public function authenticate(&$uname, $password, &$response) { $result = FALSE; if (preg_match($this->_prefs['usernameRegexp'], strtolower($uname), $pieces)) { $q = $this->_db->DBReadLocalUser($uname); if ($q) { if (md5($password) == $q[0]['password']) { $response = array('uid' => $q[0]['username'], 'mail' => $q[0]['mail'], 'cn' => $q[0]['displayname'], 'displayName' => $q[0]['displayname'], 'organization' => $q[0]['organization']); $result = TRUE; } else { $result = FALSE; } } else { $result = FALSE; } // Chain to the super class for any further properties to be added // to the $response array: parent::authenticate($uname, $password, $response); } return $result; }
public function Tryauthenticate($uname, $password, &$response) { global $smarty; // The username should not be their email address. // So remove everything after any @ sign. $uname = preg_replace('/@.*$/', '', $uname); $uname = preg_replace('/^.*\\\\/', '', $uname); // Bind to one of our LDAP servers: foreach ($this->_ldapServers as $ldapServer) { if ($this->_ldapUseSSL) { $ldapServer = "ldaps://" . $ldapServer; } if ($ldapConn = ldap_connect($ldapServer)) { // Unfortunately ldap_connect() doesn't actually send any packets, // so it will pretty much always succeed even if the server's not // there. // So if the ldap_bind() fails, I have to fail quietly. :-( // Set the protocol to 3 only: ldap_set_option($ldapConn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); ldap_set_option($ldapConn, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, 0); // Connection made, now attempt to bind: if ($ldapBind = @ldap_bind($ldapConn, $this->_ldapBindUser, $this->_ldapBindPass)) { break; } else { // Failed to bind. If the error was 'Can't contact LDAP server' // then fail quietly and try the next server, else complain. $ldaperror = ldap_error($ldapConn); if (!preg_match('/can[not\']* *contact *ldap *server/i', $ldaperror)) { NSSError("Connected to {$ldapServer} but could not bind, it said {$ldaperror}"); } } } } if ($ldapBind) { if (!is_array($this->_ldapBase)) { $this->_ldapBase = array($this->_ldapBase); } foreach ($this->_ldapBase as $ldapBase) { $ldapSearch = ldap_search($ldapConn, $ldapBase, "sAMAccountName={$uname}"); if ($ldapSearch && ($ldapEntry = ldap_first_entry($ldapConn, $ldapSearch)) && ($ldapDN = ldap_get_dn($ldapConn, $ldapEntry))) { // We got a result and a DN for the user in question, so // try binding as the user now: if ($result = @ldap_bind($ldapConn, $ldapDN, $password)) { if ($responseArray = ldap_get_attributes($ldapConn, ldap_first_entry($ldapConn, $ldapSearch))) { $response = array(); foreach ($responseArray as $key => $value) { if (@$value['count'] >= 1) { $response[$key] = $value[0]; } else { $response[$key] = $value; } // Store the list of groups they are a member of if (strtolower($key) == $this->_ldapMemberKey) { $groups = $value; } } $response['organization'] = $this->_ldapOrg; // Do the authorisation check. User must be a member of a group. $authorisationPassed = TRUE; if ($this->_ldapMemberKey != '' && $this->_ldapMemberRole != '') { $authorisationPassed = FALSE; foreach ($groups as $group) { if (strtolower($group) == $this->_ldapMemberRole) { $authorisationPassed = TRUE; } } } if (!$authorisationPassed) { NSSError($smarty->getConfigVariable('ErrorUnauthorizedUser'), 'Authorisation Failed'); $result = -69; if ($ldapConn) { ldap_close($ldapConn); } return $result; } // Chain to the super class for any further properties to be added // to the $response array: parent::authenticate($uname, $password, $response); if ($ldapConn) { ldap_close($ldapConn); } return $result; } } else { // We found a username matching but password didn't if ($ldapConn) { ldap_close($ldapConn); } return -69; } // } else { // if ( $ldapConn ) { // ldap_close($ldapConn); // } // return -69; } } // If we get to here, we managed to contact the server, but couldn't // find them in any of the BaseDNs we were told to search. if ($ldapConn) { ldap_close($ldapConn); } return -69; } else { NSSError('Check User: Unable to connect to any of the authentication servers; could not authenticate user.', 'LDAP Error'); if ($ldapConn) { ldap_close($ldapConn); } return -70; } if ($ldapConn) { ldap_close($ldapConn); } return $result; }
public function authenticate(&$uname, $password, &$response) { $result = FALSE; $mbox = @imap_open('{' . $this->_imapServer . '}INBOX', $uname, $password); if ($mbox) { $minfo = @imap_status($mbox, '{' . $this->_imapServer . '}INBOX', SA_MESSAGES); if ($minfo) { $response = array('uid' => strtolower($uname), 'mail' => strtolower($uname) . $this->_imapDomain, 'cn' => strtolower($uname) . $this->_imapDomain, 'displayName' => strtolower($uname) . $this->_imapDomain, 'organization' => $this->_imapOrg); $result = TRUE; // Chain to the super class for any further properties to be added // to the $response array: parent::authenticate($uname, $password, $response); } } @imap_close($mbox); return $result; }
public function authenticate(&$uname, $password, &$response) { global $smarty; $result = FALSE; // Bind to one of our LDAP servers: foreach ($this->_ldapServers as $ldapServer) { //if($this->_ldapUseSSL){$ldapServer="ldaps://".$ldapServer;} if ($ldapConn = ldap_connect($ldapServer)) { // Set the protocol to 3 only: ldap_set_option($ldapConn, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3); // Connection made, now attempt to start TLS and bind anonymously: // Only do start_tls if ldapUseSSL is false if (!$this->_ldapUseSSL || ldap_start_tls($ldapConn)) { if ($ldapBind = @ldap_bind($ldapConn, $this->_ldapDn, $this->_ldapPass)) { break; } } } } if ($ldapBind) { $ldapSearch = ldap_search($ldapConn, $this->_ldapBase, "uid={$uname}"); if ($ldapSearch && ($ldapEntry = ldap_first_entry($ldapConn, $ldapSearch)) && ($ldapDN = ldap_get_dn($ldapConn, $ldapEntry))) { // We got a result and a DN for the user in question, so // try binding as the user now: if ($result = @ldap_bind($ldapConn, $ldapDN, $password)) { if ($responseArray = ldap_get_attributes($ldapConn, ldap_first_entry($ldapConn, $ldapSearch))) { $response = array(); foreach ($responseArray as $key => $value) { if (is_array($value) && $value['count'] >= 1) { $response[$key] = $value[0]; } else { $response[$key] = $value; } // Store the list of groups they are a member of if (strtolower($key) == $this->_ldapMemberKey) { $groups = $value; } } // Set displayName=cn if not already set if ($this->_ldapFullName != "displayName") { $nameKeys = explode(" ", $this->_ldapFullName); $nameWords = array(); foreach ($nameKeys as $k) { if ($k) { $nameWords[] = $response[$k]; } } $response['displayName'] = implode(' ', $nameWords); } if (!$response['cn']) { $response['cn'] = $response['displayName']; } if (!$response['organization']) { $response['organization'] = $this->_ldapOrg; } // Do the authorisation check. User must be a member of a group. $authorisationPassed = TRUE; if ($this->_ldapMemberKey != '' && $this->_ldapMemberRole != '') { $authorisationPassed = FALSE; foreach ($groups as $group) { if (strtolower($group) == $this->_ldapMemberRole) { $authorisationPassed = TRUE; } } } if (!$authorisationPassed) { NSSError($smarty->getConfigVariable('ErrorUnauthorizedUser'), 'Authorisation Failed'); $result = FALSE; } // Chain to the super class for any further properties to be added // to the $response array: parent::authenticate($uname, $password, $response); } } } } else { NSSError('Unable to connect to any of the LDAP servers; could not authenticate user.', 'LDAP Error'); } if ($ldapConn) { ldap_close($ldapConn); } return $result; }
public function authenticate(&$uname, $password, &$response) { if ($uname == NSS_STATIC_UID && $password == 'changeme') { $response = array('uid' => NSS_STATIC_UID, 'mail' => NSS_STATIC_UID . '', 'cn' => 'Test User', 'displayName' => 'Test User'); // Chain to the super class for any further properties to be added // to the $response array: parent::authenticate($uname, $password, $response); return TRUE; } return FALSE; }