '&project_id=' . $this->active_project->getId()));
         /*$tabs->add('recent_pages_1', array(
             'text' => lang('Recent Pages'),
             'url' => assemble_url('project_recent_pages_1'),
         /*$tabs->add('attachments', array(
             'text' => lang('Attachments'),
             'url' => assemble_url('attachments_list', array('project_id' => $this->active_project->getId())) ,
         $tabs->add('reminders', array('text' => lang('Notifications'), 'url' => assemble_url('reminders_list', array('project_id' => $this->active_project->getId()))));
         $tabs->add('calendar', array('text' => lang('Calendar'), 'url' => Calendar::getProjectCalendarUrl($this->active_project)));
         js_assign('image_picker_url', assemble_url('image_picker', array('project_id' => $this->active_project->getId())));
         js_assign('active_project_id', $this->active_project->getId());
         $this->smarty->assign('page_tabs', $tabs);
         // ---------------------------------------------------
         //  Set page company and page project
         // ---------------------------------------------------
         $page_company = $this->active_project->getCompany();
         if (instance_of($page_company, 'Company')) {
             $this->wireframe->page_company = $page_company;
         // if
         $this->wireframe->page_project = $this->active_project;
         // New project
     } else {
         if ($this->controller_name == 'project') {
             $this->active_project = new Project();
         } else {
         // if
     // if
     $this->smarty->assign(array('active_project' => $this->active_project, 'page_tab' => 'overview'));
     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     //  Do category related voodoo if categories are enabled. Categories are
     //  not initialized if we don't have a loaded project (no project ID)
     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
     if ($this->active_project->isLoaded() && $this->enable_categories) {
         $category_id = $this->request->get('category_id');
         if ($category_id) {
             $this->active_category = Categories::findById($category_id);
         // if
         if (instance_of($this->active_category, 'Category')) {
             if ($this->active_category->getProjectId() != $this->active_project->getId()) {
                 $this->active_category = new Category();
                 // this category is not part of selected project
             // if
         } else {
             $this->active_category = new Category();
         // if
         $this->smarty->assign(array('active_category' => $this->active_category, 'categories_url' => Category::getSectionUrl($this->active_project, $this->getControllerName(), $this->active_module), 'add_category_url' => Category::getAddUrl($this->active_project, $this->getControllerName(), $this->active_module)));
     // if